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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. First, read the post that I linked to above. Everyone should still have an edit button availible to them on the forum unless it is the very first post of a topic. The first post of a topic cannot be edited without the help of a staff member. The credit system works fine for ALL post edits except those done on the very first post of a topic. The forum software treats the topic starting post different that all of the other posts in a topic. The forum software wraps all of the topic information into the first post. This wouldn't be a problem if the software created a entry for the topic and left the first post alone.. As far as I know, there is no way around this limitation. An no further work s being done to overcome this limitation. Perhapes future releases of the forum software will discontinue embedding the topic details into the first post but it is doubtful as it would require database modifications that would make upgrading very difficult. If you want something edited, contact a staff member either with the report button or PM. Vujsa Topic Closed Notice from vujsa: I'm sorry, it turns out that the edit feature has been disabled due to non-credit system abuse.
  2. There is an edit button just not on the first post in a topic. So about 99% of your topics can be edited without trouble but if you need help or want more information about the issue, please read this post. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83313-topic/?findpost=1064299432 I hope this will clear things up for you. vujsa
  3. I'm a hugh fan of Western Digital HDD. I currently have 4 installed in my system:WD68BB - 6.8 GBWD400BB - 40GBWD800BB - 80GBWD800BB - 80GBI had a WD drive fail one time about a week after purchasing and they had a new one to me in 3 days. I didn't lose any data because I have the drives in a mirrored array. I recomend the WD 200GB or higher with 8MB cache. You can try to buy smaller drives and set them up in a RAID to combine their capacity but in the end, you'll probably spend as much or more than you would on the single large drive. Smaller capacity drives aren't that much less than the higher capacity drives plus you'll probably need to buy a RAID controller even though there are software options available which are less reliable than hardware solutions. You may even benefit from going a little smaller on the hard drives and invest in a DVD burner to hold either your raw video data or make DVD movies. This type of optical storage offers better security of data than magnetic solutions.Next, to overcome any lag from slower HDD's, I highly recommend maxing out your system memory. At the very least, if you have any empty memory slots, fill them with the largest allowable memory module available for your motherboard. Having the maximum amount of memory in each slot ensures that you'll never have to discard a smaller memory module when replaced with a larger stick. (Overall money saver).The larger the buffer between your video capture device and your hard drive, the few dropped frames you'll have. The buffer consists of system memory, virtual memory, and HDD cache. So max the memory and set your page file (virtual memory) high.Next capture video to a hard drive controller separate from the hard drive controller that hosts the operating system and video capture application. Basically, if your OS and Apps. are on the first controller then be sure the target drive is on the second controller. This prevents the app or OS from tying up the HDD while the video capture is being written to it because the two are separated.Obviously, close any non-essential task and program that you have running during the capture. This will free CPU and memory resources for the capture. I pretty much close everything but the video capture application and the OS.WD has their own web store which has pretty good prices as well as newegg.com.I would also suggest checking out ebay cause a lot of new drives are sold there pretty cheap.Hope this Helps. ;)vujsa
  4. I agree with the others on this. If you don't have any real programming experience or knowledge, a book will help a lot.I suggest finding a book talks about a specific use of the language like a Java for web design book. This will give you some basis to work from. If you have an idea of what the end product will be before you get started, you'll have an easier time learning. The next suggestion is particularly imporrtant. Learn one language at a time. I suggest an easier language like PHP but as long as you pick one and learn it you'll be ok. After you get the basics down for one language, the general rules for all of the languages is similar. So you second or third language will be easier to learn because you really only have to learn the language specific parts of the language. Here is the best part of all this though. If you leaarn a single programming or scripting language well enough, you may never need another language again. Being able to manipulate a language to do what you want is powerful enough to get almost any language to do wwhat you need. While some languages are easier to accomplish certain functions, most languages are able if you write your program corectly.Hope this helps. ;)vujsa
