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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Creationism shouldn't be taught in a science class because it is not a science theory. That I agree, because children may get confused with both theories if they are being taught side by side. It is good for children to be exposed to creationism, but that should be done outside a science lesson. Even then, I don't think schools should be the ones conducting creationism classes. Different people subscribe to different religions and our ideas and principles of creationism can vary for different religions. Unless the school is able to conduct lessons that cover points of views of various religions without being biased, creationism is probably best learnt through a wide variety of external education resources.
  2. I like any team ball games... football, basketball, volleyball... as long as there's a lot of people and action.
  3. All my facial stuff lol because I'm very particular about the stuff I use to wash my face. I simply have to use back the same ones. And I can't just go and buy them because I'm already having to spend a lot of my own money while living in a dorm. So I simply have to bring all my facial things from home.
  4. wow I didn't know that vintage cars had to be manufactured within a certain time frame to be considered vintage. I thought they just had to look... well... old lolAre cars with designs created in said time frame considered vintage? Example, if a car spots the famous ladybug design which is usually associated with vintage, but is manufactured in recent years, is it still considered a vintage car?
  5. Nice works! My favorite is the sorceress sig. Love your choice of colors and how you did the background. the subject and background compliment each other really well. My only grouse is the font that you used for 'sapph'. doesn't compliment the sig. You could change it to black, choose a font that looks 'firey'.Same for the jermain defoe sig. You should choose a different font, something that looks sporty, rather than techie. And go easy on the white glow, otherwise I can't see the background properly and it defeats its purpose.
  6. I agree. I'd sooner have a better game plot with mediocre graphics than a game with not much thought put into the plot but fantastic graphics. I'd rather just get the art book or download the wallpaper.
  7. I will lose him immediately. It's acceptable if he's petty, arrogant, thinks he's always right and gets jealous easily, but truly cares about you. But the following: is just wrong. That's not what a loving relationship should be about. It sounds like he's just using you.
  8. Interesting read, but like some of the others have said, I believe much of this really depends on the guy's personality. I knew a shy guy who doesn't dare to talk to girls, let alone flirt with them. Also, about no. 30, most of the guys I know are very good confidantes because i can tell them really major stuff and they won't gossip about it to others. I know one guy whom I confided in and the next thing I knew half of the people in our circle of friendship were gossiping about it. I ceased to confide in him from then on.
  9. Really? But you could make an online portfolio and send the link of your website to them right? It shouldn't take up too much of their time or trouble just to take a look. If you haven't already got an online portfolio, then it's time to make one. Put up all your scripts and stuff and whatever you think will impress them.
  10. This doesn't bother me much since I don't post in the Internet forum often, but I think that it must take up quite a bit of time and effort on the mod's parts. It does seem strange that everybody has to wait for their posts to be approved, even when many of them are reputable posters. It can also be troublesome when the poster needs a question answered quickly and yet has to wait at least a few hours for his question to even get through. I agree that restriction should be lifted for members with higher posts counts.
  11. When one is in a state of depression, one can't even think straight, let alone consider a lot of possible consequences, especially the aftermath his actions may have on other people. Yes, I would think it could be a form of attention seeking. Maybe your classmate was depressed and lonely and had nobody to turn to, so she used extreme measures. In fact, I find some of your words pretty disturbing too: "Why bother killing yourself at school?" "You shouldn't be doing such stuff where people could see you doing it right?" Shouldn't you be thinking that her suicidal attempts shouldn't take place at all, regardless of where she is and who's going to witness it? Well I suppose I can't judge you based on what you write, but if you view her as someone you care about, be her friend and talk her out of suicide. Otherwise, it's just not nice to criticize her to other people just for the sake of finding something to talk about. Give her a break! Her life does seem wretched enough!
  12. Ok I don't know much about paintball, but it's a game right? I think you can make the colour scheme better and more appropriate by using brighter tones of colors. You can still keep your camouflage theme, just use brighter or more intense tones to make it look livelier.Also, all elements on a web layout should complement each other. I'm not sure what's that roundish little picture you use on your navigation bars. Looks like cd-roms to me. How about you replace them with blobs of paint instead? (the ones you've used in your header image).The font on the header image is quite nice, but I think the usage of color white is not very appropriate. Maybe you can try a shade that is off-white (white, but not so white, with a tinge of yellow or beige).
  13. I wouldn't think so... I actually find some of the drama pretty entertaining, and I know a lot of people around me do too. I mean, some of the stuff that happens still remains in our sports and entertainment section of the news, not World or Politics. With regards to corruption and drug abuse, the point is, in the end many of these cases are still discovered, people get punished and the public has something to lash out at. Although these events create nasty scars for the Olympics and the countries involved, at least this goes to show that sportsmanship and justice still prevail. You can't expect any major competition or event to be completely fuss-free and clean. Just because these faults are more excessive in the Olympics because of the magnitude of the event doesn't mean it's 'more trouble than it's worth'.
