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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Oats make healthy breakfasts, but most of us are accustomed to sweet oats, which may not be so appropriate for diabetic people. Hence, I recommend savoury oats prepared Japanese-style. There is a kind of Japanese savoury rice topping called furikake, which is flaked fish such as salmon, cod roe or sometimes, shiso (perilla) leaves, ground to a dry mixture, often with sesame seeds and seaweed. The Japanese use it to top hot rice. But I discovered that it is just as good stirred into oat porridge. It is convenient and tasty. Aside from being healthier, savoury oats is also more fragrant, has more texture and is way more interesting to eat. A note of caution: do read the label before you buy. While there are many pre-packed furikake toppings that do not have monosodium glutamate, many do. If you have time to spare, I recommend that you make your own furikake mixture. I use the packaged flaked salmon, sans MSG (no msg), also available from any supermarket that sells Japanese products. I then add my own toasted sesame seeds and seaweed strips, which are usually available at places that sell Japanese food products. A scattering of chopped spring onion and sometimes a toss of togarashi (a type of chilli seasoning) completes it. Oats, you can get from any supermarket. If you are confused by the large array of oats, a good principle is to buy those that are minimally processed. This rules out quick cooking oats and even rolled oats, which have been steamed, then rolled to flatten them. This makes them easier to cook, but also robs them of some of the B vitamins. Personally, I buy pinhead oats, or steel cut oats, where the grain is merely cut into smaller bits for easier cooking. This retains the crunchiness of the cereal, which I like. While my friends claim they take longer to cook, 20 miuntes of simmering is enough for me. Steel cut oats are whole grains, making them the healthier choice. They contain high levels of protein, B vitamins plus calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. More importantly, they are a good source of soluble fibre. Low in fat and high in soluble fire, it can help reduce blood cholesterol. Oats also has a low glycaemic index, which means they are absorbed into the blood stream more slowly, helping to keep blood sugar levels steady. Japanese Oat Porridge (for one) Ingredients: ? cup oats 1 to 2 cups water, depending on how thick you like your porridge A pinch of salt 1 tablespoon dried salmon flakes 1 tablespoon seaweed strips 1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds Chopped spring onion Togarashi seasoning (optional) Instructions: 1. Place oats in a small pot together with two cups of water if you like a thinner consistency. 2. Bring to boil and then turn down the fire to low, stirring now and then to prevent sticking. It should take around 20 minutes. 3. Add a pinch of salt and taste to see if you like the consistency, otherwise cook a little longer. 4. Top with dried salmon flakes, seaweed strips, sesame seeds and spring onion. Add a shake of togarashi seasoning if you like it spicy. Tip: Eat immediately. Do not leave it for too long or it won?t taste nice when cold and coagulated.
  2. Ooh yes fried bananas! In Malay they call it Goreng Pisang. Very crispy and delicious, but extremely unhealthy too Bananas really make delicious snacks with various combinations of ingredients!
  3. I usually only use butter for as an alternative to oil or simply to blend with certain ingredients that I use for my bread to make my spread smoother. I rarely use it as a main ingredient because the taste of butter is too bland for me. I always use normal butter because flavoured butter is not so popular in my country and I rarely see them, eventhough I know other countries sell them But recently, I found time to experiment with flavored butter by mixing it with various food stuffs and came up with four recipes that I really like! Honey Pistachio Butter Ingredients: 125g pistachios in their shells 2-3 tablespoon honey 250g lightly salted butter, softened Instructions: 1. Shell the nuts and remove as much of the papery skin covering the nuts as possible. That should give you about 60g of shelled nuts (unless the shells of your nuts are abnormally light or heavy. In any case, you need about 60g of shelled nuts, so if you happen to be able to buy shelled ones, that's the amount you need) 2. Add them to a food processor, pulse until coarsely chopped. 3. Mix nuts and honey with the butter, stir to mix well. 4. Spoon into containers and refrigerate. Rum Raisin Butter Ingredients: 80g raisins 2 tablespoon gold or dark rum 1 tablespoon white or golden caster sugar (optional) 250g lighted salted butter, softened Instructions: 1. Put the raisins in a small bowl, spoon the rum over and let sit for about an hour. 2. Add the plumped up raisins, the rest of the rum in the bowl and the sugar (if you're using it) to the butter. Mix well. 3. Spoon into containers and refrigerate. Sundried tomato and cheese butter Ingredients: 60g sundried tomatoes, drained of oil 35 to 40g Parmigiano Reggiano cheese 250g lighted salted butter, softened Instructions: 1. Whiz the tomatoes in a food processor until they are very finely chopped. 2. Grate the cheese. 3. Mix both into the butter. 4. Spoon into containers and refrigerate. Garlic Parseley Butter Ingredients: 10g packet of flat-leafed Italian parsley 2-5 cloves of garlic, peeled 250g lighted salted butter, softened Instructions: 1. Roughly chop the parsley and add to the food processor together with the garlic. 2. Pulse until both are finely chopped. 3. Mix well into the butter. 4. Spoon into glass or plastic containers and refrigerate.