  5. Actually, you shouldn't have any trouble at all even with absolute links because you have your own domain name already. As long as you transfer the domain to the new server as well, your links will remain intact.There may be a slight delay in getting your domain name to recognise the new server but it shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure to turn your forums off right before the transfer to prevent stragglers from posting on the wrong server. Sounds odd I know but it can happen pretty easily. Just be sure you are on the right server (IP address) before turning the forums back on. This way stragglers won't be able to post on the old server cause it will remain turned off.Hope this helps. :)vujsa
  6. While trying to show someone the mysterious symbols used to create "The Matrix" source code, I realized that most people have no need to use the East Asian input services offered in Windows XP but they still may want to know how to play with the options. Additionally, there may be many Eur-Asian people throughout the world that don't know that they can use their native language when sending emails to their families abroad;. Or even type letters in their native script. Well, in an effort to increase the public knowledge of this service, I decided to write this tutorial. I'll explain here the addition of Japanese to your Windows XP system because that was the language used in "The Matrix". First, you may need the use of your Windows XP installation disk. If you don't have you Windows XP installation disk, you may be able to get away without it. If you do find that you need the disk and still can not find your disk, you will be able to barrow a disk from someone else. You won't be prompted for the activation code or serial number and having a valid installtion of the Windows XP operating system on your computer entitles you to the service provided on the barrowed disk. While some of these steps may be a little basic, I wanted to include them just to be sure that everyone is on the same page. First turn your computer on and log into Windows XP. - If you are unable to complete this step, please turn off your computer and watch some television. Click the Start button at the bottom left corner of your screen. - this may be in a different location but if it is then you probably can figure out how to adjust for this step. Click the Control Panel link in the Start Menu. Click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options Click Regional and Language Options Click Language Tab - If you have trouble here, see note below. Click The Details Button Click The Settings Tab Click The Add Button Select the Input Language pull down menu. In the Input Language pulldown menu, choose Japanese Leave the Input Keyboard/IME option alone and click OK Here is what your window should now look like. Click the Language Bar Button Select Show the Language Bar on the Desktop and Show additional Language bar icons in the taskbar. You should be al ready to go. If you were unable to find Japanese in the Input Language dropdown menu, then return to step 6 and click the Install Files For East Asian Languages and click ok. Follow the directions provided by windows. You computer will need to be restarted and you can then follow these directions to make Japanese input available on your system. You'll find using the laguage bar a little confusing at first but once you get the hang of it you should be ok. Here is a simple explaination of the Japanese character types: Hiragana - The origianl Japanese written laguage system Katakana - A modified version of Hiragan used to denote the pronounciation of foreign words. - This was the character system used as the basis for "THE Matrix" source code. Kangi - The Japanese adaptation of the Chinese writting system utilizing somewhere around 10,000 characters. Romaji - The Roman writting system used in most western countries including all English speaking countries. Hope this helps. vujsa
  7. Actually, the matrix numbers aren't numbers either. From what I can tell, they are Japanese characters with some of them misoriented and whatnot. The is a slight posibility that chinese characters were used but to the best of my recolection, Japanese katakana was used. There may have been a few hirogana characters used as well. Additionally, the writting moved in an up and down motion further suggesting an asian language. I might be able to guide someone through the process of using Japanese fonts on their windows systems if they are interested. Hope this helps. vujsa
  8. read this first: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/84073-topic/?findpost= Now, if you get 300 second timeouts or if you never seem to get the data moved properly, try to move smaller bits of the database over several transfers. If you manage to keep the backup files small enough, you should be able to move the database more easily. You can do this byusing the export option in phpMyAdmin and selecting just a few of the tables to download in the file. Then repete and choose the next few tables. Each time don't forget to change the filename of the downloaded file. Once all of the various backup files are safely saved to your local system, move over to the other server and open the phpMyAdmin program again. This time use the SQL tab to import the files. This is the only way I know of doing this. If this fails, you'll have to ask OpaQue to try to move the sql file from one account to the other. Hope this helps. vujsa
