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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Okay, last things first and first things when I get a chance. PHP operators are mostly the same as operators used by other languages and most are mathamatical in nature. I'll give a few here and provide a link to the rest. Basic Math: + addition 1 + 1 = 2 - subtraction 3 - 2 = 1 * multiply 2 * 3 = 6 / divide 6 / 3 = 2 % modulus (remander of division) 9 % 4 = 1 or 9 % 3 = 0 or 10 % 7 = 3 Assignment: This sets the value of the variable on the left side. = equal $this = 1 += Add To $this += 2 (this would add 2 to the value of $this) or ($this = $this + 2) -+ Subtract From $this -= 3 (this would subtract 3 to the value of $this) or ($this = $this - 3) Comparison: Compares the values or variables on either side of the operator. == Equal To $x == 2 (Is $x Equal To 2) != Not Equal To $w != 5 (Is $w Not Equal To 5) > Greater Than $r > $t (Is $r Greater Than $t) < Less Than $c < 7 (Is $c Less Than 7) >= Greater Than Or Equal To $e >= 100 (Is $e Greater Than Or Equal To 100) <= Less Than Or Equal To $p <= 1 (Is $p Less Than Or Equal To 1) Here is the link to all PHP operators as explained in the PHP manual. This part is fairly straight forward so you'll be able to understand I think. http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.php I suggest reading that entire chapter about Language Reference. I wouldn't worry too much about understanding all of the information but this will give you some reference to draw from. A lot of the stuff in that chapter will make sense now that you are starting to learn. If you have questions about your reading assignment, then you can get help here. One last thing about some of the symbols you have seen. The escape key (\) - This tells PHP to treat the next character as a literal character and not an operator. This will be better explained in the PHP manual link above. Additionally, in PHP (//) is used to comment a line of code. After you finish a line of code, you can comment as to what it is etc... Like this: $a = 201; // Assign 201 as the value of the variable $a Also, this can be used to escape an entire line of code:. // $a = "This is the new value of the variable";Php would overlook this line as a result. I use it to help identify errors in my code by "hiding" code line by line. Now that I explained that, the \/\/ was the escaping of the slashes in the "http://forums.xisto.com/;. At the time I wasn't thinking clearly and escaped the slashes because I was worried about the comment code being the same characters but forgot that the comment code isn't recognized inside of double quotes. That was the reason for the change in the orriginal code. For more information about commenting, Here is another tutorial of mine. Good Comments Make Good Scripts. java script: There is no limitation on JavaScript in PHP but you have to be sure to escape some of your code so that PHP doesn't mistake the JavaScript as it's own. Php can build JavaScript just like it build HTML, XHTML, or even XML. Just remember, PHP acts as the brain that arranges the HTML or JavaScript tocreate a web page that is viewable with a browser. Banner rotation is better with PHP because PHP can control which banneer to show when and where based on global values whereas JavaScript relies on local values. This will become more evident as you learn more PHP. Okay, I'll go into template use and design on my next post. Right now it is getting a little late and I need to give some thought about my next post. vujsa
  2. I have found that learning by example works best for me and I have found a lot of examples at Xisto.com. There is a wealth of knowledge at our sister site reguarging PHP. If you have a basic knowledge of PHP, then I think that OpaQue is right on the money by suggestion the official PHP guide at php.net . The manual can be a little difficult to navigate but everything is there if you know PHP. Not recommended for new users. vujsa
  3. Well you're pretty close on this one so we'll just put you on the right track. Because JavaScript is a client side script, it isn't able to keep a running count of page views. JavaScript has no way of writting information to a file on the server where a count file or database would be hosted. The easiest way is to have a small text file with one line of information on it (the current count that is) and a script file that reads the count file and increaces the count each view and displays the count. Because of the before mention limitations in JavaScript, you'll need to use a server side script or cgi. While php would be the easiest way to learn this; C, C++, Perl, Java, VB, etc. could all be used. Here are 2 tutorials in PHP that may help. Flat File counter: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80177-topic/?findpost=1064275846 MySQL counter: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80316-topic/?findpost=1064276669 Additionally, you'll find a lot of good information about PHP here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/168-forum/ Additionally, I'd like to let everyone know that we just recently added a tutorial request forum here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/192-forum/ Well, I hope that this will get you on your way now. Happy Counting. vujsa
  4. Hosted members see a slightly different version of the website that contains less intense text. This is because if they managed to get through the application process, they probably figured out the system and rules. So the red text is is gone in many cases for hosted members. vujsa
