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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Nosebleeds, as the name suggests, is the expulsion of blood from the nostrils. They are divided into two types depending on the source of bleeding - anterior (front of nose) or posterior (back of nose). Anterior nosebleeds usually come from tiny blood vessels at the very front part of the nose (septum) and are easy to stop. Posterior nosebleeds usually come from an artery in the back part of the nose and are much less common than anterior nosebleeds. They tend to occur more often in elderly people. Those nosebleeds are harder and more complicated to stop, and usually require management by a specialist. Common causes of nosebleeds include direct injury (e.g. a punch) to the nose, nose-picking, repeated episodes of cold or allergic rhinitis, sticking of foreign objects into the nose and forceful blowing of nose. Excessive exposure to cold or dry air can also cause bleeding, as well as exposure to irritating chemicals like cigarette smoke. In these cases, nosebleeds can be prevented by avoiding actions that cause direct trauma to the nose. Applying a tiny jab of petroleum jelly to the inside of your nostrils or using a humidifier or nonprescription saline nasal spray can help moisturise the inside of the nose in excessively dry conditions. Less common bleeding disorders, which result in inability of the blood to clot, may contribute to bleeding. Inability of the blood to clot, however, is most often due to blood-thinning medications such as warfarin or aspirin. Abnormal blood vessels, high blood pressure, chronic kidney failure or cancers in the nose are also rare causes of nosebleeds, which require diagnosis and treatment by a doctor. Dealing with regular nosebleeds Sit upright and lean forward. By remaining upright, you reduce blood pressure in the veins of your nose, discouraging further bleeding. Sitting forward will help you avoid swallowing blood. Applying a cool compress on the bridge of the nose may help. 1. Pinch your nose for five minute using your thumb and index finger. Breathe through your mouth. This manoeuvre stems pressure to the bleeding point and stems the flow of blood. 2. Release your nose after you have pinched it for five minutes, to see if the nosebleed continues. 3. Pinch your nose for 10 minutes if it is still bleeding. 4. After 10 minutes, release your nose and check if it is bleeding. If it is still bleeding, seek help from the doctor. 5. To prevent re-bleeding after bleeding has stopped, don't pick or blow your nose and don't bend down for several hours after the bleeding episode. Once the bleeding has stopped, try to prevent any irritation to the nose, such as sneezing or nose-blowing for 24 hours. Medical treatments from doctors are reserved for more complicated cases of nosebleeds and usually focus on the cause. These may include - Closing the blood vessel using heat or silver nitrate sticks - Reducing the amount of blood thinners or stopping aspirin - Controlling blood pressure - Healing a broken nose or removing a foreign object - Nasal packing placed inside the nostril to exert pressure and halt bleeding Contact your doctor if you experience repeated episodes of nosebleeds, nosebleeds that do no stop within 15 minutes of nose pinching, or bleeding that occurs after injury to head or nose. Fever, vomiting of blood, dizziness, light-headedness, rapid heartbeat or difficulty in breathing along with a nosebleed requires urgent treatment. Other symptoms like easy bruising and blood in bowels and urine are signs of more serious underlying problems that require consultation with your doctor. This article is written with the help of Family Doctor health magazine Pamphlet: Nose Bleeds Personal experiences and friends' experiences
  2. I'm not a fan of plain minimalistic layouts, but I think this one is well-done and would be well-received by fans of such themes. It also fits well into frames, if anyone's thinking of using it with an iframe.
  3. Serves 4 Ingredients 120g butter 50g caster sugar 150g self-raising flour sifted 2 eggs 100ml coconut milk For the lime syrup topping 100g sugar 3 tbsp lime juice Rind of two limes very finely chopped 4 crushed cardamom pops (optional) Instructions 1. Prepare the puddings by beating the butter and sugar together until creamy, then beat in the eggs and coconut milk. 2. Fold in the sifted flour. 3. Spoon the mixture into four greased ramekins or moulds. 4. Cut four rounds of baking paper the size of the moulds and place one on top of each pudding. 5. Steam the puddings for around 30 minutes. 6. While the puddings are being steamed, make the lime syrup topping by placing all the ingredients in a small pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until all the sugar is dissolved. Reduce the heat and simmer for about five minutes until the mixture becomes a little thicker. 7. Remove from the heat and pour a little over each pudding. 8. Serve with a scoop of ice cream or low-fat yoghurt.
