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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Well, once you design your site, then save ALL of the files to your computer. Once you get hosting here, then upload those files to your account here. When you are ready to do these tasks, let us know and we can show you how. There is one thing to consider though. If you are not very technically minded, then you may have trouble keeping up with your posting requirements here. If you can't meet the psoting requirements here then you either won't get hosting or if you do may lose your account if you credits fall too low. However, if you are really looking to learn the fine art of being a web designer then you may be able to get enough credits in by posting any questions that you may have regarding web designing. Just remember, when you ask a question, be sure to be thorough in explaining what you are looking for. The larger your posts, the more credits you get for them. Just be sure that you have something to say. By the way, while posting a link can be considered site promotion in some situations, in this case it may be helpful to know what we are dealing with. When you get your hosting account, then feel free to request detailed instructions on the process needed to host you newly designed website here. In the mean time, here are a few links that may be helpful to you: - File Upload Instructions For New Users. - Get The Most From Your Post. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  2. You either don't own the folder or file that you are trying to change or upload to! The server probably owns it because yone of your scripts created the folder or file. Anytime a script creates a directory or file then it is actually the server (user 0) that is doing the task and as such is by default the owner of the entity. This is especially bad in Joomla/Mambo since the installer doesn't use FTP which you would log in with which would make you the owner. Here is more information: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?showtopi&hl=cleanup http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?showtopi&hl=cleanup These links have all the info you need as well as a script to fix the problem. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  3. Yeah, those look pretty good. I like the way the RSS image fit into the page now.You might want to do the same thing with the W3C images. As for the mambohut site, it is only for template submission and download. I thought you might be the kind of person that enjoys the idea of someone else using your work on their website. Some people like to have as many people see their work as possible. Of course I wouldn't submit a template until I changed it enought so that it wasn't the same as my website. When I get my template finished, I'll make a public version of it to submit. I have some CSS issues in IE. I still need to identify all of the various CSS tags in the Mambo/Joomla core. Then of course, I have to finish the template for SMF so it will blend into the website better.vujsa
  4. Your 150MB is counted for everything inhome/ and in your database.A "BLANK" account has overhead like server settings, account information, etc. The database also has overhead without having anything in it. So of your 150MB, maybe only 135MB is YOURS! :DThere is a file somewhere that holds very important information about your cPanel account. I can't remember which one so I wouldn't delete any of the files and folders in home/These files are not the bulk of your overhead. They won't save you much room if you delete them so I wouldn't suggest doing so.vujsa
  5. Here is what I can tell you. You can delete anything that you want but your account may no longer work. Nearly everything in /username/home/ should be kept. I wouldn't delete anything here since you didn't personally put anything there in most cases. Nothing gets installed there. You can delete everything in /username/home/public_ftp/. Nothing is there by default and nothing is installed there either. Now before you do anything else, uninstall any scripts that were installed using fantastico. Be sure to uninstall these scripts with the fantastico remove feature or you'll have to manually remove the entries from the install log before you can install another script with fantastico in that folder/subdomain/root. Really, you don't want to have to manually edit that file. Once you have everything uninstalled CORRECTLY, then you can remove ALL subdomains. Don't just delete the folders. Use cPanel to remove the subdomains. If you just delete the folder, then the server wont know that you no longer have the subdomain. Again in cPanel, remove any or ALL email accounts that you no longer need. Remove as many advanced website settings you have selected like hotlink protection, forwarding, password protected folders, etc. (These will basically be gone when you delete any .htaccess files but removing them first will leave fewer chances of missing something.) Delete your databases and database users. Even though fantastico removes scripts, it usually forgets to delete the database that it added. Databases use up a lot of space especially if it isn't needed. Now you can safely delete everything inside of /username/home/public_html/! You can even delete cgi-bin/ if you want! to save yourself the time needed to select everything, you could just delete public_html/. I know everyone else will tell you not to. It isn't that big of a deal, just replace it later. I'll explain in a second. You should probably save a copy of .ftpquota and error_log to your local system. Well, there you go, everything is all gone. Back to square one. Now if you did happen to take my advise and you did in fact delete public_html then I really sorry to tell you that I was just kidding! No, just create a new folder and name it public_html. Then open that up and create a folder and name it cgi-bin. The you can copy .ftpquota and error_log back to your public_html folder. Okay, you're done with that. It will take between 24 and 48 hours but your disk usage should show around 25MB or less. I don't remember how much space an "empty" account uses. Feel free to repopulate your account now. Hope This Helps! vujsa
  6. I see that the two backgrounds are different now. I think it was because of the quality of the image I saw before. The live template looks pretty good. Congratulations on the aquisition of a domain name. Now that you are nearly finished with your template, you may want to submit it to mambohut.com for everyone to enjoy. If you need help putting the package together for submission, I'll help with that too. It is pretty simple, just get the images together in their folder, edit the XML file, create a screenshot thumbnail and zip it up. Of course, you may want to change it a little so that it won't be exactly ythe same as yours. You may want to edit the RSS images to better match your website. Look under /public_html/images/M_images to find the images. Little tweaks like that realy make a website work. Keep up the great work. vujsa
