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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well your question can be understood in various ways. I'll try to answer for all the option so one will probably be the one you are interested in As far as security is concerned the wide-spread knwoledge tells us that MAC is the best when it comes to security. Although Windows Vista is also a lot better security-wise in comparison to earlier versions of Windows. So if you want maximum sceurity - choose between the two!Internet has many uses so I assume that you just want to surf and have fun - for a normal user Windows are great for that, because its GUI is simple and everybody knows it nowadays. Plus almost all programs are supported in any windows above 98!If you want to create internet sites, you can also go with Windows or MAC, because the two main programs (Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop) are both made for both operating systems...Here you go, I hope that clears it up for you a little bit - if you want more specific answers, please post a more specific question!Best whishes
  2. Hey there mate! First of all you must know that you are not in this alone - very similar thing happened to me and to a looooot of people I know and now I am happy again but not because of what happened afterwards but because of the way I see the world!I know that right now it is extremely hard for you to look at the situation from a different wider perspective, but you have to and it is the only way for you to get out of it! Life is like that, bad and really bad things do happen and they do happen all the time - even now something bad is happening to a million other people than yourself and probably they are in even more pain then you are. Just think about those poor kids in Africa or even closer to you - children with ruined families and no money to go through the month! Maybe if you look at your situation like that and realize that it is not the totally worst case scenario, you'd feel better! There are things that can be worse, trust me! Be happy for what you have and do not feel sorry for what you do not have!This is the only way for you to be happy...and just TRY IT - you'll see if you really think about all the bad things that are happening right now and all the things in your life the yould be much worse..you'll be happier and suicide won't be an option anymore!Best whishes and sending you my prayers mate..
  3. Well I am a student now, but as far as I remember I have never skipped class too much because I find it stupid! If I am at school I try to gain some new knowledge or at least be where I am supposed to be - otherwise I got bad grades, detentions and haven't gained any new knowledge if you know what i mean. The only time when I did maybe skip a class was when I was supposed to be having an oral exam and i knew I wouldn't made it :PMy advice - don't skip classes!
  4. Hi there,well I do not know current prices of graphic cards so I cannot help you with that. However, I do know a few things about how things work inside computer. Right now you have an intergrated graphic card or graphic accelerator and the main difference from seperated graphic card is that it SHARES RAM with the amount of ram in your computer. If you purchase a seperate graphic card your computer performance will only improve if you'll play games, becase that is when your integrated card eats your computer memory - other than that there will be no computer performance improvement. Purchasing more RAM will make your computer run faster and more importantly, you'll be able to use more programs at once without any delays and lags. Your gaming experience will also get better as your integrated card probably eats 256mb of your RAM at most so you'll still have about 750 mb ram free for your computer (i am assuming that you'll buy 1GB of RAM) to operate and therefore games will run better!That sounds a bit complicated but is rather easy!YOU BUY SEPERATE GRAPHIC CARD ----> Games will run a lot smoother, computer performance change will be near nothing!YOU BUY MORE RAM ----> Games will run better then they do now and you computer performance will get A LOT better if you upgrade from let's say 256mb to 1GB of ram! You also should know that in computer performance the vital parts are also the SPEED OF YOUR DISK and YOUR PROCESSOR!Acctually RAM - DISC - PROCESSOR are the three things that create speed in your computer so upgrading one may not make so much change if the other two are not good enough to follow if you know what I mean - the thing is that data travels through all these three components and if one is stopping the process then the other two can be top-notch but the overall performance will not improve that much...Hope you'll make a good decision and I wish you all the best!
