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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. If you dan't have any way of forwarding incoming HTML port requests, then there is no way that you will be able to setup an externally accessible web server. Unless you can ask your neighbor to change the port forwarding to your local IP address and that only works if your local IP address never ever changes. If it ever changes, then she would have to change the routers forwarding to the new address every time it gets changed. Is there any reason in which you do not want to get your own broadband account which would let you do what you want? By the way, does your neighbor even know that you are sharing her wireless network? vujsa
  2. Yeah, HTML does not belong in a CSS file. It won't work there. I see what you want to do and here is the most obvious solution especially since you are already using PHP. You can put your entire menu in its own file like menu.php. menu.php: <ul id="nav"><ul> <li><a href="#">Profile</a></li> <ul> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/profile/person.php>Personal</a></li> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/profile/studio.php>Studio</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Buy</a> <ul> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/buy/studio.php">Studio</a></li> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/buy/sets.php">Sets</a></li> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/buy/ads.php">Advertisements</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Hire</a> <ul> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/hire/crew.php">Crew</a></li> <li><a href="ftv.astahost.com/hire/writers.php">Writers</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> Then you can simply place all of your style information into a single CSS file. No reason to seperate them. The browser just reads what it needs for the document being shown anyhow. You can still use more than one CSS if you want but it isn't needed. The whole idea is to reduce the number of files you have to edit not increase them. But in your main.php file, here is where you get to have some fun! You can now tell PHP to insert the contents of any file where ever you want in your document. This is done using the PHP function include(). main.php<html> <head> <TITLE> Fantasized TeleVision</TITLE> </head> <body> <LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; TYPE="text/css"> <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="menustyle.css" TYPE="text/css"> <?php include("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;; ?> <div id="banner"></div> <center> <font color=red size=12>Fantasized TeleVision</font> </center> <h3><align="left"><font color=red><b>Site Under Construction</b></font></align></h3> <center><b><a href="http://ftv.astahost.com/forum/" target=_"new">Visit the FTV Forum</a></b></center> <p align="right"><b>Edge City</b></align> <br> <?php $today = date("F j, Y, g:i"); echo $today ?> </body> </html> This would result in the exact same output as was described by Emerald Green. The difference is that you can simple place one line of PHP into any of your PHP documents and that code will be included. Then you need only edit a single menu.php file if you need to make changes later on. For more information on the subject, try this tutorial: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86340-topic/?findpost=1064320566 Hope this helps. vujsa
  3. Most browsers today are very forgiving. Many are too forgiving. They do everything that they can to try to parse a document. In the beginning, about half of the web pages served were plain text and you could only get the browser to parse HTML if the file contained valid HTML. Otherwise the entire document was treated like a text document and all of your source code was displayed instead of a parsed HTML document. Now we no longer have to worry about our pages showing up as raw HTML since the browsers tries to fill in the blanks as best as it can which pretty much means anything will get parsed but if you leave a closing tag out, the browser will insert it somewhere and many times not where you would want it. Sometimes it is difficult to find the problem since we usually have a lot of HTML to look at in a single page and we usually assume it is a problem with our CSS or something else. The easiest way to find problems is to write your code in such a way as to make it easier to read in raw form. Good Comments Make Good HTML is an article I wrote that provides tips to aid in writting cleaner code. Using the HTML validator at W3C can help identify missing tags. This tool was created to try to help web designers write more standardized code. Hope this helps. vujsa
  4. I had troublewith my cable modem for about a month. Started happening after a big storm. TRurned out to be a damaged cable line to the house. Just enought to kill the digital signal but not enough to really impact my analog cable TV reception. I'd either get a no signal indicator or a trying to connect indicator on the modem LEDs. You should call your cable company and have them check it out. Comcast's broadband service is about $50 a month here so as far as I'm concerned, it should never have a problem. There shouldn't be a service charge for having a technition come check it out. Even calling the cable company, they can check to see if there are connection errors from your account. vujsa
