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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Merry christmas OpaQue, the whole team and everyone else here on Xisto!! May your Christmas be blessed with the divine power so that you will step on the path towards freedom like Christ did on that day...
  2. It would be nice if we could find correlations between the three answers, so we would be able to connect excesive gaming with overweight problems or something like that if you know what I mean. Three different poles without any connection are for themsleves of no real statistical use...
  3. Hm..I think that in different countries we have different energy drink brands and I have to admit that of all you have stated up there, I am only familiar with Red Bull. In Slovenia, where I live, we have Shark, BullDog and many other energy drinks. But I have to say that I still prefer Red Bull over any other...it works best with other drinks and cocktails and really gives you energy..So, therefore my choice was RED BULL;)
  4. If you provided your age, it would be easier for me to give you a good answer. The thing is, there is no problem at all! You are probably a teen and each and every teen has one or two problems that he must face to create a sort of self-identity. I had a billion 1-3 months relationsships and a lot of one night stands but nothing was really THAT (the relationsship I was lookin' for). So, I said to my self: "I must have problems and something is surely wrong with me if I am not good enough for any girl and am not capable of a longterm relationsship." Well it turned out, that I was firstly too young and secondly haven't found the right girl yet. Around 8 months ago I found my girl and I am still with her, I think I'll be with her for my whole life, because I know that we really belong together - we are both weard in our own way and we understand and most importantly TRUST each other. If there is no trust, there is nothing else!So, I think that you are just not old enough to have a girl for 2 years if that is what you are looking for. You just have to wait, experience the world, try to get through the teen years as emotionaly unharmed as possible and then I assure you, you will meet a girl, that will be the right one. It is up to you if you will take the time and efforts necessery to make things work or blow it up....But have your eyes open, because special girls do not just come around the corner every day. They are rare and unique.
  5. Hehe..500times faster..Well let's see; I have a 10Mbit connection so that would mean that my new connection would be 5000Mbit and that is 5 Gbit...That is not possible and is kinda funny to promote your program this way, but whatever works with customers, I guess. However, these programs do tweak your settings and maybe make your internet a little faster, but if you think about the time you need to set the program up, I think you've just spent all the time this program would spare for you in a year:)So, that is a scam and it always will be...If you want a faster internet, buy more bandwith - there is no other way around. Maybe connecting to your neighbours wireless
  6. Hehe..I think that I'd be just as happy as I am now. For sure I wouldn't be more happy, because money never makes you happy but can only take your happiness away. So, I think I'd put it in a safe bank account, buy a few houses and rent them so that I would have monthly income and wouldn't have to work every day. That is about it...maybe a new car, new computer...nothing too dramatic i think! I'd also give it to the poor and needy...
  7. Meditation is not something that can be measured or presented with numbers. Nobody achieved enlightenment through meditation alone and for sure the amount of meditation is not important. Maybe relaxation and meditation are mixed too often!Just be your real self all the time and see things as they are...maybe that is meditation?
  8. Hm...I think that USA will be the last one to have Oil, since they spare their own oil under their land and use the Oil from other countries just for that reason (they will be the last to have it and the prices will be extremely high)..BUT in my opinion Oil is not the biggest concern, since we already have certain ways to implement it! What about PURE FRESH WATER!? This is I think the biggest problem and if we run out of those, we are in really deep trouble. Many scientists and historicists say that the third world war will be for the pure fresh water as it will be so hard to obtain in those days...Oil is by far not as important as having something to drink...
  9. Hehe...Yeah this is anice fiction, because if that was possible, water wouldn't be such a problem nowadays and all the African children would have fresh water to drink in countless amounts. However, you cannot create matter out of nothing so the only realistic way of having inumerous amounts of liquid, is to have a sort of source with incredible amounts of water, which still would not be neverending!This is a good idea but I think that its place is in dreams;)
  10. I think that problem is in MEDIA PLAYER! Try using BSPlayer and I think everything will be OK. It is the system that media player is using that is problematic - i had the same problems. When I tried playing the same movie in BS Player everything was ok...try it
  11. Now thats a silly thing if it exists. Imagine what would happen if it looked like you have a XXXL thing between your legs, but you only have a L size in reality. Wouldn't it be a bit emberassing when girl put down your pants? I think that size (if you are really not extremely small) doesn't matter to many girls - at least to those who look for something more than just painful (bigcock) sex in guys...So, if that exists, it is a good marketing technique but in reality preety much stupid! Greetz
  12. Ok, from what I've read A LOT has happened to you and the way you wrote that, maybe you should consider writing a book or something. Just be careful to write more logically linked, because this text is very confusing. I read almost everything you wrote and I will not comment on that, because it is far to complicated to give it a simple answer. However, I'd like to say to you, that maybe you are putting too much pressure upon yourself. Maybe try to ease things up a lil' - take it easy! We all have problems, everybody has them, but the difference is HOW WE INTERPRETE THESE PROBLEMS! There are a lot of problems out there, but you are the one that lets them trouble you! Try to think about it these way: The world is of course imperfect, but what if this imperfectness is acctually perfect in its own way - if you STOP TRYING TO CHANGE YOURSELF AND EVERYTHING AROUND YOU, then you'll realize, that everything is acctually perfect and that you are the one experiencing these problems - ARE THESE PROBLEMS STILL HERE IF YOU ARE GONE?? Just take it easy, concentrate on the present moment and do not live in the past or in the future!Greetz
  13. hehe...good one! I think that I was made the same way!
