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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. A total lunar eclipse is scheduled for tonight. It will begin at 20.18 GMT with the moon being totally in the Earth's shadow from 22.44 GMT and 23.58 GMT. The only light that will reach the moon will be that that has gone through the Earth's atmosphere, turning the moon red. It will be like looking at Mars: The eclipse will be visible from the following places: Europe Africa South America Eastern parts of the USA and Canada. Depending on where you are in the world, will also depend on how good a view you get: The next eclipse like this to be seen from Western Europe will be between 3.00am and 4.00am on the 21/2/2008. Full Story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6411991.stm Thanks to the BBC for the pictures.
  2. You might be able to have different smilies with different skins. If you can, then I've found two smiley sets designed for dark backgrounds. Set 1: Link <-- Test Set 2: Link <-- Test Look any better?
  3. I love this theme, although, as has been addressed before, it does take some time to load initially. Although I don't like the look of the theme that truefusion suggested as much, I prefer that one because it loads so much more quickly. I also like this one but there is no demo link: http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7284
  4. That's a great song and I'm sure I've heard it before somewhere. It was very funny PS: I found the link to the Milk and Cereal song: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ edit: I love the parody song on there, The Roses of Success
  5. If you want to know anything, just ask one of the staff I tried doing some sigs once but I didn't get that far See you around!
  6. I'm not too familiar with databases but in my mind it would be a simple process. When the user signs up you create a new field in the column (record?) first_sign_in by the user's username. By default it would be FALSE. Every time a person logs in one of the queries that would be executed is to check to see if first_sign_in is set to FALSE for that user. If it is set to FALSE, they are redirected to a page like first_sign_in.php; else direct them to index_members.php. The page first_sign_in.php would alter the field first_sign_in to TRUE so that the user would not be directed there ever again. As I said, I never did databases so I couldn't code it but this is the outline of what I would do. PHP's MYSQL Documentation: http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php This would be better than cookies because some users wouldn't not allow their browsers to set them and most users delete their periodically. If your users keep getting redirected to the first-time page, it would serve as an annoyance. The field in the database will last as long as you want it to.
  7. People like those in the initial description you gave could easily be a sport's assistant at the local under 12s' football team assisting the direction of skills like dribbling, passing etc. He would have no real responsibilities just some light work that would keep him going and entertained. No, because then you are not unfit for work. You might get a reduced benefit of about Ł1,000/annum but then I, thankfully, don't know much about the system. When all the soldiers came home from the war they have some illness where they went stiff with fear when someone dropped something on the ground; it might be similar to that. She could have been involved in some very frightening and life-threatening situations in her time. No-one knows anything of her background but the council and her close friends and relatives. I'm not against benefits but like shadowx said there could be ways of solving the problems but that costs both time and money; as well as patience. None of which is liked to be parted with. I know which I would choose if I had the choice. My real problem with giving away benefits as easily as they do is benefit fraud. There must be a high percentage of people doing it because you see the advertisements against it on (English) TV. If there were a more full-proof method of preventing it then that would obviously be better; the answer would be offering the government-funded help to begin with and THEN the benefits. Finding the money for the help would be easy, or at least in England; the answer would be the NHS.
  8. Great upgrade! Absolutely. Any new members applying for package 2 will get this new version.
  9. I made this code and tested it out in my browser, Firefox: <head></head> <body> <form name="form1"> <input name="lead_role" type="checkbox" class="style30" checked> </form> <script> if (document.form1.lead_role.checked==1) { alert(document.form1.lead_role.checked); } </script></body> I had to replace value="1" with checked because the latter worked at checking the box but the former didn't. My guesses would be: You tried to refer to an object that hadn't been already set (put the javascript after the html). You didn't put the <form name="form1"> bit in your code, so when it looked for an object whose name was form1 it couldn't find it. Anyway, if that doesn't solve the problem, it helps if you post the entire page of code that you are using.
  10. Don't be fooled by what Microsoft says!In these first few months after Vista's release, there are bound to be lots of bugs especially as Vista has so many new features. I bet there is an entire pool of them just waiting to be exploited and then patched. Vista has 50,000,000 lines of code or more and people reckon that commercial software contains 20 to 30 bugs per 1,000 lines; that's 1,000 to 1,500 bugs!You must also remember that there have been 4 years to fix XP's bugs and they are still finding more. However, there have only been about 1 month to fix Vista's so you are bound to be unsafe using Vista: why else is there such a huge market for its security?