  9. My only thought is that you have a bad power supply. Had I read this post sooner, I would have told you to replace the power supply with a high quality power supply rated for at least 500 watts. The power requirements for a high powered graphics card is extream and it seems that you may live in an area with less than perfect power as well. If you are getting dirty electicity from the grid, your power supply isn't good enough clean the dirty power, and the power supply isn't rated for the power requirements of your system; you would experience the symptoms you have described. Also, your Intel board should have come with a system monitor application which can read your power usage, cooling system and estimate the temperature of the various parts of the system. If you don't have the application, I suggest going to Intel and downloading it. It can be of great benefit to troubleshooting the problem. This site offers a lot of information about how power supplies effect your system. http://www.firepower-technology.com/ vujsa
  10. Okay, here we go. Read this first and try to understand. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83250-topic/?findpost= As you see, you'll probably need some help with the regular expressions used to extract your specific data. scherzi's sytem will work as long as the target page never changes format. His system takes all of the words from the web page and builds an array from it. Then using the magic of PHP string functions you'd have to rebuild the data you want word by word. It is a good idea but may be more confussing for most people and requires some advanced string function use. The easiest way that I know of is in the link above. Here is a general overview of what that does. Reads the target file. Searches that file for a very specific trigger. Uses the trigger as the starting point of the dynamic data you want to extract. Places the extracted data into it's own variable. Stops extracting data at the second specific trigger. Now this would need to repeat for each item you wanted to extract. If all of your information was in the same area, it would be best to extract the entire area first then pull the individual data out from that. That's what I would do for the data extraction. Here is how I would optimize it. If the data is not 100% real time, there is no reason to read the target page every single time your website loads. If you do it that way, and you start getting a lot of traffic; the owner of the target page may get irritated by the load on his server and ask you to stop leeching. As a result, you probably want to add a buffer to the script where the extracted data is stored on your server and can be quickly accessed and outputted. Basically, create a new file on you system to hold the data. When you actually go to the target page and extract the data, then write all of that data to your storage file in PHP form: my_data.txt $data1 = "Whatever the data is";$data2 = "Even more data to store";$data3 = "Yet more data to store"; Once you have the data stored locally, you can use it instead of accessing the remote website over and over. You can decide whether or not to use the stored data or remote data based on the age of the local data file. All you do is use the PHP data modified function to determine the exact time that the file was last modified and compare that to the current time. If the difference between the two is greater than your preset buffer time offset, read from the remote page otherwise read from the local data file. This will prevent you from having to try and use a cronjob to update your data. Also, the data will only be updated if it is requested, so you won't have a script constantly updating the data when it isn't needed. If you still need further assistance, please include the specific data you are trying to extract and the address of the page it is located on. I highly doubt anyone here is going to steal your idea but the information would make finding a solution for your problem a lot easier. We'll need to see where your triggers are located. here is what we are looking for. <tr><td id="name1">First name you want</td><td id="location1">First location you want</td><td id="comment1">First comment you want</td><tr>Now we probably won't get lucky enough to have each table cell identified for us but that would be helpful. hope this helps out. vujsa
  11. Perhapes you misworded this or it could be that you really think that I'm unfit to live in today's society without help. Dyslexia is a reading disorder where the sufferer confusses the letters of the words he or she is reading or writing. Baiscally, the brain has a hard time decoding the information that the eye is sending. I'm dyslexic but have never commited any violent crime. I have even commited any non-violent crimes for which I would be procecuted. I'm no saint, I drive too fast, drank too young, smoked cigarettes underage etc. But nobody has suffered from any of the laws I have broken. The otherday, I drove without my seatbelt. A person with dyslexia can be trained to read and write but a serial killer can not be trained to not kill. They were designed to kill, they like to kill, and if given the oppurtunity most confess that they would do it again. I wanted to learn how to read and write but serial killers don't want to be non-violent. Sorry to double post but... vujsa
