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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Apparently, though, he used the hole intended to hold and umbrella - it was a picnic table. The worst part of it all is that he has a wife. Clearly not getting enough at home... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yeah but he did it next to a playground and within 100yds of the school. Terrible really. He could have at least used the back garden or done it inside.
  2. Look at the website and see what it tells you: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (It's down). If I were you I'd set up a fake email address and reply giving false details and see what happens for the fun. They'll either end up telling you to fly to London to collect your winnings in person or they'll ask you for bank details to transfer the money to them. Whatever they decide, all hell will unfold...
  3. Visit the various forums I'm registered to and more recently, I've started to play StepMania, which is like those dance mat games but without the dance mat. It's okay but it wastes loads of time.
  4. I haven't seen it yet although I saw it advertised on TV and thought it was really interesting. Probably arrange to see it later on in the Easter holidays and give you my verdict.Looks good and you've only made me want to see it more!
  5. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  6. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  7. On my birthday (Aug 4), the UK declared war on Germany and the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened in the Vietnam war. Happy days...
  8. YAY - I'm spamming my own profile!

  9. I share mine with Pope Urban VII, the late queen of Italy and the late Queen Mother of England Who do you share yours with? Find out here!
  10. Wouldn't it be easier just to do this? $string = '[shoutbox]id=1[/shoutbox]';$string = str_replace ('[shoutbox]id=', '', $string);$string = str_replace ('[/shoutbox]', '', $string);include ('shoutbox.php?no=' . $string); Using that you could create a seperate function: function shoutbox_tag ($input) { $string = strstr ($input, '[shoutbox]'); // Removes all parts of string that are NOT [shoutbox]...[/shoutbox] $string = strstr ($string, '[/shoutbox]', true); $string = $string . '[/shoutbox]'; // End remove $string = str_replace ('[shoutbox]id=', '', $string); $string = str_replace ('[/shoutbox]', '', $string); return $string;} Which you would call as follows: include ('shoutbox.php?no=' . shoutbox_tag('123123[shoutbox]id=1[/shoutbox]123123'));
  11. Well done to all who won! If you want to "share" some of your winnings with me, feel free
  12. [1] Ours isn't multiple choice although our teacher marked the mocks using "generic" grade boundaries to begin with (90% A*, 80% A...) but when he found the real grade boundaries, he re-graded all the papers. People who were Cs ended up with A*s [2] Tbh, I don't really blame them. One of the marks for ours is to get your parents to sign a bit of paper saying that your book you created is "clear and presentable" (that is only after you've shown them you know how to click a link of a webpage) I swear, people who fail IT, fail because they can't be arsed, not because they're thick. We spend our IT lesson stealing the only padded chair in the room off each other, restarting our friends' computers, trying to hide sexual comments into each other's coursework when they've gone off to ask the teacher for help. IT = jokes. [3] LOL Legendary. RS lessons are amazing fun, spend it telling each other dead baby jokes, which are sick but funny - you should read them, probably some on the internet.. (obviously, I won't put any on here). oOo - I look forward to that On a serious note, following on from rvalkass' point about past papers, I assume you're in the UK here, AQA release all past papers from 2004 onwards: GCSEs: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ A-Levels: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ OCR release all past papers from June 2005: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Edexcel are tight and make you pay for theirs. Also, there's a forum I belong to called The Student Room, which is like Xisto but geared towards exams rather than web hosting.
  13. We established long ago that rather than 500 times increase, the OP must have meant 500% increase and, unless it's just me, the link given now links to some Arabic site, inappropiate for and illegible by anyone reading an English-only forum: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ As such, I can only assume that the owner has shut as shop after people not buying into his crazy claims. /~* Locked
  14. I too am in the process of revising for exams. I'll tell you what I'm doing for each subject: ENGLISH - Annotating one copy of each of the poems we have to learn each day until I know all 8 of them MATHS - Not much, periodically answering questions from my revision book on harder topics SCIENCE - Repeating all the information aloud to myself until I get it right FRENCH - Practising listening with past papers (only way to do it) and repeating my speaking presentation aloud to myself until I get it right GEOGRAPHY - Creating little "packs" (or folders) for each topic and repeating all the information aloud to myself until I get it right HISTORY - Creating A2 posters of each of the topics then sticking them on my wall. I repeat all the information aloud to myself until I get it right IT - So little theory and grade boundaries so low, not worth it. Would probably create posters as for History though. RS - See IT. So generally, I just document all the info on one bit of paper and repeat it to myself until I learn it. I find it works well, although at our school we've been bombarded with information about the "different types of learner": http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ From that list, I suppose I'm an auditory learner but I've never really thought about it. Just done it the way I always have If I were you, I'd look at the list and revise as the webpage suggests. Good luck!
