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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. I love tea too. I drink a few cups everyday. I'd drink any tea, but I prefer asian flavors over western. I like Japanese green tea and Chinese tea. These are really good for digestion.
  2. Sleep definitely does wonders. For these 4 days (or maybe 3 now), go to bed early. 10pm is probably a good time. Not only will you have healthier skin, you will also look more radiant and refreshed.
  3. You have nice artworks, and I like the heading of your website. Very artsy and fits the theme of your website. Just a suggestion. How about enlarging the fonts used for the navigation and the links in the right panel? You can make them the same size as the words you use for the body fonts (which looks like Verdana 9 to me).
  4. Radiation in huge amounts can cause cancer, so basically all electronics you use have the potential to cause cancer, but only if you stay near them all the time when they are powered up. people cite mobile phones because we tend to keep them on us all the time. Don't spend hours talking on your phone, switch it off when not in use, and don't hang it around your neck near your heart.
  5. Recently, I attended a forum about Botox. It was really interested and cleared up a lot of doubts people frequently have about botox. I thought I would like to share some of them with you. Please note that I am not trying to advocate or promote the use of botox in any way. I am just stating facts here. Myth 1: Injecting Botox is like putting poison in your body. It is true that Botox is purified protein obtained from the Clostridium Botulini bacteria. This protein is by definition a toxin because in its raw state, it produces the disease Botulism that paralyses muscles affecting breathing and is potentially fatal. However, Botox has successfully purified this toxin to make it safe for medical use; Botox stays and exerts its effect where it is injected. It is helpful to know that anything, even poison, when used in the right situation, can become medicine as in the case of chemotherapy medicine that is mostly toxins. Anything can become poison if used inappropriately like in the case of Panadol overdose. We should not jump to the conclusion that Botox is poisonous just because it is a toxin but step back to see how it is being used and how it has helped those who have received it. Myth 2: Botox will build up in your body as you inject more and more. Botox is a naturally obtained neurotoxin and is fully biodegradable. In fact, our blood contains the enzyme to break down this toxin. Botox results only lasts 3 - 6 months that is the time our bodies take to break down the toxin and get rid of it. If we inject Botox in the recommended time interval which is longer than 3 months, the toxin will not build up in our bodies. Rarely do people develop a strong immunity to Botox and break down the toxin even faster than normal. Botox becomes ineffective for such people as the results wear off too fast. Myth 3: Botox can cause permanent paralysis of your muscle. As mentioned before, our bodies break down Botox so it is not possible to cause permanent paralysis. However, the effects can be prolonged if there are other concomitant factors such as Myasthenia Gravis. Myth 4: I'm too young for Botox. It is for old people only. You can have Botox injections when there is a need and it has nothing to do with age. Some people do not develop significant wrinkles till their forties, but others already have bad frown lines or forehead lines in their early twenties. You can consider Botox if you have wrinkles when you are young because those wrinkles will only worsen as you age. Some people inject Botox as a preventative measure before their wrinkles become obvious. The earlier the wrinkles are treated, the better the long term results. Myth 5: Once you have started Botox, the condition will get worst when you stop. It is not possible for your skin condition to be worst than before the Botox treatment. In the worst case scenario you get back to where you first started. In practice however, people get so used to their "wrinkleless refreshed" look that when the effects of Botox wear off, they get the impression that they are ageing rapidly. The fact is they are merely going back to the pre-treated state that they may have forgotten. More often, people still look better than their original state because the Botox has changed their facial features somewhat, for e.g., frowning less because they have forgotten how to frown. Myth 6: Botox can cause the face to be crooked and deformed. Botox can have disastrous outcomes of unequal face symmetry and even functional difficulty. However, this is due to wrong injection sites and wrong dosage. Botox is merely a tool and how the product turns out really depends on the craftsman. It is highly recommended that you get experienced Botox users or doctors to inject the Botox. Myth 7: Botox makes you look artificial and frozen. This bad public image was passed down throughout the years when Botox was first introduced. At that time, it was thought that no wrinkles meant good results and so doctors were trying to stop all wrinkle muscles from moving. The current approach is now to soften and diminish wrinkles but not to remove them totally. The aim now is to have a refreshed and youthful look with intact natural facial expressions. A successful Botox treatment is one that no one suspects you had done.
  6. Nokia xpress music can read pdf files. My friend just got it and I had a look at it.
  7. I used to have guestbooks, and I found them to be quite useless. Guestbooks generally facilitate one-way communication. It's good if you just want feedback, but forums allow two-way communication between many people. Popular forums are especially great ways to get help quickly, especially when may helpful souls with expertise swarm you with solutions. It's better than waiting for one person to get back to you with the answer.