  7. I think the new template looks pretty good. I don't have a problem with the font. It makes for a professional looking website. The reason that the fonts mentioned before are used so much is because that is what people are comfortable with. The only thing I would consider changing is the background. It appears to be #000000 (black). I suggest that you give it a tint of something. Not much but enough to keep it from being 100% black. Other design books and people I know suggest not using pure colors since they are too intense. They work great in some cases to really draw attention to a specific place but even then they shouldn't always be pure. I see that you have a bit of a green tint to your links. If the background was a very very dark green instead of pure black, I think it would really look great. Maybe #002000 would be good. The white could also use a bit of a tint to lessen the intensity of the text. This would cause less bleeding and may give you better results from you search for the perfect font. I tried to edit Joomla (mambo) templates without success. Ended up doing my own. It isn't finished and the website is a mess but here it is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'll give you some help on making to template more dynamic if you want on need it. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  8. No, the best bay to get Googled PROPERLY is to use simplified URL's:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is harder for the bots, crawlers, and spiders to properly identify different pages when you use complex URL's: http://www.domain.com/index?action=search&category=jewelry This is because index.php is the file name so any other URL with that file name can be confused with the other so the bot may think it has already been done so it can skip that URL. mod_rewrite is a very good way to ensure that your site is throughly indexed by the spiders but has a couple of problems associated with it. mod_rewrite requires the server to perform one additional step in the page load process which will eventually slow down your server and as a result your website when there is enough traffic. You have to format the URL's on your pages to the simplified type. Usuually this has to be done one at a time and manually unless you write a script to parse your pages prior to sending to the browser to convert the complex URL's to simplified URL's. - Then there is always the chance that you'll miss a rule for URL conversion. - - This could cause many problems in the page if done incorrectly. I don't mean to be negative about this since I really like the Friendly URL method of SEO. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  9. vujsa

    Php Basics

    I think I know what you are looking for. Here are a couple of tutorials that I wrote that give a basic rundown of how PHP can be used to control your website and make maintaining it easier. The first one deals with the basics of includes in PHP which allow you to build your website in modules which can be edited easily without changing every page of the site: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86340-topic/?findpost=1064320566 The second deals with more advanced ideas including how you use URL's like you are interested in: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89461-topic/?findpost=1064342915 The URL that you are talking about is an extended URL that passes variables from the browser to the server using the GET method of form submissions. Basically, this is the way a URL looks after a form using the GET method is submitted. In order to use these variables in your script, you must request the data stored in the $_GET Super Global variable which is actually an array of data. Most of the PHP tutorials I have written are focused toward new PHP users and I that they may be pretty helpful to you. These may be helpful: PHP Tutorial's By vujsa Let us know if you need any help. vujsa
  10. You know, it was a nice feature in PERL to be able to specify the version of the engine to use. I wonder if there is any way to do that with PHP. I do believe that most PHP4 scripts will work fine in PHP5 but any problems that arise could be difficult for some members to solve. vujsa
  11. Here is the site I use: http://www.worldtimezone.com/ Good Luck. vujsa
  12. Funny thing about Xisto, not long after I Joined the forum and got hosting I was elevated to the position og Moderator and since then, I've been pretty active. That was like 18 months ago. The website still isn't finished, the special projects are still in developement, and I try to help out with ipbgaming.com as well. But I do currently have 150 credits (more after this post ) and I have learned alot of PHP by helping others out around here. Why am I so far down on the list? Shouldn't be more like this: Anyway, congratulations on your FIRST year at Xisto. We're glad that you have enjoyed your membership and hosting with us. vujsa
  13. Well, I think the best way to do what you want is to require the user to specify their timezone. Which will set the offset from UTC. If you save your dates as timestamps which is probably best since it will offer you more options in the future then you can simply add or sbtract the offset to get the users local time. $user_tz = 5; $user_offset = $user_tz * 3600; // Number of hours X number of minutes X number of seconds $timestamp = time(); $local_timestamp = $timestamp + $user_offset; In this case, if the timestamp was 1154530597 then the local timestamp would be 1154548597 of 18000 seconds ahead. Then use your date function as normal but instead of leaving the timestamp condition blank, specify it as $local_timestamp. If the users timezone had been -5, the formula would still be the same since -5 * 3600 would be -18000. Then 1154530597 + -18000 would be 1154512597. Now, you do have several options for the storing and retrieving of the users time offset. You can either save the user's offset in the database as hours or seconds. If you save it a seconds then you only need to calculate it one time when you first save it or you can save it as hours and recalclate the number of seconds every time the user's offset is required. When it comes time to retireve the offset, you can either request it from the database for each page and use it from there or you can request it once when a session is started and save it in the session variable like so: session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['user_offset'])){ $_SESSION['user_offset'] = 18000; // You would actually get this data from the database. } There is one more thing to consider, Daylight Savings Time! During the summersome countries change their time to have more usable daylight in the evening instead of the early morning. In the northern hemisphere, this is from April 1st to October 1st and I guess it is the opposite in the southern hemisphere. As a result, during DST, you will need to subtract one hour (3600 seconds) from the user's offset if and only if they infact use the DST system where they live. I personally don't understand why anyone would change their time twice a year. It gets dark here (Indiana, US) right now (August 2nd) at about 9:30 PM. Really anoying cause I forget to eat until like 8:30 or 9:00 PM now. You'll need an option for your user to select if they will be using DST in the summer. I'm sorry I didn't discuss the date_default_timezone_set() function since it is new to PHP5 and we aren't using PHP5 on the Xisto server yet. Well, I hope this helps. vujsa
  14. The reason you received no help on the matter is because by the time someone noticed the post, the problem was gone. SO in order to reply to your particular post, "Please wait and do not refresh your website over and over and see how things are in about an hour if the problem hasn't already be resolved." We all share the same MySQL server. The too many connections refers to everyones connections usually. While there is a cap on the number of connections each website may have at once, the entire server also has a cap which is not as large as all of the individual accounts put together so if 10% or more of the websites are at or near their maximum, then the server could be overwhelmed. I'm not sure what the exact figures are for these settings but this is usually what happens. This usually clears up in a few minutes unless we get a few impatient people trying to get the pages to load. Now not only did you have too many connections on the server to begin with, everybody is trying to refresh the error page to get the webpage to load correctly. Few people realize that by repeatedly trying to get the page to load they are actually making the problem worse. Most database connections