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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Toufee.com allows you to create free Adobe Flash movies online. There are no ads on your movies and you can use a wide variety of features to enhance your presentations like text effects and speech-engines that read your text aloud. In fact, I still to get what the catch is. Here's what you can do free: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And here is a test signature I created using the service: http://www.toufee.com/movies/Movie.swf?movieID=58231174496137&domainName=toufee&rand=0.565521240234375/flash.swf It must have taken me all of ten to twenty minutes to create that once I knew what I wanted to do and how to do it. The interface is remarkably easy-to-use and fairly similar to that of a normal application. I recommend it for a little flash banner to impress your website's viewers.
  2. Thanks for some of your comments. You could use the sites with pre-made userbars but this tutorial is good for people who want to give theirs the personal touch or if the userbar they want isn't available there (ie MYSITE.com forums moderator).I've fixed the images that were lost, added some more and tried to make the tutorial clearer.This tutorial was written for users of Paint Shop Pro 9 but it will probably work for users of version X.
  3. No, I have a guide on paper and decided other people could use it. Handy though - I always get confused. Oops, probably should have mentioned that the guide uses British Imperial measurements (forgot the Americans like to be difficult and change things ). Here are the differences: Imperial Measurement Equivalent (British) (American) _____1 fl oz___________28.41ml_______29.57ml _____1 pint_____________568ml_____ 473ml* 551ml* _____1 quart___________ 1.136l_____946ml* 1.101l* _____1 gallon__________ 4.546l__________3.785l *Americans have two types of pints and quarts - one for "liquid" and one for "dry", liquid is always shown on the left. If in doubt use the "liquid" measurement as that is most commonly used. British measurements remain unaffected by this and are the same for both "liquid" and "dry". Enjoy!
  4. MIGUE2k7 gets my vote. I like the cartoony style of the render and the text. The green chequered border is original and I think it goes well with the sig. Well done.
  5. Please make a minimum of ten quality posts and then re-apply. At present you don't have any.Thank you.
  6. Please make a minimum of ten quality posts and then re-apply. At present you only have one.Thank you.
  7. Please make a minimum of ten quality posts and then re-apply. At present you only have one.Thank you.
  8. CONVERSION GUIDE This guide covers the conversions of granmes/pounds, litres/pints as well as can sizes and their approximate volume and weight in both imperial and metric units. [hr=shade]If you need to convert grammes to pounds and ounces use this:[/hr] GRAMMES POUNDS / OUNCES 10g___________0.35oz 25g___________0.88oz 50g___________1.76oz 100g__________3.5oz 250g__________8.8oz 500g_________1lb 2oz 1kg__________2lb 3oz 1.5kg________3lb 5oz 2kg__________4lb 6oz 3kg_________6lb 10oz 12.5kg______27lb 8oz 32kg________70lb 8oz 50kg_______110lb 4oz If you need to convert pounds and ounces to grammes use this: POUNDS / OUNCES GRAMMES _______1oz_______ 28.4g _______4oz_______113.4g _______8oz_______226.8g _______12oz______340.2g _______1lb________453.6g _______2lb________907.2g _______3lb________1.36kg _______4lb________1.81kg _______6lb________2.72kg _______7lb________3.18kg ______14lb________6.35kg ______56lb________25.4kg ______112lb_______50.8kg To convert litres to gallons and pints, use this chart LITRES GALLONS / PINTS 1l________1.8 pints 2l______0.44 gallons 4.5l_________1 gallon 5l______1.1 gallons 10l______2.2 gallons 15l______3.3 gallons 20l______4.4 gallons To convert gallons and pints to litres, use this chart GALLONS / PINTS LITRES 1 pint__________570ml 2 pints__________1.14l 1/2 gallon_______2.27l 1 gallon_________4.54l 4 gallons________18.2l 10 gallons_______ 45.5l And, finally, for people catering for large amounts of people, can sizes: CAN SIZE _APPROX______APPROX ________ WEIGHT______VOLUME 1/4 _____ 7.5oz 213g____8fl.oz 232ml A1 ______ 10oz 300g____11fl.oz 310ml 14Z _____ 13oz 375g____14fl.oz 400ml T1 ______ 14.75oz 420g__15fl.oz 444ml A2 ______ 19oz 540g____20fl.oz 570ml A2.1/2 ___ 28oz 755g____30fl.oz 850ml A5 ______ 46oz 1.3kg____50fl.oz 1.42l KC3 _____ 93oz 2.6kg____96fl.oz 2.72l A6 ______ 96oz 2.7kg____100fl.oz 2.8l A10 _____ 105oz 3kg____110fl.oz 3.12l KC5 _____ 176oz 5kg____180fl.oz 5.11l
  9. Yes, a fine white sugar, commonly used in baking. Like this: Bit hard on the outside and cake-like in the middle - I think
  10. Please submit your question to the support team at: support@xisto.com They will be able to answer your question. Apologies for any inconvenience.
