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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well, I think that you should wait and see. You should know that the girl he is dating right now has probably no idea that he went on a "date" with another girl and she also has feelings just like you. Try to be in her position - how would you feel if your boyfriend would start to show interest in another girl? I know I would feel that great. You should also know that if he is doing that to his current girl, he'll probably do the same to you! It is a bad bargain and if you really like this guy then wait and wait until he is free and not free because of you but free because he didn't want to be with his current girl anymore! You can try with him then, because both of you who will be involved in this romance will go in it by your own will and nobody else will get hurt if you know what I mean...Just keep away from love-triangles - just look at the movies and it is the same in real life - they usually end up BAD!
  2. Thanks for the info guys! Well if I understood correctly, it is faster to extract both archives at the same time, but it will take almost all of my CPU! This is what I mostly do and as things get laggy I thought that that also slows down the unarchiving process, but I guess it only slows down other processes...Yeah, as for dual core that would be great if it could use both..Btw, I am using 7-zip and I really like it a lot more then winrar - it is better imo!
  3. Well, I hope I am posting this in the right forum. I was wondering if you tech-guys know if there is any difference in speed if: I am let's say extracting two 2gb archives file1.rar and file2.rar:1. at the same time2. one after anotherI'd really like to know that, because I really love to multi-task but sometimes I get the feeling that things would go faster if I did one thing and then after the first one is completed, move on to another rar archive for example...Thank you all for your answers!
  4. Now that is unbelievable! I didn't watch the movie, because I have a good day so far and have no need to spoil it with such imagery, although I feel so sorry for that little being. However, I don't want to judge anyone by a movie on youtube, because it can be a big hoax of someone imitating an officer with a dog that is made from plastic? I don't know...anyhow it seems impossible to me that someone would enjoy in doing such things..
  5. I'd also suggest using PHP first but you have to know that eventhough there are similarities between ASP and PHP mostly in the usability on the web, these two are very different languages and learning one of them usually does not mean you'll learn the other one. Why PHP? I think it is easier for beginners mind to dive into php since it is made for the internet and the logic behind it is very simple - at least it is to me! You should also bear in mind that by learning one of these languages, you'll probably find it hard to learn the other one, because they are so different in the way you write them..so search the internet for pros and cons of each of them and start on the one you think it will be better for you on the long run!
  6. Well, I have to agree with sonesay - as long as the site works across many different browsers without any problem & people at "google's" have no problem updating and managing it, there is NO problem! I have google set as my homepage for a few years now and am currently not planning to change it, since it's load time is amazing! So good code, bad code? Where is the problem if they manage to make it work amazingly fast and also update it regurarly without any noticable problems...I also think that Google's coders are the best in the world and so I ask my self: "Why would the best coders make a bad website?" My only answer is, there must be a reason for doing so - they probably know exactly why the site is not strict xhtml and that is enough for me. If anyone has the time or is able to get the answer from google, I'd be delighted to hear it
  7. Well if you manage to connect with your inner self or the divine nature within you while you are meditating, you are actually doing the same thing as real sleep. Just think about it! When you sleep, most of the time you dream and that certainly ain't resting! The part of sleep where you really refresh or restart is in a matter of minutes and this is called the deep sleep - but what happens then? Old scriptures say that you merge with your inner self for just a few seconds and you get enough energy to live through the day...Imagine the state of being one with divine nature and your true self, which is nothing else but my and his and hers true self????The state is called nirvana..
  8. Very nicely put t3jem! I'd also suggest that everybody follow the bible and the ten commandments, not the priests! Isn't Jesus' word the most important??
  9. I've used all type of windows many times and also Linux and Mac Leopard! I'd suggest you to stick with XP!! It works so amazingly fast if you don't put all sorts of crap on it, but you have to format your computer quite often, which is no problem for me. That is my suggestion, of course there is also your work, which is important, meaning that you have to know why you use your computer. Mac is as "they say" better for working with graphics, ... but on my experience it is not! Photoshop, dreamweaver, and everything else works better and faster on windows xp!So yes, just stick with XP!
  10. I never had a pet, but I think that in the future I'll have a cat - I am more of a cat person, eventhough I like dogs also, but they just feel too dumm Cats are a lot more individual and can be left alone and they will survive. My girlfriend has one cat and I am often at her place - I really like that cat named Simba. She is a sort of a wild pet...doesn't let too close and that's why i like her...
  11. Hm..I surely won't try that at home! I ADVICE EVERYONE TO STAY OUT OF THIS, because I really tried so so so many of these "your computer will look like...." crap! It harms your system and usually slows it down a lot! I tried various Mac transformation packs, Vista transformation pack, on Windows 2000 I used XP transformation packs, I had Desktop X, Windows Blinds,...bla bla bla! So many of them...and I also tried, Windows Vista, Mac Leopard 10.5.2, Windows 2000 and Windows XP and am currently using a normal updated version of XP - updated reguralry. It is the best operating system in my opinion...If you keep everything up to date it is great...So my advice: get away from transformation packs...and kill your boringness in some other way!
  12. Hm..apart from Trap, I have google.si (which is a Slovenian version of Google's site) for my homepage, so every time I open my browser, it is there Other than that, there is also Gmail, which is also my main email client and so I am there a few times a day...There is also a site of our TV station, which has great and up to date news, so I regurarly check that also...I think I could find many more, but let's stay with that
  13. Firefox is really good! I used to use Opera and couldn't start using anything else, because I was so used to it. Then I switched to Mac for two months and now that I am back using Windows XP, I think Firefox is the closest thing to Safari so I started using it and I am already starting to love it! Good job for the 500 million - well deserved!