  11. I live in England and I rate it the following: Good NHS - at least it exists. When you get a ?10,000 operation for free, you won't be complaining. Free public transport - well, for me anyway. Cultural diversity - but not too much. Democracy. Strong defences - we've not been taking over since 1066. Free education - well, until you're 18. The Commonwealth. Immigrants. The popularisation of football. Bad NHS is not in as good a state as it could be. The government would rather waste strategically spend ?5 million/day on Iraq than fixing the NHS (an extra ?1.9 billion might help it, just a bit). Withdrawing the troops from Iraq simply means "we're moving them somewhere else". Blair is only third in command of the country, next to Bush. ~?250,000+ to buy a house! No-one has that kind of money. Some whining, unpatriotic pessimistic people. Mainland Europeans periodically bothering us with the Euro. American fast-food "restaurants" setting up shop here and helping us become fat. 9 out of 10.
  12. Not ALL Muslims are violent - just the jerks. The Muslims who caused events like 7/7 or September the 11th have probably been brainwashed by a "teacher", kind of like those found "teaching" in the Hitler Youth. A small group of people were involved in the bombings of 7/7. A small group of the 1.4 billion followers in the entire world. Compare that to the amount of Christian missionaries whom decided to force upon people spread their religion around the world in the 1700s/1800s. Finally, it's unfounded opinions like that that give them cause to be angered even further.
  13. Some really controversial topics today that aren't necessarily making front page news but they are in newspapers: Abortion Death penalty Euthanasia Iran and Nuclear Material Existence of God Existence of Paranormal Spirits (links to Crop Circles, Personal Encounters, Sightings of Ghosts...) Life After Death (links to people claiming to have seen hell - Ian McCormack) War With Iraq That's all I can think of on the top of my head - we have to study some of these issues in Religious Studies so they are fresh in my mind.
  14. PHP is a bit harder to learn than html but the hard work pays off when you realise all the things that you can do with it. You can write scripts that send emails, create your own shoutbox as well as lots of other things. Ever seen pages with urls like page.ext?id=1. That's done with php! I found the website below really helpful when starting: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_syntax.asp As you progress, you will probably want to research functions for yourself rather than using tutorials all the time. To view the complete list, click below: http://uk3.php.net/search.php Best of luck learning an invaluable scripting language!
  15. For the top half of the page, the colour scheme does not have yellow in it. The colours are red, orange, blue and the #ECE9D8. In my opinion, the text "Reverse Address Lookup" below the banner looks out of place because it's yellow. I'm not too confident that the blue text on the red background next to that looks that good either. I'd experiment with other text/background combinations. In the navigation, the black text doesn't go well on the darkish blue background. Although not illegible, it does make it difficult to read. Now, being a bit picky, I'll suggest one more thing and that is to do with the navigation menu, which I think will be best described through the use of a picture It's a nice visual enhancement. I also have the same problem with the banner as TypoMage. Best of luck with the site. I rate its design 7.5/10. Notice from electriic ink: Moved from Website Reviews
  16. Actually, (attempted) murders or "More serious wounding or other act endangering life" crime is going down: Possession of weapons is down by 2% from last year Those are the official fixed statistics from the Home Office. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/crime-statistics You can't stop knife crime by telling people to leave weapons at home. I bet if you were REALLY angry with someone you'd contemplate killing them and if you were weak-minded then that's what you would do and without a second thought to it either. People don't think about consequences when they're angry, which is why educating people won't work as effectively. Also, if you were walking in a notoriously dangerous place at night time, you'd probably want to take something like a knife to arm yourself for defensive reasons - I know I would.
  17. So that's one every two years - we must have already some sort of action plan when this has happened before and I'm sure that because they are spending 150 Million Pounds on it, it won't fail. We have 30 years to deal with this; I bet nothing will go wrong.