  4. Over-exercising can increase the risk of injury. Here are ways on how you can avoid this. Eat up Without proper nutrition, you lose concentration and tire easily. Carbohydrates like bread are a good source of fuel for exercise. Remember to eat again within two hours of finishing your workout. Rest When we exert our bodies, we actually suffer from microscopic injuries, which explain why we get body aches after a heavy workout. Train different muscle groups on different days, factoring rest in between for healing to take place. Proper Technique If you are learning a new sport, picking up the correct technique from qualified coaches will go a long way in avoiding injury. Pace yourself Doing too much, too soon, can put you at risk of injuries. Gradually build up speed, distance or weight to build stamina at the correct pace. Use Proper equipment Using old or faulty equipment can be dangerous. Build the foundation Basic fitness includes cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, core stability and strength. Build your foundation before starting technical or strenuous sports. Health screening Although largely the domain of professional sports, medical tests are a good way to rule out life threatening conditions such as cardiac arrest. Suitable Environment Don?t exercise during thunderstorms or, if you have asthma, during the haze. Choice of terrain is important. For example, if you are recovering from a sprained ankle, don?t run cross-country in a hilly area. Warm up Flexibility is important for the prevention of muscle strains and pulls. Remember to warm up and cool down during every exercise session. Stay hydrated Since water is lost in the form of sweat during exercise, it is vital to stay hydrated. A rule of thumb is to drink water for workouts less than an hour long and isotonic drinks (essentially water and sugar) for exercise beyond an hour.
  5. Bananas are rich in B group vitamins, a good source of fibre, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. They also contain plenty of carbohydrates, the body?s main source of energy, and are easy to digest. Over-ripe bananas are best used for cooking. That?s when their skin turns a duller yellow and becomes covered with brown spots. Such bananas, when mashed, work best for cakes and breads. If your bananas turn brown (that?s riper than over-ripe), you can place them in the freezer and use them when you need them for baking. Banana Cake Ingredients: 130g butter 200g caster sugar 2 eggs 1 cup ripe mashed bananas (about two large bananas) 250g plain flour 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon baking powder ? teaspoon ground cinnamon 120ml buttermilk 120g chopped walnuts (optional) Instructions: 1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Grease a 20cm baking tin and line with baking paper. 2. In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until light and creamy. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the mashed bananas (add a little flour if the mixture starts to curdle). 4. Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon together into a bowl, then fold in to the mixture along with the buttermilk and the walnuts if you are using them. 5. Turn the mixture into the baking pan and bake for around 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the cake comes out clean. 6. Turn out onto a rack and allow to cool. 7. Either dust the top with icing sugar or top with lemon icing. Lemon Icing for Banana Cake Ingredients: 1 cup icing sugar 2 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter Boiling water Instructions: 1. Put icing sugar, lemon juice and butter into a small bowl. 2. Add a tiny amount of boiling water ? just enough to soften the butter. 3. Mix ingredients till smooth and of even consistency for spreading. 4. Add a little more water if mixture is too thick and more icing sugar if too runny. 5. Spread evenly over top of cake. Baked Bananas Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 large bananas 4 tablespoon palm sugar, shaved Cinnamon Ice cream or cream to serve Baking paper Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 200 degree Celsius. 2. Cut four 20cm lengths of baking paper ? one for each serving. 3. Cut the bananas in half lengthways and place each, cut side down, on the pieces of baking paper. 4. Sprinkle a tablespoon of palm sugar and a little cinnamon over each banana. 5. Fold the packets up to seal the banana inside. Place on a baking tray and bake in the oven for around 10 minutes. 6. Serve with a scoop of ice cream and some toasted coconut.