  5. You might be interested in this tutorial that I recently wrote. I deals with the suggestion that Hercco gave you and from the layout of your site, you may like this option. CMS101 - Content Management System Design. I also suggest that you read any topic here that relates to CMS and php includes. I tend to avoid using Frames and Iframes for various reasons most reguarding page navigation and scrolling. Hope you get the answer you need. vujsa
  6. No problem, glad that you are learning from this. Like you said, there is a lot of HTML embedded in the PHP scripts. This is because web browser can only display text, HTML, and visual media. The visual media can be simple images or complex flash media. When using PHP for internet use, the PHP manipulates the required HTML for the desired effect. If the HTML is not used, then the output will be displayed as simple text. Keep in mind that the reference was written by the developers so they already knew the information. The guide in no way should be considered a user guide but instead as you suggested, a reference for PHP programmers. Kind of like a PHP dictionary. Even the user posted examples and discussions are hard to follow. I'm getting ready to write a follow up tutorial and was wondering in you would be more inteested in more advanced menu building or should I cover something like a banner rotation script for the header.php file? Now that we have an ugly but working model, we can add to it and get more advanced. So what do you want to learn about. vujsa
  7. I edited the first post due to a couple of errors in the scrips for the menu.php. Here are the corrections: The second menu.php: Missing closing double quote on line 8. Forgot the echo command in the function call: Read - <?php make_menu("Alta Vista", "http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista;); ?> Should read - <?php echo make_menu("Alta Vista", "http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista;); ?> The last menu.php: Missing closing double quote on line 8. Forgot the echo command in the function call: Read - <?php make_menu("Alta Vista", "http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista;); ?> Should read - <?php echo make_menu("Alta Vista", "http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista;); ?> In the menu.php link builder that read: $link = "<a href=\"http:\/\/" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>\n"; // Assign a variable to hold your output until returned to the main script.Should read: $link = "<a href=\"http://" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>\n"; // Assign a variable to hold your output until returned to the main script.Removed incorrect escape characters in the variable definition of $link. If you want to avoid editing all of the missing echo commands in the function calls used, then you can replace the return command in the function with the echo command like this: Change - return $link; to echo $link; The echo command needs to be either in the function or the call. Sorry about the errors. vujsa
  8. Klass, I'm pretty bad with MySQL queries but here goes. $query = "SELECT * FROM i bf_farmlist WHERE i bf_farmlist.Defense_Bonus <= '$_POST[AttackBonus]' ORDERED BY i bf_farmlist.Name Asc"; The field name comes first and is compared to the variable. That should help a little. Like I said, I'm not very good at MySQL queries. vujsa
  9. Sorry to hear that you are still having problems. It is possible to turn the Windows Firewall off completety. This may help. Otherwise, go to add/remove programs and uninstall Service Pack 2. If things work after that, then at least you'll know where the problem is. You can always reinstall SP2 in the future if it isn't the problem.How are you requessting your local pages? assigned IP address. ( address provided by you ISP. ( you are using your ISP provided IP, is your router properly set up for port forwarding?Has your systems IP been changed from its original IP:Router assigned and that was the IP that port 80 was forwarded to then the router assigned after a reboot.There is a long list of problems that can occur with local web severs. One last thing, check under the advanced settings for your firewall and be sure that port 80 is still open. I've had mine randomly reset without assistans from a human. vujsa
  10. We thank you for your input and will make attempts to follow some of the suggestions you have given. "Free Web Hosting" - When a person goes to one of the many search engines availible and they want information about "Free Web Hosting", they tend to type "Free Web Hosting" into the search box. If you want people to find you as a place that offers "Free Web Hosting", then you want the search engine spiders to index your site and find that phrase. The more frequently the phrase "Free Web Hosting" appears on the website the more likely it is to show on the first page a search results on the search engines. When I went looking for free web hosting, that is exactly what I typed into Yahoo and ended up here. On to the Caps. We agree with you that the overuse of caps negates the efect of drawing attention to important information. Additionally, we consider the use of all caps in posts to be spam and take action to remove the offensive content and inform the poster that such practices will not be tolerated. The forum has a built in system that automatically prevents topic titles from being all caps. It works very well and in some cases, too well. Frequently I edit topic titles to change certain lower case letters to upper case to prevent confusion. The board uses the IPB forum script but if you but IPB in a title, it will appear as Ipb instead. I don't catch everything but I try to keep up. The use of abbreviations on this site by the staff is kept to a minimum but there are things that are missed and some that are intentionally