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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Cj_girl808, welcome to the forum.As long as you try to stay on topic and follow the rule, you won't have any problems here.We will let you know if there is a problem and if you don't fit in here, we can ever refer you to another quality host.But if you want to have a website and learn how to design it, then there are many resources availible here.vujsa
  2. I just visited Tokyo Disneyland two weeks ago. Second time there. Pretty cool but Disney World in Florida is by far the best. Been to Disney World three times, Epcot Center once. I just wish it were cheeper. Tokyo Disney has a new park called Disney Sea which we didn't have a chance to see this time but I hear that it is nice.vujsa
  3. Recently I received a request for help adding the SMF Ultimate Shout Box Modification on a static HTML page. While there are other matbe even better ways to add the shout box from the forum to the rest of your website, this is the quickest and easiest. Overview Of The SMF SSI Script: The included SSI script for SMF allows several of the forum modules to be displayed on non-forum related pages such as static pages and non-SMF generated dynamic pages. This way you could display whatever your forum news is on any or all pages on your website with just a few lines of code. This is a great way to make your forum really fit in your website. There are 2 ways to use the SSI.php script, the SSI method and the PHP method. Using The Sever Side Includes (SSI) Method: If you are adding the included function (module) to an HTML file then you need only do a couple of things to make it work. First, add the following line of code into your html file where you want to display the SMF content: <!--#include virtual="./SSI.php?ssi_function=news" -->Be sure that your path is correct. Second, rename your file's extention to .shtml - this will tell the server that you want to use the SSI feature with this file. Using The PHP Method: This requires a little more coding but works the same way. Easiest to use on php files because the file extention will not need to be changed. First, add the following code to the top of the file, before the <html> tag: <?php require("/home/username/public_html/forum/SSI.php"); ?> This line needs only be added one time per file no matter how many SMF functions are used in the file. Second, add the following code in youe file where you want the SMF content to be displayed: <?php ssi_news(); ?> Third, change the file extention of your file to .php if it isn't already a PHP file. For more information about which SMF functions can be displayed using the SSI.php script, point your browser to either domain or domain. These files will display all of the included functions as well as the code required to display the content. The only downside to these functions is that most links that they generate will lead back to the forum so trying to shout from your directory page will redirect you to the forum index where your shout will then be displayed. Keep in mind that different versions of SMF usually have different versions of SSI.php. Hope this help everyone out. Happy Including. vujsa
  4. I don't think there is such a program availible because the checker would act like a spelling checker and we all know how badly they can mess up a document with correctly spelled wrong words. Because the program wouldn't really know what you wanted it to do, it may FIX your script in a way other than what you wanted. For example let's look at the following php error: echo hello world'; We are missing a single quote somewhere right?But what is the solution. Here are three possible solutions: echo 'hello world'; echo hello world; echo hello world''; Which is right, well all are right in certain cases.The first being the most obvious choice but may still be wrong your your needs. The second really looks wrong but that is only because "hello" and "world" are assumed to be strings and not constants. If the words are defined as constants, then the second or even the third solution is correct. Creating a program smart enough to determine the right course of action to take would be complex. For example; what if you accidentally deleted severl lines of code and then the checker fixed whatever was left, Then the repair would be based on the partial code and the script wouldn't work as intended. Like reading a book with the middle half missing, you can try to figure out what happened in the missing section but in the end, did Dorthy meet the Tin Man in a forrest or in a junk yard. If you imagined that they met in the junk yard, then his ax would be a mystery during the entire ending of the book. (Wizard of Oz) Hope this sheds some light on the issue. vujsa
  5. OK, that was a good practice run imajin8shun. We gave you a sample to play with you tried it had a few problems and learned how to use a limited amount of php. Because php is a server sided script, the php will not show up in the view source. The server reads the php and returns the required HTML to produce the page you designed. The browser will never see the php, only the server. While javascript is a client side script, it will show up in the view source. The exaple shown here is an HTML document that utilizes PHP for semi-dynamic content. I suggest that your next practice script be an attempt to create another document that uses even more PHP. Perhapes a routine to insert the current date and time into the page. Try to put something like Today is July 6th, 2005 into your page. To do this first start at the top of the page with your PHP open tag. <?php Then we need to assign a variable to the date. $today = date("F jS,Y"); Then close our PHP. ?> Next in our page we call for the date. <b>Today is <?php echo $today; ?>.</b> Here it is all together: <?php$today = date("F jS,Y");?><html> <head> <title> HTML-PHP Current Date Test </title> </head> <body> <center> My Title! </center><br> <b>Today is <?php echo $today; ?>.</b><br> <br> Welcome to my test page! </body></html> Hopefully this will show you a few more ways to combine HTML and PHP. Happy Scripting. vujsa