  5. The system is automated. There is no little guy that sits around waiting for you to post so he can calculate your credits. :unsure:The system reads the posts, ignores all text inside of quote and code tags, then counts the number of words remaining in the post.The number of words is then used in a calculation which determins the number of credits that you get. It is designed to be as fair as possible but still deter one line spammers from gaining much credit. Since very very small posts receive a less than normal amount of credits per word, this leads the spammer to decided, usually, that it is too much work to get hosted here. Sometimes the spammers just make more one line posts to get to 10 or 30 credits for hosting. It actually doesn't work since the staff deletes the posts which deduct more credits than was recieved to begin with.As far as the format of your post, I outlined an introduction, body, and conclusion system since it was the easiest to explain to everyone. The credit system doesn't care what your first three lines are as long as it is not in one of the excluded tags. It is up to the staff to determin if the post is actually written information or just a lot of random text (trash). The three part post works best when trying to enhance a post the only has content because you can add the introduction and conclusion to it to boost the size.I don't have the exact formulas and numbers but here is a very basic explanation of the credit system exagerated:500 words = 5.00 credits;250 words = 2.50 credit;50 words = 0.45 credits;10 words = 0.04 credits;See how very small posts get so much fewer credits.If 500 words = 5.00 credits in the normal forums, then it gets 7.50 credits in the tutorial forum.If you post got 5.00 credits and is deleted by staff, then you lose 7.50 credits.If your 500 word post is edited to 600 words then your credits change from 5.00 to 6.00 credits.If your 500 word post is edited to 250 words then your credits change from 5.00 to 2.50 credits.If your 500 word post is moved from a normal forum to a non-credit forum, then you will lose 5.00 credits.If your 500 word post is moved from the tutorial forum to a non-credit forum, then you will lose 7.50 credits.Like I said, I don't know the exact figures used in the credit system and to make it easier to follow I used round numbers.As you can see, the system is pretty straight forward unless it has to deal with bad posts.I think this is the thirds version of the credit system that has been used here and this one is by far the best. Many of the credit adjustments it performs had to be done manually before this one. I'm glad to see that so many people have enjoyed this article.vujsa
  6. I write very large posts here. I usually write very large posts other places I go as well and if anyone has received a PM from me you know I write a lot there too. I have an ability to take the smallest idea and write on and on about it. I'll write about the color, size, texture, weight, taste, and smell of the widget. Maybe I write too much sometimes but I have a lot of credits. Due to the overwelming size of most of my posts, I frequently receive requests from members for pointers on how to increase the size of the member's posts. As a result, I decided to write this little tutorial and get a few credits to share my techniques. That was what is called an introduction. It is worth about 0.5 credits and is only about 100 words long. The key to writting a good introduction for your post is to either clarify what part of a question you are attempting to answer if replying to a question or providing some background information about the topic you will be writting about. When you are responding to a question, it is a good idea to identify the part of the question you will be refering to. Most questions will be multipart or may be interpreted more than one way. In order to be clear as to what you are answering, you should state what you interpret the question to be. For example, examine the poorly written question below. Well, starting from oldest method to newest we have letter, telegram, fax, email, and text message! Each has its own set of directions needed to complete the task of sending a message to your friend but which method is the inquisitor refering to? So now lets examine the following poorly written answer to the question. Great, we took a bad question and gave an even worse answer. That answer refers to most methods of sending a message to someone else but gives absolutely no explaination as to how this can be accomplished for any of the message sending methods. So this would be an opportunity to clarify which part or parts of the question you will answer based on how you interpret it. If you are posting new information like you would for a new topic or tutorial be sure to give as much information in the introduction as possible. Consider that you want to start a discussion about formatting the hard drive of your computer. You might want to provide a little information about the hardrive, computer, and situation which leads up to the formating. So that was a pretty good introduction don't you think? What operating system are we taliking about? The process is completely different between Linux and Windows. Kind of a big deal if you are trying to figure out how to format your hard drive by reading this post right? Turns out I'm talking about a TiVo (Digital Video Recorder) upgrade. I never said that we were working on a computer. A few lines of computer and operating system specifications would give the reader a better idea of what you are talking about and will provide you with a few mor credits for the post. This is also true if you are asking a question. If you were asking how to format your new hard drive but didn't tell everyone it was for a TiVo, then you wouldn't get the information you needed since the drive needs to be formated on a PC then installed in the TiVo! ----------------------------------------------- So now we know how to write a decent introduction to your post for most types of posts made. Lets get into the content portion of of your post. Sometimes members are so excited about posting there response or new topic that they forget to put something in the post. Usually, the bare minumum number of words needed to complete a sentence is used. Again we use the message example: Not only is it nearly impossible toanswer this question without writting 1000 words, this post will receive very very very few credits. 