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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. There are many similar services around the world..even in such a small country as Slovenia we have a few companies that provide free sms messages. Of course NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS FREE and we should all be more than aware of that...So what is the trick? It is simple...when you send you message, you only get to write let's say 70 characters instead of how much is one sms, 160? All other place is used for advertising - advertisers pay the company for their sms-costs and they benefit from more people seeing their ads...This is the whole story behind this!I do remember one site that actually did let you send stuff for free and with all 160 characters, but it was shut down very soon, so I am sure it was something illegal...As I've said before, nothing in this world is free...If you don't give money, you give your time, your attention...think about it!
  2. That is great as always OpaQue! I think I am about to make one site there...it is hard to find so little ads on such a reliable company. I do know that it is your philosophy of life that makes all xisto services so great, it is amazing what right thoughts can produce Take care guys and I wish you all the best...
  3. Well, I think that it is obvivious that hacking your own property is legal, as you do not harm anyone else but yourself if you do something wrong and you can only gain the ifnormation you already have Also it is basic knowledge that stealing is forbidden in each and every country around the world and hacking with the intention of gaining information is basicaly the same as stealing. As far as the prevention of hacking is concerned, things have changed a lot in the last few years! Mostly because of the all sorts of money-stuff you can do on the internet and there was a greater need for security. I remember, when I was a boy, I was stupid and had fun putting trojans on people's computers and then enjoying the scenery of their desktop I have never stolen anything, but what I am trying to say is that so many years ago it was possible to do that...Today, each and every windows machine has an antivirus program, most of the people also have a spyware blocker of somekind and I think it is far far harder to get into someone's computer using for exmaple a trojan...But what has changed? For one thing, internet providers are monitoring people's activity and are able to spot any hacking activity a lot easier than in the past. BUT the most important thing is that people became more aware of the problem..
  4. Huh there are so many delicious foods that I like...let me start with those simple. I really love pizza - it is a great, fast although a bit unhealthy dish, but it is great! Then there are spaggeti, which can be prepared with any sort of vegetables, tuna fish, meat and everything else...they are just such an universal food! And then there is fried cheese with potato..mmmm I also love Mexican food - those tortillas, taquitos and everything else have this special taste that only exists in mexican food. Of course there is also Chinese food, which is also great...Huh, there are just so many things I can think of that I'll stop here...I guess I like thse that I've written above the most, since they poped up in my mind as first
  5. As far as I know there are trees somewhere in Italy that are planted only to be cutted down in the near future, because they are some special sort of trees that grow extremely fast! I think that using that sort of trees or even better (in the sense of fast growth) would make a difference...
  6. Well, since I have a Mac I normally use VLC Player or QuickTime and that just covers each and every file type available! I think it is great that VLC supports that many extensions because it really makes things easy...I had quite a few problems with playing real player files or windows media players files in safari, because I just couldn't get them to work inside safari! Well the solution is Flip4Mac, a great simple program that enable quicktime to play WMA and also enables Safari to play wma files inside itself...and that is all I need.
  7. Yeah Rapidshare is good and all, but the problem is that you still have to register, meaning you have to pay for the service if you really want to use it. On the other hand torrents are completely free and that is a BIG plus to a lot of people!Personally I think that everything today that is not completely free is too expensive for most of the internet-users!So Rapidshare is good to download a file or two you can't find anywhere else, but to use it instead of torrents? I don't think so...
  8. I share a car with my mother and so I drive quite old Volkswagen Yetta in a very good condition, because my father took really great care of it. It serves me well and has never left me down in all these years. In 20 years we didn't have a single big repair and this is a big plus. It doesn't have modern cooling equpiment and other similar modern-stuff, but as far as the driving is concerned, it just works!The only thing that is a little worse than with most modern cars is safety - it is the safety that was made for 20 years old world not todays with many "too" fast roads...I'm doing my best to try and not expose my self to any danger by driving carefuly and slowly...however, without the help of higher, divine forces on can hardly survive today's "road massacre"!
