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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. heavensounds


    Acctually the thing is, that you are watching yourself! God is the GOOD inside you and inside everyone else. When you feel good when you help an old lady across the street this is GOD withing you speaking. However, we should know that we all have the exact same good (GOD) inside everyone of us. God is therefore everywhere and in every being including animals (don't they cry if you hit them and make happy voices if you feed and love them?). So if you are looking for the meaning of this life, you should know that you and only you are the one to solve this problem. Noone can help you, but someone may show you the path - it is then your decision to follow it or not.If you look around yourself, you'll see that what is going on is acctually suffering and joy but after each and every joy there is suffer, because all our joys come to an end one day - they dissappear and all we have are memories..So there is no sense in it all or IS IT???The thing is that you should know, that if you TRULY REALIZE this constant changing of joy and pain, YOU ARE FREE - you are free from all this nonsense and that makes you UNATTACHED to these material things that end one day...What is there left to make you unhappy?? If you manage to be truly unattached (and that should be the GOAL OF EVERYONE's LIFE!!) you are constantly happy...It is hard to achieve but it is possible and by practicing it, you become less and less attached to this weard world...So there is a lot of sense right? :PBest whishes
  2. Hm..this is a very tough and complex question and there ain't no straight answer. The thing is that kids should not get in touch with alcohol in the first place and that means that parents should not drink alcohol at all! Not just in hiding in front of their kids because they will be caught very soon, but should not drink because that is a bad and needless habit that is then passed on to children. So the first step is to TEACH THE PARENTS HOW TO BE PARENTS, because they are the first example, children see and I think the most powerful one. If one has a good base in ones home then even schoolmates will have a tough job to make someone drink...Now the second part - schoolmates and friend that drink alcohol and influence our children so they drink it too - so that they are cool. The thing is, if the above thing is respected and all parents stop driking alcohol, this will not be popular between children and teens and it will be eventually rooted out...Parents don't have a word to say if they drink alcohol!!! And that is the key thing...As far as that law is concerned - of course it should be raised - it should be raised to 120+!!! Because this is the only way to prevent people from drinking alcohol - ban it totally! Of course that is impossible because of the biiiiiig industry behind the whole alcohol-thing, but as far as i'm concerned, the age of allowence should be as high as possible...Best whishes
  3. As far as I know, yahoo is powered by google! It is stated at the top : "POWERED by GOOGLE"...Maybe thats not anymore, but as far as i remember when I was still using yahoo - it was powered by google - that was the reason I went on to google and saw that is is faster and better...Best wishes
  4. Thanks for that..I've tried it and it is very powerful - gave me exactly the information i needed, because I'm trying to upgrade my computer and have to know exactly what type of ram i have...Really a good tool..
  5. We all know that we are going to die one day! Sometimes, like in her case, we know more preciesly that we won't live for another 20 years, but still we cannot know WHEN we are going to die...The solution is to be always prepared to die, AND NOT TURN OURSELVES AWAY FROM THE DEATH! This is what is happening in the moderns society, we push death somewhere beyond the realm of thinking, because it is sooo BAD! But is it? We do not know anything about it so we most certainly cannot say that it is something bad...It is bad from the relatives point of view - you loose someone you love! But what is happening with the dying person - that is the most important and should be as studied as our birth becase it is the same process, only on the opposing side of the circle! Please DO know, that death is coming and we are mostly unprepared for it...do something about it and LIVE EVERY DAY LIKE IT IS THE LAST but in the sence of using it to understand why we are here. Think about it and may divine forces be with that girl!Best whishes, Mark
  6. There is one thing people easy forget...WHAT GOOD WILL IT DO FOR YOU IF YOU SOMEDAY UNDERSTAND HOW THINGS BEGAN AND HOW THEY ARE GOING TO END??? The thing is, that one should not think about stuff that does not lead to eternal happiness in the sense of unattachment and pure compassion! If there was a black hole or a white hole? Where is the difference? How will it help you become a better person and become less attached to this transitory material world?Best whishes