left alone. Your example of BW is a perfect example for us to use here. If you are looking for free web hosting and you feel that you have the knowledge required to be able to remain active in the technical nature of the website, then you should deffinitely know what BW means. We prefer persons that lack this knowledge to join our sister site Xisto instead. We get a lot of people here that are looking for free web space instead of free web hosting and they simply don't have the required skills to keep up with their hosting credits. So in some cases the use of abbreviations can help users see that they may want to try other way to get web space. Red text and other means of conveying important information. We have a lot of trouble explaining exactly what we are offering here and what the rules are. This doesn't seem to be an inability to provide the needed information but instead appears to be an inability to get new members to read the information provided. We have several post here that either spell out the system and/or rules or that lead directly to the information. We have to disguise the rules as popular topics to get people to read the information. See here: File Upload Instructions For New Users. This is just another overview of the website and links to the required information that every new user will need to find free web hosting with us. So, we use color, caps, bold font, and asterisks to bring attention to the important stuff. Spelling and grammer mistakes. Sometimes we get into a rush to get this done and make mistakes that don't get caught or maybe don't get pointed out to us. Not all of the people tha thelp with the site are native English speakers. And only a few of us live in the United States so there are spelling errors due to differences in the spelling of some words around the World and grammar mistakes by people that only use English when they are online. Personally I am dyslexic so I have a few problems with spelling in particular. We request that you specific mistakes to OpaQue. He has full access to every aspect of the website and can make changes the most easily. I know that this reply looks like an excuss as to why we haven't changed the items you have pointed out but in fact it is an explaination as to why we have done some of the things that we have done. I am sure that there are some things that we have just missed some things and we will try to look more closely and identify the problems but ask that you point us in the right direction. It could be that there are things that are all upper case letters that either isn't important any longer or was placed in caps by mistake. Your continued input is appreciated and we hope that you will continue to critisize the website so that we can make it better. By the way, I see a few misspelled words but for the life of me, I can't think of what is wrong with the spelling. Keep the information flowing. vujsa
  11. That Service Pack 2 has a lot of "SECURITY" features that interrupt our lives if not properly configured. The new windows firewall that is installed by the SP2 has many more options than before but is turned on automatically. The feature is great for 99% of the population but for people that want to run a local server, things are more complicated.Glad everything worked out for you. ;)vujsa
  12. Did you reinstall Apache and MySQL. If you don't reinstall them, then windows won't be able to find them. Additianoally, you'll need to adjust the windows firewall settings that come with SP2 to open port 80 (HTML) even for your LAN to access apache. Are you able to start and stop Apache and MySQL through the command line? vujsa
  13. Here is what I presume your internet connection looks like:ISP --> DSL Modem --> Router/Switch --> Computer 1 --> Computer 2 --> Computer 3 --> etc...If so, then you are probably set to obtain an IP address automatically from your ISP.In which case, your homes IP address is something like your computers are probably something like and etc...The address to change is the one that the router receives from your ISP.This will probably be under your Routers Status Screen. Many routers offer an IP Release and/or IP Renew option. Release then turn the router and modem off for a minute. When you turn them back on, your router should be assign a new IP address.Be sure to write down your IP address before and after the reset in order to compare the two. If this will not work, then your ISP's IP block may be blocked for what ever reason. Could be that your ISP is just small enough that an undesireable internet user has ruined the reputation of you network and many of the ISP's IP addresses are banned.I hope this helps out because once everything is working for you, I'm sure that you'll be very happy with the system we have here.vujsa
  14. Here are some basics of PHP as requested by techocian. The PHP opening tag: <?php The PHP closing tag: ?