  14. I don't think it will 'die', because stupid microsoft still requires you to use Internet Explorer when you want to download patches and stuff from their official website. But really, that's the only time I use IE. Most of the time I use firefox. I just don't like IE.
  15. The graphics look good! Too bad i haven't got time to play rpgs
  16. First of all, welcome to the forum!I can't remember if there is any formal explanation pertaining to why the system for securing and maintaining web host is such, and I don't care, because posting in the forum has become second nature to me. You won't be complaining about it, not when you find how much you can learn on this forum and how easily you can get support. I guess it's a good way to ensure that members remain active and useful to the entire community. Because nobody likes parasites... and why should any decent free webhost that doesn't put ads on their hostees pages want to offer free hosting to someone who's just going to use the service and not do anything in return?Don't fret and just enjoy interacting with other forum members
  17. This is an eye-opening article about computers and computer programming in a different part of the world. Many of us are used to high technology, fast computers etc and we don't realize how different it can be in other countries when not everyone owns a computer.
  18. Thanks for the information. I must agree, there are all sorts of new mental illnesses being discovered these days. Actually they are not really unique to the present, just more common, because of increasing standards of living, and also because, I believe, more people are coming clean about their mental discomfort, unlike in the past when 'insanity' is frowned upon. Definitely, we need more counsellors and psychotherapists to help our stressed society to cope with our lives better.
  19. Oh for me, i'm the other way round. I can design, but my coding skills are elementary Then again, I don't depend on web designing for a living, so that's ok for me.I feel your indignance though. If you enjoy web development and you have the technical know-how, then go for it. Having the technical know-how is really something that people like me envy. It's really frustrating when you have all these great ideas in your head but you can't execute them.Anyway, about designing. You can learn theories about basic stuff like the impact of colors, shapes, lines etc on the viewer. They teach that stuff in a design elective that I went for long time ago. But as you said, the artistic part of designing can't be taught using theory. You have to experience and experiment yourself. What you should do is study other people's designs - advertisements, websites, book covers, they are practically everywhere... Observe how they put colors, different elements together. For starters, you can try to adapt a design that you like e.g. a design from an advertisement to a website, and see how it turns out, then alter it bit by bit to get what you want. When you start developing the knack for designing, you can start making your own original designs. I hope my advice helps!
  20. Good point. I didn't realize that. And I've posted my email add in so many forums during my past quests in looking for webhosts. Sigh. It doesn't really matter to me though. I have a different email account for less important personal things. I use a different one for work and school, which I don't give out or use for signing up for stuff. Anyway, I'm pretty used to spam mail. Gmail does a good job of keeping them in my spam box.
  21. I only use gmail now too and I think it's great, but your suggestions would make it even better.but there's a grouse I have about gmail. My gmail accounts all get an incredible amount of spam mail. Even though they are all filtered rather effectively, it still baffles and annoys me. As I don't have my other email accounts anymore, I'm unable to do comparisons, but I remembered that I rarely got junk mail on my yahoo and hotmail accounts. then again, junk mails were not so much in fashion a couple of years back. I wonder if anyone's having the same issue with gmail as I do.
  22. you can't get vbulletin free legally, that's for sure. I've used myBB and phpBB. Both are pretty good and userfriendly, but if I remember correctly, myBB has more features and you can install many user add-on plugins to add more fancy features to your forum. In fact, I think it was almost as good as vbulletin. The only issue with myBB is that there aren't as many good custom-made skins available as compared to phpbb which has been around for a long time. then again, if you are good with scripting and designing, this wouldn't be an issue for you.
  23. Wow I didn't know there was so much to know about chakra! It's good to know what people of different culture and beliefs understand about different aspects of life and the physical body. Thanks for the interesting read!
  24. Yea whiners transfer their negative energy to the people around them and are such wet blankets! Sadly, I have a friend who's a whiner. She's a great person actually, other than the fact that she can really whine when things get really bad, so it's sad, and I can't yell at her to shut up although I have no qualms doing it if it was other people, because I don't want to offend her. I have spoken to her about her whining before and she whines even harder and thinks that everyone who complains about her whining hates her. It gets ridiculous, so now when she whines, I just keep quiet and refrain from commenting until she stops. Everybody has their bad times. Personally, I think one should either share their problems with their close ones by discussing it in a mature way, not just whining about it, or keep it to oneself.
  25. Thanks for the review. I sort of grew up on playing the super smash brothers and though i don't own all the franchises, I've tried out almost all of them. I'll try to get my hands on this one too.
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