last less than a secondso in order to have too many connections, there has to be a lot of connection requests all at the same second for the most part. Probably the biggest cause of this error to begin with is poor script optimization. Basicaly Joe Blow writes a script that accesses the database in a sloopy way. As a result, his sloopy code on his rather poorly designed website can have the same impact on the server as Bill's really busy and well designed website. So Joe's site kills the server then Bill's users keep the server over taxed with their page refreshes and reloads. OpaQue tries to identify websites on the server that have this kind of negative impact on the rest of the accounts and either work with the account holder to correct the problem or if need be remove the problem file. So my suggestion to you is to create a backup page for your website that you can use to relieve the server burden. Some kind of "Technical Difficulties" message that you can set all of your webpages to redirect to via your .htaccess file. Then when this proble comes up, just switch over to your message page and that will prevent your users from continuing the connection flood on the database server. Better yet, rewrite your scripts to respond better to the Too Many Connections Error. If this happens instead of telling the user right away, make the script sleep for a few seconds so they don't refresh right away. A five second pause for everyone on your site could be just what the server needs to get caught up. Using a random number between 5 and 10 seconds would also keep everyone from your website from having the opportunity to refresh at the same time. One additional suggestion, let your user know what the problem and the solution is. If you tell your user that the problem is caused by too many connections at the same time and inform them that refreshing the page will only make the problem worse, they will be less likely to add to the problem. Kindly ask them to wait a minute before they try to refresh and most will at leat give it 10 seconds. Usually, the serve doesn't need a big break, just enough to get caught up and it will be fine. For best results, you should use all of these techniques together. If everyone used just one of these suggestions, then the server would never be down. This is particularly true for a server pause when this error occurs since the server just needs a second or two without a connection request. Hope this helps. vujsa
  15. Are you sure that you updated your browser.js file? currently it reads like this at the top: //---- Set this variable only! ---- var buildDir = "includes/"; //--------------------------------- If you changed thename of the includes directory then this file needs to be updated to reaad like this at the top: //---- Set this variable only! ---- var buildDir = "javascripts/"; //--------------------------------- I see that yopu were able to move your config.js file without any trouble. Also, if you wanted to have more than one menu, you can simple use a secondary configuration file. The new file would be something like config2.js and can be different than the config.js file which would allow for two different menus. Then just request the menu you want to use on each page by requesting either config.js or config2.js. There would be no need to make a second copy of the browser.js file it would just get reused each time and you would request it as you do now. I'm not sure if the script will allow for the use of two menus on a single page but you can give it a try. This would work best on a horizontal menu which you could place at the top an bottom of your page for easiest navigation. vujsa
  16. I imagine that this is caused by bad addresses to the JavaScript files. For example, on your main.php you use "includes/browser.js". This is a relative link which only works on files that are in the same directory as main.php. If the file you want add the menu to is in in a different directory, then the link will be broken. Explained below: If the absolute url to "browser.js" is like so: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/browser.js and the absolute url for main.php is like so: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Then everything works fine since the file "main.php" and the directory "includes" reside in the same directory. But if you add the code to a file outside of the same directory with a url like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then when the browser looks for "includes/browser.js" it will actually look in the following place: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ To solve this problem, then I suggest that you use absolute urls for your code instead of relative urls. So instead of using src="includes/browser.js" on your pages, you should use . This way your user's browser will always be able to find the file no matter what directory they are working in. You'll need to do the same thing with your src="config.js" code as well. One other thing that can help keep you organized is to create a directory called "javascripts" and place all of your JavaScript files there. You can just rename your "includes" directory to "javascripts" and then moove "config.js" there. If you decide to do this, then you will NEED to edit the "browser.js" file. You would need to change the second line from var buildDir = "includes/"; to var buildDir = "javascripts/"; Also, you would have to change your "main.php" and any other file you want to show your menu in like so: Hope This Helps. vujsa
  17. Any hard drive with any format with any file or file type can be partitioned as you need as long as you have enough room for everything. Most partitioners usually operate outside of Windows so that they can move these difficult files. You can if you want but I don't suggest it move the Master Boot Record. Of course if you move this file without reinstalling Windows, your Windows installation will not boot. Anyhow, you can select the settings that you want for your partition then hit go. Your computer will restart and instead of Windows booting, the partition software will do its magic. Partition Magic is what I use but it isn't free and now owned by Symantec so probably no.t free trials either. If I were you, I wouldn't bother doing a dual boot system on a laptop. There are just too many problems with that kind of set up. Especially when you finally decide that you didn't really need the latest linux distribution so you uninstall it. Then you find that your MBR is corrupt since the system can't find GRUB anymore so your computer doesn't know how to load Windows. This is difficult even if you use multiple hard disk drives. If you really want to use Linux, then I suggest that you find yourself a cheap used computer and install it there. Then you can install various distributions of Linux on the same system and easily share your files without the possibility of damaging your Windows installation. Maybe I'm overly cautious these days. I have either Red Hat or Fedora Core on a seperate drive which I used to test some web server software (cPanel). The installation is useless now since cPanel rewrote most of the OS and was only active for 15 days so I'd need reinstall RH or FC if I wanted to use it again. I had some trouble in the past With dual boot systems. Anymore, I don't want to experiment with my daily driver and my wife isn't about to let me replace Windows on her laptop. I guess what I'm trying to say is be very careful. Be sure you know what you are doing be fore you start and backup your hard drive before and after you reformat. I suggest DVD-RW's for that. vujsa