  18. Someone wants attention For the first time in ages the world is talking about Britney...
  19. News readers like new and interesting stuff. Celebrities don't die that often but US troops do all the time. The fact that their deaths are not specifically announced in the news makes them even more humble and, therefore, their service even more special because they are obviously not doing it for the media attention and publicity. You are making your national heroes more "I'm doing it for the good of my country" by not rewarding them personally. If you did reward their deaths in the way you did for celebrities, then they would all be soldiers.
  20. To advance on this, if you choose to use Xisto for your hosting, you can read this documentation on cPanel, the web control panel system Xisto uses: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It provides you with information on how to set-up and modify email addresses on your account. You will need top buy the domain yourself though. However, you may be able to find a service that offers free domain names in return for posts.
  21. Excuse me, but what is that suppose to mean?It means I'm deliberately opposing your beliefs and theories to test them and that they might not represent my actual opinions. It's like crop circles. Aliens did it Science cannot explain that at the moment because most of the time these stunts were performed by hoaxers. Until science can explain it, guess who fills in - God and aliens; just like I said. And about when you die, there is some first-hand proof that dying isn't it. I can't find any references now but there are lots of recorded instances where people have died for longer than three minutes* yet have come back to life. These people claim to have gone to hell where they were put in a dark and silent room with no walls. They couldn't see their hands in front of their faces because they don't have any any more. They say that after a certain while this demonic voice comes out of nowhere and bellows, "You are here because you deserve to be" When they become alive again after being given a second chance, they can recall everything that happened between the time they died and came alive. I don't think any of them remembered the transaction between life on Earth to life in hell. I don't remember their names but I do know one got stung by a jellyfish and another one was involved in a car accident. If you want I'll try and find their names. The jellyfish man has since started preaching his story all over the world and has converted from a devout atheist to a devout Christian. I think God put it there to test Adam and Eve's faithfulness. "You can have this garden as long as you don't eat from the Tree of Knowledge". ==============================================================================+ *Scientifically if you're dead for fewer than three minutes there is still some hope of your coming back to life; any longer than that and there is no chance. ==============================================================================+
  22. Those rocks could have just always existed. There were neither created nor can they ever all be destroyed. Playing devil's advocate here, there must be thousands or millions of planets in our Local Group yet we are the only planet with the correct ingredients for life. Out of all the millions of species on the Earth, we are the only life form intelligent enough to build things for our comfort and not for necessary for our survival. Ever since the beginning of human civilisation, people have had theories about how the Earth got to where it a today; many of those remained undocumented. Who's to say that in recent years Joe Bloggs hasn't come up with the actual reason why dinosuars became extinct, dismissed it and carried on with his life? The same thing could have easily happened about gravity and other concepts and in this case, how the Earth was created but, this theory was published. Still playing devil's advocate, all that theory says is that it was created from large rocky parts; so? I think that even the simplest of people could look at the ground and say, "I wonder if the entire Earth was created from this rock. It would have to be lots of big rocks that created the Earth because the Earth is big. Therefore, I conclude that Earth was created from big rocks." For the same reason I could look at my wooden bookshelf and say I wonder it that was created from wood! ============================================================================ In my real opinion, there is no way to prove to anybody that God does or does not exist because the whole point in their being a belief in a God in the first place, is that He is above our current and all our future scientific understanding; he is the answer to our deepest questions. Back in the days of early farming where religious ideas started, the farmers praised God and begged he gave them the ideal conditions to grow their crops. Because they had no idea about the formation of rain, God does it. God does the incomprehensible. Whatever science cannot explain, religion will always find a way.
  23. I can still access the sign-up page: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2Fe-11-20d2e2128cbb9e31442cc3faa5aea4-ddfe929622e661e9ebbab2092a916835e25cd11d I've just found this extract from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmail
  24. I doubt that. I reckon the vast majority of people who wanted a Gmail account have already got one via the invite spooler or off friends. I'm sure spending a few more million quid on space isn't that great a concern for a multi-billionaire industry.
  25. I've successfully signed up for GmailGooglemail without an invite. You can too: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2Fe-11-20d2e2128cbb9e31442cc3faa5aea4-ddfe929622e661e9ebbab2092a916835e25cd11d I tested this from England so it will definitely work from the United States. As for the rest of the world I don't know.
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