0.01 or less credits will be earned for this question. If a staff member ses it first, it will be deleted. Be sure to ge tthe most out of your content. Give the reader an chance to help you out and both of you a chance to earn a few credits in the process. Be specific about what you are asking but don't make your question so narrow that it can't be answered. This would be a good time to bring up any ideas you have considered trying ar a prefered method of reaching your goal. Here is a rewrtitten version of the same question without an introduction. I managed to increase the size of the content part of that post from 9 words to about 75 words. Thats about 8 times as large! If you are writting a tutorial, then you really need to milk the content section for all it is worth. This should make up at least 70% of your post. So if your intro is 75 words, then your content should be more that 300 words! A lot of people tend to make up most of there tutorial with images or code which earn 0 credits. I you use a lot of images, be sure to give a detail explanation of the photos is showing. If you have a bunch of code, then try to break it down into smaller parts as logic dictates and descript each part. You can have a larger complete coded box at the end of the content if you wish but if you disguss each of the smaller parts in detail then you can write the tutorial like you were writting several smaller tutorials! Not only does this make it easier to increase the size of your post, you will more than likely write a much easier to read and more informative tutorial. To use a very simple examle, here is a basic HTML tutorial: Now if you elaborated on each of the code snippets shown, you would have quite a post when you get done and the user would be able to see exactly which part of the code you were talking about. Be sure to give all of the information about the topic here. A lot of people tend to leave stuff out that they consider to be common knowledge which may not be the case. Using the HTML example from above, you can't assume that someone interested in a beginner HTML tutorial knows that they can actually use a program as basic and cheep as Notepad to write and save their HTML documnets with. This same technique is used for basic non-tutorial posts that provide a different kind of information. Imagine that you are writting a topic about someplace that you visited. You have a bunch of pictures to show everyone and you are pretty excited. Give a descript of each picture. What the picture is of, who is in the picture and when the picture was taken. Maybe you have a funny story to go with each photo. That would really boost the content of your post! Another common informational topic type that tends to lack content is the new release topic. We have a lot of people post new topics when a new game or software title is released. A lot of times the only information we get is basically the same as the title! If this product is a newer version of a current product then what are the differences. Have you tried the new product? What did you like most about the product or what do you think you will like about it. Was there a reason for a new version of the product to be released? Should I get the new product and why? If I have an older version of the product should I keep what I have or get the new version? Answering questions like these before they are asked gives you the credits instead of the person that replies. ----------------------------------- Finally, you really need to wrap up your post. A summary of what you discussed is the best way. It should be about as big as your introduction. Many times people leave this part out but it should be about 15% of the post so it should add a few point to your credits earned. Here is where you can resolve unfinished issues in your post and try to leave you reader with a chance to reflect on the content. Often times I use this to give the user something to think about beyond the scope of the tutorial if that is what I am writting. I also like to provide a section of further resources in the part of the post. This would include links to other related tutorials or topics that are related. Links to websites that can provide more information on a subject work well here as well. I tend to link to other tutorials that I wrote if they are related and provide either a definition of terms used or a link to a place where the term is defined. If I use a rarely used PHP function in my code, I'll provide a link back to the online manual that further explains the function. This is the perfect place to thank the user for reading the post or thank everyone in advance for any help that may be offered. All of this is relevant information to the post but serves to fill out the body and earn a few more credits. These are all techniques I use to make the most out of my post but what if you are having trouble coming up with topics or you can't seem to find any topics to reply to? Well, the answer is creative posting. What is creative posting? Creative posting is a techique I use to post when there seems like nothing to post about. These are question posts written to try and get a new discussion going. A really well written question post will get a lot of replied going and as a result will give you the chance to repond to a reply. I always try to follow up on replies to my topics and replies. This will give you a chance to participate in a dialog. Polls are another good way to start a good discussion. A good poll will attract a lot of participation in the forum allowing you to repond to everyones opinion. Following up on a post can revive a topic or give it the energy that it needed to get going in the first place. A lot of people ask for help and many people reply but then the topic starter never respondes to those that tried to help. Asking about the status of the situation can prompt the topic started to give a follow up of the problem and thank everyone for their help or request more information. Sometimes an answer was found elsewhere before they checked back here and they