  18. Yeah, I use it but in kind of a limited way. Since my website isn't finished yet, I don't really have a need to rotate and target ads but I do anyhow. I'm using it with ads from Amazon and Link Connector. I got a couple of other ads for things like free domain names, Ipods, music, etc... But I haven't integrated them into the ad manager. I only use them on the Free Web Hosting Application Form since people looking for free web hosting would probably like a free domain name as well. They have done pretty well there. Maybe they would do better with some ad management. I've read the manual and found the program to be quite versatile. It is a little difficult to use with a CMS (Content Management System) since the best way to use the manager is with PHP coding in your pages which is difficult to set up for maximum effect in a CMS. Direct input of the code into the template of a CMS results in a kind of static rotation of ads and trying to insert the code into a module for a CMS since the module is generated by PHP so having PHP in it causes problems. Basically, unless you program the module correctly, by the time you get to the PHP code for the ads, the PHP parser has already finished working. As a result I've had to rely on <IFRAMES>. Not my first choices for displaying ads. Well, I think you'll like this software. Good luck to you. vujsa
  19. Glad I could help. No apologies needed. The server Admin doesn't get bothered by requests for assistance. He's a pretty nice guy, gives us all free web hosting. But doesn't usually jump right into these kind of problems since there is usually a good chance that the server is running fine and if there is a larger problem, it only impacts a certain non-critical feature. Since users can backup their files manually, the backup feature is kind of a low priority feature. Of course, if there was a problem with the backup system then it would have been fixed as soon as possible but not at the expence of another more critical system or another server. The Admin also operates paid hosting services which have a higher priority than the free hosting services since the paid services help offset the cost of the free services. Wow, a 512kbps connection! Your service provider must have been out of teletype machines. Well, glad to hear that you isolated the problem and have found a solution to the issue. As for nightfox, the problem probably occurs due to a download timeout. I haven't encountered this problem with the download today's backup. I've had problems with database downloads since they can get pretty large and the server has to compress them which uses a lot of server resources or if you don't compress it, sometimes it takes too long to transfer to your system. Keep in mind, website backup files even when compressed can be very large and the bandwidth used to tdownload such a large file does count against your monthly allocation. SO doing a full site backup every day or even every week may not be such a good idea. vujsa
  20. Yeah, PhotoBucket probably got rid of the file since you were basically leeching bandwidth from them. Of course, you can store any type of file on a server. Just use file manager to upload the file to whatever directory you like and there you go. Of course, it is much easier with an FTP program but the file manager is fine. Just remember that in order for the file to be visable on the internet, it must be in the public_html folder or one of its subfolders. You may be able to get a copy of the file from google. While your page wasn't indexed on Google, the image on PhotoBucket might be. Go the Google and type in the address that you had for the background image on PhotoBucket in the search box and run a search for it, it is worth a try. vujsa
  21. You can have a hundred Admins look into this but at the end of the day, this is still just your problem. The error as you reffer to it is not an error. It is a notice that not all of the features availible for the cPanel backup program are enabled for your hosting account. This only means that your website cannot be restored from the cPanel Backup program nor can you make more advanced backups with the system. We ALL get this warning notice it is absolutely nothing to worry about. Now it is true that from time to time I have experienced the server hanging when I try to make a backup but it doesn't happen often. This usually only happens when the server is busy doing other things like hosting your FREE web sites. Don't refresh the page after you click the link. What is that about? Why would you even do that? How could refreshing this page help with loading the next page? This is why webmasters always have to put that only click once warning at the bottom of their forms. Anyhow, my suggestion to you is to try this at a low traffic time. If your sites web pages are loading very quickly and the cPanel is loading very quickly, then the chances are that you'll be in a good position to do your backup. If you click the "Generate/Download a Full Backup" this will take you to a second page. Selected the fewest options on this page. In fact, just leave whatever options that are there in place and click the button. The next page will tell you to wait for an email that the backup is done. You can then download that backup either by clicking the "Generate/Download a Full Backup" link again or by standard FTP or File Manager. If you click on "Download Today's Backup" then your download manager should open and you can then direct your browser as to where you want to save your backup. If you are still having trouble, then I suggest that you try a different web browser and/or computer to perform this task. The corrupt backup files are usually caused by server timeouts. This happens one of two ways. The first way is that you chose to generate a backup during a busy time on the server and the server took too long to generate the backup file so after so much time, the process just ended leaving an unfinish backup file. The second way is if the backup file was successfully generated but a download timeout occured. Again, this is usually due to high server load resulting in a slower download which has exceeded the maximum amount of time the server allows for a single process. If your website is very large and as a result your backup file is very large, then the file simply may never be small enough to download in the given amount of time. To avoid such a large file, be sure to clean out any unused or unwanted files and databases that you have hanging around on your account. Another way to avoid server timeouts when downloading/uploading is to upgrade your computer and/or internet connection. The server doesn't care why it is taking so long to transfer the file, it will just stop after a certain amount of time. If you system cannot accept the data as fast as the server is sending it for whatever reason, then a timeout may occur. Remember that two computers using the same internet connection type will transfer data at different rates due to CPU speed, system memory, cache memory, hard drive speed, system buss, modem model, neetwork setup and equipement, etc... Always keep in mind when you are reporting a problem that you may be the only person experiencing the malfunction. At the very least, safely shut down your computer and unplug it for one minute. Plug it back in and turn it on if it isn't already booting. Sometimes your computer gets acalculation going that for whatever reason it won't let go of and it eats up your system resources. These errors can usually be terminated by depriving your system of electricity for a minute. The problem may return if you fail to find the cause (virus, trojan, worm, spyware, adware, OS bug, software bug, any or all of the above together). Also, instead of trying to refresh, just click the link again. If none of my suggestions for you help, then please reply and give external variables to the problem such as and mostimportantly the time of day (GMT), general computer specifications, OS, and of course the web browser you are using. I'm sure we can find a solution for you but you have to work with us a little here. It is hard to say what the problem is since the rest of us don't have the same issue and we don't have access to your computer. