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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Wow wow wow STOP IT! Ok You made a few good points. People in Iraw are missused by their religious leades but certainly that is not the only bad thing that goes on in this war. You have set the whole problem wrong. IT IS NOT IMPORTANT HOW AMERICA WILL BEAT IRAQ BUT THAT IT ACCTUALLY STARTED THE WAR AT FIRST PLACE. Please do no be fulled and realize that it is all about the damn black oil!! Iraq has as much oil supplies as almost noone else and that is ONE BIG REASON for the attacks of United States. So this is the main difference with lets say the second world war. In that war USA played a fantastic and brave role to protect the whole world from Hitlers hands (ok, they still achieved a lot of economic growth on the account of repairing stuff after the war as something they got in return for helping allys but that is not important right now). However, in this "war" there is no such threat - most of the terrorist attacks were allowed by the CIA, because this is the only way to make people think that this "war" is necessary. Come on people, that is so not so! Yes we lost more soldiers in other wars BUT they died for a good cause. Today SOLDIERS ARE DYING FOR BLACK OIL!!! And that is something that should be stopped...Not that I have to mention how many iraqi soldiers and kids and women and families die for nothing!So please think about the meaning of this "war"! or should I say USA terror..
  2. Well it is very nice that you found out yourself that the problem acctually lies in yourself. You are the one not confident in yourself, not believing that there might be a girl out there that is really capable of loving you. That is a problem and it is maybe even bigger than it looks at first. It is a sort of vicious circle, because it affects you in two ways or it has two dimensions. The first dimension is that you are not able trust any girl and TRUST is the one thing that is the most important in each and every relationship. Without trust neither of partners can feel comfortable. Both are always controlling each other and one of them or both become just like police officers controlling certain suspects. That is not OK and that is not a good and healthy relationship. So you are not capable of trusting your girlfriend and that makes you an officer and will inevitably lead to you becoming a police officer kind of partner.That leads to the second dimension of that problem and that is her feelings towards you. From the way you described the whole situation, she really loves you (she tells you that once in a while and when she does it, it is totally spontanious) so right now there is no need for you to become jelous or a cop. If you say her that you love her all the time and always repeat that in case she forgets, that will have an opposite effect FOR SURE! It is just like with things you can buy in stores. Something that is easy to get is not as valuable as something that is hard to get. So if you tell her that you love her sooo much all the time, this words "I LOVE YOU" will loose its value and they soon won't mean anything to her anymore - and we don't want that do we? Through both of this dimensions I tried to explain why you will always be caught in a vicious circle of not trusting your girlfriend. This is how it goes: 1. you love her, she loves you2. you love her and YOU TELL HER THAT ALL THE TIME, she still loves but words "i love you" loose their value3. you love her and STILL TELL HER THAT ALL THE TIME, she becomes bored, take you for granted4. you start doubting if she really loves you, she think that that was enough and start getting cold5. you lost another women that REALLY LOVED YOU just because you were unable to trust her!So please for you own sake and for the sake of your girlfriend who is I'm sure a great girl, do TRUST HER. I have a certain rule that I find very useful: TRUST EVERYBODY AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT BETRAY YOUR TRUST! If you live like that and GIVE EVERYONE a chance to be trusted than you will find someone worthy of your trust...Hope all ends well, Greetz mate
  3. Yes that would be nice. But as many others have said earlier - there is a problem of cheating the system. People would fake names and in a matter of months everything would go down and we certainly don't want that right? However, I find it interesting that the sole need for humans to cheat and do stuff that they know is "illegal or wrong" can do such things. I am trying to say that if everybody did what they supposed to do and what is not wrong, nothing would need to be so highly secured. I know very good that this is totally impossible but still it is funny if you think HOOW many things depend solely upon this human "flaw". Well thats life...get used to it or die trying :)Greetz
  4. Sounds very nice..I'll go take a look at it right now.Yes indeed this is a very good site and exactly what I've been looking for for a long time now. I'll set up my account as soon as I have enough time, because I am a producer and a DJ and that will be very helpful for me....Thank again mate
  5. Yeah GOOGLE is by far the best search engine on the planet. You can really find anything you want, sometimes you can even find more than you want or find even something delicate that you shouldn't find because people are not aware of the way google scans the internet and leaves certain stuff open to othe people. For example if one uses the search option "index of" and than writes something it will return all unprotected folders on the net...this is very nice if you need to find certain sounds, pictures or similar..Just be sure not to break any law or something...Yahoo! is powered by google as it's stated on their website so that is acctualy the same thing and i don't see any reason why not using google because it is better and fester without all that commercials and other crap that appears on yahoo's site! use GOOGLE - IT IS THE BEST!
