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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Well, I'm not real good with the design aspect of web developement either but here is template I am currently developing for Mambo / Joomla. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It still needs a lot of work but the basics are already there. I think you can get more design tips in the website design forums. vujsa
  2. Thank you for your interest in this subject. I am always willing to discuss most aspects of website design. I consider CMS and template use to be the backbone of a good website. I originally started this tutorial as a beginners guide to the PHP used to start a simple template based website. The next step I would have gone into was the use of some type of database to generate various parts of the website. A database table or file would be the best way to store the information needed to build a more advanced, easy to edit menu.It would seem that there is more of a desire to discuss layout and design when using a template system so I'll try to help with that. [/hr]I really think anyone intersted in website layout and design should read many sources before deciding on their website's look. Having said that, here are my thoughts.I like keeping the most used links in a tool bar near the top of the page but keep other useful links in a menu on the left side of the page. Neither navigation aid should detract attention from the main content of the page. The tools should look good and be easy to find as long as they match the rest of the website.Various modules can be used throughout the website but some modules need not be on every page. For example, you don't need a latest news module shown on the news page of your website. The log in module doesn't need to be on the log in page. The simplae search module doesn't need to be on the advanced search page.These are the kinds of things that stick out in your visitors minds as being redundant or even confusing. These are also common sense things that we tend to overlook because we are so busy looking at our new layout and not reading our own content. [/hr]People always want to know how they should output their HTML. Should we use CSS only and get the validation or should tables be used. That question is nearly impossible to answer. Since not all of the web browser designers choose to follow the so called industry standards for web page validation and they can't seem to make all of the browsers display the same web page in the same way, it isn't really easy to figure out how to code your pages.I use tables! I like tables and I don't care about validation. I do my best to make my pages look the same in every web browser. CSS has such varying support among the browsers, I have a lot of trouble getting it to work properly in all browsers. Best case senerio is that things look a little different but the general feel of the website is intact. The worst case senerio is that I need multiple CSS files, each dealing with a different browser. I use CSS to control my tables and I usually add variables to the tables to allow for dynamic variations on the fly. For example, I sometimes like to eliminate the right column of my website if I feel that the content needs more room. If I wrap a forum system in my website I can make the template provide a wider area for the bulletin boards.Remember, you can always use CSS inside of your table cells and then just use the table to keep things lined up corectly. I alway design my templates to be variable width.. This way the page uses all of the space on the monitor's screen. I never understood leaving 150 pixel margins on either side of a website. I figure at the very least, stick an ad their to maybe generate some income.As far as placement of modules and design tips, you really need to consider more than what works for me. I'm not a very good designer. I focus more on the scripting aspect of web design. You personal preference will be the most important factor in deciding what your page will look like in the end. Hopefully, if you write a good enough CMS sytem, you'll be able to try various layouts with little effort. Afterall, that is the whole point isn't it, being able to manage your content easily. I will, when I get a chance, go into more advances scripting for a simple CMS or template based system.If you have more specific questions related to this topic, please feel free to post them. The design and content is such a broad aspect of the system I can't really get into everything in a signle topic. I don't know if I answered any of the questions but I will try my best to answer any of the follow up questions.vujsa
  3. Read these: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88311-topic/?findpost= http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86994-topic/?findpost= Anytime a PHP script creates a file, the server is the owner of the file. The user 0 as he has become known. This is why you have to set writting permissions on files that PHP writes to that you created. Run the cleanup script from the links above to change the problem file or directory's permissions. Then you will have the access you need to write to the file. This may be just one of your problems. vujsa
