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Everything posted by sheepdog
What Is The Dumbest Thing You Ever Done? What did you do stupid?
sheepdog replied to Phi's topic in General Discussion
My reply to this one won't earn me much mycents, it's short and sweet, I married my second husband! I still wonder what on earth I was thinking to do anything that stupid. -
Oh Cool, another old person! I get so lonely here sometimes just chatting with all the young whipper snappers! And even one with a sense of humor, I like that!Of course, I don't know anything about IBM and punch cards, I may be old, but I'm new to computers. They had already invented ditital cameras when I got started on computers.
Mycent Update Calculations [resolved]
sheepdog replied to rpgsearcherz's topic in General Discussion
Wait a minute. I've been thinking about this for awhile now. How can the amount of mycents be in any way based even in part, on the number of hits the post gets since we are usually credited and paid the mycents when we do a post shortly after the post is made? There's no way to know in advance how popular a topic is going to be until it is up on the forum for awhile. -
I'm going to agree with you on this one, the internet is still growing at a trememdous rate, and newer and better ideas keep popping up all the time. Remember when YaHoo was the major search engine, and then along came Google....... I have never signed up at facebook. I keep hearing it's a good place to get your computer infected with viruses. But with so many people using it, maybe it's not all that unsafe, wonder what ya'll think? Is it safe?
India Unveils Prototype Of $35 Tablet Computer
sheepdog replied to Little Asterisk's topic in General Discussion
Now there's something we really need, a cheap car!!!! Not only cheap, but one that any mechanic can work on, not a computer geek. Uncomplicted, no fancy gadgets, one that you don't need a $25,000 analisis computer to figure out what is wrong with it. Throw in good gas milage, plenty of cargo space, and I'd buy one! I wonder if you all realize that a car costs today what I could of bought a house, barn, and 28 acres for 20 or so years ago? I groan every time I see car adds that are offering thousands of dollars in rebates, I remember when the actual cost of the car was less than the supposed rebate they are now offering. It's really funny when classic and antique cars are now bringing more money then they did when they were new! -
I don't think it's just a man want's woman to be perfect thing, I think woman are just as guilty when it comes to finding Mr. Right, or Mr. Perfect. And here in lies the problem. We are taught from a very early age that we will find the "perfect" partner out there someday. This is an absolute fantasy. Nobody is perfect. And it's a down right shame that we have that drilled into our heads, because it causes a lot of heartaches, broken homes, and dysfunctional familys and children who really get screwed up emotionally. Nobody is going to live up to your complete expectations. And the sooner you figure that out, the better off and happier you will be. Here's the simple trick. All you have to do is find somebody who's faults you can live with, and accept them for who they are, and Wa La....happy ever after! It's so simple. To bad very few people figure it out until it's too late.
OMG......I love what you did with the Festiva! I want one! A pick up truck that gets over 40 mpg. Look, if your parents don't appreciate you, how about I adopt you? You seem like a pretty ambitious, straight forward, good kid. I even have a Festiva sitting in the yard you could work on. Seriously, I am sorry to hear your parents don't support you. That really sucks. Hopefully it won't drag you down. Doesn't seem to be with all your activites. Keep up the good work. (but do try to get a bit more sleep.)
Going green is just fine, but I don't think I want to lug around a heavy and easily broken earthen pot. You know, plastic has been around for a lot of years now. We have all drank many gallons of milk, juice, water, pop, and every other beverage possible from them. The only exception I can think of is beer, it only comes in glass or alunimum cans, maybe we should all give up on water and just drink beer? Anyway, since the lifespan of humans continues to get longer and longer, I really don't see drinking from plastic a potential life threatening problem.I do think bottled water is a joke, and a really dumb thing to waste money on. Of course, we have a deep water well, and our water is very good tasting. I might sing a different tune if I had to drink clorinated city water, or lived in a town that had a lot of sulfur in the ground that leached into the water supply. I have a good supply of 1 quart plastic drinking cups I make tea in and carry around with me. If I'm going very far I make a insulated thermos full of ice tea and take that too. I never go anywhere with out my jug!
Eeegads, why would you even think about eating chalk? I'd think you'd choke on the dry dusty stuff before you could even get it chewed up and swallowed. You would sure work the daylights out of your saliva glands if you tried. I'm with the other poster, I'm betting you have a mineral deficiency. Better start taking some calcium supplements, that would be my best guess for what you may be lacking. But if you do eat it, I doubt it would hurt you. Unless of course you do choke on it. I don't suppose it has much of a flavor either. Let us know how it goes, ok?