  6. Congrats for your 4th anniversary of membership with Xisto! And thanks for your 'spam'. They make the forum a better place! lol
  7. Haha I love its expression and shape of the face. Very cute! Any particular reason for errr... shaping it like a mushroom? lol
  8. Zucchini, also known as courgette by the French, is a marrow or summer squash that is picked when still small. It has a lot of Vitamin C. Zucchinis come in green and yellow varieties that taste much the same, but which type you choose will determine the appearance of your food. Zucchini and chocolate cake Ingredients: 3 eggs 300g caster sugar 200ml olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 250 self-raising flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 100g chopped walnuts 250 grated zucchini 100g melted cooking chocolate Instructions: 1. Pre-heat the oven to 170 degree C. Grease the sides and line the base of a 24cm cake-baking pan. 2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs until they are pale and frothy. 3. Add the sugar and olive oil and continue beating until the mixture is thick and creamy. 4. Wash and grate the zucchini (no need to skin it), then stir it into the beaten egg mixture. 5. Sift the flour, cinnamon and baking soda together and fold it in along with the chopped nuts and the melted chocolate. 6. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for about one hour or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean. The cake is a moist one and the texture is quite dense but do cook it a little longer if it still seems a little wet. 7. Cool for about 15 minutes in the tin then turn out onto a wire rack to cool. Serve dusted with a little icing sugar. Zucchini fritters Ingredients: 2 medium-sized zucchinis, grated 1 large egg 2 shallots, finely chopped 1/2 red capsicum, finely chopped Ground black pepper 100g flour sifted together with 1/2 teapoon baking powder 6 tablespoon olive oil Sour cream or chutney to serve Instructions: 1. Grate the zucchini onto a chopping board and pat with kitchen paper to remove any excess moisture. 2. Beat the egg in a large bowl then add the zucchini, capsicum, sifted flour, baking powder, shallots and some ground black pepper. Mix to combine well. 3. Cook the fritters in two batches. Heat half the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat and drop mounds of the batter into the pan. Flatten each one slightly and cook for 4-6 minutes on each side until they are crisp and golden. Repeat using the other half of the oil and batter. Serve sprinkled with some extra shallots, sour cream or chutney.
  9. What is body odour It's pretty explanatory. Someone is said to have body odour when a foul smell emits from him which is not caused by external factors. Body odour is caused by sweat. The body has 2 kinds of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands are found in all parts of the body, but with highest concentrations on the forehead, palms and soles. These glands are stimulated to produce more sweat than usual when the person is under emotional pressure or feels hot. Appocrine glands are activated after puberty. They are located in places where there is hair i.e. underarms, genital areas and around nipples. Sweat is odourless but if it is left on the skin, it will be decomposed by bacteria, creating a foul smell. Eating food such as garlics and spices causes sweat to smell stronger. Preventing body odour One way is to use an anti-bacterial body wash. By reducing the amount of bacteria on your body, you reduce the decomposition rate of sweat. You can reduce sweat production by wearing cotton clothes and open-toe shoes or sandals to keep the skin cool. You can also apply antiperspirant. If the condition is so serious that the above-mentioned methods do not suffice, there is something called the poneer needlescopic thoracic surgery. It involves making small holes (3mm diameter) in the skin. Through these tiny holes, the nerves controlling the sweating can be clipped away (The effects of the surgery are reversible). In this way, the person experiences compensatory sweating, where the body sweats in more parts, reducing the concentration of sweat (and smell) in each place. The surgery can be performed on the palms, face and armipits. For people whose feet sweat excessively, there is an alternative, unconventional but nevertheless effective method that can be used - Botox injections, which weakens the muscles, hence reducing action of the sweat glands. Botox can be injected into the armpits and palms too as an alternative method to surgery. Removing hair by shaving or laser treatment can also reduce body odour, especially in the armpits and pubic areas.
  10. Phuket and Krabi are great travel destinations for people who just want to lie in the sun and unwind. The beaches are quiet, relaxing and has stunning scenery - clear blue skies and turquoise water!If you're on Phuket and want a change from sand and sea breeze, you can visit the Phi Phi Islands by taking a short cruise from the mainland. There are grand, awe-inspiring rock formations which make great phototaking moments. On Ton Sai Bay, you can swim and snorkel and observe sea creatures in their unspoiled natural habitat. If diving is not your cup of tea, you can still visit the fishes at the undersea aquarium. They'll let you feed the fish.Near Krabi, there are quiet stretches of beaches. My recommended spots are Nopparat Thara Beach and Railay Beach.At Nopparat Thara beach, the water recedes drastically during low tides, so you can even walk out to small islands in front of the beach. It's an interesting experience. Imagine yourself telling your friends that you went to an island on foot!At Railay Beach, there is the Phra Nang Cave, a popular tourist attraction, where you can learn about the island's legends, history and heritage. The cave is also famous for being a place of worship to an ancient fertility goddess. It is visited by tourists and locals in hopes for increased potency.Railay Beach is accessible by boat from Thailand. It is made up of 4 beaches - Tonsai, Railay West, Railay East and Phra Nang, which are positioned between high cliffs that rock-climbing enthusiasts will delight in conquering. You can get climbing equipment, lessons and instructors for a fee. When you've reached the top of the cliffs, do check out the stalactites that appear to drip into the ocean.If you're not into climbing, just enjoy the beauty and transquility of the beaches.