  4. killingjoke, It is usually something small like that. I would have never figured it out if I hadn'y been working on my template the other night. I was in my FTP client getting ready to upload an image I just modified and noticed the Thumbs.db file hanging out there. I came here as soon as I saw it to post the suggestion. Glad everything worked out for you. [/hr] cyborgxxi, There a few options for you to run your own gallery here at Xisto. If you don't like the preinstalled gallery programs, try http://php.resourceindex.com/ for more. Most of these will automatically resize the uploaded files to a more managable size and create thumbnails as well. I wrote an outline on the proces if you are interested: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/10028-topic/ It isn't a finished script but all of the information is there for you if you know some PHP or want to learn. The outline is actually for a imaged filled directory on your server that can bedisplayed as a gallery. I'm more than happy to get more into the process with you if you want. I was hoping that my outline would inspire more discussions about the process but it didn't really get much atention. vujsa
  5. Depends on your script. Basically, the script that actually performs the search functions would need to be modified slightly. At the begining of that script, you would need to open your log file, write the vriable (search term) to it, close the log file then continue as normal. $_POST['search'] should be the the way to gather you search term. This means the post method form field named 'search'. You'll need to se the file system functions for PHP to open, modify, and close your log file. For a little more effort, I suggest a table in your mySQL database that can track the terms used as well as the number of times the term was searched for. Even better, break the search term up into seperate words (if a phrase was used) and add each word to the database and exclude common words like "the" "and" etc... I'd need to know how much PHP you knew before I'd really get into the modification with you. For me, the general directions above would be enough but many people simply don't know any PHP so the directions above wouldn't be enough. vujsa
  6. Yeah, POST and GET are exclusive to HTML. All other program languages have functions written to be able to use POST and GET.I think you'll need to use sockets to pass data between the extention and the script. Unfortunately I have no idea of how to help you.You might try some learn by example and take a peak at a similar extention if that is possible. I'm not a FF user and not interested in writting extentions for it. Just thought I should try to stear you away from the POST method.Let me know if I'm wrong, I'd love to learn a new method. :)vujsa
  7. Pretty sure Star Trek Voyager had an episode about this concept.The space tether where a space station is at the other end of the shaft. The idea of using a counterweight and cable wouldn't really work because the length of the cable needed would cause it to be either too heavy to lift itself or too weak. A crawler would work best. The rack and pinion system is the way to go. The further up you go, the less gravity that is exserted. It would be slow but in a few hours you'd be in space. Coming back down would be fine at a manageble speed (under 1000 MPH) since the reason things burn up in the atmosphhere is because of the extreme friction caused by the super high speeds (mach 20+) of falling objects from space.The problem is building such a thing since the tallest buildings in the world are nowhere near the required height.more later.vujsa
  8. So I was just working with some images on my system that I was uploading to the server and noticed the Thumbs.db file and realized a problem. We have been trying to exclude thumbs.db not Thumbs.db. Try using an uppercase "T" like so: if ($f_arr[$i] != 'Thumbs.db') { Or even better: if ($f_arr[$i] != 'Thumbs.db' && $f_arr[$i] != 'thumbs.db') { This just may be the solution you will need. vujsa
  9. That's odd, should have been fine. Maybe change: if ($f_arr[$i] != 'thumbs.db') {to: if ($f_arr[$i] != "thumbs.db") { I imagine that you have already tried that but if not, go ahead and give it a shot. The period could be causing problems so if that doesn't work, try escaping the period like this: if ($f_arr[$i] != "thumbs\.db") { Otherwise, I'm stumped. Sorry I can't be of more help. vujsa
  10. Things that you'll need: Apache installed and configured Router to forward all HTTP request to the correct computer. (Port Forwarding) - OR - Seperate IP Address for the Web server Not Required but helpful: MySQL PHP perl [/hr] First, Install and configure Apache. I'd use the default configuration until you learn how to work with Apache. You'll need to set a few parameters in a few places to get things working correctly. Like where to find your web documents. You'll need to route all incoming HTTP requests to the the server by either getting the server it's own IP address/modem/network or with a router that has port forwarding capabilities. Just forward all port 80 (HTTP) requests to the local IP address of the server. That is all that you have to do but your website won't be very useful. [/hr] perl, mySQL, and PHP are all availible to download and install for free. They should come with help files to explain how to configure Apache to use them correctly. There are a lot of other free applications you'll need in order to get your server fully configured for typical use. Email and FTP to name a few applications you may want to add. [/hr] You may want to consider using a Linux installation on your server since Windows has a lot of trouble producing a web server like the majority of us are used to using. Most Linux distributions provide web server options out of the box and is also free. The down side is that you'll need to learn how to run a Linux system. There are a lot of places to find information about running a Linux server. I run a simple web server on my home network to use for script testing and family photos which I set up to read