didn't use the help which is fine but they could at least tell how they solved their problem aif they were able to. Remember, you don't have to NOT know the answer in order to ask the question. Maybe you just want to see how someone else deals with a problem that you already solved. To conclude this article, I have just a few more general suggestions and information. - Always use real words, proper spelling, and correcct grammar! These are the kinds of things that get posts deleted. - When in doubt, more information is better than less. - Content inside of a quote or code tag is not included in the total size of your posts when the credit calculation is performed. - Images and other media is not considered when calculation credits. - Very small posts receive a very very very small amount of credits to deter members from posting them. - - A one line post will get less than half the credits of a two line post. - - The credit system has been designed to penalize one line spammers by barely giving any credit at all. - Posting a tutorial in the tutorial sectin will give you a bonus in the credits you receive for that topic. This is for the first post of the topic only. - Posts can be edited to increase the credits earned if done in a reaonable amount of time. Posts edited to be shorter will take away the number of credits earned. - - This is to prevent people from dumping a large chunk of trash into the forum to get credits then edit the post to something else that is smaller. - - The credits will be recalculated after each edit for a post. - Try to earn at least 1 credit each post. This will reduce the number of posts you'll need to make. Using these techniques as I have described here can help you increase the number of credits that you earn with each post and as a result will require you to post less often. But remember, you can never have too many credits, you'll always need them and you can bank as many as you like. I currently have 120 credits without this tutorial. I'd have more but I took about 3 months off from the forum. I had 170 before that. I'm not saying that everyone can write large posts like I do but if you just increase you post size a little, you'll notice the difference. I Hope This Helps Everyone Out! vujsa
  7. Well, if you are just wanting to advertise products from Amazon on your website, then you can use their forms to build ads based on several criteria. You can do individual item ads or keyword ads. Using an ad management script, you can rotate the ads as you wish. The database only comes into play if you want to build ads or use the data outside of the normal Amazon ad builder. Like if you wanted to show all of the books related to a certain keyword but you wanted to display them in a format not offered by the Amazon ad builder form. Another reason for this is if you wanted to offer a lot of information to your users without the need for them to go to Amazon. You can advertise a book and have a link to more information. Then you can have a page on your server that will allow the usser to get the information they need without leaving your website. This way if they don't want the book, they are still on your website to look for more. If they buy the book directly from your website, you get a larger commission. If the user goes to Amazon doesn't buy the book and buys a different book instead, you still get a commission but not a much. The Amazon Associates program also allows for the creation of your own web based bookstore that uses the Amazon stock as your stores stock. A purchase from your website is shipped from Amazon and you get the commission. I'm not sure of all of the details on this program. All of this information is openly available at Amazon.com Hope This Helps. vujsa
  8. I'm an Amazon Associate and I have had some experience with the database that you are refering to. The database is XML based so there are several ways to use the information. You can search via url the entire database for keywords, title, author, etc... You can use PHP to interface with the XML either with the PHP XML functions or by pattern recognition inside of the XML documents. The XML document returned will look something similar to this: <title>This Book Title</title><author>Some Author</author><year>2006</year> That is a simplified example but you can see that collecting the data using pattern recognition is pretty straight forward if you know how to do this in PHP. You can also use an XML parser to help you out but you'd need to know how to access it from whatever other script or program you are using. There are some scripts written by other Amazon Associates that you may be able to use. Amazon will have it's staff check your site out from time to time to ensure that you aren't abusing the system. Just remeber, as long as you provide the buy it link with any database item you display on your website, you can pretty much clone their database without any problems. You can use a script to search the Amazon database and copy any information that you search for into your own database. You database will be quicker to access from your site that the Amazon database. Then from your database, you can provide your users with a very detailed description of any book from the database. You can even get the images from Amazon which they want you to save to your own server. Then somewhere on the page probably near the bottom, just add your link to the Amazopage for the book. This way you are actively advertising the product from Amazon and providing your users with all the information they need. Who knows, someone may even buy the book and you'll get the 4%. Amazon is kind of slow going sometimes but at least you only need $10.00US to get paid each quarter. Well, I hope this helps. vujsa