  6. To start, I replied to your other post about PHP and HTML. That should give you a few ideas about how to proceed with you PHP education. Here is what I think that you should do considering you absolute lack of programming knowledge. HTML is actually not a Programming Language but instead it is a Markup Language. Basically all HTML does is modify and format text. It has a few other uses now but that is the idea behind HTML. CSS is basically just a modifier of HTML and is also not a language. PHP on the other hand is considered by most people to ba a programming language. As such it can control, use, modify, and create variables. Usually variables are used for input and output and are controlled by statements. The most basic statement is the IF statement. For Example: First we assume that all $oranges are $orange_colored. if($oranges == $orange_colored){ echo "The answer is correct!";} That would output the text "The answer is correct!". The dollar sign ($) indicated the the word or letter is a variable so $oranges is a varable but oranges is just a word. Now that is a very basic PHP statement and would require you to actually assign a value to the variables befor the IF statement but for now that will do as an example. I learned PHP from a book by Julie C. Meloni entitleD "PHP fast&easy web development" 2nd Edition ISBN: 1-931841-87-X Here is the Amazon link to the book. Not only did it get me the basic PHP knowledge I need to get started in PHP, but it also taught me basic Apache usage and installation and basic mySQL usage and installation. Now I have all 3 installed on my computer for home testing of scripts with out the need to upload to the internet. Makes editing scripts and pages much easier and faster. Once you have a good basic PHP understanding, you can use the online guides for help learning more advanced programming. I hope this will get you on the right path to laerning PHP. vujsa P.S. I'm pretty sure your PHP engine will not work at home until you install and properly configure Apache on the same computer. Do a search here for Apache Installations for more information.
  7. There are a few tricks you can use php for that might help you design your website. For example: If you wanted every webpage on your site to use the same basic layout or template, you could use PHP includes to insert HTML code fragments into your pages. Like if you wanted to have a really nice menu that would probably chane frequently and you wanted the menu on every page on your website then PHP can help. If you place the menu code into its own file and then include the contents of the file at the right place in your webpage, then every page would be the same and when you edit the menu file, it will change on every page in your website. This link may help a little with explaining what I am talking about. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/84998-topic/?findpost=1064310997 Now that I know that you are looking for this type of information, I think I can help you better. I suggest reading that topic first then starting a new topic in the PHP forum with a more specific question. You will find a lot of PHP support here as many of our members are familiar with PHP. Also, many of us learned PHP from books and online guides but learning by example seems to work the bet. Also, if your example doesn't have any real world use, I find it more difficult to learn the concept. If you ask how to do something in PHP here, I'm sure you'll get a good explaination of how to do it. The link above will show a very basic PHP function and you can add to that idea. For the complete guide to PHP try the PHP website at http://php.net/ It tends to be difficult to learn from but if you need to know what a particular PHP command does, this will explain its correct use. I suggest looking up the include function there. I hope to see your PHP questions soon. vujsa
  8. Gee m^e, wish that you had asked me first. I could have told you that NetGear was not the company that everyone thinks it is.NetGear is very popular as far as the average joe goes because their equipement is easy to use but lack allaround features such as decent port forwarding. I also dislike web-based interface with the router I own (LinkSys) and wish that it had a shell type interface option.Are you using DHCP for your LAN. if so, that may be your issue. Some routers won't allow port forwarding when DHCP is used because there is no way to ensure that the correct IP address will be used. From time to time I have issues when my computer and my wifes computers are restarted at the same time. I usually forward to XX.XX.XX.101 but if my wife's system boots first, then her IP is assigned to XX.XX.XX.101 and mine is XX.XX.XX.102If that is the problem, then you'll need to assign IP address to your various networked hardware and then turn DHCP off.If you know how to assign IP address to be ststic and get it to work with the router/switch please let me know. I would prefer to do it that way but have no clue how.Happy Networking. :Pvujsa
  9. Well, first of all, make sure you upgrade to the newest BIOS for your router. Next, be sure that you select enable in the port forwarding row that you are working in. It seems like an obvious thing but if you enter all of your information and don't check the enabled box all of the settings for that row will be lost. Also, if your BIOS is like mine, then it may a matter of either using or not using Plug N Play (PnP) forwarding. Linksys firewall settings are notoriously difficult to get around. I have to set my computer to DMZ when playing online games. I can't connect to any servers otherwise. One other thing, Protocol TCP and Protocol UDP must be set correctly. If they are wrong, then the BIOS may reject the entire entry. What are you trying to forward and to where? I forward HTTP requests to my test server. vujsa EDIT: Sorry, just reread your post and many of my suggestions were already tried.