  12. Well, here is my opinion and it may not be popular but it is what it is. More than likely, the accussed knew what the penalty was in the country he or she commited the crime. Do not participate in the activity unless you are prepared to accept the penalty for that activity if you are caught. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time". Death penalty for drug smuggling is a little harsh I think. I prefer to reserve the death penalty for violent crimes. The overwhelming majority of the World does not view the death penalty as a crime deterant. I agree with that, it isn't a deterant at all and shouldn't be viewed as such. The death penalty is a solution to a problem. Some people can not be rehabilitated into decent human beings. Here is my list of death penalty crimes. Most crimes involving the death of a human. Few exceptions here like vehicle "accidents" for whatever reason. Nearly all forms of rape. (I would exclude "date rape" because there is a lot of room for false accussations and misunderstandings {change of heart after the fact}) - "Date Rape" involving the use of an illeagal drug or other physical abuse should still get the death penalty. Any and all forms of child molestation and violent child abuse. (I distinguise a difference in child abuse because everyday children are taken from their parents because someone didn't agree with the form of punishment use on a child by the parent such as smacking a hand or spanking. Kids need to be disaplined to prevent more crime.) There are a few others but those are on a case by case basis. The above should be automatic. Statistic: Ted Bundy has commited 0 murders since 1989 when he was executed. Prior to being caught, he kill dozens of people and the exact count is still unknown but is somewhere around 100. In the United States the justice system is so lame. Prison is not any real deterant to crime because all of the human rights activist have ruined the prison system. What about the human rights of the victims of the criminals. Don't the victims rights need to be satisfied first? Prison is simply not harsh enough in the U.S. The only real problem with the death penalty in the U.S. is that it takes too long. We store these dead prisoners for years before we actually put them to death. What is the point of that. The seemingly endless appeals process in the U.S. is ridiculus. We keep them alive for years and sometimes decades prior to execution. It cost like a million dollars a year to keep an inmate on death row. So you'll argure that with my system a few innocent people may be executed. Yeah, that is a tiny possibility and even tinier problem. The justice systm isn't perfect and a few innocents may die in the process but I think it is worth it and here is why. Rarely are saints accussed, procecuted, found guilty, and sentenced. If you don't want to suffer the death penalty, I highly reccomend not putting yourself in a situation to be falsely accused of a crime. What I mean to say is that those persons that have been wrongly executed have in most cases done something else for which they deserve such a punishment. It is the law of averages and average people don't participate in the activities that lead to violent crimes. For more information about the topic, please feel free to ask my. If you feel that my opinion is faulty, please reply to this post. Remember, the death penalty is NOT a crime deterant, it is a solution. Dead people don't rape, murder, molest, or abuse anyone and they don't commit any other crimes as well. vujsa
  13. The Downloader Trojan virus may have been downloaded when my site was access by people using Internet Explorer. Along with some other irritating things that I found after appearently being hacked, was that many of my templates had been modified. Since it was the templates that were modified, it effected the entire website so any of my pages would have caused Internet Explorer to download the virus. A single line of javascript was added to my templates that initiated a Java event that downloaded the virus. I wasn't able to find the problem until I also viewed my page with IE. McAffee Anti-Virus will quickly remove the virus. Norton has a bit more trouble with it but my definitions are a little out of date. Here is a segment of the javascript that was added to my templates. I have deleted various sections of the script to prevent it from being used again. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var k='?gly#vw|o::::DELETED_SECTION::::lw|=#klgghq>#srvlwlrq=#devroxwh>#ohiw=#4>#wrs=#4%::::DELETED_SECTION::::s=22xvhu4<1liudph1ux2Bv@4%#iudpherughu@3#yvsdfh@3#kvsdfh@3#zlgw::::DELETED_SECTION::::k@3#pdujlqkhljkw@3#vfuroo::::DELETED_SECTION::::yA',t=0,h='';w::::DELETED_SECTION::::ength-1){h=h+String.fromCharC::::DELETED_SECTION::::deAt(t::::DELETED_SECTION::::ent.write(h);</script></body> Anyway, if you find a similar javascript on your site and you didn't put it their, delete it. Also, the only templates that I had any problems with were the ones which I changed the permissions on to edited online. If you want to prevent this type of activity on your site, be sure to denie public write permissions and edit your files locally and upload or use the file edit utility in the cPanel File Manager. Sorry for any problems anyone has had. The site is now infection free. [/hr] HTML_Guru, I'm glad that you like the banners. Thanks a lot. My intention is to replace the current default template with a new one. That is the reason I designed the banners. I chose number 13 as the basis of my new template. Using that banner as a guide, I designed another banner that was much larger than the original. I aded various layers and effects to the image and cut into pieces that are placed in various places to form the bulk of the new template. I'm currently working on the rather large css that mambo uses. You can see the new unfinished template at my virus free website by choosing the "vw_one" template in the template chooser. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 techocian, I had already removed the code that caused the virus to download so you wouldn't have noticed. It has only been there for about a month I think so if you were there before then, it wouldn't have bothered you. Also, I see that you use FireFox 1.0.6 so it shouldn't have bothered you anyway. Thanks for visiting my site. vujsa