  9. I think I can lead you in the right direction. I won't write any code for you since I think you'll learn more quickly if I just give you some sample code to work with. It is kind of off the beaten path but there is an example of how to upload files like images to the server at the PHP.net website. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php Here is the form used to upload files: Here is the script that handles that form and uploads the file and moves it to the right directory: I think you should carefully read the entire File-Upload page at PHP.net. $uploadfile is the name and location that the file will be saved as. If you don't want it to be named the same as the user's name but instead want to have the server name it instead like image001.jpg, then replace that line. Once uploaded, you can have the file moved or copied with the PHP File System Functions. For the Moderator / Admin options, since everyone uses the file upload and news options, then we can code that pretty easily. For the Admin only options, we'll need to chack for the user type. Basically, only show the Admin only options if the user is an Admin: if($usertype == 'Admin') { echo "Admin Only Options";} As for the actual form, the MySQL interface is rather simple. When you load the page, be sure to insert the database values into the form fields. Once the user has made the changes and submits, then the form fields will be inserted into the database using the MySQL UPDATE command. This is done the same as any MySQL querry in PHP. You'll need to review the usage at the MySQL website. $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE tablename SET fieldname = 'fieldvalue' WHERE fieldname = 'condition'"); You only need to update the fields that change. I'm not sure how much information about this you'll need so I'll stop for now. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  10. Before USB, the printers didn't come with printer cables that were really kind of expensive considering that they didn't last forever and needed to be replaced every few years. I can't begin to tell you how many people I know bought new printers because the printer cable stopped working.vujsa
  11. Thanks for the information.
  12. First you'll need to earn at least 10 hosting credits by making quality posts in the forum. The number of posts does not determine the number of credits you get. You post size and quality is the only factor use to calculate credits. Read this: File Upload Instructions For New Users. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  13. Send me the following email addresses in a Personal Message:Xisto Forum Registration Address Used (This is the email that you got the validation email from).The Email Address in your user profile for Xisto at the time that your account was approved.vujsa
  14. Check the email that you used to register for the forum to get your information.vujsa
  15. There are also several very good pre-written scripts in Fantastico in your cPanel that may be of help. - PHPlist is a mailing list script. - ViPER Guestbook is a guestbook script.Also there are several CMS scripts which allow for complete Content Management including news, F.A.Q., links, user authentication, forums, etc... Most of these have the option to send an email/newletter to all of your members.Hope This Helps. :(vujsa
  16. Did you use the same email account for you Hosting Application as you did for your Xisto registration?
  17. Well, the example from PHP.net is as good as I can explain so here it is: You'll need to be sure to use the right image create function for the image type being used. Change imagecreatefromjpeg to the correct image format. This will probably require some kind of conditional statement or switch. This process simply makes the image 1/4 the size it was originally. The example says that the image is half size but it is half as tall AND half as wide. So half of half is a quarter. You probably want to have your thumbnails all the same size so a percentage calculation won't really work. You also won't want you images to lose their ratios where they may get squished or stretched. You'll need to base the image size on the original dimensions of the image. First you'll need to get the height and width of the original image. imagesx() to get the width. imagesy() to get the height. $orig_width = imagesx($source);$orig_height = imagesy($source); Then you need to do some calculations. Let's say that you want your thumbnails to be 100px tall. $orig_width = imagesx($source);$orig_height = imagesy($source);First we figure out the reduction percentage.$reduction_percentage = $get_width / $orig_width;$newwidth = $orig_width * $reduction_percentage;$newheight = = $orig_height * $reduction_percentage; Now if your original image was 600W X 800H and you asked for 100px wide then the thumbnail would be: 100W X 133H. 1200W X 1600H = 100W X 133H 500W X 600H = 100W X 120H 300W X 350H = 100W X 116H 700W X 800H = 100W X 114H But what if you has a photo in the landscape orientation? 1600W X 1200H = 100W X 75H 500W X 400H = 100W X 80H 700W X 300H = 100W X 43H 900W X 600H = 100W X 67H This may leave you with images that are too short and as a result too small overall! You may want to add an option to check to see which dimension is larger, the height or width. Then base the thumbnail on on the larger measurement. Maybe use a minimum height calculation. This way your thumbnails will be more uniform and easier to view by the user. I am concerned about one thing though. You said that you don't want to save the image. If you will be generating many resized images, then your server performance will be impacted. Consider how long it takes you computer to resize an image in PhotoShop or any other graphics editor. Imagine if you did the possibly a thousand times a minute. You computer would be unbelievable slow. The same with the server and if you are sharing a server with other accounts as you probably are, then you may get booted off by your service provider because you keep tying up or crashing the server. Your site may not work at all if you get too many visitors trying to view resized images all at once. The better method is to save the thumbnail on the server. They don't take