  14. Well, guess what. It doesn't matter acctualy, because he is harmless. If he decideed to go public again, noone would have listened to him and he would be killed immediately. As far as his future is concerned - the law of karma will surely take care of him as it takes care for everyone else. Maybe it would be better to say, that he will take care of himself, because his actions are those, that will cause him a great deal of suffering and many miserable lives.So, even if he is alive nowadays, he will pay for everything he did in the future...He is going to pay for each and every death he caused or was responsible for...I wouldn't like to be on his place..:)Greetz
  15. Well I HAVE TO SAY I LOVE IT! I used Opera for a long time and it was my web browser of choice for abotu 5 years I guess. But now I downloaded the new IE and these tabs are looking great, I have to say. Tabs were the one thing that made opera the best browser in my opinion. As far as I can tell, IE made a very good product and I will use it since it is the most compatible internet browser....Please people, give it a choice - I also hated the last version, but this one is completely DIFFERENT and BETTER! Why not using great ideas (tabs from opera and other stuff from firefox) if they are great...That's just the way it goes...you copy something, improve it and add it to your program..All in all it is VERY GOOD and as far as i can tell STABLE...so ENJOY using it..and please GIVE IT A TRY!Greetz
  16. Well this really sounds like a toguh situation. Well, first I'd make sure that I really love her by thinking about 10 things you love about her and then you don't! You willl get a clear picture of what is the most important on her - is it just that you 2 have so much in common or is it something else that you are looking for? Eventhough we usually think that we do not know why we love somebody, in the end there are certain values and characteristics that are important to us and the person we love posess them. So is she funny? Is she loving and caring? Is she a bit dirty and you like it? Is she just so beautiful? Consider everything you can think of....this is a very good start!Now, you said you are dating another girl...that is surely NOT good! You cannot love (or think you love) someone and go dating someone else. That is not OK at all! It is quite selfish acctually and from this I would say that you are quite egocentric and probably good-looking (sorry, it might not be true)..So the right thing to do is to tell that girl you are currently dating that you just don't feel what you should feel and that it would be best if you two were friends....Don't mention your dreamgirl because it will only make everything more painful to you substitute-girl (and this is why it is wrong you are with her - not a single person deserves to be a substitue-partnet! Everyone deserves pure devotion of his partner!)So you found out the 10 things you love and hate? Are there many more of those you love or equal to those you hate or dislike? If you love her and broke up with the substitute-girl then you are ready to ask the ONE girl if she is ready for something REALLY serious (you say to her that she is hard to trust after what she has done to you - maybe that is one of the things you don't like - trust?). BUT before you start all that..it shouldn't be like that: "OK, I will ask the ONE girl if she is ready to do it again and wait before cancelling the substitute-girl." THAT IS WRONG AND TOTALLY EGOCENTRIC - because you only think about yourself - what is going to be with me if I leave what I have now and don't get the ONE girl back? Do you see the egocnetriness here?What else can I say to you...it is quite simple acctually..Are you ready to try for the third time? If you are, leace the substitute the first thing in the morning and go to you love...it is in action that relief hides! If you do it you will always know - I TRIED! and you will be on top of the situation..trust me :blink:Greetz and good luck mate..
  17. I'd say RAP music is the best. Something with loud BASS lines that will kick tha' *BLEEP* out of you This is the sort of music that gets you pumped and ready for action...Try something from Xzibit or similar...Hope it helps, greetz
  18. Nothing new here I also use Dreamweaver for coding and designing a web page. For images and other visual stuff I use Photoshop, sometimes Flash and thats about it...