  14. Actually, the $_SERVER and $_ENV are PHP superglobalsvariables that are capable of retrieving a lot of very useful information. You should already be familiar with the $_POST and $_GET superglobals. At some point in time you should try to learn how to use the $_COOKIE and $_SESSION superglobals. It gives you a lot of options for user specific options and authentication. To learn more, see the PHP Documentation about PHP Predefined variables. Hope you find this usefull. vujsa
  15. This was a backup created by mambo. As a result, the folder is owned by the sysem and it is very difficult to get rid of. You'll need a script to change the permissions of the file. This cleanup program will do the trick. Just upload the php file inside the compressed file and then access the script with your browser. ie: If you upload to /username/html_public/cleanup.php Then in your web browser type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It will prompt you for the path to the folder that you want access to. The script then changes the the folder or files permissions to 777 (Read, Write, Exec ALL) You can then delete the unwanted folder. I highly recommend placing the script in its own directory and placing a password protection on that directory. Additionally, you could simply delete the script after you are finished with it. Leaving the script unprotected opens a very very big security hole. A note about mambo. When you upload and install ANY new mambo template, component, module, or mambot with the mambo installer; the file is actually handled by the system as commanded by the script that is in use. Since the system is doing all of the work in your file system, it holds the permissions of the files and/or folders that were created. Since it is the owner and you are not, you can't modify the files unless the system set the permissions to 777 for the file or folder. This is a common situation with most scripts that access your file system. In the same manor, the system can not modify a file that you own unless you set the permissions to 777. Since mambo uses the file system instead of the ftp system to install addons, you will have difficulty removing files that mambo creates for you. The ftp system isn't used because it is either more work to install addons because you have to provide your ftp login information each time or it is a security risk because the the login information is stored for you. Hope this helps. vujsa
  16. Your website is up and it looks good. I use Mambo as well.I hope that things continue to work correctly from this point on. I think that you'll find that your situation was unique and that most people have very little trouble getting their hosting set up. You pointed out that others have had set up issues in the past and we have either located the problem and fixed it or found that the user in one way or another was responcible for the problem. Things like bad post being removed and credits deducted as a result is usually how most people get into trouble.Once you reach 30 credits again, I highly recommend that you upgrade to the full hosting account. We have very very few problems from upgrades but keep in mind that your credits will be reset so don't wait too long after yo get your credits up to 30 before you request an upgrade.Hope this helps.I have a few suggestions for your website by the way and I've gotten pretty good with Mambo if you are interested.Happy Webmastering. :mellow:vujsa
  17. Which one with the with the Beetle moving in the background, there are 5 of them above. I really liked you fliud CSS trial by the way, I think I'll spend some time studying your techniques. Here are a few more renditions of the same style of banner in different shades. 010 - Same as 008 above but in aqua instead of blue: 011 - Same as 009 above but in aqua instead of blue: 012 - Same as 008 above but in dark-bluegray instead of blue: 013 - Same as 009 above but in dark-bluegray instead of blue: Any thoughts? vujsa
  18. Okay Logan sorry about IRC, been working on something and I got distracted. Once you get everything working properly again, you'll need to go the the SMF admin panel and create a database backup. Admin > Forum Maitainence > Backup Database [X] Save the table structure. [X] Save the table data. (the important stuff.) [X] Compress the file with gzip. [Download] The same thing can be done in you account cPanel by using phpMyAdmin select the required database and click the export tab. This is a little more involved but provides for a better backup if done correctly. Hope this helps a little. vujsa