  10. imajin8shun, I thought that this was what you were wanting to do. It really doen't make any sense to convert the HTML into PHP if all you really want is to design your site in "PHP". Just simply taking your existing HTML and parsing it as PHP has no benefits. In fact, because the PHP engine will be called every time the page is loaded, it will actually slow the loading of your page slightly. But if you are dead set on designing your site with "PHP", then I highly recommend doing as overture suggested. Instead of naming your files index.html, name them index.php. This will give the appearence that your website was designed using PHP but in actuality, it is just regular html in disguise. When PHP is used to design web pages, it is used to create a page on-the-fly based on a set of variables. Many times these variables are stored in a database. Combining a database with PHP allows for the creation of dynamic websites like this forum or a search engine. While I am more than happy to write a script that would convert HTML to PHP in the most basic way, I really think that you should try to determine why you would want to do such a thing. To convert the HTML would require about 5 lines of very basic PHP and several lines of HTML. I think that you should make an attempt to actually learn PHP which will give you a better understanding of it's use in web design. vujsa
  11. I'm not entirely sure why you want to convert the HTML into PHP. If it is so that you can add more PHP to the HTML, then there are several ways to do that. I imagine that I could write a script that would convert normal HTML into PHP if you really wanted it.Here is what the output of such a script would look like: <?phpecho "<head><style>input { border: 1px solid orange; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 9pt; color: white; background: EE6006; }textarea { border: 1px solid orange; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 9pt; color: white; background: EE6006; }</style><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\"><meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\"><meta name=\"ProgId\" content=\"FrontPage.Editor.Document\"><title> title title</title><style type=\"text/css\">A:link{color:8560A8; text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;cursor:\"nw-resize\"}A:visited{color:8560A8;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold}A:Hover { text-decoration: underline; text-decoration:;background-color:7CC576; font-weight:bold; CURSOR:crosshair;}</style><style>body { scrollbar-face-color: #000000; scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; }</style><style type=\"text/css\">BODY, TR, TD { font-family:tahoma; font-color:7CC576; font-size: 8pt;text-align:; font-weight:normal; color:"7CC576"; }</style><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"imagetoolbar\" CONTENT=\"no\"></head><body bgcolor=\"black\" topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\"><div style=\"position:absolute;left:2;top:2;width:370px;\"><img src=\"img1.jpg\"></div><div style=\"position:absolute;left:372;top:20;width:340px;\"><center> blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah <br><br><img src=\"img2.jpg\">For general inquiries, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:mail@mail.com\">contact me.</a></div><div layer=\"1\" style=\"position:absolute;left:17;top:70;\"><IFRAME name=\"_blank\" src=\"middle.htm\" frameBorder=0 width=338 height=320 style=\"border: 1pt solid black;\"></IFRAME></div><div style=\"position:absolute;left:0;top:0;\"></body>";?> Like I said before, I don't know why you would eant to convert the existing HTML but that is how it would be done.Perhapes if you gave more information as to why you wanted to convert the code, then I could better assist you.vujsa
  12. Sorry about that, it wasn't at Mamboforge, it was in the Mambo forums. Here is the topic about the problem and the file or a link to the file is there somewhere. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps. vujsa
  13. To update the progress of the volkswagen site, I bought a new domain name for the web site today. http://www.vwone.com/ is the new doamin name and website name of my volkswagen website. VWOne.com is currently parked a GoDaddy.com and forwarded and masked to my subdomain on my Xisto account (vw.forum500.com). I have decided to go with a dark green color scheme for the website. A new logo has been designed for the new color and name. Please stop by and have a look and let me know what you think. I desperately need creative input because I'm not an artistic person but I can design graphics pretty well. Thanks. vujsa