> This tells the server that all information between the opening and closing tags should be handled by the PHP engine. The alternative PHP opening tag: <?The server should automatically recognize that this is a PHP opening tag but the <?php tag is better and will always work correctly. The & as seen in this tutorial is actually used only for the HTML portion of the script. The & tells the browser that an HTML special character will be used and will end with a semi-colon (;). So &nbsp; = Non-breaking Space. And &diams; = a diamond Shaped bullet. The dollar sign ($) is used in PHP to denote a variable. So $var is a variable named "var". Basically, the $ tells the PHP engine that the dollar sign and letters and numbers after it are the variable name. There can not be any spaces in a variable name as a space tells PHP that the name has ended. Additionally, there are other characters that are not allowed but we'll get into that later. PHP can be used to create pages dynamically but the page will not be dynamic. Basically, PHP is used to create a web page by writing the required HTML for a given situation. For example, you could create a dark web page for night and a light web page for the daytime by using the PHP date and time functions. So the page would be dynamically generated but the output would be static unless a client side script was also written to the page. Meaning that PHP can also output JavaScript with the HTML and the JavaScript can add a dynamic feature to the page. Of course, PHP doesn't create or write anything that you don't program it to do. So what ever HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, SHTML you want to output, you'll need to provide PHP the code to use. For more information about PHP, you'll have to bookmark the source: http://php.net/ This is the main support page for PHP and is about as good as it gets. I have yet to find a better site for information which is too bad because the PHP manual is less than user friendly. You'll have to know what you want before you can get information about it. ????? I suggest finding a basic PHP script and trying to figure it out. When you can't figure something out, then search for that item on the site. The more familiar you get with PHP the more help that the manual will be. One of the reasons I wrote this tutorial was to provide a very basic PHP web page for new PHP users to start from. The script should give enough of an overview of basic PHP that users can build from there. Hope this clears things up a bit. vujsa
  15. Overview: Frequently people ask about Content Management Systems here and are looking for advice regarding which CMS would work best for them. Often, the user requesting the help doesn't realize that they can design their own CMS that will provide them with the results they are looking for without needing to install a bulky program. This usually stems from the relatively few features that users want from their CMS. Many users just want an easy way to manage their website and edit their content. In this tutorial we'll discuss a very simple way to create a template driven CMS. While the system will require a new template for each page in the website. The method describe here will utillize the PHP include function. The include function has a very simple syntax to it and is shown as follows: <html><head><title>My CMS</title></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" style="font-family: verdana;"><table width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor=silver> <?php include("header.php"); ?> <!-- Used for Banner Advertising etc... --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="150" bgcolor=red valign="top"> <?php include("menu.php"); ?> <!-- Used for The Main Menu... --> </td> <td bgcolor=navy> <?php include("main.php"); ?> <!-- Could be left out and actual content inserted instead. --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor=purple> <?php include("footer.php"); ?> <!-- Banner Ads, Copyright Info., etc... --> </td> </tr></table></body></html> header.php function make_menu($name, $url) { // Name and declare the function and assign variables to the arguments passed by the call. $link = "<a href=\"http://" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>\n"; // Assign a variable to hold your output until returned to the main script.return $link; // Return the output data held in the variable $link to the place in the main script where it was called from.} Okay, there is our function that takes simple information and creates the menu link. But wait a minute, the function was supposed to handle the menu header as well. We could write a new function just for the menu headers but instead we'll modify our existing function to handle the headers. First lets look at the function call: function make_menu($name, $url) { // Name and declare the function and assign variables to the arguments passed by the call. if ($url == "header") { $link = "<span style=\"font-color: lime;\">" . $name . "</span><br>"; // Assign a variable to hold your menu header until returned to the main script. } else { $link = "<a href=\"http://" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>\n"; // Assign a variable to hold your menu link until returned to the main script. }return $link; // Return the output data held in the variable $link to the place in the main script where it was called from.} Now we have a function that will check and see if a header or link will be generated and output the required HTML. Now how do we use the call properlly? Any place you want to have a menu item or title shown, just drop in the function call with the correct arguments. As shown in our new menu.php file: <?phpfunction make_menu($name, $url) { if ($url == "header") { $link = "<span style=\"font-color: lime;\">" . $name . "</span><br>"; } else { $link = "<a href=\"http://" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>"; }return $link;}?><?php echo make_menu("Search Engine", "header"); ?><?php echo make_menu("Alta Vista", "http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Excite", "http://www1.excite.com/security/0,17167,,00.html;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Google", "https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Lycos", "http://www.lycos.com/;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Yahoo", "http://yahoo.com/;); ?