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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Well, in my younger days, I remember that a popular method of assembling a witch/wizard costume was to get a large black trash bag (new, clean one of course), cut holes for the arms and wear it as a witch's dress. and we'd team it with a conical hat and a broomstick. I suppose it sounds rather kiddy and childish, but we were kids and that's what we came up with. I'm sure you could improve on the idea to make it better. Perhaps you could use a large black cloth instead if you don't want the trash bag. You can use dramatic goth make-up to bring attention to your features and look more sophisticated. Paint those nails black!
  2. eep I didn't realize there's such a thing as a spam rank. I'll look out for it and do that next time I catch another idiot.
  3. I agree, youtube has cool stuff, but also a lot of trash. To me, the worst I've seen are foreign language videos with fake subtitles =_=I don't suppose youtube would bother establishing any form of quality control though. If they had time and resources, they'd probably address copyright content first as those are most likely to get them into trouble. So guess we'll have to put up with the rubbish.
  4. I'm not a fan, neither do I hate her. But I think it'll be fun to have her back. Lots more drama. She seems to have a screwed up life, but come to think about it, if people are caring so much about her life, she's actually pretty successful. And her songs were catchy. *I'm not that innocent*
  5. That really sounds horrible. Hopefully the girl recovers fully and they learn their lesson not to dabble with such dangerous games. Recklessness can be fun, but it can also result in a life time of regret. In a case like this, there's the aftermath like psychological trauma, permanent, injuries and scars to worry about. So really, everyone should think twice before they do dangerous stunts like this. The worst thing that could happen other than hurting oneself is hurting another innocent person in the accident.
  6. There seems to be lots of spam on Xisto forums these few days! Link-filled posts made by 'members' with only one post count! I've clicked the 'report' button quite a few times in the past week Not that it bothers me at all, but I thought the admins might want to look into this. And I'm really curious and surprised by all that spam too. I've been on Xisto for many months and I hardly saw any spam except recently.
  7. The webpage looks pretty clean and fuss free, but I don't like the header image. It's cliched that everyone relates team building to mountain climbing. Furthermore the combination of the green grass and the (small) rocky mountain don't really go well together, and I'm not sure what that orange thing is. It would be more appropriate to design a header with people instead (maybe people working together, people attending a class or something). That would give more life to the homepage, and complements the nature of the job, which is about dealing with people, not dealing with nature. I'm not a fan of those caps fonts on the main page too. I also think a more common font such as verdana, tahoma, arial (basically the one on the rest of the pages can be used) should be used, just in case the website viewer doesn't have the font installed in his computer. "? 2005-2006 Inside Out Coaching & Consulting. All Rights Reserved." Do update the copyright year. Otherwise, it gives people the impression that it's a dead website.
  8. I believe that even for websites that offer free domains to people who complete offers, it will be difficult and take a long time. Free things don't come easy! If you're not American (I'm just speculating that you aren't since you're looking for an .asia domain), it's even more difficult because I noticed a lot of free domain giveaways have offers that are only available to people in America. You should probably try the free domain offer on Xisto if you can spare the effort and time to make a lot of quality posts.
  9. I'm back with another article on acne, this time a more scientific one because I picked up some magazines and pamphlets at a skin clinic on a job! What is acne? Firstly, let's get the basics right. Acne is a common condition that affects the pilosebaceous unit in the skin. This is the structural unit of oil glands and hair follicles. The types of acne problems can be divided into two broad groups - comedonal (white and black heads) and inflammatory (red bumps, fluid and pus-filled bumps). Teenagers have the highest incidence of acne, but adults develop it too, though less severe and frequent. Causes of acne There are a few main causes of acne. One of them is excessive oil production, which is usually related to excess male hormones especially during puberty, over-production of hormones by abnormal ovarian cysts and hormonal changes during menses. Blockage of oil gland pores, presence of acne-causing bacteria and inflammation are other causes. Acne prevention Firstly, the underlying conditions causing the acne should be treated first. Secondly, it is useful to apply a vitamin A-derivative topical to the skin at night to prevent acne formation. Thirdly, remove excessive oil with soap preferably containing salicylic acid, toner and facial blotters. Present acne treatment technology There are topical medication, antibiotics, oral contraceptive (for women only) and phototherapy. The first three are relatively quite common and are prescribed by skin doctors. Phototherapy is a new external treatment. Blue light (wavelength range of 405-420nm) is shone on the inflamed areas. The light activates the porphyrin present in acne-causing bacteria, resulting in the release of singlet oxygen to destroy the bacteria. Each session is administered between 20 to 30 minutes and results may be seen within two to four weeks. There may be transient mild burning sensation. Treatment is at least two months shorter than oral antibiotics and suitable for patients including those who experience intolerable side-effects from acne drugs, namely pregnant patients and patients who find that other conventional acne treatment methods are ineffective for them. Ingredients in facial products that acne patients should avoid Cocoa butter, isopropyl myristate, industrial quality mineral oil, industrial quality petroleum and vegetable oil are acne aggravators. Anyone prone to developing acne should only use cosmetics and products that have been properly tested and labeled "non-comedogenic". (Comedogenic means acne aggravator). Tips on acne skin care Some acne cleansers, especially those with salicylic acid, and acne topicals can be drying and somewhat irritating. If one is affected by these, it will be helpful to apply a bland non-comedogenic moisturizer about half an hour after topical medication. Women who use makeup should inform the doctor about what they use, so their doctor can prescribe an appropriate formula of the topical and advise on the right sequence to apply. Men who perspire a lot and have oilier skin may need to cleanse their faces more than twice a day. Their acne medication should preferably be in the form of a gel or solutions. If the oil is cosmetically disturbing, they can use mattifying moisturizer about half an hour after applying acne medication.