Wow, I would of never thought of that one, but what a good possibility! Smart thinking! I have scrolled past so many of those it's not even funny, knowing you have to check the box at the end of the list of rules and you can't sign up if you don't so why bother reading? My guess for most common lie is either I love you, or I didn't do it! Certainly, I'm innocent is way up there too. I wonder if the dog ate my homework would even make the top 10? Then there is always, Your my favorite. Or, I didn't mean it. I'm sure we've all said things that didn't come out right, or sounded a lot meaner once we said them and realized how they could of hurt someone's feelings. How about, Yes, I am 21 years of age? This could get really difficult deciding which would be the most popular.
Oh I got this one!!!You read my post about my "pet" road runner. The mangled mouse, the friendly bird at the door, the trap, can't really explain the frog though. Bet you didn't realize how much of an influence the posts here make on you! Even giving you weird dreams, that's pretty wild!
Coke definatly gets my vote, and basicly for the same reasons everyone else has already stated, pepsi is way too sweet and just not as refreshing as Coke.
Thank you. Such a simple concept, I have to wonder why so few people get it. Every time I see one of those Send us your money so we can feed these poor starving children in this god forsaken hell hole third world country ads on TV, all I can think of is why on earth did those stupid women have those babies when they knew damn good and well there was no way they were going to be able to feed and care for them? Modern medicine has many proven, safe and effective methods of birth control. There is no reason what so ever to bring children into the world to starve and suffer and to do so is a terrible sin. And while some religions may have rules against birth control, you will never convince me that God intended little children to be born into this world only to suffer horribly and die to be a lesser sin than taking the pill.
This is what I would do. Might not be recomended for the faint of heart. At the wedding, when you see her, act very happy to see her. Do it with the most sincerity you can muster. Tell her how you miss talking to her, visiting with her, etc, rattle on for several minutes and do everything possible to get across the idea that you are not mad at her, but don't even think about bringing up any past disgressions or problems the two of you had. Keep it all very upbeat. End your speech with with a question for her, something positve, and of interst to her, something she likes or is concerned about, for example, how's your grandma, new apartment, new job, just anything that might be going on in her life that is positive. Soemthing to give her a chance to take up the conversation.This will do one of two things. If she isn't pissed off at you, it gives her the oppertunity to start up in a positive and friendly way with you again, sort of just like nothing bad every happend. Or, if she is pissed at you, your concern for her and your friendly attitude will throw her off her game and she won't make some sort of stupid scene. Either way, it's a win win situation for you.
How Can You Say That Google Is Going On The Right Track?
sheepdog replied to OpaQue's topic in General Discussion
Sorry, not even that will work anymore, thanks to dear old Google. Unless you are in a very deep cave somewhere. Google has those satalites that can spy on you every time you step out your door. Google gives me great concerns about our rights to privacy and where all this is going to end. It does not make me happy one little bit. -
Mycent Update Calculations [resolved]
sheepdog replied to rpgsearcherz's topic in General Discussion
Wow, that kinda sucks. Especially for me. We just don't have that many people here that are seriously into pets/dogs, and goat farmers are even in shorter supply! I have a tough enough time trying to write enough posts to keep up my web hosting as it is. This sure isn't going to help! -
Canada Feels Phone Books Are A Waste Of Paper
sheepdog replied to The Simpleton's topic in General Discussion
Actually, our local phone book is not very big, it would only be suitable for swatting flys. However, even a very large phone book is not very substantial, they are usually pretty soft, flexable, floppy. I really think if I was going to hit somebody, I'd find something much more effecient, like a 2X4 or a cast iron skillet. -
This thread really makes me scratch my fleas!What the heck is a fail blog????I'm not even sure what Wordpress, Joomla, Mambo and Drupal are, though I could guess some kind of computer programs, maybe for making web sites? I'm just guessing here. But Fail Blog has me really confused.