  11. I prefer to use Firefox too. IE allows a lot of fancy stuff, but they won't show up on Firefox, and a lot of people, including myself, are switching to Firefox anyway. In fact, I used to be pretty crazy over effects like cursors, shadows and stuff when I designed sites for IE, but later, I realized that a lot of it is distracting and redundant.
  12. I haven't come across any kid game site that I really liked. But the barbiegirls-you sounds good. I like games about dolling and dressing up, like paper dolls. haha. I think it's good to play them for a short while before you get sick of it.
  13. 1. Before you start snacking, drink a glass of water first. Thirst is often confused with hunger. So if you drink water, you may realize that you don't need those fatty potato chips after all. 2. If you absolutely must snack on something, get something healthier or low-fat, like yogurt or a cereal snack bar. Preferably, go for fruits.3. Instead of forcing yourself to stop eating your favorite junk food completely, get them in smaller portions. E.g. buy a small packet of potato chips instead of a jumbo size. Or a one bar of chocolate instead of a fun pack.4. Eat small meals throughout the day rather than large ones for lunch and dinner. Have your meals earlier so that dinner is your last meal for the day.5. Include healthy proteins like cheese, nuts, beans and lean meat into your meals and snacks. They help to keep you full longer without making you put on as much weight as fats and carbohydrates would. 6. If you like spicy food, add lots of spice and chili to your food. Food with a lot of flavour tend to stimulate your taste buds and make you find it more satisfying. Not to mention, you'll have to drink lots of water and that makes you full too. 7. Reduce your carbohydrate intake by replacing your pasta, bread or rice with vegetables or low-fat protein foods.
  14. Here are some common perceptions about acne that I've heard. Some are true to a certain extent but some are completely false.Myth: Blotting frequently aggravates acne and encourages oil production in skin.Fact: Whether you blot away your oil or not, the body still produces oil in the skin at a regular rate, unless affected by other factors like hormone production or the environment. Therefore, it's all right (and more aesthetically pleasing) to blot.Myth: Facials target acne and remove acne scars.Fact: For mild acne, regular salon treatments does help to control sebum production, heal existing acne scars and minimise pores. Some more in-depth treatments like microdermabrasion and mild chemical peels help to unclog pores. But depressed scars are harder to improve and only strong lasers by doctors from skin clinics can help to solve the problem. Blackheads and whiteheads should be removed via extraction. Moderate to severe acne, especially involving inflamed pimples that contain pus, should be treated by doctors, where medication may be provided. Myth: Pimples, blackheads and whiteheads can be extracted.Fact: Do not ever extract pimples. The pressure applied on your skin may extend the inflammation to other areas of the skin, resulting in even more pimples and redness. You can extract blackheads and whiteheads with an extractor meant for the purpose, but do ensure that the extractor is places at an angle 90 degrees to the surface of the skin.Myth: Washing my face more often helps to get rid of acne.Fact: It depends on the facial foam you use. For example, if you have many whiteheads and blackheads, choose something containing AHA (alpha hydroxy acid). If you have inflamed acne, pimples and bumpy skin, use a cleanser that kills bacteria. Also, you do not have to wash your face more than twice a day. Over-washing may even worsen acne.Myth: Tanning helps eliminate acne.Fact: Tanning only helps to even out skin colouration, thus masking your acne. It does not get rid of acne. After a tan, skin may become dry and irrirated, prompting a breakout. If you are exposed to the sun often, do use a sunscreen with spf of at least 15, and which does not clog up pores.Myth: Eating 'heaty' foods like chocolate and peanuts cause acne outbreak.Fact: There is no medical proof for this. Personally, this doesn't affect me, but I've seen some friends get breakouts after eating heaty foods. So test yourself. If you have a high tendency of getting acne outbreak after eating such foods, cut down on the intake, or at least drink more water to reduce the heatiness.Myth: Stress causes acneFact: Yes it does, because stress leads to the release of increased levels of hormones that form the adrenal glands, which subsequently stimulate the oil glands, causing the formation of pimples.Myth: I can't wear make-up if I have acneFact: Actually you can, but use make-up that does not clog up your pores, and practise good hygiene. Thoroughly remove your make-up immediately when you are no longer in need of it. And don't wear make-up for long periods of time.Myth: Large pores means greater likelihood of acne. Fact: Larger pores generally imply that the person is more susceptible to oily skin conditions, and is thus more likely to have acne outbreaks. Myth: Sex or masturbation causes acne?Fact: There is no scientific evidence for this.