  8. That's an interesting point of view. I rarely visit the gym (I'm more into aerobic exercises) so it's interesting to note how going to the gym can help you to relieve stress. However, bear in mind that it is dangerous to overdo some of the exercise. When you are angry or stressed up, your feelings and physical environment tends to become less noticeable to you. You may end up straining yourself without knowing it. Feeling pain or breathless isn't simply attributed to weakness. It can be due to health problems, or perhaps the body is telling you to watch out because you're reaching your limit already. So do be careful when you work out at the gym!
  9. It sounds too complicated, and furthermore, it would be difficult to come up with a judging criteria for which the points can be awarded for. Besides, it does sound more like a a performance than a sport. More importantly though, I would think it is not considered an Olympic sport because it is not popular. I have never heard of Colorguard until today. It may be popular from where you come from, but an Olympic sport should be one that is known to many all over the world. If colorguard should be considered an Olympic sport, many other games could be too. My friend complained about Billard not being an Olympic sport. If Colorguard was considered an Olympic sport, then why not Billard? Billard reminds me of air rifle where it requires concentration, good aiming and stamina (from standing and bending). We would probably have an Olympic games that lasts 16 weeks rather than 16 days
  10. I don't think it helps much, and it looks and feels disgusting. I prefer the beanie stuffed toys, the kind that you can squeeze like a stress ball. At least they are cute and nice-looking.
  11. Yes that is indeed in poor taste. No matter how disappointed he is with himself, he should also remember his fellow competitors who did not even win a medal. I can imagine what they would give to be the ones with the medal in their hands. It's all right to cry, tear your hair and all, but it's disrespectful to place such a symbolic item on the floor.
  12. I believe the more accurate is illusion, rather than magic. Many professional magicians also explain that they perform their tricks by using illusion to deceive the audience's sight in order to perform acts like vanishing, flying etc. Sometimes, when we experience 'magic', it may even be a result of psychological effects.
  13. housework doesn't actually help to burn of fat. It's labor, not exercise. To keep healthy, you should eat a balanced diet and find time to exercise. My mum always complains that being a full time housewives gives her little time to go out and spend time exercising, but it's really quite simple. You can just get out of the house for a few minutes and take a brisk walk around the estate or jog. A little sun and aerobic activity is always good for health.
  14. My spam inbox is full of them @_@ I can't believe people actually fall for them though!
  15. They are lovely. I can't decide which one I like better. Both of them are equally outstanding in their own ways. I really like your choice of colors. Great work!
  16. Same here, I only receive an occasional personal mail during holiday and festivals like Christmas and Chinese New Year. Even then, most people prefer to use ecards. It's really sad. I think mail allows people to get more creative, such as personally making their own cards out of fancy bits of paper. I used to make all my cards too and I had a large store of color paper, pretty notepaper, stickers and color ink pens. Now I just stash them away at the bottom of my cupboard.
  17. It looks cool and vibrant! Those curved lines add a nice touch to it and makes it more lively.
  18. Let me just see if I got the basic idea correct. When you guys were together earlier on, you had some conflicts that resulted in her losing trust in you, is that right? But what exactly did you do? You said you never cheated on her, so was it because you had the notion to get together with other girls, or you showed signals that you didn't want 'this' to be it or something?From what I read about you, you do seem like a mature enough person who's grown up by living through rough times. However, you did marry very young, at a rather insecure age for long-term relationship, let alone marriage. It's probably natural for you both to still have this wedge between you. Furthermore, you apparently had some conflict earlier on which diminished her trust in you. Anyway, since you're married, the preferable solution is not to turn back, right? I suggest you have a nice talk with your wife about this. Ask her to voice out her insecurities, and from there, you can tell her what you will do to win back her trust. Different people take different amount of time to adapt. Some people are more positive and hence it's easier to regain their trust, while some may be more negative and cynical and it would take a lot more convincing to win back their trust. In the meantime, do what you can to show her that you love her, and that she can trust you to be faithful to her. Be patient and wait for her to trust you again. It takes time, but if you put in effort, it will work out. Also, don't be too hard on yourself. As the saying goes, it's human to err. So maybe you were partly responsible for her behavior towards you, but getting depressed about yourself is only going to make things worst. You're the only one who can change her attitude towards you now. Good luck!