  4. And they say girls are fickle I think the problem might be that he didn't know how to refuse the ex-girlfriend, seeing that he is not very good with words. It was good of you to calm down and accept his apology. If it was me, I would have flew off the handle and probably refuse to see him for weeks. Make sure he doesn't do such things again, or offer to help him out of his sticky situations if the ex is still trying to stick with him.
  5. Oh dear and I haven't even touched my Sims 2 yet! It sounds like it's going to take a toil on my graphics card though.
  6. Ingredients 220g butter 200g caster sugar 3 eggs Finely grated rind of 2 lemons 4 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 150g ground almond meal 150g plain flour sifted together with 1 heaped tsp baking powder 60g fine polenta Instructions 1. Pre-heat the oven to 160 deg C and grease and line a 22cm cake baking tin. 2. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and creamy. 3. Stir in the almond meal, then add eggs one at a time, beating well after each one. If the mixture starts to curdle, add a little flour. 4. Fold in the lemon juice, lemon rind, polenta and sifted flour and baking powder. 5. Spoon the mixture into the greased baking tin and bake for around 50 minutes until the top is golden-brown. 6. The cake is a moist one but bake it a little longer until a knife inserted into it comes out clean. 7. Dust the top with icing sugar and serve while still warm. It is also good served with a few tablespoons of natural yoghurt.
  7. Actually you really haven't given a lot of information yet, like genre and time period and the synopsis, so it's hard for me to give any suggestions. But I think the name's you've got are all right so far. They are nice, unique and not too complicated. I think Shiori is a really nice name. But you should start thinking about what kind of genre you want. Is it going to be fantasy? drama? historical? comedy? And you do have to decide on the time period and country (real country like Japan? fictional?), because that will actually affect the naming of your characters and places. It will be good if you just write a short synopsis so we know what you want to base your plot on. It's your own book you're writing, so you need to know what you want for it before we can help you
  8. Thanks for the friend request and comment! Nice to meet you ^_^

  9. Hi Dan! Welcome to Xisto! I've not been a member for very long, but I love this forum because it's friendly and I've learnt a lot of new things here! Enjoy your stay!
  10. wow I didn't know that wolves can be domesticated! I thought it was only possible in RPGs. lol I wish I could have a wolf as a pet too, but I can't even keep a dog lol Good luck with your wolf breeding!
  11. Actually, I don't know what the fuss is either! When there's any male member in my house, I never complain when they don't put down the toilet seat. It really doesn't take much effort to put it up or down myself. And I agree... I always check the toilet before I use it lol. I'd never use the toilet in pitch darkness.
  12. Not for me. Movies are expensive for me, and many of them are not worth the money. I only watch the blockbusters, those with spectacular visual effects that everyone is supposed to look forward to. I download the occasional movie to watch, but even then, I'll only download those that are of my favorite genre and which have received good critics.
  13. Yup just use Mozilla Firefox. It's the best tabbed browser around. I've used the latest versions of opera, internet explorer and netscape. I still find firefox the best for me.