  5. My question to all - DOES IT MATTER? As far as we know, time is completely relative! Just think about time when you are dreaming or when you are thinking - you can imagine yourself when you were young - so you have just went back in time for 40 years for example! The same way we collectively think that our years, hours, seconds are something absolute! CRAP - we cannot be sure that we are not making this whole thing up either!So that is the first question about this world-creation thing, the second one is - HOW DOES IT HELP YOU BEING HAPPY? Aren't we all just simply seeking happiness through various different ways? Even mazohists enjoy and seek happiness when they torture themselves! If the world was created two and a half billion years ago or 6 billion years ago - how does it make a difference to our problems right now? How can it make you really happy?Please explain that and the question of when the world was created will become relevant - i doubt that is possible :XD:best whishes
  6. Yes this is a common problem and I have it too to some point. The problem is when you have the idea, know how to technically make it a reality but when it comes to putting it down with all the graphics and all that, there comes the problem. Well it is simple and as other guys have said it before, PRACTICE! Then there are great sites like css garden and other pro sites where the best graphic-web designers of this planet put their work. Look for things that are repeated (maybe lines, certain dots, arrows, shapes, layouts,...) and try to make them yourself in any design program you like. While doing that post stuff here or on other similar forums and people with experience will help you out on what to improve, what to do differently and what is totally wrong! This is the best way of learning and is certainly not an easy way - if it would be, then all designers would lose their jobs!You should also know that there are complete colleges where students only learn how to make great desgins for stuff...It is a complicated thing, full of traps and exercise and reading, looking around the web is the only thing that can make you get better in what you do!Best whishes
  7. Well I only have one advice for you. First you have to know that love is certainly not stupid and it doesn not suck! True love is a state of mind and it means that you have compassion to all beings - that is true love and it is very hard to achieve. The guy-girl thing can be very positive and also very negative so the main thing that one should think about is if a certain relationship aims towards spritiual development of both partners with the same goal in life or if their "love" is based only on sex, emotions and all that stuff! If the latter is true, it is very hard to have a successful relationship!So, with other words that means that you have to be the best friend of your girlFRIEND and she has to be your best friend. Friendship is very often forgotten eventhough it is included in the words boyFRIEND and girlFRIEND! It is the basis on which you should build every relationship. Without knowing someone, you simply should not be surprised if he or she is not the way you wanted her/him to be!And now your "problem": Just let it go man, wait and do not try to put them apart as your intentions certainly ain't good if your are doing that. Think about the guy that is dating her - how would you feel if someone would try to get your girlFRIEND?? Be friendly and nice to that girl and also respect her current situation and her boyfriend. Time makes miracles and you never know, you just might end up with her one day or you might realize that she sooo wasn't the right girl for you...what will happen is in your hands, because there is only one rule that governs this world:IF YOU DO GOOD, GOOD WILL COME TO YOU! IF YOU DO BAD, BAD WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!Follow the inner voice that tells you to do good and makes you feel bad if you do something wrong and happiness will find you!Best whishes
  8. Yep, I agree with Flakes! I've looked into it and the same thing is used on Windows Vista but it is unreasonable to enable this feature as this only means that when an update is being downloaded and you are downloading something that is taking up your whole bandwidth, there will be no bandwidth for this update to download! Normally when an update is being downloaded it gets 20% of your bandwith so it is downloaded with a reasonable speed, preserving 80% of the bandwith for your internet activities! This is why I really DO NOT recommend using this tweak...Best whishes
  9. Well I think that in the past there were these games that we just cannot forget, because they were really very good! However we should not forget that we were kids when those games came out and that means that they were the first games of that kind and caught our attention for that reason. Today there are sooo many different games from each and every genre that it is extremely hard for a game to step out in any way and therefore become something that we would remember and become fans. Of course that is my perspective as a 21 years old boy, today's kids do not know about age of empires 1 or that sort of games and they are fans of today's games....Yes Sim City is certainly one of those games...