  6. Yep I've hear of it and used it i think. But this was quite some time ago and it is very helpful to have it here...I will save it somewhere because it always comes handy when trying to insert video..Thanks for that..Greetz
  7. I agree with kkrizka! Harry Potter is just someone saved by his mother and that made him something special. I think that the whole thing about harry is not sufficient to make him such a special wizard. I read the books so that someone will not say that i haven't read all of the books. How he is made special, that bothers me - the writer told us yeah harry potter is something special. It was not in a way that we felt like he is something more. This is not OK imo and that makes harry not special in comparison to other "heroes" in other books...As for the source of all evil, that is a very stupid sentence! He is by faaaaaar not that important to be the source of all evil. He is not a source of any evil acctually. People made him evil..he by himself is without any influence at all!
  8. Hm..very good advice. Though I am a bit sceptical because if you know that, hackers know that also almost for sure so they make such programs that use the runas command or something similar that bypasses this limited account...However, this is still a good way to protect youself if you don't mind switching between acounts when trying to install a new program or something...Greetz
  9. Look we should know a few things. God is not just someone out there with a very long beard. It is extremely wrong to imagine God as SOMEONE or SOMETHING since God is out of our dimensions and permeates you, me and everything else. So there is acctually no individuum that could kill or do anything else to us. We have our own free will to do anything we want and in every moment we can decide to do something good or something bad. Therefore we are responsible for the situation we are in, because what we did in the past (i mean previous lives and this life) now reflects in the situation we live in. It is simple...whatever you do defines how you are about to live in the future and your past defines the present. However we should be cautious because even though our situation today is somewhat defined, we still have the free will and can decide to do good or bad no matter in which situation we are so that our future situation will be better!You can imagine God as this thing in you that makes you feel good when you help an old lady across the street and that makes you feel bad if you throw a stone in her. It is this "sense" in us that is divine or God.I hope that explains why there is so much evil in this world...People are not consciouss enough and always blame a higher force for the situation they are in not taking the responsibility for their own actions. No wonder the outside world is falling apart...The only solution is that you inside are calm and peaceful and the state of the outside world is not relevant anymore because we experience the outside world through our own world inside our heads.....Could be eh?
  10. It is not bitcomit but BITCOMET and yes it is a wonderful program in my opinion. It has all the functions you need and I get top speeds with it...Another nice thing about it is that it doesn't eat up that much RAM and that is very useful with older computers (i don't care with my 1Gb of ram ). So go out there and download BitComet because I am sure you'll like it... greetz
  11. My uncle gave me the Spectrum computer and if I remember correctly, games were loaded using the casettes and then you connected them to the TV. However, I have never managed to make it work since I was too young. Then I got a 386 notebook and i can't remember which type it was...I really liked that computer and since it was around 10 years ago I was THE MAN with that notebook carrying it around and all that:) My next machine was Pentium 2, 350Mhz with a very good Nokia monitor that gave me soooo much fun and knowledge. I upgraded him till last month when I bought my self a notebook again, this time a loot better:) I currently own Dell Inspiron 6400 with a dual core processor, 1Gb of Ram and 120Gb of Disk space...It is a very good computer and I recommend it to anyone!So that was my computer history...Things really developed since the year I was born and it is a lot easier to imagine how it was without cars if you think that only 15 years ago, computers or PCs as we know them didn't even exist!Greetz
  12. This is the only smart thing to do, because these books are so popular that they could easily be stolen from her. I think she also has a loot of bodyguards because someone would have robbed her for sure if she is carrying the book with her all the times..However, this americans are crazy I have to say, because they know who she is and of course she will not enter a plane without her writings!