  15. Just a jumble of various tips I picked up from health brochures and magazines:Do aerobic exercises such as swimming. They will increased the strength and flexibility of the back muscles.When lifting something heavy, hold it close to your body, keep your back straight and bend at the knees. This reduces the strain on your back.For pregnant women, try to squat instead of bending. The body's centre of gravity is then less likely to shift, putting less stress on the back.Let your hands rest for 15 minutes after 90 minutes of repetitive movement such as typing or playing racquet games. This decreases the inflammation of the muscles attached to the elbow.Eat food containing calcium, such as beancurd, eggs and milk. Calcium helps to strengthen the bones.Get out in the sun. Exposure to sunlight allows the skin to manufacture natural vitamin D which allows calcium in the gut to be absorbed.Quit smoking, which lowers the level of oestrogen, a hormone that retains calcium in bones.Avoid lifting a child with one arm from the wrist only. It may result in partial dislocation of the elbow joint.
  16. I'm more afraid of my loved ones dying, than myself dying. I'm not afraid of dying, as long as it's not a horrible or painful death.I wouldn't mind just slipping away in my sleep. As long as I don't feel it. Gosh I'm in a passive mood today.
  17. I learnt to create and design web pages using Frontpage. A lot of people like to criticize it, but I think it works for me. I've had my website for more than 5 years, changed new layouts several times and most people only have good things to say about the design
  18. Chinese tea and green tea are great for detoxification too. And they help you digest oily food better.
  19. If I were you, I wouldn't let her. Even though she's the one with the cigarette in her mouth, you are the one taking in all the passive smoke. So you've got more than enough reason to stop her - filial piety and your own health. Take some of the tips that members above have suggested. I hope she quits smoking soon for her sake and yours.
  20. What is Allergic Rhinitis Allergic Rhinitis is also known as hay fever or nasal allergy. Although runny nose is a common symptom, it should not be mistaken for the common cold. What causes it? Allergic Rhinitis is caused by an over-reactive immune system which responds to substances in the environment like animal fur, dust and pollen. When these substances come into contact with our body, we produce chemicals like histamines which bring about symptoms like runny nose, teary eyes, itching and swelling. Oh hot, dry or windy days, pollen and dust tend to remain in the air, resulting in an increased contact with these allergens. Conversely, on cold, rainy or still days, pollen and dust tend to be washed to the ground. These coincide with the months of winter or monsoon period. People with allergies are pre-disposed to related conditions like asthma and eczema. Once there is an allergic reaction to a substance, the sufferer may be affected by this substance for a long time. The ear, nose and throat are organs that are closely linked, which explains why the patient may experience coughing as well as a blocked nose. Your health professional will look at your medical history or ask questions pertaining to the potential allergies you may have been in contact with. A skin test may be conducted to ascertain the particular substance you have reacted to. This involves putting a small area of your skin in contact with a potential offending allergen to see if it is the cause of your allergic reaction. How can it be cured? For symptomatic treatment of runny nose and itch, you can buy antihistamines from the pharmacy. Ask the pharmacist for recommendations. These may cause drowsiness which may affect motor activities. Children below the age of two should not self-medicate. For long-term treatment of allergic rhinitis unresponsive to antihistamines, do see your doctor who will prescribe a steroid nasal spray to be used daily. Immunotherapy, or allergy injections, may be used as a last resort if the above treatments are ineffective. Above all, avoid potential allergens which may trigger a flare-up of symptoms. No one wants to attract attention with all that sneezing and tearing!
  21. I don't think. It's quite a common problem actually, and I know some friends who have it. My friend who has eczema has cracked heels. I think your problem might be like hers. You might want to visit a skin doctor. My friend got some medication for her condition.