  10. Well I think that noone here on this forum is able to help you with your problems! It is about decision and not about advices and all that stuff...If you listen to these advices you'll only learn the way other guys do it with THEIR women but that most certainly does not mean that the women or girl you are after is going to react in the same way or that she is looking for the same thing in guys. You have to be strong, have curage and most importantly WAIT! If you are 16 you are most certainly very young and at that age you only begin to realize yourself and your body. Do not rush into things..just let it happen naturally and when you are comfortable enough, then go to the women...best whishes
  11. In my opinion noone has the right to take others life! If your life is threatend, you can act in self defense and even kill your attacker but that is the only situation in which murder is ok. Even killing in revenge is not ok as that makes you the same as the one who did you harm or even worse. So what to do with criminals who have killed 10 people for example. If they are to be killed, someone has to do it and by killing he creates a karmic bondage to this killer and is also forced to kill another human being! That is not OK and should not be requested from anyone. So this leaves the question open...I think that the best thing to do is to use an island somewhere in the see COMPLETELY guarded. On that island I'd put each and every killer who should be there till the rest of his life with other people like him - killers. So we'd have an island full of psychopats and other heavy killers which would then have to work together if they wanted to survive, because all they'd get would be a showel and seeds so they could grow their own food. That's it and the only money you need is for the guards to be there, transportation and to find an island like that! Please bare in mind, that i am talking about serial "heavy" killers, not someone who in affect killed his "love triangle" opponent;) They should go to normal prisons till the rest of their lives without any excuse!
  12. Nice list, I think I've seen it before somewhere:) However, it is quite simplified eventhough some things are true! If both sides knew the exact meaning of this action then it would mean what is suggested in the list! I think that gestures are far more accurate then those various types of kisses - I won't slap my girl on her but if I wasn't sure she is really mine so that is quite true I think...and other suggestions are also good! But if one makes any real conclusions in real life based only on this list - one will be dissapointed!
  13. Hehe, the problem is that God knows your motives behind every actions and MOTIVES are the only thing that matter. If you lie sometimes but your motives really are good then you did something good and not something bad. Here is a nice example that clears things up. Ok in bible there is this rule DON'T LIE! BUT I think that your motive for lying is the only thing important! Imagine WWII and a guy comes to you asking if you could hide him in the basement, because Germans will kill him if they find him! You say Yes, ok and hide him but after a few hours Germans come to your door knocking and asking if you have seen that man?!?! NOW HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Should I tell the truth and KILL this guy with my action or should I say NO and spare his life????? Of course the GOOD thing to do would be to lie and to say you have never seen this guy before - your motive was to spare a life of a human being so you did a good thing and you will be rewarded for it and certainly not punished as that wouldn't be fair at all! You see where I am going?? It is the MOTIVE behind your every lie, action and everything else, that determines wether you did something good or something bad!
  14. Now that's a funny topic! I had so many cooking disasters that I can't count them on one hand The worse, I guess, was the one when I spilled boiling water somehow all over the place and it went down underneath the table...My mum went crazy There were many more, but I don't have time right now to count them all...hehe! I am not a good cook so I need a very skillful lady
  15. Yep it is very weard, the feeling you get that someone is going to call you and the phone starts ringing after a few seconds, or, as you mentioned, you feel like someone is watching you from behind and there really is someone there...Stuff like that is hard to explain, mostly people think about it as coincidences, but I think that we do have telepathic abilities, all of us! The problem (or maybe not a problem, because the whole world would be a lot different if we could use telepathic powers) is that we do not develop these capabilities!However, it is a question whether this is a sense or something else. I think that senses are more materially oriented than for example telepathy and that is why it is more of a 1st power than 6th sense...
  16. Happy birthday Xisto and the whole crew who makes all this possible. You guys really are incredible and make my life soo much easier. I aboslutely love to post on this forums and i never thought of it as something I have to do....BEST WHISHES TO YOU ALL!!
  17. Yeah that is a good point..in sirup it is harder to move around but you can pull yourself better, because the substance is more dense! However the question that poses to me is:Are the easyness of moving through the more liquid water and the better chance of pulling yourself on in more viscous sirup IN CORRELATION?? I mean what is the outcome...- because if stuff is too dense you can't move around at all and water is for sure faster- the next thing is how much energy you waste if you sweem around in sirup???