  9. One of the best things that help me a lot is to start thinking about the cause of my anger. I always end up with my self, my own unwillingness to accept the situation as it is! If you accept the situation there is nothing to be angry about. Apart from that fact, there is also the moral thing that keeps me from being angry...Just imagine how worse everything could be..you mom could have died that same morning or you father, an earthquake could hit you, you wouldn't have any water to drink as in Africa....there are many many things, which we all should respect and not take for granted! If you start thinking like this when you are angry, it is hard to stay angry for long! You just don't have the right to be angry...
  10. I had to really think of what to answer here. I use computer excessively, usualy for more than 5,6 hours a day, but I do not consider myself addicted, because I easily lived without it for a few weeks when I was away with my girl..I think that you could say "addiction", when you really wouldn't be able to function normaly without a few hours of computer-time...That is not the case with me..The more I think about it, I'd say that the main reason I use computer so much, is in the fact that it gives you so many options to spend your free time! Other people maybe watch TV, but I think that doing creative stuff on computer is far better than watching TV...
  11. All my life, I've been using Windows. From 95 to 98 to 2000 and then XP..Finally I also used Windows Vista and went back to XP after a few months, because I didn't like it anymore - it just didn't work for me. I use Dell Inspiron 6400, so until recently it was impossible for me to have a MAC. But some time ago, it became possible for computers with SSE2/SSE3 processors, to install a modified version of Mac Leopard or Tiger...I was waiting and waiting for a good release and then Kalyway release came and I decided to go for it....I backed up my whole system and bam, I managed to install Leopard on my system and everything works! Right now I am going to buy a license, because it is worth it...Well now that I am able to compare mac with the windows crew, I have to say I am impressed. It looks good, it works, it doesn't lag, it just works so to speak...So yes, my vote went for MacOSX Leopard, which is the best operating system around in my opinion...The only thing I've noticed so far, is that I have a few long (but joyful) hours of finding good programs, because my old Windows versions don't work here...
  12. I've heard a great story about predictions and prophecies one day...There was an old man, who was very wise, sitting in a cave up in the hills, meditating peacefully. One day, a great prohpet told the king of that nation that he only has 1 year more to live!! The king was completely frightened and didn't know what to do and before killing the stupid prophet who dares saying such things, he asked his people, who is the wisest of all in his land....People remembered the old wise man in the hills and told the king to go there and ask him about the prophecy...The king ordered the great prophet to join him and they both came to the old master. The king asked the old master: "Do you think that these prophecies are correct??" Master replied: "Well, it is hard to tell, but we can make a simple test." And so he asked the prophet who was standing there, to predict his own time of death. The prophet said: "According to my calculations, I'll live precisely 34 years and a few days more...". At that same moment, the old master took a sword and cut off prophet's head!! Then he said to the king: "You see, he cannot even predict his own death, how can he predict yours??" ___________I think that this story really sums it all up and all other words are pointless, but I still have a question for you all...Even if the world ends on that day, DOES THAT SAVE ANY OF YOUR IMMEDIATE PROBLEMS??
  13. Well I think it depends upon the type fo music one is listening. I personally listen to electronic dance music, more particularly TRANCE music and in this genre, new great tracks keep coming out every weak in different radio shows like "a state of trance" by armin van buuren or "trance around the world" by above & beyond...These shows present 20 newest tracks from past couple of weeks and this is how I hear them for the first time...If there is a track I particularly like, I use audiojelly or beatport to download stuff, because that is very cheap nowadays and you really get full quality, even many remixes of the same track for a very low price...This is how I find new music every weak...Thinking about those people who listen to 70s or 60s or 80s...they must have a problem finding NEW stuff Because 70s are way over now so they have to stick with what they've listened for million times before...but hey it is a matter of preference..