  14. Wow thank you very much! This will be useful at work! You can never go wrong with notepad. hehe.
  15. Yes, unfortunately, I'm also one of those shallow people who will probably look at you two and wonder why you're both together. But so what? You know the both of you and your relationship best, so why do you care about what the rest of us ignorant outsiders think about you two. In this world, almost everybody judges by physical appearances first. Of course, whether they'll change their mind about what they see later is another story. For example, if I didn't know you at first, I'd think dirty old man and sugar baby. But after knowing your story, I'd say 'Go for it!'I've been watching a korean comedy drama which has this old man and his son pursuing a woman (who is about his son's age). Like most viewers, I was thinking 'what the hell. Toad lusting after a swan's flesh. Give her up to your son. You're too freaking old!'. But later, I was touched by his attention and self-sacrificial mentality to the woman, which makes his son's 'love' for the woman look superficial. The woman was obviously touched too and she kept comparing his son to the father. If you truly love your girl, you won't let strangers affect you. The only people's opinions you should care about are your own, the girl's, her family's and your own family's.
  16. Wow how awful! 8 Hours under the sun is really bad for health. You may look good with a bronze skin after that, but the UV rays are really bad. Don't ever do that again next time! A couple of hours is all right, but I wouldn't want anything more than that. For the next couple of days, try to stay out of the sun. When you go for your date, try to stay indoors, maybe go to a restaurant, movies or something. Wear long sleeved clothes and pants to prevent your skin from being further exposed to the sun and also for beauty reasons (you don't want your date to see you looking red right? You can't really cover up sunburns in 2 days). Good luck!
  17. I like the picture of your dog. It has a very sweet expression, and the picture is sharp enough. As for your other pictures, just like what Bluebear said, they are a bit blurred and the angles they are shot from aren't meaningful. Still, practice makes perfect, so continue taking more photos!
  18. Ooh thanks a lot! It's so unique! I love the effect and color! What did you do to achieve this effect?
  19. Thanks for your reply! No, I really haven't done anything to it. I have no activated plugins. It just happens all of a sudden. Actually I notice it's been an ongoing issue with wordpress from what I see in their support forums. If I remember correctly, it has happened eversince I updated to 2.5+. I've just checked my wordpress sites and the categories are showing up again. It's an on and off problem though. Sometimes the categories are there and sometimes they aren't. But it still affects me cos' when it happens, I can't put my new posts in the right categories, and my visitors won't be able to access various posts via category too
  20. Ah well I'm never good with hardware specifications and stuff so try as I might, I can't find it. Hopefully someone can tell me where it is.As to why it's an issue now, most of my games are playable in widescreen mode, except for this old one that I decided to play again which doesn't have widescreen mode. And it's a taiwanese rpg so there isn't much support for it online.
  21. I'm trying to play a 1024 x 768 res game on my widescreen computer and it looks horrible. Is there a way I can disable widescreen mode so that the game doesn't look stretched? I heard it can be done such that the game interface is in non-wide screen res and the sides have black bars. My graphics card is S3 Graphics.
  22. This problem has happened to both my wordpress blogs hosted with Xisto. I made some posts and assign them to different categories but a few days later, the categories disappear and all my posts are automatically placed in the Uncategorized category instead. I believe this is not a unique problem because I've seen some info about this on the wordpress support website. However, there doesn't seem to be a single solution to it. I've tried repairing my database but it doesn't help. I've got the latest version of wordpress. Anybody got any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.
  23. How dreadful for you! What a ridiculous person! I hate it when people accuse others of being 'racists' over trivials like this. It only goes to show that they feel inferior of their own ethnicity and that's why they are so sensitive. I'm Asian too and boy would I feel ashamed if I had seen a fellow Asian acting like an idiot. This woman is either crazy or having some serious mental issues. I'm a make-up artist and once I had to do make-up for this lady who was dark-skinned (but also an Asian). I understand the environment that she was gonna take photo shoots in. It's a dark environment so I'd have to make-up her face in such a way that it looks lighter, brighter and clearer so that she won't 'blend' into the environment. I explained this to her and at first she agreed, but later when she realized that I'd made her skin look 2 shades lighter, she hated the make-up (and mind you, it looked good!) and said I was prejudiced against her. We argued over the issue for several minutes. In the end, she accepted my argument and paid up grudgingly because she was in a hurry, but I feel so maligned!
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