  19. The huge advertisements make the website look very unprofessional. Why on earth are you using bravehost? Switch to Xisto! It's ad free!I also don't think it's a good idea for you to hide the news. Most news websites have summaries and news leads to the most breaking news stories on the front page, and a link for readers to click to read more. This works because news websites are supposed to give readers important news and headlines at first glance so that even the busiest reader knows the breaking news by one glance at your website. Categorizing your news under different channels and making your readers only get the news by clicking the channels makes it look more like an archive of news than a news website.Furthermore, despite you categorizing your news under different categories, the stuff you put under each category are not what I would expect, so the whole navigation is really misleading and confusing. For example, why are radio channels under the Visual Arts section? They are pretty much unrelated!I also agree with the above, that your so-called news website is not a news website at all. It is simply a collection of links, videos, pics and articles collected from different websites. If all you want to do is point out important news and updates by showing people where to get the news, you should create a blog. A news website is when you and whoever else is behind the website source and write your own news stories.As for the design, I suggest you visit other news websites for ideas, but first of all, you must be sure of what you really want. Is it a news website, or a blog? Only then should you actually work on the design.
  20. Have you ever wondered why you feel so tired and aching when you get home from your office? This is actually a rather common phenomenon. Shoulder aches, back aches and even neck aches are very common among office workers. It may not mean that you have a serious ailment. However, as with most pains in our body, consulting the doctor would be a wise choice if the pain is very intense or persistent. Sitting with the wrong postures, or too long at your desk or computer can result in injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition where the median nerve is compressed at the wrist, leading to pain in the forearm and hand, neck strain, lower back pain and leg pain.Certain types of neck pain are linked to muscle strains or a more serious condition such as spinal disc herniation or cervical stenosis. Muscle strains or sprain in the neck are caused by sudden force to the neck such as when you are jerked during a car accident or when you have been sleeping in a wrong position during the night. You could also be sitting too stiffly at your desk with your neck at an uncomfortable angle for a very long time.Sitting too long at the desk can also give you lower back pain - muscle strains and lumbar sprains. A muscle strain in this area can occur when the muscle fibers are abnormally stretched or torn. The lumbar sprain on the other hand occurs when the ligaments are torn from the attachments.Staying physically fit, strong and flexible can help improve your blood circulation and thus avoid such injuries at work. Non-accidental injuries can usually be healed within a short time by applying ice packs or heat packs, ointments and cream that offer muscle relief, medications or physical therapy.
  21. I think it looks good! I like drawing too so it's great to meet a fellow artist. I used to draw a lot too, but I mostly draw anime-style. I don't draw often now because I'm busy, but I still love admiring art.
  22. Thanks for the add request! Nice to meet you :)

  23. I'm not Aethist, but I dislike people who try to enforce their beliefs on me. I suppose you are trying to convert him out of good intentions, but if he really is an Aethist, he would think of you as a preacher, and preacher is never a good word. Also, just because someone does not embrace Christianity does not mean that he is egoistical or will rot in heaven. I do not see any logic in this. If he's a great person, it doesn't matter what religion he adopts, does it?If you still wish to convert him, the only thing you can do is invite him along to your church gatherings and masses as an observer and see whether he likes it. Ask him to think of it as a way to spend time and gain more exposure, rather than outrightly trying to convert him. If he discovers by himself that Christianity is the religion for him, he will convert without any coaxing on your part. If he is adamant about not converting, there is no point in nagging at him to convert.
  24. Ok, you didn't really go into detail. At first glance of your message, I would suppose that you are attracted to each other because of physical attraction or the challenge of forbidden love, to which I would respond, stop right now. Don't ruin the lives of innocent people (your spouses and children if you have any). Be rational about it and exercise self-control, or go and visit a counsellor.However, if there are more complications to the attraction i.e. your current marriages have soured and you find solace in each other, then the next step would logically be that both of you get a divorce with your spouses and you can be together without problems of infidelity or having cousins for children. I don't wish to come across as someone who encourages the breaking up of marriages, but I understand that when it comes to love, the situation can be rather unpredictable. ven so, you need to involve your spouses in making the decision. Marriage isn't play and rightly, you can't just abandon a marriage when you find someone better.Bear in mind that this is a very serious issue with major consequences, which will be magnified if you have children. Please deal with it wisely.
  25. I won't say it's your fault. Like you, I've been tricked into signing up with countless web services, only to find out that I need to pay, or that it is in fact a trial service. Misleading advertisement is a complete waste of consumers' time. In some countries that I have resided in, misleading advertisements are against the law. I don't think online advertising is monitored as much as mainstream advertising, but I don't see why there should be an exception. I agree that it would be a good habit to read the TOS, though I don't have such a habit, and I believe many people are trusting souls like me too lol. It's too bad that companies are taking advantage of us. Thankfully, I tend to not give out too much actual information whenever I sign up for things that I have yet to invest a lot of commitment in. It would definitely be a must to read the TOS and service reviews if you have been asked for billing information or you know you have to pay for a service.
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