  13. If you ask me this is a bunch of crap! Your friend was lying to you or making fun of you because there is nothing like the Bill Gates Edition in this world. It is a good way though to put the hackers version through the net though..I find it very interesting how hackers always find a way of spreading their hacked versions around the net. Mostly they are playing with our desire to have something better than others or something free...There is a simple rule: If something is too good to be true, it is NOT TRUE! IT IS A HACK or a SCAM.greetz
  14. Hm...I think this is not a situatuion i'd put myself in. You should go as far away as possible, because either you will loose your frined or you'll lose both. If you don't like your friend enough than you can try and get her but that will ruin your friendship for sure. No girl is worth something like that especially cos' you dont know how the girl think about you and how she feels. Are you sure she is such a good person that she is worthy of you leaving and betraying your friend?YOu just stay away from her!
  15. According to Digitmes Dell is about to built almost twenty million AMD processors in their notebooks, personal computers and servers between the fourth quarter of this year and the same time in the next year. This would mean that AMD processors will occupy one third of all processors in DELL computers and also enlarged the amount of AMD processors in the entire world market. However, we can ask ourselves if AMD will be able to produce enough processors to cover this heavy demand. You can find more on the site of the Digitimes. Greetz
  16. I was not sure if I have to put this topic in software or hardware section...well it ended up in the software one:)Well...a neat feature of Windows XP is that it notices when you insert a wireless LAN (WLAN) card for the first time, and prompts you to remind you that out of the box, it's insecure and you should set a key pair between the card and the access point... Bear in mind, though, that XP is the first Windows incarnation to do this - if you're a Windows 98/2000 wallah, you won't be prompted...So make sure you turn the security options on, regardless of whether you're running a version of Windows that will prompt you!Greetz
  17. Well I know that mostly people use norton or mcaffe but i find them rather heavy in the terms of eating all my processor. I found a program recently which is the best by faaar IMO...it is aclled NOD 32 and has all the features you need plus it really doesn't eat much of your ram, processor and that...So I tell you try NOD 32!!! IT IS THE BEST!
  18. Hey, well I recently heard about the Indigo race and read a loot about it and decided to write a short description of it. Maybe I'll even wright a book, because there are many terms here such a s rounds and races and the Crystal race and similar that will no be easy to understand without the proper explanation..Here we go...THE INDIGO RACE The sixth race of the fourth round is the Indigo race, which is also called the Crystal Race. The Spirits of Indigo people entered the human evolutionary a couple of million years ago and were reincarnated as humans for at least a hundred times. They are descendants of Jesus and Maria Magdalena, Mohamed and other prophets of the last few millenniums. Genes of these prophets accelerated the growth of the human body and that caused the reincarnation of Spirits on a higher evolutionary level. Bodies of these Spirits form the first signs of the Indigo race. Atmic level is reflected in the physical level thus the vibration of the Spirit is clearly visible in the physical body. The eye is the mirror of the soul. The vibration of the Spirit or the voltage of electro-magnetic Force is visible as a yellow or orange star in the iris of one’s eye. This “sign of the sun” represents the development of the buddhic level. Humans with the sign of the sun are starting to develop the atmic level and have awoken their inner voice – the soul. Those who do not posses that sign have not awoken their soul just yet. However, that does not mean that they do not have a soul but it is still in the latent state. People who do posses this sign are people on higher evolutionary levels who realized oneness with everything around them so they care for all beings. The bigger the sign of the sun, the higher the vibration of the Spirit and the more intensive expression of one’s soul in his personality. This does not mean that these beings are more important than the others; it just tells us that the evolution of their Spirit started earlier. People without this sign are “young souls”, which have just entered the human evolutionary level. Indigo people have a certain chemical structure of their nervous system and body that can carry much higher vibrations. This is why transmissions carried out by Indigo people are far more effective. They could play the most important role in prevention of the cataclysm in the next few years. Their transmissions would help alleviate the physical changes of the Earth by being able to stand higher vibrations – or radiations sent by the Aquarius constellation. That does not mean that only Indigo people should practice transmissions. The more people practice them, the easier the transition to the next era will be. One can transform into an angel only if he was born with the sign of the sun. If he does not have that sign, he will have to wait for the one of the next lives. How fast is one to reach this evolutionary level