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  22. As I understand you, you are looking for a piece of software or web script to track your ad campaigns either on your website or other. If this is indeed the case then there is a very good free system availible. phpAdsNew is a free program that actually come preinstalled with the free web hosting accounts at Xisto. It is pretty complex to use but once you figure out most of the system, you'll quickly see the benefits of the multi-featured system. It can be used in its simplest form as the ad manager on your website. - It can control the number of times a banner or campaign of banners is displayed. - It can be used with keywords or zones - Each Ad service (AdSense, LinkConnector, Commission Junction, etc...) gets it's own account It can also be used as an ad server system where you can recruit advertisers and and webmasters. - Get paid by advertisers to to server their ads on you members websites. - Pay your members with a PPC, PPM, etc system. - Use it to track the number of times your ads are being clicked through each of your advertising agents (The little guy with your ads on his website). The manual is quite large an will require you to play with the systema little to get the hang of it. I haven't been to the support forum but there is one and I'm sure that any problems you may have can be addressed there. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  23. To answer the actual question, there is no difference between the two extentions. I mean there is absolutely no difference between the two extentions. In case you didn't understand what I was trying to say, there is no difference between the two file extentions. Having made my point abundantly clear, I do have something to add. Even though there is no difference between the two file extentions since the one is JUST a shorter version of the other or maybe one is JUST a longer version of the other, the longer version is preferable by todays standards which don't really mean too much since the only standard for web design is that there isn't any real standards. There have been attampts to define standards but the browsers don't care, the browser developers don't care, and the web site designers don't care. This is because making a webste conform to the standards does not mean that all web browsers will correctly display the content nor does it mean that your page will be looked upon more favorably by the search engines or page ranking robots. In fact, trying to make your web site conform to the standards may make it more difficult to make it appear more uniformly accross all of the web browsers available. I recommend that you use .html but whatever you choose to use, be sure to always use the same extention. This will reduce the number of dead or broken links on your web site. vujsa
  24. I prefer godaddy.com. They are very inexpensive and offer a bunch of free services which many registrars charge a lot of money for. I moved all of my domain names there. vujsa
  25. Sorry, I didn't realize that your menu was all JavaScript generated so I may have confused you as a result. All you need to do is prepare your JavaScript to be used as an external file and then insert a link to that file. First you need to modify your existing mymenu.js file to be used as an external JavaScript file by removing your JavaScript tags like so: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ function Go(){return} /*********************************************************************** YOU CAN MANUALLY CHANGE THE MENU HERE, BUT BE VERY CAREFUL ! ***********************************************************************/ Menu1=new Array("Profile","http://ftv.astahost.com/profile.html","",2,20,80); Menu1_1=new Array("Station","http://ftv.asthost.com/profile/station.html","",0,20,80); Menu1_2=new Array("Personal","http://ftv.astahost.com/profile/personal.html","",0,20,0); Menu2=new Array("Buy","http://ftv.astahost.com/buy.html","",3,0,80); Menu2_1=new Array("Studio","http://ftv.astahost.com/buy/studio.html","",0,20,80); Menu2_2=new Array("Sets","http://ftv.astahost.com/buy/sets.html","",0,20,0); Menu2_3=new Array("Advertisments","http://ftv.astahost.com/buy/ads.html","",0,20,80); Menu3=new Array("Hire","http://ftv.astahost.com/hire.html","",2,0,80); Menu3_1=new Array("Crew","http://ftv.astahost.com/hire/crew.html","",0,20,80); Menu3_2=new Array("Writers","http://ftv.astahost.com/hire/writers.html","",0,20,0); var NoOffFirstLineMenus=3; // Number of first level items var LowBgColor='333300'; // Background color when mouse is not over var LowSubBgColor='333300'; // Background color when mouse is not over on subs var HighBgColor='0000FF'; // Background color when mouse is over var HighSubBgColor='0000FF'; // Background color when mouse is over on subs var FontLowColor='FF0000'; // Font color when mouse is not over var FontSubLowColor='FF0000'; // Font color subs when mouse is not over var FontHighColor='00FF00'; // Font color when mouse is over var FontSubHighColor='00FF00'; // Font color subs when mouse is over var BorderColor='808080'; // Border color var BorderSubColor='808080'; // Border color for subs var BorderWidth=2; // Border width var BorderBtwnElmnts=1; // Border between elements 1 or 0 var FontFamily="Verdana" // Font family menu items var FontSize=9; // Font size menu items var FontBold=1; // Bold menu items 1 or 0 var FontItalic=0; // Italic menu items 1 or 0 var MenuTextCentered='left'; // Item text position 'left', 'center' or 'right' var MenuCentered='left'; // Menu horizontal position 'left', 'center' or 'right' var MenuVerticalCentered='top'; // Menu vertical position 'top', 'middle','bottom' or static var ChildOverlap=.2; // horizontal overlap child/ parent var ChildVerticalOverlap=.2; // vertical overlap child/ parent var StartTop=1; // Menu offset x coordinate var StartLeft=1; // Menu offset y coordinate var VerCorrect=0; // Multiple frames y correction var HorCorrect=0; // Multiple frames x correction var LeftPaddng=3; // Left padding var TopPaddng=2; // Top padding var FirstLineHorizontal=0; // SET TO 1 FOR HORIZONTAL MENU, 0 FOR VERTICAL var MenuFramesVertical=1; // Frames in cols or rows 1 or 0 var DissapearDelay=1000; // delay before menu folds in var TakeOverBgColor=1; // Menu frame takes over background color subitem frame var FirstLineFrame='navig'; // Frame where first level appears var SecLineFrame='space'; // Frame where sub levels appear var DocTargetFrame='space'; // Frame where target documents appear var TargetLoc=''; // span id for relative positioning var HideTop=0; // Hide first level when loading new document 1 or 0 var MenuWrap=1; // enables/ disables menu wrap 1 or 0 var RightToLeft=0; // enables/ disables right to left unfold 1 or 0 var UnfoldsOnClick=0; // Level 1 unfolds onclick/ onmouseover var WebMasterCheck=0; // menu tree checking on or off 1 or 0 var ShowArrow=1; // Uses arrow gifs when 1 var KeepHilite=1; // Keep selected path highligthed var Arrws=['tri.gif',5,10,'tridown.gif',10,5,'trileft.gif',5,10]; // Arrow source, width and height /*********************************************************************** DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE - IT WILL BREAK THE SCRIPT ! ***********************************************************************/ var AgntUsr=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var DomYes=document.getElementById?1:0; var NavYes=AgntUsr.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1&&AgntUsr.indexOf('compatible')==-1?1:0; var ExpYes=AgntUsr.indexOf('msie')!=-1?1:0; var Opr=AgntUsr.indexOf('opera')!=-1?1:0; var Opr6orless=window.opera && navigator.userAgent.search(/opera.[1-6]/i)!