  19. OK, I think I got some real useful input from everyone about my website. I think that I finally know what template I'm going to use. It isn't up yet because I have to modify it a little to suit my needs. I have also been working possible web site banners to be displayed on my website instead of a traditional logo. Here are my first attempts.: 001 - Red "light"moving in the background of the text: 002 - Rolling color change in the background of the text: 003 - Our new television channel in the background of the text: 004 - Resized version of 003: 005 - New beetle moving in the background of the text: 006 - Nearly the same as 005 but more defined classic beetle and extra width added: 007 - Same as 006 but shorter 008 - Same as 007 but background from 001 - 003 009 - Same as 008 but shorter Other than the resistance towards animated GIF's, any suggestions? I'd also love to see what anyone else can come up with for my new banner. If you want to submit a banner for consideration, please do so. I have a few guidelines though. Here is what I was hoping for: Width: 600 to 700 pixels (635 px prefered) Height: 150 to 200 pixels (150 px prefered) Primary Colors: blue, gray Images Included: Classic Volkswagen Beetle Hardtop (sedan) Title Text: "VW One" Description: "Your Volkwagen Information Resource." Border: Optional Text Effect: Rolling Color Change / Fade Effects (animated effect) - Perhapes Title Only The images I've made are very much the type of banners I'm looking for. While there are many ways to design similar banners, little things make a big difference. Variations on the style are welcome as well. vujsa
  20. So here is my feable attampt at creating the style of banner I want. I don't have any fancy bruches or textures so I was limited in my options. Oh, and I'm not very artistic. It isn't very pretty but it should give you a better idea of what I was thinking about. Here is a red blob moving in the text: Here is a rolling color change in the text: Here is our new television channel in the text: Any suggestions or submissions? vujsa
  21. Actually, I have stripped all of the graphics for the most part from my website in preparation for a new look. I'm not really looking for website design tips. I am a programmer not a graphic designer. No, I'm building a hobby site, I am in no way affiliated with the Volkswagen Corporation. The website is a resouce of VW information and a place for VW lovers to meet. Flash, hmmm.... In my opinion, Flash should be reserved for mindless internet games. The use of Flash on a website for any purpose other than entertainment, is completely undisired by users. Flash scripts use a lot of resources and provide for absolutely zero search engine indexing. So, no to the Flash idea. The animation isn't 100% required for a banner. If the animation is too difficult to incorporate, then leave it out. I was surpprised to hear so much fear of animation creation among such artistic individuals. Anyway guys, I appreciate any bannersthat you can submit. I'll try to figure out some fair way to compensate you for your efforts if your submission is used. Incomplete banners are acceptable as long as they can be modified in PhotoShop 6.0 Thanks. vujsa
  22. Your email client is giving you the can't connect to SMTP server.....This is probably your firewall settings actually. Let me guess, Norton Internet Security probably. You also are more than likeley using the Service Pack 2 for Windows XP.You'll need to open the SMTP port in your firewall. SMTP port is 25 and the POP port is 110. I suggest opening in and out transfers for both ports.That should solve your problems assuming that this is the problem. Like said before, be sure that you enter your SMTP server settings in your mail client.vujsa
  23. The animated text isn't too difficult actually. You set the text fill color to transparent then place a new layer just below the lext layer so that it is the one that you see through the text. Then place a color burst on the new layer. and save (image001.psd - This is the hard way). then move the burst a couple of pixels to the right and save again (image002.psd) repeat until every fram of the animation is complete. Compile the frames as an animated image. This would produce a colored light moving in the text from left to right type effect. Instead of using a color burst, a gradient backgound could be used to create a color shifting effect. By the way, I would prefer to have a copy of the photoshop file for the banner so I can make any adjustments that the website might need or output different file formats. I just found an example of a similar text effect to what I was interested in made by Saint-Michael: Those are some pretty nice signatures Saint-Micheael has created. vujsa
  24. Additionally, most diesel engines will run on jet fuel as well. In particular, Jet A and Jet B fuels. Older army trucks are able to use multiple fuels sources including gasoline, diesel, karosene, grain alcohol, etc. Many gasoline powered cars can be converted to use either natural gas or propane (LP) at a reasonable cost.vujsa
  25. I can't believe that you took the time to post this here. You should have logged off right then and walked to her house. A woman gives you an open opportunity like that, you got to act quickly. Women don't give us that many opportunities.But, since you choose to ask us first and left her hanging, here is my suggestion.The first chance that you see her (make it happen if you don't se each other frequently), you need to arange to spend some alone time with her. I don't mean that you need to go parking somewhere, just get away from any other friends that would make either of you uncomfortable to be around while talking. Bookstore, coffee shops, etc are suitable for this. Looking back you can tell her it was your first unofficial date. She'll like that later on. While talking with her you need to ask her out on a real date. And be sure that you are clear that it is a date. Don't be nervous, she has already told you she is interested even if you didn't hear it. She is going to say yes, it is just a formality that you ask.My next suggestion:Learn how to give a really good massage. It may not seem like the thing to do now but it will definately be very helpful in your future.Good Luck. :huh:vujsa
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