  10. Aww she's so cute! She's definitely not a poodle! But I can't tell what she could be. Sounds like a mix of the above-given answers. She has the playfulness of a terrier and the build of a papillion!
  11. Personally, I'd like fencing more. If you're afraid of getting hurt, I think wrestling is really out for you because you can't possibly maximize your potential in the sport if you're holding yourself back for fear of getting hurt. But really, I'd just say, choose the sport that you like better and that you're good at. You could easily make friends if you join a different sport from your friends. As for your best friend, I'm sure you'll get to see him some time!
  12. Thanks a lot for your suggestions! The social bookmarking is a good idea. I'll look into that! Hehe actually yes I'm kinda in a lazy mood but I think I should take more responsibility for my own site XDI used to have real galleries for my website in the past. I've used 4images and coppermine. But my bandwidth gets used up super fast cos' of the number of visitors and the number of pics I have. So I decided to switch to external galleries instead.
  13. ooh yes I love pumpkin and cheese. They'll be a great combination for a cake. Thanks for the recipe. Doesn't look very time-consuming. I'll try it out some time.
  14. Thanks for the compliments and the suggestions! The links will be handy, I'm always putting off what I need to do because I have no time or am simply too lazy to find out how to do the various work that should be done. lol Thanks again for taking the time to post your review. It's much appreciated
  15. I watched a video on crop circles. It's entirely man-made. They showed the procedure for making crop circles under an hour by 2 people and some portable machinery. I can't remember the exact details of it but apparently it involves some equipment that can stretch across acres of grass to cut across wide areas of grass quickly.
  16. He can post his poetry on online poetry forums and communities. He'll be able to expose his work to other poets and poem-readers and exchange ideas about his work. Just do a search on poetry forums and communities. I'm sure there are quite a few good ones out there. You can also get him to post his work in Xisto's Creativity forum: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/131-art-creativity/
  17. I've had the same layout for ages but I decided that it's time to get a proper review. My website url is: http://princesstimes.com/ I'd like to know what you think of the layout and navigation. Content-wise I don't really need reviews because my website has always catered to a specific group of audience so I don't know if everyone here appreciates my content and I wouldn't want half-baked criticisms about things they don't understand. But if you want to comment on my content, I won't stop you, just that I probably won't take your advice if I find that it doesn't apply to me. Also, I've still got some sections not up yet, so you can ignore those first Feel free to leave comments in my website itself. Thanks!
  18. I'm viewing your site on Firefox. Generally, the layout and colour scheme is good. I like it. The menu bothers me though. The grey border around the navigation links are quite weird. I think that instead of the grey border, you can have each link in a colored box with a bit of white space between each link. When I click home, 'All News' appears below News and is indented. That's quite strange too. Since Home already points to http://www.sorainnosia.com/, you can make News point to http://www.sorainnosia.com/ (the link that All News points to), then you can removed 'All News'. I don't know much about php, so I can't help you on that. About the contents, I'm sure the subject of spirituality and religion will appeal to its own niche of readers. More people are interested in spirituality and buddhism nowadays. But do make sure it's something you like writing about and have the resources to write about. A website would be more popular if it features original stuff, not stuff copied from elsewhere. Otherwise they can simply visit 'elsewhere' to get their info instead of your site. If you want a lively site, the key is definitely to inject originality in your articles. Also, maybe you can do away with registration for commenting to encourage people to leave comments. After all, it's a new site, and people may be less inclined to comment if they have to register. Wait till your site gets more regular commenters and the spam comes in, then you make your comments registered users only.
  19. Eggplant is one of my favourite fruits! It's healthy and makes your meals look attractive with it's interesting shapes and colours!If the term eggplant doesn't ring a bell, you may otherwise know it as brinjal, garden egg, melanzana or aubergine. Eggplants come in quite a variety of shapes and sizes and even colours. There are white, yellow, purple, dark purple, green and white eggplants. The most common ones I've seen are the dark purple ones which are elongated, stretching from the elbow to the wrist, and also roundish dark purple ones. The eggplant is actually a berry, and belongs to the nightshade family, of which includes potatoes and tomatoes.Eggplants actually originated from India and have been cultivated there and in other Asian countries around that region like China since ancient times.A major problem with eggplants is that they are perishable and become bitter with age. Hence, they should be stored in cool, dry places. Preferably refrigerate them at the higher shelf where it is not so cold. Store them in plastic bags if you refrigerate them. They should also be used within a day or two of purchase.Eggplants are healthy because they are low in fat and contain virtually no calories. About 80g of eggplant contains just 20 calories. Furthermore, the eggplant is a nutrient-dense food, so it makes you feel full easily and therefore, you are less tempted to eat more. This helps in balancing your diet too!Eggplants contains a lot of dietary fibre, vitamins and other minerals like potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, magnesium, copper and folate. They are also rich in phytonutrients, which are the organic parts of plants believed to promote good health.