Mycent - It's Still Inactive [resolved]
sheepdog replied to BuffaloHelp's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
That could be it, I never did change as my old link in favorites for trap 17 got me here, I'll try that and see if it helps. Thanks for the tip! And yes, I am on occasion guilty of one liners, I do try to avoid them but sometimes there just isn't much more that can be said. And to Anwiii, I've been using IE since I first got a computer. I HATE getting anything new. Takes me forever to figure out the differences. I even hate it when they upgrade Exporer, but at least I know the basics in it, so I can usually muddle threw. -
Did you ever do something that was really totally pointless, rather silly almost, but end up being rather proud of your self when you accomplished your goal at last? Well, I did, and it?s a kind of neat story. Several years ago a pair of Road Runners took up residence at our place. I thought it was kind of neat, they are not common in this area, and are an interesting bird. I didn?t want to discourage them from hanging around where we could see them, so I started exercising some caution when I saw one. I would stop moving, or would move slowly so as not to frighten them away. And I started speaking to them, saying hello Road Runner when ever I spotted one. It wasn?t too long before they decided we were not a threat, and they wouldn?t run away the second they spotted us. Gradually we were able to get closer and closer without frightening them away. It was this ability to observe them up close that led me to the discovery of what seemed to be their favorite food?.mice! Well, that certainly thrilled me, as I thought the Road Runners were a lot cuter and more fun to have around than snakes, and mice are a huge nuisance around here. I was even more glad I had encouraged them to hang around. As time went on, we were able to get quite close to them, and since I had discovered their favorite food, I decided to up the game a little. I always keep mouse traps set in the kennel so nearly always have a fresh, (or not so fresh if I forget where I set a trap) supply of mouse bodies on hand. So one day just for the fun of it, I got a nice fat mouse carcass and walked out and got as close as I could to the tamest bird, the one I figured was the male Road Runner. He watched me approach, and was not overly concerned, but when I tossed the mouse he panicked and ran away. However, as with most birds, they have very keen eyesight, and I believe he actually saw that it was a mouse that I threw in his direction, because in a few minutes after I tossed it and backed off, he came back looking for it. I tried again the next day, and though he ran again, he didn?t run as far, and came back even quicker than the first day. This part of his training went on for several more days, until he no longer ran from me at all. Eventually, instead of running from me, when he saw me he actually started to come towards me. It wasn?t long before he was showing up every day about the same time looking for his daily handout. He grew less and less leery of me. Once he figured out I was feeding him, taking the next step was even easier. I started tossing the mice closer and closer to where I was standing, so he had to get really close to me to get his mouse snack. Eventually he was coming to within just a few feet. He would snatch the mouse and run as soon as he grabbed it, but even so, he was just a few feet away by then. I was really enjoying this interaction with a wild bird, so I continued on with his training. One day I simple bent down and held the mouse by the tail and reached my arm out to him. Well, that really gave him some cause for concern. You could just see him fidgeting and dancing about, wanting that mouse so bad, but afraid to come that close. Truth be told, it concerned me somewhat also, their beaks are hard and quite pointy and look pretty sturdy, I did have some thoughts about the safety of my fingers. I would eventually toss him the mouse, but every day I?d wait a bit longer to toss it, and would make sure it landed a little closer to me every time. Eventually, his hunger overcame his shyness, and finally one day he actually took the mouse right out of my hand! When that last step was finally taken, he really had lost all fear of us. He would even come to the front door of the house and look in to see what we were doing, (maybe wondering when I was going to come and feed him?) I think if he?d of seen a mouse run across the floor he would of come right on inside after it. One day I had been grooming dogs, and I used the 4 wheeler to carry a dog back out to his pen. I stopped after putting him back under a nearby shade tree to rest a minute. Heard a noise, and turned round to look behind me and there sat the Road Runner on the back of the 4 wheeler perched on the rack right next to me! My bird buddy was gone the next year, we went quite awhile without seeing any Road Runners, but this year I see we have a new pair starting to hang around??.
This most certainly would be bad news for vegitarians! After all the guff they give meat eaters for causing suffering to the poor animals, if they discover that plants have feelings and emotions too I guess humans will just have to learn to survive by eating plastic or become extinct!
Mycent - It's Still Inactive [resolved]
sheepdog replied to BuffaloHelp's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
Ok, maybe I just read it wroung. Thanks. I am a bit worried that with all the yammering I did the past couple months that it only added up to $11, I'll never be able to keep up my hosting service at that rate! Now if the log in could be fixed. We used to stay logged in for some time, at least a day, maybe longer, but now I have to log in every time I visit, and if I don't log in and just want to check a post, if I try to read a thread without logging in my computer freezes up and I have to completely X out of Explorer to unfreeze my screen. -
Mycent - It's Still Inactive [resolved]
sheepdog replied to BuffaloHelp's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
Ok, I would really love to be able to change my "mood" icon from confused to happy, but I don't see that happening. I got an email saying that mycents had been updated, and I had $58 credit added to my account, and I was really glad to see this problem finally fixed, after several months. But when I logged in to my account, it said I had $11. Then today I get another email saying that $0 had been added to my account. I hadn't even made any posts for the last couple days when I got that one. I really really think I have been making a lot more than $11 worth of posts for the past few months while the my cents thing was down, so I'm wondering what the heck is going on???? -
Canada Feels Phone Books Are A Waste Of Paper
sheepdog replied to The Simpleton's topic in General Discussion
I really hate having to look something up in the phone book, especially government offices, since I have a hard time remembering if they are county, city, state or fedral offices. But I would hate it a lot worse if I had to Google a name and sort thew 2 million possibilities! If they did a cd for the local area, and added a good search feature it might be ok, but believe it or not, there are still a lot of people that don't have computers and still need phone books. And I recycle mine, they are great after being run threw the paper shredder for packing in puppy crates when I ship pups for them to poop in, keeps them nice and clean. -
Britain Vs. America lol amercans r fat nd also stupd
sheepdog replied to DodgyPhil's topic in General Discussion
Funny, I never noticed Americans hating Britts. At least not since we kicked your asses back during the revolutionary war.........