=-1 //DynamicDrive.com added code var DomNav=DomYes&&NavYes?1:0; var DomExp=DomYes&&ExpYes?1:0; var Nav4=NavYes&&!DomYes&&document.layers?1:0; var Exp4=ExpYes&&!DomYes&&document.all?1:0; var PosStrt=(NavYes||ExpYes)&&!Opr6orless?1:0; var FrstLoc,ScLoc,DcLoc; var ScWinWdth,ScWinHght,FrstWinWdth,FrstWinHght; var ScLdAgainWin; var FirstColPos,SecColPos,DocColPos; var RcrsLvl=0; var FrstCreat=1,Loadd=0,Creatd=0,IniFlg,AcrssFrms=1; var FrstCntnr=null,CurrntOvr=null,CloseTmr=null; var CntrTxt,TxtClose,ImgStr; var Ztop=100; var ShwFlg=0; var M_StrtTp=StartTop,M_StrtLft=StartLeft; var StaticPos=0; var LftXtra=DomNav&&!Opr?LeftPaddng:0; //Changed for Opera var TpXtra=DomNav?TopPaddng:0; var M_Hide=Nav4?'hide':'hidden'; var M_Show=Nav4?'show':'visible'; var Par=parent.frames[0]&&FirstLineFrame!=SecLineFrame?parent:window; var Doc=Par.document; var Bod=Doc.body; var Trigger=NavYes&&!Opr?Par:Bod; //Changed for Opera MenuTextCentered=MenuTextCentered==1||MenuTextCentered=='center'?'center':MenuTextCentered==0||MenuTextCentered!='right'?'left':'right'; WbMstrAlrts=["Item not defined: ","Item needs height: ","Item needs width: "]; if(Trigger.onload)Dummy=Trigger.onload; if(DomNav||Opr)Trigger.addEventListener('load',Go,false); //Changed for Opera else Trigger.onload=Go; function Dummy(){return} function CnclSlct(){return false} function RePos(){ FrstWinWdth=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientWidth:FrstLoc.innerWidth; FrstWinHght=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientHeight:FrstLoc.innerHeight; ScWinWdth=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientWidth:ScLoc.innerWidth; ScWinHght=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientHeight:ScLoc.innerHeight; if(MenuCentered=='justify'&&FirstLineHorizontal){ FrstCntnr.style.width=FrstWinWdth; ClcJus(); var P=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr,W=Menu1[5],i; for(i=0;i<NoOffFirstLineMenus;i++){P.style.width=W;P=P.PrvMbr}} StaticPos=-1; if(TargetLoc)ClcTrgt(); if(MenuCentered)ClcLft(); if(MenuVerticalCentered)ClcTp(); PosMenu(FrstCntnr,StartTop,StartLeft)} function UnLoaded(){ if(CloseTmr)clearTimeout(CloseTmr); Loadd=0; Creatd=0; if(HideTop){ var FCStyle=Nav4?FrstCntnr:FrstCntnr.style; FCStyle.visibility=M_Hide}} function ReDoWhole(){ if(ScWinWdth!=ScLoc.innerWidth||ScWinHght!=ScLoc.innerHeight||FrstWinWdth!=FrstLoc.innerWidth||FrstWinHght!=FrstLoc.innerHeight)Doc.location.reload()} function Check(WMnu,NoOf){ var i,array,ArrayLoc; ArrayLoc=parent.frames[0]?parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]:self; for(i=0;i<NoOf;i++){ array=WMnu+eval(i+1); if(!ArrayLoc[array]){WbMstrAlrt(0,array); return false} if(i==0){ if(!ArrayLoc[array][4]){WbMstrAlrt(1,array); return false} if(!ArrayLoc[array][5]){WbMstrAlrt(2,array); return false}} if(ArrayLoc[array][3])if(!Check(array+'_',ArrayLoc[array][3])) return false} return true} function WbMstrAlrt(No,Xtra){ return confirm(WbMstrAlrts[No]+Xtra+' ')} function Go(){ Dummy(); if(Loadd||!PosStrt)return; BeforeStart(); Creatd=0; Loadd=1; status='Building menu'; if(FrstCreat){ if(FirstLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]){ FirstLineFrame=SecLineFrame; if(FirstLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]){ FirstLineFrame=SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame; if(FirstLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[FirstLineFrame])FirstLineFrame=SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame=''}} if(SecLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[SecLineFrame]){ SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame; if(SecLineFrame =="" || !parent.frames[SecLineFrame])SecLineFrame=DocTargetFrame=FirstLineFrame} if(DocTargetFrame =="" || !parent.frames[DocTargetFrame])DocTargetFrame=SecLineFrame; if(WebMasterCheck){ if(!Check('Menu',NoOffFirstLineMenus)){status='build aborted';return}} FrstLoc=FirstLineFrame!=""?parent.frames[FirstLineFrame]:window; ScLoc=SecLineFrame!=""?parent.frames[SecLineFrame]:window; DcLoc=DocTargetFrame!=""?parent.frames[DocTargetFrame]:window; if (FrstLoc==ScLoc) AcrssFrms=0; if (AcrssFrms)FirstLineHorizontal=MenuFramesVertical?0:1; FrstWinWdth=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientWidth:FrstLoc.innerWidth; FrstWinHght=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.clientHeight:FrstLoc.innerHeight; ScWinWdth=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientWidth:ScLoc.innerWidth; ScWinHght=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.clientHeight:ScLoc.innerHeight; if(Nav4){ CntrTxt=MenuTextCentered!='left'?"<div align='"+MenuTextCentered+"'>":""; TxtClose="</font>"+MenuTextCentered!='left'?"</div>":""}} FirstColPos=Nav4?FrstLoc.document:FrstLoc.document.body; SecColPos=Nav4?ScLoc.document:ScLoc.document.body; DocColPos=Nav4?DcLoc.document:ScLoc.document.body; if (TakeOverBgColor)FirstColPos.bgColor=AcrssFrms?SecColPos.bgColor:DocColPos.bgColor; if(MenuCentered=='justify'&&FirstLineHorizontal)ClcJus(); if(FrstCreat){ FrstCntnr=CreateMenuStructure('Menu',NoOffFirstLineMenus); FrstCreat=AcrssFrms?0:1} else CreateMenuStructureAgain('Menu',NoOffFirstLineMenus); if(TargetLoc)ClcTrgt(); if(MenuCentered)ClcLft(); if(MenuVerticalCentered)ClcTp(); PosMenu(FrstCntnr,StartTop,StartLeft); IniFlg=1; Initiate(); Creatd=1; if (AcrssFrms) //Added for Opera { //Added for Opera ScLdAgainWin=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body:ScLoc; ScLdAgainWin.onunload=UnLoaded; } //Added for Opera Trigger.onresize=Nav4?ReDoWhole:RePos; AfterBuild(); if(MenuVerticalCentered=='static'&&!AcrssFrms)setInterval('KeepPos()',250); status='Menu ready for use'} function KeepPos(){ var TS=ExpYes?FrstLoc.document.body.scrollTop:FrstLoc.pageYOffset; if(TS!=StaticPos){ var FCStyle=Nav4?FrstCntnr:FrstCntnr.style; FCStyle.top=FrstCntnr.OrgTop=StartTop+TS;StaticPos=TS}} function ClcJus(){ var a=BorderBtwnElmnts?1:2,b=BorderBtwnElmnts?BorderWidth:0; var Size=Math.round(((FrstWinWdth-a*BorderWidth)/NoOffFirstLineMenus)-,i,j; for(i=1;i<NoOffFirstLineMenus+1;i++){j=eval('Menu'+i);j[5]=Size} StartLeft=0} function ClcTrgt(){ var TLoc=Nav4?FrstLoc.document.layers[TargetLoc]:DomYes?FrstLoc.document.getElementById(TargetLoc):FrstLoc.document.all[TargetLoc]; StartTop=M_StrtTp; StartLeft=M_StrtLft; if(DomYes){ while(TLoc){StartTop+=TLoc.offsetTop;StartLeft+=TLoc.offsetLeft;TLoc=TLoc.offsetParent}} else{ StartTop+=Nav4?TLoc.pageY:TLoc.offsetTop;StartLeft+=Nav4?TLoc.pageX:TLoc.offsetLeft}} function ClcLft(){ if(MenuCentered!='left'&&MenuCentered!='justify'){ var Size=FrstWinWdth-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.width):FrstCntnr.clip.width); StartLeft=M_StrtLft; StartLeft+=MenuCentered=='right'?Size:Size/2}} function ClcTp(){ if(MenuVerticalCentered!='top'&&MenuVerticalCentered!='static'){ var Size=FrstWinHght-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.height):FrstCntnr.clip.height); StartTop=M_StrtTp; StartTop+=MenuVerticalCentered=='bottom'?Size:Size/2}} function PosMenu(CntnrPntr,Tp,Lt){ var Topi,Lefti,Hori; var Cntnr=CntnrPntr; var Mmbr=Cntnr.FrstMbr; var CntnrStyle=!Nav4?Cntnr.style:Cntnr; var MmbrStyle=!Nav4?Mmbr.style:Mmbr; var PadL=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?LftXtra:0; var PadT=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?TpXtra:0; var MmbrWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.width)+PadL:MmbrStyle.clip.width; var MmbrHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.height)+PadT:MmbrStyle.clip.height; var CntnrWt=!Nav4?parseInt(CntnrStyle.width):CntnrStyle.clip.width; var CntnrHt=!Nav4?parseInt(CntnrStyle.height):CntnrStyle.clip.height; var SubTp,SubLt; RcrsLvl++; if (RcrsLvl==1 && AcrssFrms)!MenuFramesVertical?Tp=FrstWinHght-CntnrHt+(Nav4?4:0):Lt=RightToLeft?0:FrstWinWdth-CntnrWt+(Nav4?4:0); if (RcrsLvl==2 && AcrssFrms)!MenuFramesVertical?Tp=0:Lt=RightToLeft?ScWinWdth-CntnrWt:0; if (RcrsLvl==2 && AcrssFrms){Tp+=VerCorrect;Lt+=HorCorrect} CntnrStyle.top=RcrsLvl==1?Tp:0; Cntnr.OrgTop=Tp; CntnrStyle.left=RcrsLvl==1?Lt:0; Cntnr.OrgLeft=Lt; if (RcrsLvl==1 && FirstLineHorizontal){ Hori=1;Lefti=CntnrWt-MmbrWt-2*BorderWidth;Topi=0} else{ Hori=Lefti=0;Topi=CntnrHt-MmbrHt-2*BorderWidth} while(Mmbr!