depends completely and solely upon his way of living. If one lives a peaceful life according to the Law, he will reach the angelic evolutionary level in a few lives. Jesus said: “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” That means that those who have just entered the human evolutionary level but are going to live according to the Law, will be the first ones to achieve the angelic level. On one hand, Bhakti yoga is the best way of fast evolution for people without the sign of the sun. The optimal organization for practicing of bhakti yoga is ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). They practice the bhakti yoga or the yoga of adoration and their rules and the way of life are optimal for advancement on the evolutionary scale for all people without the sign of the sun. Repeating of “Maha mantra” accelerates the evolution of the human Spirit and causes awakening of atoms in the part of the brains where higher levels (mental, buddhic and atmic) are developed. On the other hand, Raja Yoga is the fastest way of evolution for people with the sign of the sun. This type of yoga was taught by Christ and demands standing of higher vibrations. Therefore people without the sign would die because their inner organs were damaged. If these people decide to practice Raja Yoga despite not having the sign of the sun, they will save a lot work for future lives. In case of the end of the world, people with the sign of the sun and “cleaned” karma will experience merciful transformation into an angel. As the Earth will pass Venus on its way to the Sun, their Spirits with all the rest of the angels will move to Venus. Humanity has developed physical, astral and mental bodies to a certain level, which allows Spirits to reincarnate on a higher evolutionary level. These Spirits are Spirits of Indigo people and have already developed the hypophysis and are also starting to develop the epiphysis. The buddhic body is on Earth represented by the continent of Atlantis. For first signs of the Indigo race are already appearing, the Atlantis continent will gradually rise again. If humanity lives according to the Law, the Atlantis will rise gradually. If not, Atlantis will rise in the cataclysm in a very short period, causing huge Tsunamis in the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis will be about as big as the whole Europe. People with the sign of the sun will play the main role in saving the human race from destruction. Their transmissions and meditations will be more effective than those of people on lower evolutionary levels. In case of the Electric Storm, only Indigo people and a few just below that evolutionary level will survive. It is therefore advisable that only people with the sign of sun cooperate in the “Noah” project as they are the only ones to be able to stand the Electric Storm. The mission of those who survive will be to create a society based on harmony with the Earth, peace, love and evolution of the Spirit. This sort of society will enable cooperation and reincarnation of Earth’s Hierarchy of angels. Jesus’ parable about a lamp is a description of the sign of the sun. He said: “The eye is the lamp (evolutionary level) of the body.” Have you ever heard of the Indigo race? Anything I missed?
  19. I am with you OpaQue and so are all my prayers. This has to be a though situation..i can imagine. I have only one thing to say...If he was such a good person as you have described him, his reincarnation will be good, maybe he even manages not to be born again at all and not having to go trough all the suffering that one must experience in each and every human life! Maybe right now he is completely unattached and free, therefore happy...GOD BLESS HIS SOUL
  20. Wll I don0t acctualy own this Xbox or anything similar but I thought that this is a very good place to ask what are the benefits of this hardware...Is it worth the money? How much do the games cost? Is it a lot better than computer, because computer is very nice to use since it is entirely cheap. You buy it and then you can donwload all sorts of things I mean money is really not the problem with the PC! However, i think that with all these things like xbox, nintendo, playstation or anything like that, you can only play games, cannot excess internet or any other thing, which you can do if you use the computer with all the nice software...This is why I'd really like to hear what are these big advantages of XBOX and similar equipment...thanks
  21. Please imagine two magnets turned against each other with the same magnetic poles. It causes them to parry but at a certain distance, they are in balance. The bigger the power of the magnets, the longer the distance, where the balance is reached. If we raised the power of the magnets, one of them would start to move away from the other. The one moving would be the one with the lower mass and therefore lower constancy. This is why the mass of the sun is a lot bigger than the mass of all the other materia in its solar system. The sun stands still in the centre and the planets are constantly moving away. If we turned one of the magnets, the one with the lower mass would start an accelerated movement towards the bigger one. In the ideal circumstances or in the vacuum the smaller magnet accelerates until it reaches the maximal speed or the speed of light. Similarly, the Sun should not invert its poles around since all the planets would start moving towards it.I find that quite possible and easy to understand!