  14. Music plays a very important role in my life and I must say that I listen to it almost all the time when I am home or when I am traveling with a bus or seomthing. I listen to electronic music, more accurately, trance music. This is a type of music that can lift you up if you are low and calm you down if you are too agressive or in similar mood. I am also a music producer for about 8 years now and I have a few tracks signed with various labels, which makes music even more a part of my daily life. When I wake up, I ususally turn on my computer and the second thing is turning on a set from Armin van Buuren or something similar...after that the music is on until I go to work or somewhere. The only time when I don't listen to music is when I produce it myself Well of course also when I watch movies and stuff like that, but mostly music is my daily background, keeping me calm and bright through my daily life...Life without music? I can't imagine it...very very weard it would be!
  15. I think this is a nice story, but it doesn't matter to us and our problems not even a little bit. It does not matter if the world ends tomorrow or in a million years. What really matters is the way you see these constant changes. Just look at yourself when you were 10 years younger - is that really you? We all change and not just every year but also every second. The world around us also changes - just look at the change of winter, spring, summer, autumn and again winter. So we see that the world is more than just a change, it is also a constant circle! We are born, we live, we die and we are born again and so on just like the winter comes after autumn and again summer comes after spring. Night comes after day and day comes after night - it is the same with our lives (why would it be different if we are a part of this world?): we are born (day) and we die (night) but then we are born again (day)...and so on and so on!What I am trying to say here is, that if the world ends, it will not end this constant circle - it will be just another change, but we, with all our problems, which we carry on after this human life into death (night) and again into life, will still exist and not a single one of those problems will end with the "end of the world" - we'll just have one more problem And the solution in my opinion: Think about yourself, how certain can you be that you will survive another day in this human form??? You cannot be sure! It is also true that everything changes. It is also true that these changes bring you unhappiness, because you loose your loved ones, your loved objects, you get older and death is nearing, vacation ends, you cat dies, your favorite trip to himalaya ends, and so on...So we should focus on how to end this unhappiness! We can only do that by realizing that these changes happen and START NOT TO EXPECT THAT THEY WON'T HAPPEN! Because that is exactly what we do and that is exactly what makes us unhappy All our problems come from this little fact - we want things to be different than they are. If we except them - where it the problem now? Yes, correct - there is no problem anymore and we can be happy and enjoy the moment, being greatful for everything we get!> "Yeah, but that is difficult to achieve!" I sure agree with that, but it is the only way we can really be happy, because problems will always be here with us! What matters is how we percieve them!End of the sun? Does it really matter after what I've said..?
  16. Yes, as far as I know this is possible and works ok - most of old sites, which did not use CSS for the layout of the page, all used nested tables or tables inside tables to create a layout. You should know that tables are not the most preffered method of creating layouts, because they are very hard to maintain and there are also other bad sides of doing that. If you want to create a good layout, learn CSS or cascading style sheets, because it really is worth it. Plus the concept is actually very simple once you get used to it... Yeah, I almost forgot..how you do it (if you want to stick with nested tables): <table> <tr> <td> <table>...</table> </td> </tr></table>
  17. That is very interesting to know, because I always kind of new that those cameras on mobile phones just cannotbe as good as normal ones, but I didn't know exactly why.
  18. I think that you have to consider the advantages and disadvantages of these two connectors. Bluetooth is great if you have to transfer small files, sms messages, contacts or something like that really fast to your laptop or computer that supports bluetooth, which is still quite rare. If you want to transfer about 400mb of music and I do that, because I have 1gb memory card, then bluetooth becomes too slow and USB cable comes into play. Transfer rates are much greater with usb, so it is a lot more appropriate for these huge file transfers.So using only one of these two things is not the smartest option if you want all the benefits, which both of them bring when used correctly!
  19. Now that's a good one! It is amazing what Google comes up with and how it developed through all these years..how many different, interesting services and almost all for free! They are the future-company in my opinion!BTW: this moon-photos look soo unreal - hollywood style, so it is hard to believe that they were shot on the moon!