directly from my local photo directory. It runs on Windows XP so I have a lot of trouble securing the server and running certain options. Once I find myself with an extra system, I'll install Linux (probably Fedora Core) on it and set it up as a full web server. Of course, I'll need to learn how to administer Linux before then [/hr] Anyway, I got all of my information for setting up a web server from a book: PHP - Fast & Easy Web Development (2nd Edition) By: Julie C. Meloni ISBN: 1-931841-87-X It included all of the information I needed to get a test server running. I use it to develope PHP scripts without having to wait for uploads after every change. Also saves me the bandwidth I would otherwise use by making so many uploads. Once a script is working correctly (as correctly as it can on my Windows setup), I upload it to the Xisto server and make any required changes to get it working on the hosting server. At the time I configured my local web server, I didn't have acces to mySQL, PHP, or perl so I couldn't learn how to create web applications. I learned all of the PHP I know as a result of setting up my own test server. Not sure that I have given you the information you asked for but I hope it will open your eyes to the general setup and use of such a server. vujsa
  11. It wouldn't bother the the credits script by allowing members to delete their own post except in a few situations. The biggest problem is members deleting posts that effect the flow of the thread. Say for example, userX gets upset about something and goes and deletes all of his posts. This would leave large holes in many threads as a result.Anyway, I cleaned up the mess. No big deal, the credit scrpt automatically should have adjusted your credits to the correct amount.Thanks for letting us know. :Dvujsa
  12. You know, if your form at the top is already doing all of that work, then you can just add one extra step. You currently have 2 buttons "Show" and "Reset". I thin you could add a third button for "Printable"It would be nearly the same as the "Show" buttuon but should trigger an additional function to only display the table. You can add a JavaScript event to the button to actually run the script in a new pop-up window. To create your original page, you probably have a chunk of static HTML ith maybe a variable holding the dynamic HTML that shows as a table. If your table HTML was saved in the variable $table, then you could just used that variable in the printer friendly display and just use plain HTML before and after it. Then you could break your output for either page into 3 sections: Header, Body, Footer.The Body (table) could be built the same for both pages. It is just a table after all.The Header and Footer would differ between the 2 pages. The printer friendly page would use a plain Header and Footer while the original page would use the current Header and Footer. The Header and Footer would be selected based on which button was pressed.Then just add a couple of if statements to determine which button was used.This wouldn't actually add to much to the existing script.Hope This Helps,vujsa
  13. I think you should try relocating the wireless AP/router/switch. Locate it closer to your room but not so far away from any other computer in the house.Take that 50' cable from your router to your nearest system (I'm assuming that you go ISP -> cable/DSL modem -> router -> comptuers) and insert it between the modem and router. That would get the router up to 50' closer (less if you follow the wals around and hide it) to your system which should reduce your dropped connections. There wouldn't be any additional cost for that option. You might give it a try and see if it works out before buying more equipement. Then your computer can bridge to the hub to provide LAN to the other PC on the hub or vice versa.As I understand the wireless network, each wireless device comunicates with every other (in range) wireless device. As a result, adding an additional wireless access point even if it isn't connected to the switch or hub, should repeat the wireless signal throughout the house. LinkSys also offers repeaters I believe and I know they have signal boosters and larger antenas.Wiring the entire house is a lot of work unless you hire an installer. Fishing wire gets real old after about one cable.If you could give us a better description of the existing network it would help us determine the best course of action. Maybe upload a diagram of the network and systems connected to it.Good Luck,vujsa
  14. Well, the good news is that the PHP manual has a special section just for this topic. In fact, the example they give is pretty much the best way to do it as well. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php All you really need to do is copy and paste the example and fill in your information for it. Of course, extra features can be obtained by using other functions in the script. Hope this helps, if you need more information or more resouces, let me know and I'll see if I can help. vujsa