  18. Well, I am communications studies student, specializing in Marketing and Marketing communication so I think that my career will evolve around these fields, at least I hope so. Unemployment is getting bigger and bigger problem every year around the whole Europe and social studies are fare more endangered than natural science studies. However, I think that if you are good enough, have enough references and maybe a few connections, it is possible to get a job even in my field of work so I am positive about the future. As for the career part - I am not so sure if I really want to do a big amazing fancy career. The thing with careers is that you have to have great desire to achieve something incredible or at least money has to be very high on your priority list. Well, on mine money is not so high and so are not these material "successes", which don't bring you anything and take all or most of your free time so you forget to live and life just passes you by like it never happened. I do not want to waste this human-oportunity that was given to me and to everyone else I am writing this to. Just think about how happy we can be that we are human if there are so many billions of billions of other creatures on this planet that you could be incarnated into. It is a rare chance, a rare chance to develop ourselves and to realize the truth. So, I want a normal job, enough money to be able to cover everyday expenses and be able to not worry about everything I buy. Other than that, my life-goals are very different. I am aiming towards being good to every being on this planet, to do good and only good, to realize even more the reason and the beauty that is behind all of the processes around us, to enjoy the moment and forget about the past and the future....my mission is to JUST BE and consequently that brings unattachment and happiness. Maybe I am a little odd, considering the situation of today's world, but hey it is everyonce choice what to do with one's life!Best whishes
  19. I completely agree with you...USA is talking crap! They have to find something so that Europe will grant their building of anti-missile schield, because they have to set it up in Europe so it block the missiles soon enough. Behind all that is a loooot of money and the country that will let Bushy set this sort of stuff on their land wil be paid huuuuuge amounts of money, not mentionig who knows how big business oportunities and stuff like that. Please do not be naive folks, today even in politics the big majority of stuff is governed by money & business...It is the same in this situation..
  20. Yeah it is not a good thing to be near or far sighted. It gets quite anoying after a while but thanks lord that we have the habit to get used to stuff and so do we get used to near- or farsighteness. I am personally near-sighted which means that I can't see object far away clearly and so I have to constantly wear glasses or lenses. I normally wear lenses for about 8 years now and now I am 21 and a half years old so my dipotry will only get worse for about 1 year and a half, because at that age it stops increasing. I have never had any problems and I think lenses nowadays are so good that there is no problem if you wear them for the whole lifetime...you just have to be careful to visit your eye-doctor from time to time to check that everything is ok and use the best lenses possible - they are a bit more expensive but it is worth it - just think about your eyes - I really think, one should give them the best care possible!Well that is my story...I don't see a problem with lenses or glasses, it is just that the first are a lot more confortable to wear...Best wishes
  21. Well, I think that it is a very good question, because it is hard to answer it! The first thing is that it is hard to say and give a good argument about beauty, as this is a completely individual thing! One girl might look great to someone and totally unattractive to someone else!As for the make-up....it sure does remove certain things on skin that in our culture doesn't look great or better we think they look bad...but on the other hand - true beauty of every girl and here sexyness is inside her - in her look, in her eyes if you know what i mean...At the end I can say that this question is unaswerable, because we are talking from inside of the box (our culture)...In Baroque fat was beautiful!!!!! THINK ABOUT ITBest whishes
  22. Yep, I have to agree with you on all of the things you've pointed out! Great guide and I will sure put it in a safe place and read it everytime before I'll start working on a project...Eventhough these things are well known to experienced web developers, it is wise to read them from time to time so one does not forget about the most simple but most important rules of webdesigning...Best whises
  23. Well that is a great tutorial! It can be extremely helpful if one messes or around or really forgets his password! It would also be cool to do that in front of your friends..hehe...Thanks for it mate
  24. In our country and I think it is the same with the rest of the modern world, there is a big problem, because people retire older and older. So I'm thinking like this: "I have to live now, I will probably retire when I'll be 70 years old and I think I will be able to survive with the pension I'll have at that point so why would I save any money?!". Another reason is also, that I try to live the present moment and not worry too much about the past or the future, so saving a lot of money for future times is quite foolish in my opinion. I am starting to understand why people about 200 years ago had 10 children - it was their way of surviving the old age...
  25. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with this idea, because it would mean that someone who is let's say 20 credit in - then he wouldn't be able to get on +4 let's say and that is the minimum for un-suspending your account. Plus I usually have a lot of time someday and I read through posts and just reply to them - it doesn't mean that I will spam if I make maybe 20 credits a day if you know what I mean. The moderators are also very capable here on Xisto and they remove spam-stuff almost immidiately....I guess the current situation is OK!Best whishes
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