My first day here and allready I'm about to get in trouble!!
Seems we have lots of cat people here.......
Dogs Rule, Cats drool!
Cats are snobbish creatures, they are all ME ME ME, they care not one wit about you aside from the fact that your clean their stinking litterboxes and provide them with delicious food. Dogs on the other hand, show true concern for their owers and can be hugely beneficial companions, who ever heard of a service cat?
Cats may purr when you hold them, and they may come when called, (if they are hungry) but training is pretty much limited to what ever the cat wants to do. Dog are far better at interacting with their owners. Time and patience spent with your dog training it can give the ower great personal satisfaction of being the proud owner of a well behaved pet.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not really a cat hater, I actually have one. He thinks he is a dog though, so I'm ok with him
And cats can be useful for keeping down rodent populations, every farm should have a barn cat or 2. But for being a pet, give me a dog any day!