  14. When Mambo and many other php based applications auto instll a package (template, component, module, or bot) the server is the user that actually ftp's the data to the server and extracts the information for the installation. Because the server is the user that uploaded the file(s), the file(s) are owned by the server and only the server can change the permissions for the file(s).To fix these kinds of isues in Mambo, you'll need to use cleanup.php. It isn't specifically for Mambo but works just the same. You'll need to do a search at MamboForge.net.This will make the server change the permissions of whatever folder or file you choss to 777. Once it is CHMOD to 777, you can then change the permissions to whatever you like. You still won't own the file as far as the server is concrened but you'll be able to manipulate it just the same.Be careful, if you CHMOD to ower write only, you'll need to run the cleanup program again.hope this will be helpful. :lol:vujsa
  15. Very nice explaination OpaQue. I've been doing a little research on the subject the last few days and this has helped a lot.I think you should have made a better point about each page being considered seperately in rankings.Meaning that even though http://forums.xisto.com/page1.php is ranked 4 or higher, page2.php may be unranked.But increasing the number of high ranking pages in your site may increase the rank of your root (usually domain) directory.Additionally, you'll want to have your link placed on other high ranking pages, not your own though. Having a high ranking site placing your link on there site will give your page a boost.I look forward to learning even more about this from you. :lol:vujsa
  16. I had to read your question a couple of times but I think I got it now. There are many ways to achieve the effect you want with out having to edit ever web page every time you update the site. Frames - You said you know how to d basic HTML frames. Iframes - Similar to the frame but instead of dedicating a whole file to host the frames, the main page hosts the iframe anywhere on the page. SSI - Server Side Includes where you can include a files content into the page where the include tag is placed. JavaScript - Where the JavaScript actually generates the html but the JavaScript is stored on the server as a .js file. PHP - Using PHP, include a files contents into the page where the include code is placed. I recommend using PHP to insert html into your webpages. This way you could have header, footer, menu, banner files that you could edit anytime and would automatically update every page when uploaded. This is actually very easy to do in PHP. Here is a very basic example to insert a header: .......<body><?php include("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;; ?></body>....... Then save your main page as an php file (.php) and create an html snippet file called header.php If header.php containted the following html: <table><tr><td><center>Welcome to my Website!</center></td></tr></table> The result would be:[TABL] Welcome to my Website! [/TABL] Then if you wanted to change your welcome message, just edit header.php Hope this helps. vujsa
  17. It is funny thatyou should writethis topic today.We have beendiscussing waysto increase ourtraffic and bringnew members tothe websites. Wehave been lookinginto referal scriptslike "suggest thistopic" emails and"rate this topic".Your idea is quitegood. I'm notsure how it wouldwork because theadmins would needto manually adjustcredits for this Ibelieve. A newscript would beneeded toautomate theprocess but thatmay be difficult toimplement.As for your posting style, I think it is fine. It is actually a fairly common internet typing style. And as in your case, it was a result of screen sizes and text input area size.While the idea would increase traffic, the moderators would need to carefully watch refered member. Then how do you deal with a member new member that turns out to not be a very good member. Do you take the credits from the refering user if you have to suspend the new members account?I think that limits on number of referals will need to be considered and maximum limits on the number of credits that any single IP address can earn from referals.This way you can't refer yourself a hundred times for credit.New member must earn a certain number of credits and/or write a certain number of posts and/or certain number of days of activitybefore the refeing member will get referal credist. Keep up the ideas coming, we're listening. :lol:vujsa
  18. Turns out that the JavaScript doesn't work for IE. I never even checked for cross compatibility until I saw your screen shot. If you ever get a chance, try it with Netscape or FireFox.Thanks a ton for trying so many times.vujsa
  19. Site Address: VWOne.com Theme: A site for Volkswagen lovers everywhere. Features a VW link directory and will soon have a forum. Active:Yes but is still being developed. vujsa Added - m^e
  20. Most servers are set up to automatically display index.html as the directory default and our servers are no different. More and more often I see servers also allowing index.php to be used as the default. If you have an index,html and and index.php, then the server may request clarification via your ftp client. Any time I have both files, the server sends such a request through my ftp client. I then get a pop up window asking which will be used.Additionally, I'm pretty sure that you can override the server settings for this by using the .htaccess file for that directory. The whatever file you want to use would be shown as the default.Make sure that the original file was actually replaced with the new one and that your files are in the correct folder.Hope This Helps. :(vujsa