  19. Well mate I am very sorry to hear that! Life can be so cruel and yet we cannot do anything about it. Actually in life suffering is inevitable and together with all the joy we can experience there is always pain and suffer to come when one someone dies. So the only way is to realize that and make sure you do not get fully attached to stuff around you (i mean everything: dad, mum, cat, computer, car, your body,...). If you are not attached to stuff then there is nothing to be lost and there is no suffer if you realize that all material things pass away one day. With "do not be attached" I do not mean not to feel compassion and joy when you are with somebody, I just think that you should always bare in mind that things are going to pass away one day so do not be fully attached to them. Even your body will come to an end one day and why would you be afraid if you are unattached to it? As you may have noticed you always say MY BODY and MY EYES so this is not YOU it is just something YOURS, like a cloth!Keep that in mind and you know...even memories pass away one day..Greetz
  20. Good one OpaQUe:) However I think I saw that somewhere before but it is still a very good joke. I mean it is very nicely done to trick your girls dad if he is not too smart:) But if he doesn't like you then you are in troubles even without sending the letter;)
  21. In my opinion religion is something that comes out of basic human need for understanding the purpose of his life and everything around him. Each and every one of us is inevitabely troubled by questions like: "Why am I here? What is the purpose of being here? Is there a God or something greater above us? If there is God, what God acctually is? Is it the Good that what preavails or is it the Bad? So people start looking for answers mostly in the nature. If everything in nature is in a sort of cycle then probably our life is also a sort of cycle - after winter there is spring and after summer there is always autumn; in life it is the same: after death comes life, after life comes death and after death comes life. It is acctually very simple - we exist as a part of nature and if in nature everything is circling then there is also a cycle of living and dying. However, many people were and still are of course unable to understand all this and see things just as they are so this is why the religion came to being. A few people started explaining the answers to the questions set above and many people, though not fully understanding what they were talking about, felt deep inside that this is the truth. Around the world a few different variations of this answers exist but they are all talking about GOOD or should I say GOD?! We should also differe between religion and faith. These are two very different concepts. All of us have faith: the difference is solely in the fact that we have faith that God exists or we have faith that God does not exist. Nobody has the proof neither that He exists nor that He does not so we are acctually in the same problem BUT the people who are able to have faith in God (Alah, GOOD, or any other name) know deep inside that this is the truth and this is the basic difference between those who have faith that God exists and those who have faith that God does not exist - if you really have faith you KNOW that this is so! The basic teaching of each and every religion is: "DO GOOD & AVOID BAD!" and everything that differes from that sentence is just a sort of religious malfunction as was seen in the Crusades and now in the Holy War. We can conclude that religion is important, because it is today a very rare source through which people can hear that one should do GOOD instead of evil. However what is the most important is FAITH - everything else (institutional religions,...) is just a sort of helpful guide towards faith, but in the end you are responsible for your actions and as the bible says: one should see people through their deeds and not through their words! So I would be a lot happier to have a GOOD ateist friend than a BAD christian or other religious person! And of course vice versa.
  22. Yeah I noticed that, it wass all over the media here in Slovenia for the past two, three days and if anyone forgot to turn the clocks then it is his problem...However, I do not agree with that thing, because i doubt that anything is spared using this system...Well we all got used to it and we just have to live with it..greetz
  23. LOOOOL, now thats funny stuff:) I agree with that guy acctually because all these answering machines and even real tech-stuff people can get extremely painful at times when you try to get the info you need and you just don't get anything even if you die there in front of the telephone:)Good one..
  24. Nice thread:) Well I had so many mobile phones that it is hard to remember which one I have now:) Well currently I use Sony Ericsson K600i and I am really happy with it because it has many nice features plus it really looks fancy. It has this metal look which I love. Before this mobile phone I had Siemens C65, Ericsson T20 if i am not mistaken and another ericsson and I think there were more of them but I really can't remeber right now...Well right now I tried to connect my mobile phone to the computer via Bluetooth and not via the cable I got when I bought it but it just won't work. Is there anyone who has the same problem or the same phone and is able to connect it via Bluetooth?? Thanks and greetz to everyone
  25. I've never heard about this book or should i say books but after visitng the website I think I'll start reading it. However I'd like to know if it is a mistery story or just pure drama with lots of sad events...The title "series of unfortunate events" could just be a very good horror story or a sort of thriller if you know what I mean. So if you've read all 12 books and are reading the 13th one then can you please tell me about the genre of this book and if I'll like it if i mostly read horror, thriller and similar stories? Thank you very much for your answer mate..bye
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