  14. That is a great result! However, speed is not the only thing that makes a host good. I think that the best thing about Xisto is that things just work! You never have to worry that things won't work as long as you post at these forums!
  15. I think that the name of the topis is wrong, because by defragmenting the disc, you do not actually make it go faster (it always turns at 5400RPM or 7200RPM or something!). All you do is re-position file clusters on your disc so that windows have easier access to those file and so files are logically easier and faster to reach - that is what fragmentation is all about and it really is a good thing!However, I realized, that doing a full FORMAT of the disc and backuping everything in advance is the best way, because it really cleans all the mess you've managed to produce in the period of your last format...of course you have to put windows back on you machine, but I like to do that, as I am a sort of computer experimenter - means that I cannot stand one installation of OS for as much as 4,5 months
  16. Well that's a tought situation and I certainly wouldn't like to be in one. You should think about it earlier but that doesn't help you right now, does it? So of course, you can't put them to sleep! I'd suggest contacting the media and telling them your story and maybe they'll make a story, which will bring you money and you can also say to people that you have to get rid of some of the cats and they can put your phone number there...or somehting like that! Other option is to print a few posters around the city and give your number aswell...also be sure to post the cutest pictures...Maybe you could also use email-fowarding-medium, which is great for that sort of stuff - just email info and pics to as many friends as you have and ask them to forward to as many friends they can...do the math and you'll se the number of people grows amazingly fast! I don't know...maybe learn a few of those cats to go to neighbours house and maybe they'll want to take one or two ))I wish you all the best and don't give up!!
  17. Hm..now that I use Mac Leopard, I use Mail, an application that comes with Leopard and it works very well with my gmail account. So I have pop3 enabled in my gmail, allowing me to download mail to my computer, which I like more, since all the movies, ppts and other stuff is already downloaded, allowing me to view it quick without waiting for the whole download process...
  18. That is a typical scam and believe it or not, it works on quite a few people! They send this email to a lot of people and a few of them actually buy it...as far as i know it is a sort of scam in which you have to transfer some of you money in order to get that AMAZING 7 million But after you transfer that money, BAM noone is there anymore...it is an old type of scam, but very common and widespread, so I'd suggest you to send this email to proper sites which deal with that sort of stuff...
  19. Hmm, I think that more important than everything you've stated is to be there for the child from year 0 till year 10 and of course from then on. But these first years are those, which create the fundation on which you kid is about to build his life - if he has a firm home and has a GOOD EXAMPLE in you, then you will now have that sort of problems, because the kid is going to know that you love him. I think the most important thing is that the child has his mother around till he is 5 or 6 years old and both parents around him so he can play with them and learn from good exmples...All other stuff will never help if you are away or at work and he is in kindergarden! If one decides for a child then one should realize that it can't go together with two careers of both mum and dad! It is a full-time job and the family should be able to live with only one income (from father), sacrificing a lot for the child....if you want a happy FIRM child...you'll do that and save yourself all the troubles of teenage years...best whishes to all..
  20. Some like it, some don't! Let's think about it from another point of view. Vista was a big big boom and bam that Microsoft tried to make a few years ago, but they ran into A LOT of problems trying to make a new great operating system that would close anti-microsoft mouths around the world....the failed BUT there was the promise and they waited as long as they could to create something that is not completely bad, but of course it is not great as promised. So yeah this is how it is, it is an ok operating system with all the latest things you need, but it runs slowly, sometimes just too slow and works well only on the latest computers...I think that we should all wait for the new so called "Windows Vienna" or something like that which is again, PROMISED to be really new with completely new code from scratch...and I hope that they will make it with vienna..but problems are inevitable even with that high amount of money involved...
  21. Hehe..I thought we'd won this one! But isn't it interesting how culture defines our activities? You know from the earliest childhood, boys are put a lot more into thechnical stuff and girls get barbie dolls, little kitchens and all that....I think that this and the whole culture defines males as more frequent computer users in the sense of coding, website creation...I don't think I've ever heard of a woman who creates and codes websites? Of course there are a few, but ocasionally that is men's job or hobby! And this is why I knew that the situation here on Xisto would be like that...most of us are here, because we want free webspace and why do we need it - to put our sites somewhere...and who did we say, is making sites?
  22. Yep, I thought of that too, but I guess that was not the case, since my account is activated now and is working fine. Just another sign of how incredibly fast and responsive is the whole crew behind Xisto, qupis, and all other xisto services! Just keep up this amazingly good work!
  23. I am very happy for you! I wish there more people who have similar problems that you had in the past, would be capable of quitting drugs. Without faith and meaning in life, I think it is impossible, so you really should be greatful to God for the mercy you were given. However, at the end it was up to you, you could reject the "way out" that was given to you! So you should be proud of yourself, proud that you had the courage and faith! I am greatful that I didn't have to go through all you did, but still I am greatful for every single day I am given, tryin' to be happy and see problems that come on my path as completely irrelevant, because these "problems" actually are irrelevant if you compare them to what worse could happen...We should all be happy with what we have, have faith in higher forces and think, say and do only good! It is inavitable that good will come back to us...I wish you and everybody who is reading this a lot of courage and divine help on your paths...
  24. Well, I've always used winrar and it worked for everything very nice plus it is fast. Although I have to say that now that i use mac leopard, zips are unzipped a lot faster with the system-unzipper or betterzip...I'd go for winrar..
  25. Hey there guys, I've tried to register on Qupis on 25. January, but my package has still the status "pending" and I've heard form other guys their was activated almost instantly. I've also sent an email to the crew of Qupis, but got no reply? Should I open another account or wait, because it looks like nothing is going to move...Thanks for any info..Oh, I almost forgot if any of the admins will take a look there - my domain is markdebeljak.qupis.com!Cheers
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