  7. You said, that we are the only ones that have a soul?! What about animals? What do you think is the one thing that seperates beings with soul from those beings without a soul? Don't you think that maybe animals have souls, but are more "blinded" than humans (well, sometimes humans are acctually even more blinded than animals:)). You know that animals feel - if you hit a dog with a stick, he'll cry, bark and do something to show you that he is in pain - just look in his eyes and you'll know that they also have a soul, which is CURRENTLY! more "blinded" than ours... The next thing is - you said that nothing in life is certain. Well there are a few things that are more than certian and that is: - we are all born once! - we all have certain pleasures during our lifetime and certain amount of suffering! - we all die! These things are more than certain, so you cannot say that nothing is certain! What one should think about is the reason we are given this chance to be able to think about stuff and be able to do good things and bad things and decide whether we'll be good people or bad people - we clearly have our own free will! 4 things are to be thought of: - THE EXISTENCE OF IMPERMANENCE (nothing is permanent - that is certain!) - THE ARISING OF SUFFERING BECAUSE OF CRAVING (when we get something, we always want something else or more of the same! Therefore we are never happy) - THE CESSATION OF SUFFERING (there is a way out of this suffering) - THE MIDDLE WAY, or THE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH (this way out is presented by the noble eightfold path, which you can find here --> THE EIGHTFOLD PATH Best whishes
  8. Hm..yeah that is kind a scary but then again there are weapons to destroy the whole world present for quite a long time and if the war comes, we are most likely to destroy our planet. So not such a big deal - USA has weapons to destroy everything and now they are pissy pissy when china has something that they don't haveI tell you, like little kids...Best whishes
  9. I think that Gmail offers just enough space and I really don't need anything more than that!! It is also one of the biggest companies in the world, meaning that they cannot afford something like droping a user or canceling your account for no good reason - this is why they are RELIABLE! And this is the one thing that other emails do not have or are very hard to trust imo...Maybe someone has a very good intention and offers a lot of space but he dosen't have enough money, resources and sooner or later things stop working - what if you save stuff on your email, because that is almost certainly a good reason for having 30GB big email box and you put important stuff there - if the server goes, all your data goes and i don't want that...Plus the file size is here very important - Gmail offers 10MB limit and with the use of winrar or something similar, that is acctually ok...Best whishes and I really recommend Gmail instead of anything else...
  10. What was this guy thinking when doin' this website?! Too many colors, actually ALL colors that exist on our planet are there and this pigeon - omg! MAYBE he did it on purpose, because this site stands out for sure and we all went there to check it out
  11. I have said this a lot of time to a lot of people and here I say it again! There is so much scam around internet and so many companies that won't pay you, plus it is so hard to earn that sort of money that I just don't believe in this system anymore...Maybe you can succeed, but you will succeed because of your hard work and not because of your luck or ability to fool some company or something...Trust me, there is no money lying around, because it was all picked up by someone for sure! So if you want money, go out there, work in real life and you will earn more and with less work!!Best wishes
  12. Well you shouldn't hate your parents, since they are perfect for you or you would not be born to them...simpleThe only one you should be angry on is yourself..Best wishes
  13. Veeery nice..I am amazed man! This is really quality stuff - are you a professional designer or something? Because it sure looks that way..Well keep up the good work and good luck in the futureBest wishes, Mark
  14. This all climate situation is a normal consecuence of what poeple do on our little green planet! I think that it is far too late to do anything of real relevance, because what we have done, we have done! We can't save anything in the last moment...BUT we can change the way we think. This whole situation is a result of our materialistic thinking and constant longing for material pleasures - think about it!So, we have "destroyed" the planet, but so did the civilizations before us and that is why the Ice age came and it will come again and again - it is all a big circle and everything that was will be again and everything that will be once already was! No need to panic - just see how things are and you are happy being freed from the constant running after things in our lives that are really not valuable enough to waste our lives on....Best wishes
  15. I do not mean to be to harsh but not everything that is important has to do with your own life! That is quite egoistic...Maybe someone feels that he should share such a terrible thing than he should do it...Maybe it remember you to cherish your life and maybe you should be more happy with what you have?