=null){ MmbrStyle.left=Lefti+BorderWidth; MmbrStyle.top=Topi+BorderWidth; if(Nav4)Mmbr.CmdLyr.moveTo(Lefti+BorderWidth,Topi+BorderWidth); if(Mmbr.ChildCntnr){ if(RightToLeft)ChldCntnrWdth=Nav4?Mmbr.ChildCntnr.clip.width:parseInt(Mmbr.ChildCntnr.style.width); if(Hori){ SubTp=Topi+MmbrHt+2*BorderWidth; SubLt=RightToLeft?Lefti+MmbrWt-ChldCntnrWdth:Lefti} else{ SubLt=RightToLeft?Lefti-ChldCntnrWdth+ChildOverlap*MmbrWt+BorderWidth:Lefti+(1-ChildOverlap)*MmbrWt+BorderWidth; SubTp=RcrsLvl==1&&AcrssFrms?Topi:Topi+ChildVerticalOverlap*MmbrHt} PosMenu(Mmbr.ChildCntnr,SubTp,SubLt)} Mmbr=Mmbr.PrvMbr; if(Mmbr){ MmbrStyle=!Nav4?Mmbr.style:Mmbr; PadL=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?LftXtra:0; PadT=Mmbr.value.indexOf('<')==-1?TpXtra:0; MmbrWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.width)+PadL:MmbrStyle.clip.width; MmbrHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MmbrStyle.height)+PadT:MmbrStyle.clip.height; Hori?Lefti-=BorderBtwnElmnts?(MmbrWt+BorderWidth):(MmbrWt):Topi-=BorderBtwnElmnts?(MmbrHt+BorderWidth):(MmbrHt)}} RcrsLvl--} function Initiate(){ if(IniFlg){ Init(FrstCntnr);IniFlg=0; if(ShwFlg)AfterCloseAll();ShwFlg=0}} function Init(CntnrPntr){ var Mmbr=CntnrPntr.FrstMbr; var MCStyle=Nav4?CntnrPntr:CntnrPntr.style; RcrsLvl++; MCStyle.visibility=RcrsLvl==1?M_Show:M_Hide; while(Mmbr!=null){ if(Mmbr.Hilite){Mmbr.Hilite=0;if(KeepHilite)LowItem(Mmbr)} if(Mmbr.ChildCntnr) Init(Mmbr.ChildCntnr); Mmbr=Mmbr.PrvMbr} RcrsLvl--} function ClearAllChilds(Pntr){ var CPCCStyle; while (Pntr){ if(Pntr.Hilite){ Pntr.Hilite=0; if(KeepHilite)LowItem(Pntr); if(Pntr.ChildCntnr){ CPCCStyle=Nav4?Pntr.ChildCntnr:Pntr.ChildCntnr.style; CPCCStyle.visibility=M_Hide; ClearAllChilds(Pntr.ChildCntnr.FrstMbr)} break} Pntr=Pntr.PrvMbr}} function GoTo(){ if(this.LinkTxt){ status=''; var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; LowItem(HP); this.LinkTxt.indexOf('java script:')!=-1?eval(this.LinkTxt):DcLoc.location.href=this.LinkTxt}} function HiliteItem(P){ if(Nav4){ if(P.ro)P.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2; else{ if(P.HiBck)P.bgColor=P.HiBck; if(P.value.indexOf('<img')==-1){ P.document.write(P.Ovalue); P.document.close()}}} else{ if(P.ro){ var Lc=P.Level==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2} else{ if(P.HiBck)P.style.backgroundColor=P.HiBck; if(P.HiFntClr)P.style.color=P.HiFntClr}} P.Hilite=1} function LowItem(P){ if(P.ro){ if(Nav4)P.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri1; else{ var Lc=P.Level==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri1}} else{ if(Nav4){ if(P.LoBck)P.bgColor=P.LoBck; if(P.value.indexOf('<img')==-1){ P.document.write(P.value); P.document.close()}} else{ if(P.LoBck)P.style.backgroundColor=P.LoBck; if(P.LwFntClr)P.style.color=P.LwFntClr}}} function OpenMenu(){ if(!Loadd||!Creatd) return; var TpScrlld=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollTop:ScLoc.pageYOffset; var LScrlld=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollLeft:ScLoc.pageXOffset; var CCnt=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr:this.ChildCntnr; var ThisHt=Nav4?this.clip.height:parseInt(this.style.height); var ThisWt=Nav4?this.clip.width:parseInt(this.style.width); var ThisLft=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1&&!FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?this.Container.left:parseInt(this.Container.style.left); var ThisTp=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?this.Container.top:parseInt(this.Container.style.top); var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; CurrntOvr=this; IniFlg=0; ClearAllChilds(this.Container.FrstMbr); HiliteItem(HP); if(CCnt!=null){ if(!ShwFlg){ShwFlg=1; BeforeFirstOpen()} var CCW=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr.clip.width:parseInt(this.ChildCntnr.style.width); var CCH=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr.clip.height:parseInt(this.ChildCntnr.style.height); var ChCntTL=Nav4?this.LowLyr.ChildCntnr:this.ChildCntnr.style; var SubLt=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1?CCnt.OrgLeft+ThisLft+LScrlld:CCnt.OrgLeft+ThisLft; var SubTp=AcrssFrms&&this.Level==1?CCnt.OrgTop+ThisTp+TpScrlld:CCnt.OrgTop+ThisTp; if(MenuWrap){ if(RightToLeft){ if(SubLt<LScrlld)SubLt=this.Level==1?LScrlld:SubLt+(CCW+(1-2*ChildOverlap)*ThisWt); if(SubLt+CCW>ScWinWdth+LScrlld)SubLt=ScWinWdth+LScrlld-CCW} else{ if(SubLt+CCW>ScWinWdth+LScrlld)SubLt=this.Level==1?ScWinWdth+LScrlld-CCW:SubLt-(CCW+(1-2*ChildOverlap)*ThisWt); if(SubLt<LScrlld)SubLt=LScrlld} if(SubTp+CCH>TpScrlld+ScWinHght)SubTp=this.Level==1?SubTp=TpScrlld+ScWinHght-CCH:SubTp-CCH+(1-2*ChildVerticalOverlap)*ThisHt; if(SubTp<TpScrlld)SubTp=TpScrlld} ChCntTL.top=SubTp;ChCntTL.left=SubLt;ChCntTL.visibility=M_Show} status=this.LinkTxt} function OpenMenuClick(){ if(!Loadd||!Creatd) return; var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; CurrntOvr=this; IniFlg=0; ClearAllChilds(this.Container.FrstMbr); HiliteItem(HP); status=this.LinkTxt} function CloseMenu(){ if(!Loadd||!Creatd) return; if(!KeepHilite){ var HP=Nav4?this.LowLyr:this; LowItem(HP)} status=''; if(this==CurrntOvr){ IniFlg=1; if(CloseTmr)clearTimeout(CloseTmr); CloseTmr=setTimeout('Initiate(CurrntOvr)',DissapearDelay)}} function CntnrSetUp(Wdth,Hght,NoOff){ var x=RcrsLvl==1?BorderColor:BorderSubColor; this.FrstMbr=null; this.OrgLeft=this.OrgTop=0; if(x)this.bgColor=x; if(Nav4){ this.visibility='hide'; this.resizeTo(Wdth,Hght)} else{ if(x)this.style.backgroundColor=x; this.style.width=Wdth; this.style.height=Hght; this.style.fontFamily=FontFamily; this.style.fontWeight=FontBold?'bold':'normal'; this.style.fontStyle=FontItalic?'italic':'normal'; this.style.fontSize=FontSize+'pt'; this.style.zIndex=RcrsLvl+Ztop}} function MbrSetUp(MmbrCntnr,PrMmbr,WhatMenu,Wdth,Hght){ var Location=RcrsLvl==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; var MemVal=eval(WhatMenu+'[0]'); var t,T,L,W,H,S; var a,b,c,d; this.PrvMbr=PrMmbr; this.Level=RcrsLvl; this.LinkTxt=eval(WhatMenu+'[1]'); this.Container=MmbrCntnr; this.ChildCntnr=null; this.Hilite=0; this.style.overflow='hidden'; this.style.cursor=ExpYes&&(this.LinkTxt||(RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick))?'hand':'default'; this.ro=0; if(MemVal.indexOf('rollover')!=-1){ this.ro=1; this.ri1=MemVal.substring(MemVal.indexOf(':')+1,MemVal.lastIndexOf(':')); this.ri2=MemVal.substring(MemVal.lastIndexOf(':')+1,MemVal.length); this.rid=WhatMenu+'i';MemVal="<img src='"+this.ri1+"' name='"+this.rid+"'>"} this.value=MemVal; if(RcrsLvl==1){ a=LowBgColor; b=HighBgColor; c=FontLowColor; d=FontHighColor} else{ a=LowSubBgColor; b=HighSubBgColor; c=FontSubLowColor; d=FontSubHighColor} this.LoBck=a; this.LwFntClr=c; this.HiBck=b; this.HiFntClr=d; this.style.color=this.LwFntClr; if(this.LoBck)this.style.backgroundColor=this.LoBck; this.style.textAlign=MenuTextCentered; if(eval(WhatMenu+'[2]'))this.style.backgroundImage="url(\'"+eval(WhatMenu+'[2]')+"\')"; if(MemVal.indexOf('<')==-1){ this.style.width=Wdth-LftXtra; this.style.height=Hght-TpXtra; this.style.paddingLeft=LeftPaddng; this.style.paddingTop=TopPaddng} else{ this.style.width=Wdth; this.style.height=Hght} if(MemVal.indexOf('<')==-1&&DomYes){ t=Location.document.createTextNode(MemVal); this.appendChild(t)} else this.innerHTML=MemVal; if(eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')&&ShowArrow){ a=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?3:RightToLeft?6:0; S=Arrws[a]; W=Arrws[a+1]; H=Arrws[a+2]; T=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?Hght-H-2:(Hght-H)/2; L=RightToLeft?2:Wdth-W-2; if(DomYes){ t=Location.document.createElement('img'); this.appendChild(t); t.style.position='absolute'; t.src=S; t.style.width=W; t.style.height=H; t.style.top=T; t.style.left=L} else{ MemVal+="<div style='position:absolute; top:"+T+"; left:"+L+"; width:"+W+"; height:"+H+";visibility:inherit'><img src='"+S+"'></div>"; this.innerHTML=MemVal}} if(ExpYes){this.onselectstart=CnclSlct; this.onmouseover=RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick?OpenMenuClick:OpenMenu; this.onmouseout=CloseMenu; this.onclick=RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick&&eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')?OpenMenu:GoTo } else{ RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick?this.addEventListener('mouseover',OpenMenuClick,false):this.addEventListener('mouseover',OpenMenu,false); this.addEventListener('mouseout',CloseMenu,false); RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick&&eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')?this.addEventListener('click',OpenMenu,false):this.addEventListener('click',GoTo,false)}} function NavMbrSetUp(MmbrCntnr,PrMmbr,WhatMenu,Wdth,Hght){ var a,b,c,d; if(RcrsLvl==1){ a=LowBgColor; b=HighBgColor; c=FontLowColor; d=FontHighColor} else { a=LowSubBgColor; b=HighSubBgColor; c=FontSubLowColor; d=FontSubHighColor } this.value=eval(WhatMenu+'[0]'); this.ro=0; if(this.value.indexOf('rollover')!