  22. hmm what's Dota? It would be helpful if you could post a link to the game website or a picture. Dota is not a really unique word and ive turned up some weird results on google. lol
  23. Just some tips from personal experiences and friends' experiences about avoiding jet lag. Jet lag is a horrible feeling and can really ruin your vacation especially if you're just planning a really short one. You end up feeling dreadful for practically the entire vacation! Keep yourself fit and healthy Before the trip, ensure you eat right, exercise and get enough rest, especially the day before you fly. Being tired or hungover is a poor way to start a trip. Stay hydrated Drink lots of water, especially during the flight, to counteract dry cabin air. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they cause dehydration, disrupt sleeping patterns and trigger nausea and bloatedness. Adapt to the local schedule Adjust to the new time zone before you leave. Eat and sleep according to the time of your destination. Easing into a new schedule makes resetting your body clock less traumatising. Stay outdoors during the day as natural light helps you cope with jet lag. Move around On the plane, don't stay seated all the time. Move your legs and do some stretches to promote blood circulation and reduce the likelihood of blood clots forming. Herbal remedies Try to establish good sleeping patterns without resorting to pills. Try drinking a cup of chamomile tea or sprinkling lavender oil on your pillow instead.
  24. Appropriate behavior on the plane is desirable for a safe and fuss-free plane ride for you and your fellow passengers. This is especially so for people travelling on long flights of up to over ten hours. Here are some of my suggestions for good plane etiquette. Most of these are actually common sense but people tend to overlook them anyway. The basic principle behind them is: Do not do unto others what you would not have others do unto you. Moving across seats If you have a weak bladder or need the rest room often, do try to reserve aisle seats to avoid having to ask people to move for you all the time. It's awkward having to climb all over the same person several times during the entire flight. Even more awkward if the person is sleeping. Also, if the person is sleeping and the seats are so close that climbing over him may wake him up anyway, it's advisable that you give him a little nudge or say a loud 'excuse me'. Then apologise for disrupting his sleep and come back as quickly as you can from where you have gone. It won't be nice at all if your seat-mate wakes up halfway and finds you straddling him. Using the armrest The use of the armrest should alternate between you and your fellow passenger. If you feel that your fellow passenger is dominating the arm rest, you could politely request him to shift his elbows a little to allow some space for you. If he is a reasonable person, he would adhere to your request, or remove his arm from the armrest. Maintain personal space Don't invade your personal passenger's space by making unnecessary body contact i.e. arms and legs to yourself, within the width of your seat. Carrying your bag Hold your bag in front of you and keep it low to the ground while you are walking down the plane aisle in search of your seat. If you hold it at your side, you are likely to knock it against seated passengers, which can be really unpleasant. Chair-kicking I trust that members on this forum are old enough not to indulge in a childish act like this. But if you end up sitting in front of a hyperactive child or toddler who keeps kicking your seat, you'll have to stick up for yourself or suffer for the entire journey. You should politely ask the parents to control their kid. If the kid's beyong control, request that they switch seats. If you don't mind, you can request to switch seats yourself too. If none of these work out, ask the flight attendant to handle it. Leave your fellow passenger's seat alone Pulling the seat in front of you to help yourself up can be unpleasant for the person sitting in that chair. Use your seat armrests to help yourself up instead. When moving down the aisle, again, leave the seats alone but use the luggage compartments instead, like how the flight attendants do it. Reclining chairs If it's not a time for sleeping and you just want to recline your seat for comfort, it is only polite to ask the person behind you if it's all right. Technically, it's your right to recline your seat, but you wouldn't like it if someone in front of you reclines his seat all the way so that you have even less space for movement than the limited space you are entitled to. Usually they'll be friendly about it, that is, if you don't go aboard by turning your chair into a bed. If the passenger is tall or has a child in his lap, do try to keep your seat upright out of consideration. Whenever you lower your chair, do it slowly to give the passenger behind you time to react. Talkative fellow passenger If you have no wish to communicate with anyone on the plane, the most effective signal is to use headphones. If you really wish to sleep but your fellow passenger has already begun his vocal 'assault', just tell him nicely that you're really tired and wish to sleep. You'd offend him more if you give him curt replies and disgruntled expressions throughout the conversation. Alighting When the plane lands and the seatbelt light blinks off, resist the urge to push your way through. Let those nearest the exit get off first. Don't worry, the plane will not keep you. If you have other plane etiquette to share or horrible experiences involving horrible fellow passengers, do share!
  25. And to think the whole time, I've been trying to suppress my love for chocolate because of fear for health implications. Thanks for the info, especially the stuff about the health benefits. I honestly didn't know this. Lowered breast cancer rates is a gift to women!
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