much storage space because they are so small. That's the whole point. You will use more storage over all but it will give you much better performance in the end. Bandwidth usage will be the same with either method! You don't have to go to the trouble of thumbnailing everything manually. Just have your script check to see if that image has a thumbnail. If it does, then load that image otherwise, create a new thumbnail, save it and then load it. I use this method to save server resources myself but with a delay system. I'm working on a dynamic signature image generator that is near real-time. It has a buffer added to it so that the image is only refreshed every 20 minutes and then only if it is requested. The signature displays game statistics which don't need to be updated in real-time. Just remember, servers are very good at serving files like image files. They can do other processes but they can server faster than create. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  18. You'll first need to install the East Asian Language Pack for Windows by following the instructions here: Adding East Asian Fonts To Your System If your language bar isn't already open, then in your task bar you should see something like this: Click on the "Show the Language bar" to open the language bar. Next with the language bar open, click on the "EN English (United States)" to see your other language options. Select "JP Japanese" Once the Japanese language bar is open, select the "Input Mode" option. From there, the list of the various input styles for Japanese will be displayed. If you use "Direct Input", you'll continue to use standard English input as if the system wasn't using Japanese. Basically, anything you type on the keyboard will be what is displayed. All other input types will use an invisable input dialog box which will allow you to type in what you want and once you are happy with it, you hit the enter button and it will be inserted into your document or text area. If you are using Kanji in your image, then you'll need to cycle through each of the character options by pressing the space bar. This is because several Kanji characters may be represented by the same Hiragana character. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  19. Well, I just got a related PM about this post so I thought I should update the topic. I did write a tutorial on the installation of East Asian Fonts on your Windows System. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/87355-topic/?findpost=1064328218 In order to use Japanese in PhotoShop, open a new text layer in PS and then follow the instructions in the following tutorial. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90469-topic/?findpost=1064349941 Hope this helps. vujsa
  20. Wow you really know how to make your life difficult don't you?Let me make sure I understand how this thing is suppose to work.The user will for whatever reason use your script inside of their webpage. How will they do this? I mean is thi with an iframe, frame, or include? Is this part of a larger script that has to be used or can this work with any webpage? You said this will work as a module, why not make the parent of the module do this work. If I had some idea of how you will request this "module", I might be able to provide more help.You can use the file system without parsing the script first by using file read but then you have the problem of finding the page title. If the script is complex enough, it may have dozens of pre-defined page titles or all of the titles could be generated on the fly in which case, even if you knew the variable that housed the title, you may not get the right title or may now get anything at all. If this is truely plug-n-play, then you couldn't be sure of the page title variable and what if your script is called by and HTML document instead of a PHP document or maybe ASP, etc... Another problem is what if the page that you request from was a PHP script that used and included file to get create the title. In this case you'd be looking in the wrong file unless you wanted to check the file for includes and then check the included files and any included files they may have, etc...What if the page titles are all saved in a database? Then you'd need a way access the correct database and table, etc...I think that you may have to go ahead and parse the requesting document twice. This still has a few problems since the server could end up with a different version the second time through. If the user is loged in and in a member only section, the server may not be able to read the same data since it is not the member. I think this happens with file_get_contents().You said that you don't want to have the user enter title data into the code. I guess this is this the same for a database? If you are requesting your script via a url, then you could pass the information in the link using the GET method of passing variables to the server. With the right JavaScript code, you can dynamically build the page title into the url on the client side. You'd want to use a script of some kind to build the url since having the user do it has problems other that your desire to reduce the users work load to get the script working. If a title uses spaces in it which most page title do, then the user would have to code the spaces to work in the url. While many people know that "%20" is used for space in a url, there are a lot of other characters which are not so easy but nearly as common. So if you only want to parse the script once and don't want user involvement, then the JavaScript generated url is that way to go since the only time you can get the data you need is AFTER the page has been parsed and the only parsed copy is in the browser.Hope This Helps. :(vujsa