> And there we go, all done. While it seems to be more work than you would normally do, it will eventually save a lot of time in editing and reading. Imagine that your menu is rather large like this version of menu.php: <?phpfunction make_menu($name, $url) { if ($url == "header") { $link = "<span style=\"font-color: lime;\">" . $name . "</span><br>"; } else { $link = "<a href=\"http://" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>"; }return $link;}?><?php echo make_menu("Search Engine", "header"); ?><?php echo make_menu("Alta Vista", "http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Excite", "http://www1.excite.com/security/0,17167,,00.html;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Google", "https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Lycos", "http://www.lycos.com/;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Yahoo", "http://yahoo.com/;); ?><hr><?php echo make_menu("Public Forums", "header"); ?><?php echo make_menu("Xisto", "http://forums.xisto.com/index.php); ?><?php echo make_menu("Xisto", "http://forums.xisto.com/); ?><?php echo make_menu("AntiLost", "http://www.antilost.com/;); ?><hr><?php echo make_menu("Online References", "header"); ?><?php echo make_menu("Dictionary", "http://dictionary.reference.com/;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Thesaurus", "http://www.thesaurus.com/;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Maps", "http://www.mapquest.com/;); ?><?php echo make_menu("Phone", "http://www.att.com/;); ?><hr> Now that is much easier to manage than an HTML encoded menu that would take more lines to write and if you want to change the bullet used before the link, then with this system, you only need to change the one bullet in the function instead of every menu item. Major time saver especially if the new bullet doesn't look good and you need to try several others before get the right one. Now looking at the newest version of the menu.php file, you can start to see the beginnings of a simplified database. I'll post more information about converting this function to use an array then a flat file database. In the end, I hope to show how to build the menu from an SQL database table. Additionally, I'll try to add information that will add more options to your starter template set and more management tools. Also, I'll show how use a single template for the entire website instead of the same template for each page. This will really get your website working for you instead of you working for your website. Hope everyone gets some use from this. Happy Programming vujsa Notice from vujsa: Edited a few minor PHP errors to be correct. I never tested the scripts prior to posting the tutorial. Only three bugs fixed. Next time I won't just do the programming in my head.
  16. Well, I didn't get a chance to view you posts about the BBS forum. I'll assume that it was in the hosted members category and not the software category because it seems to be doing quite well.As far as being warned forever, we'll see about that. As long as you stay under 100% you'll be fine. As far as your opinion about any forum, we encourage you to voice your concerns as long as you can provide a quality post to do so. If it is the forum I think that it is, I also am not a fan and wonder if it is needed but if I choose to express that opinion, I will do so in a manner that follows the rules set for this site. There are many posts here that I do not agree with but as long as there was a true effort to provide quality information to the forum, I don't mind.vujsa
  17. The first thing to explain is that your HTML writing skills are of absolutely no concern to the Google indexing spider. It is looking at the text portion and links of your website only.You can write your page in only the most basic HTML and the spider will be even more likely to index you properly.Next, in order for your website index.html to be listed on Google, it will need a link from another web page. The better the web page that links to you, the higher up in relevence you will be listed.Your old site probably did do well and here is why.Because you were hosted on the university server and probably listed somewhere on there homepage list, your site was linked to by a very high ranking website. University websites tend to be high ranking.Additionally, each page is ranked individually so being linked on the worst page of a high ranking website doesn't help.Also, how are you searching for your site on Google? My site will not show if I search for the URL on Google but if a search for a unique keyword that appears on my website, Google will list it. Also, if I search for the topic of my website, several thousand results are shown but I have never read down the list far enogh to find my site.Remember that the spiders are looking for completely different than your visitor want to see. Meaning, spiders look for text and link content while users want flashy graphics and neat features.The spiders find you by following links on other sites. Being listed on other sites is the best way to boost your site listing in Google.vujsa