=-1){ this.ro=1; this.ri1=this.value.substring(this.value.indexOf(':')+1,this.value.lastIndexOf(':')); this.ri2=this.value.substring(this.value.lastIndexOf(':')+1,this.value.length); this.rid=WhatMenu+'i';this.value="<img src='"+this.ri1+"' name='"+this.rid+"'>"} if(LeftPaddng&&this.value.indexOf('<')==-1&&MenuTextCentered=='left')this.value=' \;'+this.value; if(FontBold)this.value=this.value.bold(); if(FontItalic)this.value=this.value.italics(); this.Ovalue=this.value; this.value=this.value.fontcolor©; this.Ovalue=this.Ovalue.fontcolor(d); this.value=CntrTxt+"<font face='"+FontFamily+"' point-size='"+FontSize+"'>"+this.value+TxtClose; this.Ovalue=CntrTxt+"<font face='"+FontFamily+"' point-size='"+FontSize+"'>"+this.Ovalue+TxtClose; this.LoBck=a; this.HiBck=b; this.ChildCntnr=null; this.PrvMbr=PrMmbr; this.Hilite=0; this.visibility='inherit'; if(this.LoBck)this.bgColor=this.LoBck; this.resizeTo(Wdth,Hght); if(!AcrssFrms&&eval(WhatMenu+'[2]'))this.background.src=eval(WhatMenu+'[2]'); this.document.write(this.value); this.document.close(); this.CmdLyr=new Layer(Wdth,MmbrCntnr); this.CmdLyr.Level=RcrsLvl; this.CmdLyr.LinkTxt=eval(WhatMenu+'[1]'); this.CmdLyr.visibility='inherit'; this.CmdLyr.onmouseover=RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick?OpenMenuClick:OpenMenu; this.CmdLyr.onmouseout=CloseMenu; this.CmdLyr.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); this.CmdLyr.onmouseup=RcrsLvl==1&&UnfoldsOnClick&&eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')?OpenMenu:GoTo; this.CmdLyr.LowLyr=this; this.CmdLyr.resizeTo(Wdth,Hght); this.CmdLyr.Container=MmbrCntnr; if(eval(WhatMenu+'[3]')&&ShowArrow){ a=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?3:RightToLeft?6:0; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr=new Layer(Arrws[a+1],this.CmdLyr); this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.visibility='inherit'; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.top=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?Hght-Arrws[a+2]-2:(Hght-Arrws[a+2])/2; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.left=RightToLeft?2:Wdth-Arrws[a+1]-2; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.width=Arrws[a+1]; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.height=Arrws[a+2]; ImgStr="<img src='"+Arrws[a]+"' width='"+Arrws[a+1]+"' height='"+Arrws[a+2]+"'>"; this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.document.write(ImgStr); this.CmdLyr.ImgLyr.document.close()}} function CreateMenuStructure(MName,NumberOf){ RcrsLvl++; var i,NoOffSubs,Mbr,Wdth=0,Hght=0; var PrvMmbr=null; var WMnu=MName+'1'; var MenuWidth=eval(WMnu+'[5]'); var MenuHeight=eval(WMnu+'[4]'); var Location=RcrsLvl==1?FrstLoc:ScLoc; if (RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal){ for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); Wdth=eval(WMnu+'[5]')?Wdth+eval(WMnu+'[5]'):Wdth+MenuWidth} Wdth=BorderBtwnElmnts?Wdth+(NumberOf+1)*BorderWidth:Wdth+2*BorderWidth;Hght=MenuHeight+2*BorderWidth} else{ for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); Hght=eval(WMnu+'[4]')?Hght+eval(WMnu+'[4]'):Hght+MenuHeight} Hght=BorderBtwnElmnts?Hght+(NumberOf+1)*BorderWidth:Hght+2*BorderWidth;Wdth=MenuWidth+2*BorderWidth} if(DomYes){ var MmbrCntnr=Location.document.createElement("div"); MmbrCntnr.style.position='absolute'; MmbrCntnr.style.visibility='hidden'; Location.document.body.appendChild(MmbrCntnr)} else{ if(Nav4) var MmbrCntnr=new Layer(Wdth,Location) else{ WMnu+='c'; Location.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin","<div id='"+WMnu+"' style='visibility:hidden; position:absolute;'><\/div>"); var MmbrCntnr=Location.document.all[WMnu]}} MmbrCntnr.SetUp=CntnrSetUp; MmbrCntnr.SetUp(Wdth,Hght,NumberOf); if(Exp4){ MmbrCntnr.InnerString=''; for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); MmbrCntnr.InnerString+="<div id='"+WMnu+"' style='position:absolute;'><\/div>"} MmbrCntnr.innerHTML=MmbrCntnr.InnerString} for(i=1;i<NumberOf+1;i++){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); NoOffSubs=eval(WMnu+'[3]'); Wdth=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?eval(WMnu+'[5]')?eval(WMnu+'[5]'):MenuWidth:MenuWidth; Hght=RcrsLvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?MenuHeight:eval(WMnu+'[4]')?eval(WMnu+'[4]'):MenuHeight; if(DomYes){ Mbr=Location.document.createElement("div"); Mbr.style.position='absolute'; Mbr.style.visibility='inherit'; MmbrCntnr.appendChild(Mbr)} else Mbr=Nav4?new Layer(Wdth,MmbrCntnr):Location.document.all[WMnu]; Mbr.SetUp=Nav4?NavMbrSetUp:MbrSetUp; Mbr.SetUp(MmbrCntnr,PrvMmbr,WMnu,Wdth,Hght); if(NoOffSubs) Mbr.ChildCntnr=CreateMenuStructure(WMnu+'_',NoOffSubs); PrvMmbr=Mbr} MmbrCntnr.FrstMbr=Mbr; RcrsLvl--; return(MmbrCntnr)} function CreateMenuStructureAgain(MName,NumberOf){ var i,WMnu,NoOffSubs,PrvMmbr,Mbr=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr; RcrsLvl++; for(i=NumberOf;i>0;i--){ WMnu=MName+eval(i); NoOffSubs=eval(WMnu+'[3]'); PrvMmbr=Mbr; if(NoOffSubs)Mbr.ChildCntnr=CreateMenuStructure(WMnu+'_',NoOffSubs); Mbr=Mbr.PrvMbr} RcrsLvl--} function BeforeStart(){return} function AfterBuild(){return} function BeforeFirstOpen(){return} function AfterCloseAll(){return} Then in whatever page that you want to display your menu, then you need only insert a couple of lines of code like so: <html> <head> <title> My JavaScript Menu </title> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <meta name="author" content="ftv"> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; </script> <noscript>Your browser does not support script</noscript> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080"> Your main page content here. </body> </html> That's it, just insert the required JavaScript into your webpages. <script language="JavaScript" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; </script> <noscript>Your browser does not support script> Then just adjust your variables to change the look of your menu. Be careful with the variables. This controls the position of the top left corner of the menu: var StartTop=1; // Menu offset x coordinate var StartLeft=1; // Menu offset y coordinate Well, I think this will get you what you need. One other thing, on your main page, you have an error. Your buttons will not take the user to the right place with all browsers. To keep this from happening, either use relational URL's or absolute URL's. Relational URL: mypage.html or directory/mypage.html Absolute URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Currently with some browsers, the URL points to this:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Basically, you left out the http:// which has caused the problems. Hope This Helps. vujsa
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