  11. How about just SOTF - Sig of the Fortnight?
  12. I don't know what the problem is but default: should always be the last case statement: <a href="?p=idx">Home</a> - <a href="?p=pagetwo">Page Two</a> - <a href="?p=pagethree">Page Three</a><br><?php$page=$_GET['p'];switch($page){case 'pagetwo':echo 'This is page two';break;case 'pagethree':echo 'This is page three<br>Cool, huh?';break;default:echo 'This is the default page';}?> Maybe that's the problem.
  13. My belief is that it was designed as an reward system. If someone helped you with your website you might give them 20 credits as a thank you. Back when this site was really young, we did offer to give people their hosting free of charge (without posts/credits) during holidays but that system got abused because people faked holidays so we don't offer it now.
  14. Jihaslip has kindly re-opened your original application so your request is now under review http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46244-free-web-hosting-application-screened-approved-by-prashrb/ If you want to make any changes to your application, please do so by editing the topic. I am notifying BH about this issue, just in case no-one has already. Apologies for any inconvenience!
  15. Just in case no-one gives you a review here, here are some other sites where people have posted their opinions: http://www.webhostingstuff.com/company/ComputingHost.html
  16. Although, the majority seem to disagree, I actually like IE7's theme; it's just that by removing the File, Edit menus, they made it unnecessarily confusing to use. Anyway, if the Firesomething doesn't work for you, try the Nightly Tester Tools Extension instead. Once installed, go to the extension's options and look for the text box next to Custom title template... and type Windows Internet EXplorer in there.
  17. I'm sure you could but you need two hosted members, moderators or administrators need to be involved in the transaction; so you could only transfer when you get hosted or promoted.
  18. If you're lured away from Firefox because it lacks IE7's new looks then you can make Firefox look like Windows Internet Explorer 7. To do this all you need to do is to install the following extensions and themes: myFirefox theme Firesomething 1.7 extension, hacked for Firefox 2 by John Haller. (not working? see post #5) Firefox Showcase The myFirefox theme alters the GUI and Firesomething the title bar. Firefox Showcase does the little tab preview thing: To alter Firesomething so that it only displays the title Windows Internet Explorer go to: Tools -> Addons Firesomething -> Options Delete all the Vendors, Prefixes and Names and add "Windows" as a vendor "Internet " (note the deliberate space after the word) as a prefix and "Explorer" as a name. If checked, uncheck Use the same generated name for all windows and click OK. With all these changes in effect this is what you get: PS: The WindowBlinds theme used was VistaPlus 2
  19. Yes. Vehicular accidents must account for quite a lot of where the NHS' money goes. That would be the most immediate benefit. They'd be no need for a minimum driving age, no need for drink-drive campaigns, speed limits could be abolished so goods would get to places faster, no need for driving lessons. For all those lives that are saved, you can't say no; that single annual accident would probably have happened anyway and even if it wouldn't have, you would just argue that to your people. Consequently, inflation would rise because people have more money and some people would be out of business but people's lives are always more important than capital. These are largely short-term problems that could be overcome. No, it wouldn't. Driving would become a hobby as well as a serious means of transport like cycling. I think would enjoy this new-found freedom. All drivers must know at the back of their minds that there is a chance of careless drivers colliding into them. There must be more deaths of drivers being collided into than one per year. This would calm drivers. I doubt the public would guess a magician cast a spell; would you have guessed that? The government would be praised for lower vehicular accidents and people wouldn't question them so much. The government would simply respond, "it's due to our tougher stance on crime".
  20. It's a shame to think that some day these videos might have to be taken down but then again it is unfair on the producers. No more Family Guy That's not the same thing. You're allowed to record programmes and give that to your friend because as soon as you give it to him, you forfeit the legal right to watch that content and give the right to your friend. Similarly, when he gives it back to your he forfeits his right to watch it. The moment any of you duplicate the recorded material, I believe you break the law. With Youtube, I could be watching that video at the same time as a Chinese man so it's like having multiple copies of the video because the owner still has the original copy so hasn't forfeited his legal right to watch it; I think. Both the owner, Google and I are now in trouble because I watched videos unlawfully and he and Google both gave me the opportunity to watch it. Viacom are only suing now because there's more of a case. Rather craftily, they've let the problem get so bad that there is not doubt about there being a case because of the quantity of videos on the site. They can also say that Google has had ages to sort the problem out and that this is irresponsible behaviour from a TNC. Viacom knew it wouldn't be sorted out in time because it's such a big job. I don't mind Viacom suing; I just don't like what will become of it.