  20. I know what you mean. When I outgrew my teenage years, I was at a loss and really worried about what the future holds for me. Once I outgrow teenhood, it just becomes more pressing for me to take on greater responsibility for my own life. But after I got a stable job and realized it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, I feel less worried and I'm now back to enjoying life the way I did in my teens, rather than worrying about it. I'm 22 by the way. Take things easy and life will work out itself. And don't ruin your life by being in too much of a hurry to grow up. Just enjoy it the way you did!
  21. Er I don't like injections anywhere on my body, not even my arm. But of course, injections are the arm are the least painful, so if I had to have injections, I'd prefer them on my arm. I've had injections on my hand (back of hand) and my butt. The ones on the butt are the worst!
  22. Orh nee is a well-loved Teochew dessert. Basically, a yam mash is sweetened with syrup, and pumpkin and gingko nuts are added to the dish. People who love it find its extreme sweetness and richness appealing. However, it can be extremely unhealthy. I?ve tweaked the traditional recipe a little to make it healthier, yet remaining true to its original flavour. (serves five to six) Ingredients: 500g peeled yam A pinched salt 2 tablespoon sugar 100g light olive oil Syrup 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1 tablespoon rum 1 cup peeled gingko nuts 500g pumpkin, peeled Instructions: 1. Cut peeled yam into large pieces and place in a pot with enough water to cover. 2. Add a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar to the pot. 3. Cook till yam is tender. 4. Drain and keep the boiling water for use later. 5. Mash the yam with a fork, adding olive oil to round out the taste and some of the boiling water to obtain the consistency you like. 6. In the meantime, cut peeled pumpkin into wedges. Rub with a dash of light olive oil and roast in 200 degress Celsius oven till the pumpkin is softened and caramelized. This should take 30 minutes or so. 7. Make syrup in another pot. Place sugar and water in it and bring to the boil. When the sugar dissolves, add gingko nuts, vanilla essence and rum. Cook for a while longer to thicken the syrup. 8. Place yam mash in a glass bowl. Add a couple of wedges of roasted pumpkin Spoon gingko and syrup over to glaze and serve.
  23. South indian dishes are quite common in my country, and also there are restaurants selling north indian food. I don't think some of the south indian dishes are authentic Indian-Indian food though. It could be like a fusion of Indian food and our local flavours. But I LOVE Indian food, especially their curries. I like spicy stuff, and the spices they use smell so lovely. My favorites are thosai and prata, though I think the tastiness is really dependent on the quality and flavor of their curries/gravy. i like mutton and chicken curry personally. I think north indian food is a bit too sweet, at least that's what I perceive of those I've eaten.
  24. You may look healthy with a bronzed skin, but tanned skin is actually unhealthy and is a result of DNA damage inside the skin.First, here is some information about Ultraviolet rays from sunlight.Ultraviolet rays from the sun comes in various wave lengths., namely UVA, UVB and UVC. They all have different energy levels and cause damage to different extents.UVA harms the deeper layers of the skin and causes premature ageing of the skin. UVB is is supposedly the cause of sunburn because it damages the skin's outer layer. UVC has the greatest amount of energy level, thus causing the greatest amount of damage. Luckily, it is completely absorbed by the atmosphere and hence prevented from reaching us.Still, the combined harmfulness of UVA and UVB are bad enough. UV rays cause immediate effects of sunburn, dry and itchy skin an skin redness. Long-term exposure to UV rays may result in premature skin ageing and wrinkling, increased risk of getting skin cancer, and skin pigmentation.Fair-skinned people especially have it worst than dark-skinned people because they have less pigment cells and are less protected from UV rays. Fair-skinned people get sunburned quite easily, and are more susceptible to skin cancer and skin ageing.Even the use of sun-tanning lotions with a sun protection factor is insufficient to let you enjoy your bronzed look without worrying about side effects. Protection given by the skin is already minimal, otherwise, it would not change color so easily under the sun. SPF just provides a little more protection (which only lasts for a limited amount of time by the way, depending on what spf you use), which does not constitute much of a bonus. Tanning beds are just as bad as natural sunlight, because they also emit UV rays like the sun. Self-tanning lotions are safer to use because they don't generate a pigmentary response. But they just produce an artificial tan which people may not be Of course the sun is pretty much unavoidable, and it's always nice to feel warm sunlight on your body and gaze into the clear blue sky. But do at least take precautions such as applying sunblock whenever you go out, and wearing sunglasses and a cap at the beach or pool. Above all, don't tan on purpose. Being comfortable in the skin you're in makes you look sexier/healthier than trying to get alter your skin tone, no matter how natural the method.
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