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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. Agreed. Wrong. I've proved that global warming is not caused by Greenhouse Gases by reiterating the words off Channel 4's programme but maybe I should tell you the REAL cause of global warming - the not so exciting cause with not so exciting effects. The Sun. Believe it or not the fiery ball in the sky that controls our temperatures in the short term is also causing a long-term rise in temperatures. It is a well-known fact that, over the last several hundred years, solar activity correlates very well with temperature. The Earth's atmosphere is being constantly hit by omnipresent cosmic rays. As rising water vapour from the ocean hits them, clouds form. Clouds shield the Earth from the Sun's rays and cool the Earth. When solar activity is high, there is more solar wind and less cosmic radiation hits the Earth, so fewer clouds are formed. Therefore, warming is beyond our control so we can't predict life in 50 years time, at least not until we can control the Sun. It would be wrong to say that this is the real cause of our planet's warming because, like the greenhouse effect, this is still a theory, which seems to be the one fact people are ignoring for the sake of a more interesting life. People are changing their lives just in case the POTENTIAL threat of using this means comes true, whilst ignoring the KNOWN advantages of it. And, yes, the glaciers' recession might serve as proof of global warming but not proof of its cause.
  2. Download the Mozilla Firefox web browser: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=firefox-com&utm_medium=referral Install the WML Browser extension: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ /~* Moved from HTML/XML
  3. You've uploaded all your most valuable files to the internet? Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a memory stick for ~Ł25 or an external HDD for ~Ł80 an put it on there? At least that way there's no risk the host closing down or some anonym looking at your files. All you reasons you listed to use a host as backing storage could also happen to the host. IE: A host could have software that breaks the PC, a host could have his hardware damaged and a host's PC could have fatal errors.
  4. I was referring to the species in general. There will always be some members of any species who have some defects and they are still living because you can see that they are. Those life processes are what all "correct" (sorry to call them that) living things are and until the vast majority of the robot population fit under those categories then they are metal and should have the same rights as metal. Anybody who plays God and creates a living robot deserves to be cruelly ostracised.
  5. Why would anybody be so stupid as to create one? Nobody would buy a robot which feels things because it would be like supporting a new member of the family. Once you create a robot that has emotions, you run the risk of people wanting designer robots as "children" in lieu of a baby. It's like asking for extinction. The difference there is that animals are living creatures with emotions. If you hit a wolf, it gets angry and fights back. Until robots adhere to all seven life processes, they should not be given rights: Movement Respiration Sensivitity (Reacts to Environment) Nutrition (Requires) Excretion Reprdocution Growth I beg to differ. Pretend tomorrow some scientist announced that he had just created a new form of leg that allowed humans to run at 40MPH. It had been confirmed by independent scientists that it was safe to use on both faetuses and adults providing medicine was taken everyday for a few years. Would you opt to have the treatment? Would you let your unborn child have the treatment?
  6. < $handle=opendir($map); while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) { _linenums:0'><tr height="20"><td width="120px" align="center" valign="middle"><b>Afbeelding</b></td><td width="320px" align="center" valign="middle"><b>Naam</b></td><td width="80px" align="center" valign="middle"><b>Verwijder</b></td></tr><$handle=opendir($map);while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) { The bit in red should be <? because it begins the PHP code. If it's not that, please post the error that the code returned when it was executed.
  7. I found this: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=212 It looks like the skins there are free. In order to download the skins you need to prove that you have a valid vB licence by some process. I found this other free skin: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's a dark blue/purple skin.
  8. Was Hitler ever going to keep his alliance? No. Far-right and far-left wing parties will only ally for so long, especially when one of the two allying countries wants all the land they can get. The Soviet Union spanned miles and the thought of getting it was probably too tantalising for Hitler. He had to give in. I also argue that we were always going to win. When America made two nuclear bombs and dropped then on Japan, we would have bought a few bombs/the equipment to make them off the USA and dropped it on Germany. With this new super-weapon, Germans would almost be forced into surrender. That's a bit harsh. He did his bit. We could have had a Tony Blair as a Prime Minister, then where would we be?
  9. This is the most annoying webpage. I created it just to annoy you annoy.htmIf you want, you can look at the code but that would only spoil the fun It's not dangerous, just annoying.
  10. Leading independent scientists, who could only dream of being paid by oil companies. The climate is changing; our environment is getting warmer. However, there say that there is no evidence that this is caused by Greenhouse Gases. The trouble with the theory is that it does ignore the fiery star in the sky that controls our environment day-by-day, the Sun. If you are adamant that CO2 is the cause of warming, why is it that during the post-war economic boom, where industrialisation was high, temperatures were falling? Most people who work for the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change); all the people who work for the government in research into the problem; people who are working on ways to resolve the problem; people aiming to promote the use of energy-efficient lights/resources; people who manufacture energy-efficient products; the list goes on. There are literally thousands of people in these jobs and if the theory is disproved then that's it, they've got to all be found jobs. Would YOU want that task? Btw, what does "attact" mean? Regardless of whether people like to admit it, we are all zombies of the media. When they tell us things time and time again, regardless of how preposterous the idea may seem, we give in. I'd also like to draw your attention to where the theory arose. Margaret Thatcher was very adamant on using Nuclear Power. She didn't trust the coal miners, whom recently went on strike and didn't trust the Middle East to provide Britain with oil. When some Swedish (?) scientist suggested the theory, she went up to some other scientists and said, "There's money on the table if you can prove this" and guess what, they proved it and she added it to her list of arguments. Then, the anti-capitalist environmentalists (who recently helped to destroy the Berlin Wall so had nothing to whine about) and the media had a field day promoting the idea. And here we are today. One of the sickening points that everybody has to agree with, is that it is inhuman to force the poorest continent in the world (Africa) to develop using the world's most expensive and poorest yielding electricity generators.