  18. OK, here is the deal. The cPanel has a minor little issue about disk space and disk usage. here is an explanation of the issue. The disk usage is only check by the cPanel once every 24 to 48 hours. This is designed to reduce the load placed on the servers as this update does require some resources and there are a lot of accounts to check. The disk usage is not calculated in real time or near real time because if it were the server would be too busy to serve web pages. Additionally, the disk usage includes all of your email storage, file storage, and database storage among a few other things. When your account is created, a webpage is already installed on the account that simply shows the Xisto home page. All of the files for this page are included in your account and that takes up room. This is used to provide some content in the event that the user never actually uses the account. Happens sometimes. The otherwise unused space provides a link back the Xisto. The files used for the Xisto homepage are rather large and would account for much of your disk usage. Because the script installer uses the cPanel disk usage data and not the actual disk usage, it will not install scripts that will exceed the maximum disk usage amount even if there is in reality enough room. As a result, Mambo can not be installed via Fantastico until your disk usage plus the Mambo disk space needed is less than you maximum disk storage capacity. The first thing you should do is remove any of the web files that you no longer need from the public_html folder. Do not delete the folder itself and do not delete the www folder or any of its contents. most of the default folders should be left alone but everything inside of the default public_html folder can be discarded if desired as long as the folder is left in place. There may be a few new account creation temporary files left behind that are also using space. In the end, you may just need to wait a day or two to get the disk usage thing worked out but ultimately, you should probably try to get your 30 credits and upgrade to the standard hosting account where disk usage should be less of an issue for you. As far as your member type not being displayed as Hosted, that may also take a day to work its way out. Hope this helps. vujsa
  19. Well, as I said, I can't really help you with your issue but I'm sure you'll get some help here.Perhapes your next program will be a DLL writer for your users. As you said, you can't anticipate every need of your users but such a program could be used to create a basic DLL for them. Just a thought. Personally, I've never written a DLL and wouldn't know where to begin so I can't invision all of the pitfalls involved in creating such a program. My thought was that if your users can't or won't write their own DLL, then they may not wish to or be able to use a scripting language to obtain the same results.You might do some searches for classes that are already written that could handle your scripting events for you. Maybe someone else has already come accross the same situation as you and has written such a class in C++. It may need to be adapted for you needs but if it was well written, it should be generic enough for you to build around. At the very least, it could give you a roadmap to follow.vujsa
  20. I get what you are trying to do now. Unfortunately, I'm beyond the realm of bad with C++. I see a couple of drawbacks to using the scripting languages in this way. The first is that keeping all of the coding compiled in C++ will provide much better results for you. Trying to swap between the executable and the scriptreader will slow things down and add work to the system. Additionally, the user will need to have the script engine installed on their system for the program to work. Well, I hope you find your answer and I'm sorry I can not be of more help. vujsa
  21. I think that most of us will need more information about what you want to do. What program? We need to know what program or language you want to "tie" a script to. If you want to add scripting to a server generated web page, then many of us can help out. Here is what we'll need to help: What language is the program written in? What scripting language are you trying to add to the program? Brief description of what you are trying to accomplish or at least an example of the idea. We understand that you may wish to conceal some informatin to protect your work and we'll try to work around that to help out but we do need some information. If you want to add something like PHP to a Perl based program, we may have a little trouble but there are ways to do anything. vujsa
  22. Logan, I'm glad it worked out for you. It's funny that the biggest problem you had was resetting your IP address. LOL :)One of the reasons I chose the NEWS example was because many people like to add news to their front page. But all of the SSI's are pretty much the same. For example, you can have your board statistics show or the title of your newest topic.Another nice feature for small community forums is to have who's online listed on the front page. That way you know as soon as you come to the site which of your friends is already their.In addition to all of the SMF SSI functions that are availible, PHP allows for all type of file inclusions. So not only could you add features from your forum to the rest of your site but you can add feature from the rest of the site to your forum.Just write a file with whatever code you want to use and save it to your server. Then just use the same include function as above but change the path to your new file. The file could be anything; HTML, PHP, JavaScript, etc.I like this kind of file inclusion for menus because menus change frequently and should look the same on every page. This allows for quick editing of the menu because only one file needs to be edited.Happy Including. :Pvujsa
  23. For DVD quality MPEG-2, about 1 MB per minute of video. So your starter account would hold 20 minutes if no other space was used. But, this is not a file sharing website, it is for website hosting. Please be sure that you understand and follow the rules here. This link may help you some: File Upload Instructions For New Users. Good Luck. vujsa
  24. Here is all of the information you will need reguarding your questions. I hope this helps out. File Upload Instructions For New Users. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to PM a moderator such as myself and we will assist you further. vujsa
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