  21. I think that viz is trying to avoid hardcoding or archiving the page titles to allow the script to be plug-n-play. If you have to add the page details for every page you want to use, then the end user will be forced to do so as well. But if you write the script to collect that data from the sourc, the in theory any web page could be used with out any difficulties.This assumes that the script doesn't require that all of the pages that might be used have a data record stored someplace so that the script will know their URL's.vujsa
  22. I think file_get_contents() is the way to go. You can get the entire contents of any webpage as a string which you can use reg_ex to isolate everything inside of the <title> tags. Here is the general method that I use: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83250-topic/?findpost=1064298940 Hope this helps. vujsa
  23. Keep in mind that I focus on PHP since it has become my language of choice. So any discussion on this subject is from that point of view. I think the best tutorial that I found that seems to have a moderate degree of funtionality and has a practical use is this one: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This tutorial seems to give a general enough example that it could be easily adapted to other uses but specific enough to explain how everything works in a real world application. The following tutorial is a much more simplified tutorial: http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/rod19990601.php3 This tutorial seems to have a practical use but I had a hard time following everything that was going on in the script. There are 6 pages in this tutorial which are difficult to navigate due to poor site design. I found the tutorials by using Google. The search terms used are PHP classes Tutorial and PHP OOP Tutorial. I'm working on a project right now so I don't actually have time to get into OOP. Once this project is done, I'll study the first tutorial I mentioned. It looks like the most likely to get me started on this new adventure. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  24. Well, you happen to be in just the right place. We have a lot of people here that know PHP pretty well. There are a lot of tutorials on the subject of PHP in the tutorials section. The PHP section can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/forum/86-forum/ I personally have written a few of the tutorials in that section and I think of those the easiest to learn from is this one: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82060-topic/?findpost=1064290206 It seems to be the most relevent to your request since it deals directly with HTML code generation. The next one that might interest you is the one I wrote about basic template websites using PHP. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86340-topic/?findpost=1064320566 This wil give you a basic idea of how to maintain a website using the PHP include() funtion which will allow you to store various elements of your website in various folders that can be use for every page or only one page depending on the files contents. Basically, you can use this to modify a single file instead of every webpage you have if you want tomake the same change on all of your website. These are the two most basic yet practical tutorials that I know of. They should give you a decent place to start learning from. I could teach you the "Hello World!" script but it isn't very practical. I think you should consider getting a decent beginners book on the subject. I wouldn't worry too much about getting a PHP5 book since there isn't really that big of a difference for a new user and you'll need to learn PHP4 for current compatibility. PHP4 scripts will work on a PHP5 server but there are additions to PHP5 that make PHP4 servers unable to run all PHP5 scripts. You can get a decent used book on the subject for less than $10.00US. My first PHP book was "PHP Fast&Easy Web Developement" by Julie C. Meloni ISBN:1-931841-87-X It was a very good beginner book that explained the use of basic PHP and how to use PHP with MySQL. Additionally, it showed how to set up a Apache based PHP and MySQL web server for home testing. The same author has a new verion of the book out entitled "PHP 5 Fast&Easy Web Developement". I would suggest that you only visit the PHP website after you get a basic understanding of PHP. The PHP website is not a how to website but instead offers a reference of functions and syntax that can be used for PHP scripts. Without some idea of what the various functions do or how to use the syntax in it's most basic form, the PHP manual will only server to confuse and frustrate you. Most PHP scripters use the manual as a quick reference when they forget the proper use of a function or what options a function has built into it. Finally, come up with a task that you want to complete with PHP and attempt to write the code required to perform that task. When you reach a point at which you don't know how to continue, post the code and you problem here. Someone will help you through the rest of the code as you need. If you don't understand the response or you are unclear as to what you should do with the repose, be sure to reply and ask for clarification. Many times the person offering help doesn't know your level of knowledge in PHP and may assume that you know some important piece of information needed to make the solution work. Outside of that, just keep working at it. Do a little script here and another one there. Maybe combine a couple of scripts until you get enough pieces of code together to have an application of some type. Ususally, the easiest way is to write a large script is to write several smal scripts that work together. Hope This Helps! vujsa
  25. vujsa

    Ip Of Dns?

    I'm pretty sure that you have no idea what you are asking for. I'm only leaving this post here in the hopes that you might ask a question that makes sense to the rest of us. A new member with only one post would not need that kind of information here. Only in a very few rare situations would you need such information. Note, This Question Should Only Be Answered By An Admin Or Moderator vujsa
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