  15. Also, your output code reads this: <br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: submit in <b>/home/kansuke/public_html/shoutbox.php</b> on line <b>11</b><br />Resource id #3<form action="<br /><strong class='bbc'><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: php_self in <b>/home/kansuke/public_html/shoutbox.php</b> on line <b>37</b></strong><br />" method="post"><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' value='name' NAME='name' SIZE=30 maxlength='100' /><br /><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' value='message' NAME='message' SIZE=30 maxlength='100' /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form> The error is on the following line in the source code: <form action="<?php echo $php_self ?>" method="post"> Which should read: <form action="<?php echo $SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
  16. No. Everything has a non-paranormal and unexciting explanation. Ghosts are just a convenient and "interesting" explanation for something that can't be explained normally. How about - we don't know what's going on at the night because it's dark so are less likely to know what caused things? No, it's because their drunk during the daytime and they want to give us a good impression of the ghost community. I should know, I asked one. Then, I closed the window. Phew, that's a relief. Where did you read all this? [hr=noshade]Sorry for tearing apart your post. Tbh though, it's the funniest post I've read in weeks![/hr]
  17. How can you support a religion which condones a father (God) letting others brutally kill his son (Jesus)? Is this to suggest that we are to copy God's example and do the same? Surely, God could have forgiven our sins some other way - after all he is God.
  18. You might need to add it yourself. Right click underneath the column Preference Name, select New, then click on Boolean. In the first box type browser.turbo.enabled, click OK. In the next window, select true, click OK. That's browser.turbo.enabled added.
  19. The warning was for plagiarism - copy and pasting material without using the QUOTE tags. For more information, please PM the moderator who warned you. You can view your warnings and who warned you here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act6&CODE=view Thank you. Women are more than welcome to do the same Tbh, I don't see why they don't
  20. I wish you the best of luck - I know how hard it is to commit to doing something every day. As part of my English revision, I'm annotating one poem each night: did it for one month and then gave up Maundy Thursday. Personally, I advise you to read it in the morning when you be less tired and stressed so more motivated to do it.Good luck!
  21. August 4th 1. True, most of the time2. Unfortunately, that's not true. 3. Who is? 4. Who doesn't? 5. No, I don't.
  22. My dad is the same as you but the one problem I have with Christian scientists (not to be confused with Scientologists) is that until science can prove something, you take the God-did-it approach. Science WILL be able to explain problems of today, such as the creation of DNA as you described, in the future. Just think of what we've taught ourselves over these past 300 years and, with that in mind, what we will know in the next 300 years. Because the cellular life took a billion years to form, and even that cell was so basic, it's nothing like the cells we have today. Someone could create life but it would take so long and cost so much money it's not worth doing. Doing it would also be very controversial; excuse my stereotypes, but you would get a lot of Evangelical Christians claiming that doing so would controversial and more evidence that scientists keep "playing God". It's not the same as religion. Religion is purely faith-based and carries no evidence, not even scientific theory to back it up. There's just as much evidence that God created everything as Martians did. We can trace our ancestors back 6,000 years but we can trace dinosaurs back even further. Below is how they determined the age of the universe to be 13.7 billion years old +/- 0.2 billion years: Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang And the Earth's age was calculated using radiometric dating. There may be no-one yet, no.
  23. That makes it a hypothesis, which according to my old science lessons, is "an idea backed up by lots of really clever scientific thinking", which makes it respectable because of its scientific backing. This hypothesis cannot be tested because we don't have the knowledge let alone the power to replicate a Big Bang or the creation of life. Let's put it this way, more thought has gone into creating our theories on the world's creation that went into inventing supernatural gods. We all know unicorns don't exist so what makes God's existence any more valid? Has anyone used the theory behind how lightning is formed to create a bolt of lightning? No. Has anyone witnessed the decomposition of plastics? No. Has anyone created a cell? No. Does that make any of these theories wrong? No. We just don't know enough about DNA in order to explain logically how the information was put there. I'm sure someone better qualified than me could comment on how DNA works though. And? That doesn't prove the existence of a deity.
  24. This video explains how the origin of life and defies clearly the argument that says "every painting needs a painter therefore God exists". The reason: painting aren't living so can't replicate themselves, living matter, however, can. Life actually began billions of years ago following a series of chemical reactions and a common substance on the planet back then proved a perfect catalyst for this. Over BILLIONS of years, life evolved to form the current human-being, which have only existed for 100,000 years (1/43,200th of the time the Earth has existed.) A good watch for creationists and evolutionists alike and it dispels common myths about scientists' understanding about the origins of life on Earth. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. 1. Thank you 5. But that's not to say that we shouldn't buy them. Besides, it has its roots in tradition, the idea that the egg represents new life (as you said in point 7). Buying it in the form of chocolate is just a nice way of presenting this idea. 6. Non-Christians don't want to celebrate the meaning of Easter Happy Easter everyone! Over here, for the first time this year it's snowing! Typical that it snows Easter Day and not on Christmas
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