  15. What I was thinking was an on event database item delete. Imagine this is you database query for mySQL: $sql = "SELECT id, name, birthday FROM table_name ORDER BY id"; Then you can insert that information into the new table with a few extras: // Insert a Database Query Into the Log$query_string = $sql;$query_time = time();$query_id = md5($query_string.$query_time);$table_name = "DB_queries";$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name (id, query, time) VALUES ('$query_id','$query_string','$query_time',)";$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);// Clean Out Old Log Entries$entry_expire = 300; // Number of seconds to keep a log entry 5 minutes shown here.$expire_time = $query_time - $entry_expire;$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE time <= $expire_time";$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection); Then just create a link wto you printer friendly script: echo "<a href=\"printer_friendly.php?".$query_id."\">Printer Friendly</a>"; Then just kind of take it from there. You should be able to use the stored DB query to pull the same information from the database for a text only version of the page. You wouldn't need to have a cron job to clean out the database since the database is checked for old log entries every time the original table is generated. The down side to this is that you would add 4 database queries just to display a printer friendly page. It will add to the servers burden. You can cut one query out by storing the $result of the query instead of the actual query string. Since you would already have the array of information stored in the database, the need to perform the query over is not required. This is only good if you plan to keep the "log" free of older data. If this isn't to be used as a security log as well and the log is cleaned out after 5 or 10 minutes it would be ok. The reason is becuase of how large the $result array could be if say 100 student files were selected. So it is a toss up between number of queries and the size of the database table. That was just what I would do if I were you as I understood your question. [/hr] Does the form above work with javascript and simply hide the table rows which don't match or is this serversided and the database is queried each time? I could probably come up with additional methods if I had a better understanding of what your existing script is doing. Happy Coding. vujsa
  16. I assume that the form inputs the data into a database. Just write another script to pull the needed files from the database and insert into a printer friendly version of the page.I think that you may want to add a database table for database queries. When you generate the "FULL" feature page, insert the database query used to get the files for the table into it's own table then the link can forward the queries ID number to the printer friendly script. That script runs the sam query but builds a simple version of the table with the results.Kind of like a database session. This could be used as a security log of who is searching and viewing what. You'd have too find a way to clean out the database though. Otherwise it would get real big real fast.It is hard to say exactly what you need to do because I don't have all of the needed information.vujsa
  17. thumbs.db The quickest and easiest way if it is only the thumbs.bd file is to change the following: for( $i=0; $i < count( $f_arr ); $i++ ) { print "<center><a href=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\" target=\"_blanc\"><img src=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\" width=\"550\" border=\"0\"></a><br><br>\n</center>"; }?> to: for( $i=0; $i < count( $f_arr ); $i++ ) { if ($f_arr[$i] != 'thumbs.db') { print "<center><a href=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\" target=\"_blanc\"><img src=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\" width=\"550\" border=\"0\"></a><br><br>\n</center>"; } }?> Basically, only print the HTML if the filename is NOT thumbs.db. Yo can also write a more complex function to only allow know image types. This would be more difficult but I'm sure we can help out if you want us to. Yet another way to deal specifically with the thumbs.db is to add an .htaccess rule to disallow that file to be shown or used by HTML or PHP. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  18. First, the drop down menu as far as I know can not be formated in the way which you desire due to it's dynamic nature. The size varies and then the dropdown has it's own set of problems. I'm pretty sure that the entire thing is a multi component item. Meaning that the dropdown box during over is seperate from the box when not active. Basically, the dropdown (select) input type is too complex for such formating. Now this is my opinion of the situation. Now here is the facts. I have never seen the formating you described successfully implemented. The opacity filter (filters in general) are only supported by IE. I guess since IE has decided not to follow any of the standards for CSS which has soured webdesigners, they would try to shift focus to a kind of cool feature that only they support. IE's "I know there isn't any electricity but here is your new lamp!" approach to designing a web browser has forced many webdesigners to abandon widely compatible CSS standards just because one major software developer refuses to follow the standards. The newest Netscape release actually has an IE engine built in so that users can see any page as the webmaster designed it. Just click a button to see how it looks in IE or FF. Sorry I don't have better news for you. Oh and somebody please prove me wrong because I wish that these things were possible. vujsa
  19. Well, border="0"should do it. Just change: # Print file list for( $i=0; $i < count( $f_arr ); $i++ ) { # Only print path and filename print "<a href=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\"><img src=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\"></a><br><br>\n"; } to: # Print file list for( $i=0; $i < count( $f_arr ); $i++ ) { # Only print path and filename print "<a href=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "\"><img src=\"" . $path . "/" . $f_arr[$i] . "border=\"0\" \"></a><br><br>\n"; } You can also control this with CSS by adding a class to the thumbnails and specifying that it should not have a boreder in the CS file. You'll have to play with the CSS a little to get everything right. Hope this helps. vujsa