  20. I think that age does matter, maybe not now when the only problem is sex, but in the future too big of a difference between two people make a difference! There are only 3 years between you two and you are older so that should not be a problem in the future, but you if a girl is 19 and the boy is let's say 29, that is a problem, because he wants to settle down and have a family, maybe kids and so on...the girl in our society probably or mostly won't be ready for that sort of life at this young age so there is a big problem here. Of course, there is only one rule...if two poeple really and I mean REALLY love each other, then there is no problem at all!
  21. Most of my life I play tennis and I've also been practicing it for 7 years or so, so I am really good at it. I like the tennis, because it is a no-contact sport, so the only way you can ingure yourself is by stepping wrong or being unprepared. Most other sports like football, which I also love and basketball and many other have a lot of contact with you opponent and that can easily lead to injuries. So my list would be:1. Tennis2. Football3. Street-hockey
  22. Funny to find this topic in LAST TOPICS just as I've signed in to Second Life 2 days ago. My name is Markus Sopwith. I've been exploring and looking for something interesting in this game, but I haven't found anything cool there apart from the fact that you can fly around and meet people. Mostly, as I se things, people try to make Linden $ however they can - some of them sit for 4 hours on one spot just to get a few bucks - come on that is completely weard and not-fun!! So when you do get linden-bucks, you can buy a new haircut!? new skin!? new clothes!? And above all, if you have too much stuff on your avatar, meaning too many various objects that you carry around, everything lags!There is also lot's of prostitution - selling of "sexual" behaviour would be a better word, because you and the other person click the same spot and then your avatars in a "having sex" type of movmenet...it is funny and certainly not sexy watchin' to weard-lookin avatars move in weard ways...So OK, the point of this game as i see it, is to build your own property and earn lindens and do I don't know what with them...Not for me!
  23. Hm..as I am reading this, I think this whole thing went a bit in your head? You probably heard before that you are beautiful right? if that is really your picture, you surely did.. Well, you cannot pick these girls like they are some sort of vegetables waiting to be picked by the almighty customer - HANDSOM YOU! Come on man..This is just not right and you shouldn't do it like that...just think about how the other 6 will feel if when you'll pick the seventh! Surely not good...This is a bad situation and I advice you to keep your contacts online, virtual and not bring these people into your real world...After all these girls found out about you by looking at your picture, which they cannot be sure if it is really yours...they can fake their personalities, which is easily possible online..Im sure that you can find a great girl by going out someitme or to your friend's birthday..Come on mate, this is virtual *BLEEP*! And I've just remembered...if they ask you for money - say NO!
  24. I think it would be very hard to live without a mobile phone today. I can't imagine how we used to live without it, I mean even I experienced it and can't remember the feeling I think that we called each other using the normal phone and we had to be a lot more on time, because the person you were meeting wouldn't know why you are late...I think that we are a lot more mobile today, because if we wait for an important call, we don't need to be at home waiting...But there is also a question whether this is good or not..I think that people always find a way to communicate and socialize, but in the past there was more need for phisical meetings and people had to meet each other if they wanted to stay in contact...today computers, mobile phones and everything make it possible to have contact with friends and relatives directly from home...Like every thing, mobile phones also have a good and a bad side
  25. I think this is a great idea and all countries, which experience natality problems, should practice something like that. The biggest problem is that we only know punishments, which are represented by the law. Why not give awards, prices if people behave good?? Maybe this is the solution to put youngsters under control, because punishment itself is something that one tries to go against! But if you offer some sort of reward, people automaticly want to compete and win it..it is in out competitive nature to try and win BUT it is also in our nature to compete against the system which tries to punish us and this is why laws are not so effective on certain fields. However, we should not forget that laws are also important when it comes to murders and stuff like that...Middle way between punishment and rewards maybe?
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