  21. That's odd, it is working fine for me. The color selector is only a screen shot image that has been edited so none of the links and things will work.It is just to get an idea of what it could look like. It requires the use of javascript though.The rest of the website seems to be working fine for me., Maybe some leftover negative energy from the server since it got fussy. :(Please have another look and tell me what you think.vujsa
  22. Cookiemonster, we are very glad that you asked this question. It give everyone the chance to give their opinion. All I can say is that I know people that pay for hosting an get a lot less. Xisto really is that good. We do this by maintaining the forums well. If you get rid of spam fast, then the boards stay clean and pretty and attract new people. As long as the board stay nice, Xisto can offer free web hosting. The uptime is very good but things happen sometimes. We make every effort to get things going again quickly if there is an error. We recently lost a hard drive and it took some time to retrieve ALL of the data but it was retrieved. No lost websites, no missing vacation photos. I think that our members have best described the features that make Xisto a good choice. Keep in mind, this is not a free web space but instead, a free web hosting account. It is yours and there will be no ads, bots, insertions, or other modifications to your hosted files unless YOU put them there. This is a full featured hosting account just like most paid hosting accounts but here instead of paying a monthly cash fee, we ask that you remain active in the forums. Hope this Helps, vujsa
  23. Well, you can edit your template but you'll need to know some PHP and html to do so. Look under /themes/theme_name/theme.php to edit the template. Then you'll need to edit any images you'll use under /themes/theme_name/images/ And finally, edit the style sheet in /themes/theme_name/style/style.css If you are not comfortable with editing or creating a template, there are several to choose from if you do a little searching. I personally don't like PHP-Nuke but have tested it out enough to know that it has several templates to chose from. I rather use Mambo which not only has better features, it has literally hundreds of templates already and the template is 99% HTML so it is very easy to edit or create. I created a very lite template to use as a base for my final template. My website and template. There are many members here that have the ability to help you with your project. Keep your options open. There are many programs availible and each has strong points that can either help or hinder your efforts. It may be that PHP-Nuke is the best option for your project but it is difficult to use and hard to customize. I would be happy to discuss your options more if you would like. Just post a list of features you will need on your website and a list of features you would like to have. Hope this helps. vujsa
  24. My suggestion for you is to build up enough credits to support your account while you are gone. You would only need 35 credits when you leave to keep your account active.It is best to stock up before you leave instead of trying to catch up afterwards.The question for you is when will you be leaving? Do you think that you have time to earn the 35 credits?A few good posts would get you near the 35 credit mark and ensure that your account will be ready to go when you return.I have about 150 credits now so I'm covered for 5 months. :(One way or another, you'll have to earn the credits for that time.Your only other option is to request that your account be terminated and try to restart the hosting process again after you return. Have fun in Vietnam. :(vujsa
  25. This is exactly what I figured would happen. Completely upgrade the entire forum and everybody wants to complain about the placement of their hosting credits.I mean really, did you all think that the skin without an Xisto logo was going to be the final design.The forum needed to be upgraded and as a result some of the features from the prvious version didn't want to play nice. One of those things was the old skin. So a substitute was needed. We gave SparAzero a shot and quickly realized that that wasn't an option.A gray-blue skin was used for a few hours in order to get the feel of the old Xisto even though not all of the main page features were in the old locations. Really bothers me where the location bar is now but that can be resolved.Ultimately the forum will get a new skin that was developed for Xisto. It will be a skin that will set the look of this forum apart from all of the rest. These things take time though. Please be patient. The staff is doing their best to keep up with the changes.vujsa
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