  20. I assume we are talking about the user 0 issue where when a file or directory is created with a script, the server is the owner of the entity. Basically, the script told the server to create the entity. The real problem is that in order to changed the permissions or ownership of a file, you have to be the owner. Even if the file already has the permission of 777, you cannot change the owner. Since we can't log in as the server, we need to write or use a script that will instruct the server to change the file attributes. I use the Bharat's (Gallery) Cleanup Script to change the files to 777 so I can modify or delete them. This way, you can create a copy of the file which will be owned by you then delete the original. I've had a lot of trouble and no success in attempting to actually change the file's ownership. If anyone fids a better way to deal with files that are owned the the server (user 0) let me know. vujsa
  21. The LGA 775 is the newer socket and as such will offer the most options for upgrading. The 478 is by no means outdated yet since there are many new processors still being made for that configuration. I would probably go with the 775 since all of your favorite P4's are availible in that package. I've been running a P4 1.7GHz in the 478 socket package for about 4 years now. I am also looking to upgrade and have many options for P4 processors for my motherboard but I think I'll go ahead and move to the newer socket. The hardest part about upgrading for me is that my motherboard has a 400MHz Front Side Bus so I either can't use many of the P4's on the market or I won't get the full potential of the processors I upgrade to. Definately no HT. Also, I'm still running PC133 memoery so I'm pretty far behind on that aspect. Good thing I have 512MB of memory to make up for the lack of speed. I also suggest learning more about your options by visiting the Intel website Happy Upgrading. vujsa
  22. Well, in an effort to help you out with this question, I wrote a tutorial which may be a bit advanced for you if you are just starting out in PHP but it can easily be turned into a working script with a little work. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/10028-topic/ Hope this helps. vujsa
  23. Actually, He can not change the permissions to 777 because he doesn't own the directory. The system owns it. Please read the entire topic prior to replying. vujsa
  24. Well, both HTML_Guru and twitch(guy) have been made mods in the last 6 months. twitch was made a mod just a few weeks ago. As far as the lack of new mods is that we currently have enough for the workload. We seem to have fewer spammers coming to the site these days so the need for a lot of moderators ins't required. Additionally, there have been many tools added to the forum to assist the staff and members maintain the forum. The report post feature was upgraded and now give use a better means to check the report out. The old system sent each staff member a PM then the first one to read the PM could either resolve the issue, leave it alone, or pass it off to an admin. This was done with notes in the post and PM's so it could take a while to get resolved because no one was sure if it had been checked by other staff members. The new system lists all of the reported post with the report and a link to the post. There is an option of deleting the report, leaving it open, or closing it. This way the staff member checking the reports can see which ones are unresolved.The credit system makes our jobs easier because it automatically filters out spammers because it takes a spammer so many posts to get enough credits for hosting. When a staff member sees a new member applying for hosting and sees that they have a large post count, they can be sure that the posts are very short. Checking those post usually confirms this. Then just deal with the junk posts and get rid of the spammer. The Hosting Application Script provides new users with more oppurtunities to read all of the required information prior to requesting a hosting account. Further modifictions to the script have added another level of checking the user by checking their hosting credits prior to generating the application. This gives the user yet another oppurtunity to read the required information prior to applying for a hosting account.One other step has been to post topics in various places on the forum to trick new users into reading the required information prior to requesting a hosting account. These posts use creative titles to lure the new user to the post. This is for people that arrive at our site thinking that this is like MySpace or GeoCities. This Has redirected many users to become good posters or new Xisto members.vujsa