  22. I use OPERA for a few years now and i am veeeery happy with it! They are the one who invented tabbed browsing which is now integrated also in firefox and IE if you wish (they coppied it!!!) However, Opera is also the fastest browser on the planet at the moment and that certainly is a big plus for it - for me the most important. OPERA is also known for a verry huge working space so you dont have almost any border and stupid buttons and stuff...OPERA is PLAIN AND SIMPLE, TABBED, THE FASTEST ON THE PLANET! I do not need more and i also use Mini Opera on my mobile phone - it rocks there too!! greetz
  23. I think that spyware is not so much an infection, but more a sort of tool for hackers to spy on your data and collect valuable information. Yeah you stated the best ways to prevent it but i think the one and only method to be really safe is: Use a very good antivirus strictly UPDATED (NOD32 is my recommendation) and DO NOT enter weard sites that just call for spyware! Greetz
  24. Microsoft publised Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs, smaller operatig system, meant for older PCs not capable of running Windows XP.It is a system that bases on Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 and enables only limited collections of programs to be run. Practicly it is meant for the usage of thin-client - connection with servers with Remote Desktop protocol for example. This software won't be out in stores but only available under the "Software Assurance" licence (enterprise). If you want to know more, visit Microsoft's official site.Greetz
  25. I think that karma and karmic law of action and reaction is present in the bible also but was very nicely deleted in the concils. Well not everything and there are many traces which tell us that reincarnation and karma play an important role in one's life. Karma or the law of cause and effect is the most basic and universal law that manages life on all planets in the cosmos. This law points out that every thought, word or action result in a certain cause. These causes may have good or bad consequences which influence humans in the present life or in the lives to come. In bible it is written: and . In science we know that every action has an equal and an opposite reaction. Beings on higher evolutionary levels have telepathic capabilities. As they do not posses a physical body, they cannot see human actions but can read their thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Every action, every word and every thought take a certain form in the mental body, which is located in the Spirit. These forms are reflected by Earth through Sun, which transforms this radiation in the constellation of Libra. Hierarchies of suns in the constellation of Libra are Lords of karma for Earth. These hierarchies execute the karmic law on the basis of people’s thoughts without exception. This is why we cannot hide a single thought, word or action.Therefore not only actions have karmic consequences but thoughts and words too. Jesus said: and Buddha also taught that our thoughts create the reality we live in. The future of a human depends upon his thoughts and actions. Everything has to be in balance, so every cause has to be balanced with a consequence. Human cannot be transformed into an angel without finishing serving all karmic sentences. Jesus said: Thoughts and actions also determine whether a Spirit is born as a woman or as a man. Sex also depends upon easier development of one’s personality and easier balancing of one’s karma. For example, if one is male and one abuses a female, one will be a female in his next life in order to repay for one’s evil actions in a similar situation. If one lives a balanced life (without creating karma) as male or female, one will be of the same sex in his next life. As a Spirit one has no sex. One of the problems of homosexuality is that a Spirit cannot develop in the way it is supposed to. If one has a male organ than one is a man and if one has a female organ than one is a woman. This role is given in this life and it is one’s duty to play this role. If one does not play this role, he is violating the Law and that results in bad karma. If one is not capable of playing one’s role as a male or female than one should practice sexual abstinence. It is better to be sexually abstinent and concentrate on evolution than be homosexual. If one acts like an animal, one has a big chance of becoming one in one’s next life. Sexuality is meant solely for reproduction which enables evolution of the Spirit. Violation of the Law leads to “pests” and to the destruction of civilizations. These “pests” are natural laws, executed because of the will of Sun angels. “Pests”, which appear because of the sexual depravity, are various venereal diseases such as AIDS, Syphilis… Karma also works as a pendulum. Human who is rich and is not willing to share his riches with the poor is going to be a poor man in his next life. Until one does not repay all his debts, one is bound to the circle of living and dying. Jesus said: He tried to tell us that rich people are very unlikely to renounce material goods and go through a long and hard process of self-culture which can last even for the whole life time. The Ten Commandments were passed on to humans so they would be capable of avoiding bad karma. If one lives by them, he is sure to advance in evolution and if on violates them, he is sure to sink down the evolutionary scale.
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