  21. Rock Cakes A quick and easy recipe for some of the world's simplest cakes to cook. The good thing about them is that they still look impressive. [hr=shade] [/hr] 8oz self-raising flour 4oz castor sugar 4oz margarine 4oz dried fruit / chocolate cubes / coconut 1 beaten egg Bit of milk Bowl Spoon Sieve Oven A baking tray either lined with greaseproof paper or greased with margarine [hr=shade] [/hr] Preheat the oven to 200 oC Sieve the flour into the bowl Rub the margarine in until the mixture is crumbly like breadcrumbs Mix in every other ingredient until a dough is formed Grease/line the backing tray with greaseproof paper Shape the mixture into small balls on the baking tray (no more than 2″ wide) Allow 20 minutes for them to cook (with 5 minutes either side). Cool. [hr=shade]If you are cooking them for a special occasion, always test the recipe beforehand so you can make any changes to it that you think are suitable. You don't want to embarrass yourself if they come out burnt because you left the oven on for too long. [/hr]
  22. Around 25,000 houses in the Whitehaven area in Western Cumbria are set to be the first to have their analogue TV signals switched off, starting from the 17th of October this year. BBC Two will be the first channel to cease its analogue broadcasting, with the other analogue channels to be switched off on the 14th of November. At that time the townspeople will need to be able to receive some form of Digital TV, with the rest of the UK to follow by the end of 2012. The changeover process will happen fairly gradually in Whitehaven. Starting from May text on TV channels will remind them about the switchover and when BBC Two stops broadcasting, digital channels will gradually become available until the 14th of November when 18 channels will be available, as opposed to the five currently receivable via analogue. 79% of all UK home currently receive digital television so by the 2010s, when most people switch, hopefully it won't be too much of a hassle. I think it's a sign of how our country is moving forward into the digital age and how older technologies have little home here, especially with everyone endorsing the Greenhouse Effect, old methods of lighting, generating electricity and now viewing TV will either be gone or far in the minority. I am in favour of the idea. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6453087.stm
  23. A new study has found that exercise builds up new cells in an area of the brain linked with memory and memory loss. Mice-testing showed that they built up new cells in the region known as the dentate gyrus, which is known to be affected in the memory decline that commonly begins at 30 years. The study was led by Dr Scott Small, a neurologist at the Columbia University Medical Centre. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. They do exist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini-ice_age The actual name of the period in question is known as the Little Ice Age and there is some debate as to when it happened. They reckon it happened from the 16th to mid-19th century or, some suggest it happened a lot earlier, from the 13th to 17th century. Worldwide glacier expansion is thought to have begun around 1550. Therefore, you are suggesting that around the time the Little Ice Age occurred, the amount of man-made CO2 emitted by man dropped and it dropped so much that it cooled the entire Northern Hemisphere. Likewise with the Medieval Warm Period, you suggest that we emitted enough man-made CO2 to heat the area around the North Atlantic. Unless of course, there was another cause: natural CO2, the Sun? Temperature Rises/Fallings: Thanks to Wikipedia! Light takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth from the Sun. Therefore, we can feel any effect of changes in the Sun in a minimum of 8 minutes (because nothing travels faster than light). I can't give details of solar wind activity because I can't find them (or at least details I can understand ) but sunspot records depict frequent changes in the amount of sunspots that there are. There seem to be changes every decade with a notable one from 1930 to 1960, where sunspots increased by 267%. Measuring the sun-spots is a way of monitoring solar radiation. This solar activity very precisely correlates with the temperatures over the past century and matches the post-war temperature drop (post #1, paragraph. #2), as opposed to CO2 emissions.
  25. Cooking is fun and I never realised how much I enjoyed it until I was forced to bake my sister's surprise birthday cake. My favourite recipe must be home-made burgers and chips; experimenting with putting different herbs and spices inside the meat and seeing what works best. I'm currently doing work experience in a kitchen, which is not so much fun as at home but the staff said they'd lend me some of their recipes - I might try them out over the weekend. The best part is at the end when you get to try your own food.
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