  16. Hehe..the fourth, the fifth, the sixth?? Does it really matter?? Why wouldn't we focus on the first, second or the third dimension??I think that if we manage to understand this world and our lives instead of the fifth dimension..we'll be all much happier!
  17. I think that today there is no talking about the preciousness of human life. The sole fact that we are born as humans and not as something else is a very rare and preciouss thing that should be respected! You were given a gift and you are tryin' to throw it away??The biggest problem of suicide is, that it doesn't solve anything, since all you did in this life, you will carry on in the next one and so on, BUT making a suicide is a bad karmic action and you will have to pay for doing that..Therefore there is no reason to make a suicide, since it doesn't solve anything (you remember all the pain and you experience all the pain again and again)...If it is forbidden to make a suicide with some sort of law, then at least a few people won't make a suicide that maybe would have, if this law would not exist...and in their future life, they would have realized that life is precious...SO, I voted for NO - suicide should not be legal, because it prevents at least a few bad karmic actions
  18. I really like Windows and I know them to the last detail so there is no point for me to change to LINUX. Maybe it is safer, but hey I am not hiding anything of importance and allll programs are made for Windows...There are pros and cons to both windows and linux!
  19. Yes I think that it is a wonderful site and as you've said, it is very balanced. Invision power board is very good and simple to use so I am glad OpaQue decided to use it. In comparisson, phpBB takes a lot more space for unnecessary things - Invision power board has things set up a lot better in my opinion...So yeah, Xisto is great visualy and in its core - contents...
  20. Lol..that is a funny question!!What is GOD? Where is He? Everybody is talking about a God and nobody knows anything about God! All the we can be certain of is that God exists, because we cannot talk about something that doesn't exist!Talking about the beginning of this world and its end is a waste of time...LOOK IN THE NATURE and you will see that THERE IS NO BEGINNING AND NO END! After day there is night, after winter there is soon another winter....This world is NOT LINEAR! So my question is HOW CAN YOU FIND THE BEGINNING AND THE END IN A CIRCLE?? Happy New Year
  21. I think that this is why you have to post here in this forums if you want an account...Most of today's advertising measures the amount of trafic on ones site and pay acorrdingly...So this is how Xisto is financed - you post -> they have a lot of traffice --> advertising companies pay for it...Plus I think that xisto has other sources of income...like paid hosting and stuff...Hope it explains..
  22. This is a kind of a stupid question, because USA and each and every other country has its pros and cons! It is also very usual, that one loves the country in which one was born...Also the world is getting smaller and smaller in terms of globalization and the big differences between the USA and other developed European contries are getting smaller and smaller...acctually I think that today many countries in Europe took what was so amazing about USA and used it in its own way of life and so the only things left in the USA are those bad things - this is why most people nowadays hate USA for being the world-police, spreadin' democracy with weapons and similar...This also concerns vacations, because today you go on the internet and you can surf, see videos, photos and any other info about almost any place on the Earth! You can even talk to almost anyone on this planet through forums, chats and stuff like that.In the past, if you wanted to go to lets say USA and you lived in Europe, you would not know how life is there, you would not see a single picture and so on...Today, however, you know exactly what to expect in each and every country across the planet;Maybe I got a bit out of the subject, but that is because I wanted to say that I do not like to travel for the reasons stated above - I just don't find anything interesting there that cannot be seen on the internet, PLUS I haven't lost anything anywhere :lol:Greetz
  23. Hm..yeah I was thinking a lot about that and thought that this is practically impossible. It seemed wierd to me that almost anything nowadays can travel through air wireless like internet, radio, mobile phones and any other data but I gues that electricity is something different and is not just some sort of data transfer but energy transfer and that is a LOT different...If they ever manage to create such a thing, it would be very usable I guess..
  24. I can't seem to fid anything also...but I think that the picture changed, because the government found out about it and as we know they deny any existence of the UFOs...If you have a print screen, please share it with us
  25. I think that this guy didn't mean any harm with this demonstration plus it is already well known! So let him speak and share his presentation..That is my opinion..
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