  25. Assuming that what you whant to do in insert the contents of one file into your webpage, I have several options I'll discuss. Additionally, if what you want to do is select certain content out of another file and insert it in to your webpage I have very few options I can discuss with you. [/hr] Inserting content from an outside source. [/hr] IFRAMES The <iframe> tag can be used to insert a file's content into your webpage. It will insert the entire file so you can actually show another website's page in your page. The following code is the correct use of the <iframe> tag: <IFRAME name="frame1" src="http://forums.xisto.com/index.php&; width=600 height=400 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=auto></IFRAME>That would insert the Xisto forum index page into your page whereever you inserted the tag. The IFRAME acts as a seperate entity inside your webpage and requires additionally coding to allow thw user to interact with the frame contents. The frames contents can't control the parents content so an IFRAME is not usable as a means of navigation of the website. Basically, you can't create a single link menu file for your website and use an IFRAME to insert it into you webpages. [/hr] SSI (Server Side Includes) A server side include can be used to insert content into you webpage and gives much more control over what is displayed and how. Unlike the IFRAME, the SSI will directly insert the content into your webpage. As a result, the included content is a part of the main page and wil act like any other part of the webpage. Works great for headers, footers, menus, and advertisements. An SSI is used like this: First, create the content to be included: (module1.html) Search Engines:- <a href="http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista Vista</a><br>- <a href="http://www1.excite.com/security/0,17167,,00.html;- <a href="https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;- <a href="http://www.lycos.com/;- <a href="http://yahoo.com/;Then include that file in your main file like so:(index.shtml) <html> <head> <title>This is an SSI test</title> </head> <body>Some Content Here!<!--#include file="module1.html" -->More Content Here! </body></html>The downside to using SSI is that not all servers have the option availible. As a result, there isn't a lot of information about the command because most people that would have wanted to use the feature didn't have access to it on their host. Another downside to using SSI is that you usually need to tell the server when you want to use it by using the .shtml file extention instead of the .html extention. So to add SSI to your entire website, you would need to change all of your HTML files to SHTML files and of course change all of your internal links. You would also need to update your url at any other websites that link to your website. I would suggest revamping the entire website and leave your index.html intact with a redirect to the index.shtml. This will reduce the number of broken links on your website. [/hr] PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) Using the PHP include() or even require() functions is similar to the SSI option. The real difference is that PHP will work on any host that has PHP enabled. It doesn't matter what version of PHP you have, this will work. Since PHP is so widely offered these days, it will be easy to use this command. The PHP include function will include the contents of the entire file being included into the main PHP file. Like the SSI option, the content of the included file is inserted in raw form into the mainpage. So the file can include code bits, text, or html. The end user will have no idea that the page was put together from more than one file. To use the include function you'll first need to write the file to be included. For today just reuse the module1.html file from the SSI section. Since PHP will not interpret the contnents of the included file, you can give the file any extention that you want. It will just open the file and dump the contents into youe page where ever you insert the command. Here is your PHP file. (index.php) <html> <head> <title>This is a PHP include test</title> </head> <body>Some Content Here!<?php include("module1.html"); ?>More Content Here! </body></html>This will result in the same output as the SSI option. Although there is wide support for PHP, you will still have the same setback as SSI in that you will need to tell the server when you want to use PHP by using the .php extention. [/hr] Reading and using data from an outside source [/hr] By no means should this process be considered easy considering the number of PHP functions you would need to learn before starting. I'll try to give a basic rundown of how this works. First you'll need to know exactly what it is that you want from the remote file. This is used for displaying the user's weather on your website or even displaying your favorite stock quotes on your site. You'll need to figure out a way to identify that data only and ignore all of the rest of the files content. You'll need to used a number of regular expressions to filter the data. This is not an easy task and I couldn't begin to try and explain it all. Next, you'll need to actaully read the file. To do this, you'll need to use the PHP get_file_contents() function. Once you have the contents you'll apply whatever method you came up with to filter out the unwanted data. Now all you need to do is output the data you retrieved. Since this requires so much coding in PHP prior to even beginning to create your page, I don't recommend it for new PHP users. [/hr] Here is a list of related resources that you may find helpful in deterimining which option to use or how to do use more advanced commands. [/hr] IFRAMES http://www.lissaexplains.com/frames.shtml SSI http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PHP Include http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86340-topic/?findpost=1064320566 http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php Remote File Reading http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83250-topic/?findpost=1064298940 I hope that this information will be useful to you. If you have more questions regarding any of these options, please feel free to post them here or in a forum category that is directly related to the topic. I as well as many others will be happy to answer any further questions. Good Luck vujsa
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