  11. I didn't know there was a programming language quiz but I've found it now. I am: The best language ever!
  12. It has long since been a popular opinion that we are the cause of recent global increases in temperature. However, evidence shows that this is wrong. The reason why it has never been publicised as much as the theory for it is because of the jobs and money that lies in that field of research; unemployment would rise quite a lot if it were proven wrong. Here's why it is wrong: [hr=noshade]Recent Cooling [/hr] The argument here is that temperatures are constantly rising and falling without our help. Between 1940 and 1975 when most of industrialization was taking place, global temperatures were cooling 1 and it wasn't until later when temperatures started rising again. There was a mini-ice age around the 1500s in Britain when the Thames froze and there was also a Medieval Warm Period. This could be just another in the long line. Lack of Proof If greenhouse gases were the cause of global warming then there would be lots of warming going on in the troposphere where the greenhouse gases are. The would be evidence from both satellites and weather balloons to support this but there is none from either source. 2 Natural Carbon-dioxide Emitters Finally, greenhouse gases are produced from so many other natural sources in the world. Decaying vegetation, oceans and the world's volcanoes all outweigh our own production by several times. Human produced C02 can only account for a small fraction of what is currently being produced. 3 [hr=noshade]The information was acquired from the television programme The Great Global Warming Swindle broadcast only a few days ago. Various climate scientists were interviewed, whom are professors, along with people such as a co-founder of Greenpeace. This is their website:[/hr] http://www.channel4.com/programmes/categories
  13. One of two things will happen: It will oversell - IE sell more space than it has. For instance it might put 20 clients on a 450GB HDD in the hope that, on average, each customer will only use half the amount of space offered. It will offer less - EG It will become 25gigs.com etc.. with time or it might offer 10GB for free but 45GB as a premium service. By the time anyone's predictions happen, they would've been forgotten about. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is, so I won't be using this. Notice from electriic ink: Moving from Software
  14. That London library who refused to serve men for the day made a immoral decision. That's sexism, which is one of the things that IWD aims to do away with. If a man phoned up a company like Diamond or Shiela's Wheels or whatever and asked to have their car insurance with them, legally they couldn't deny you. Take an example like diamond.co.uk. It says: It looks like a holiday for the LEDCs more than anything ... Cuba, Ukraine and the like; so I have no idea why it spread, in part, to London.
  15. That's great! It will certainly save a fair amount of time. I've changed the reasons so that they are more suited to Xisto but moderators of other IPB forums could easily use this as well: reasons[0] = new Array("Select a reason","Select a reason for adding to the warning") //Do not changereasons[1] = new Array("===================================", "Select a reason for adding to the warning")reasons[2] = new Array("Abusing Members","Abuse of other members on the forum:")reasons[3] = new Array("Advertising", "Advertising:")reasons[4] = new Array("CODE tags for code missing","Posting code without CODE tags:")reasons[5] = new Array("Double Posting","Double posting:")reasons[6] = new Array("Illegible Text Style (Repeated Offence)", "Illegible Text Style:")reasons[7] = new Array("Lack of Contribution","Posting lacking contribution:")reasons[8] = new Array("Personal Information Posted","Posting private information:")reasons[9] = new Array("Plagiarising","Direct copy and pasting without use of QUOTE tags:")reasons[10] = new Array("Pornography", "Pornographical material:")reasons[11] = new Array("Posting a link to an illegal website","Posting a link to an illegal website:")reasons[12] = new Array("Referral links","Posting referral links:")reasons[13] = new Array("Signature Too Big (Repeated Offence)","Signature still too large.")reasons[14] = new Array("Triple Posting", "Triple posting:")reasons[15] = new Array("Warez Discussion","Engaging in the discussion of warez:")reasons[16] = new Array("===================================", "Select a reason for adding to the warning")reasons[17] = new Array("Other Offence", "") If you wanted to use the script so it dealt with lowering the warning then you'd need to use this code: Immediately after reasons = new Array(), add: if (location.href.substr(53,3) == "add") { This works for Xisto.com but not necessarily for other domains. For other domains, the number you would need to change is 53. How do you find what number to change it to? You take a normal link to warn a member: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act=warn&type=add&mid=3709&t=1&st=0 Count how many characters there are up to the blue letter and that's your number! A painstakingly long process but I can't think of another way to do it (my JS knowledge is very limited). Anyway: Then you insert all your reasons to raise the warn level of the member. Eg: reasons[0] = new Array("Select a reason","Select a reason for adding to the warning") //Do not changereasons[1] = new Array("===================================", "Select a reason for adding to the warning")reasons[2] = new Array("Abusing Members","Abuse of other members on the forum:")reasons[3] = new Array("Advertising", "Advertising:")reasons[4] = new Array("CODE tags for code missing","Posting code without CODE tags:")reasons[5] = new Array("Double Posting","Double posting:")reasons[6] = new Array("Illegible Text Style (Repeated Offence)", "Illegible Text Style:")reasons[7] = new Array("Lack of Contribution","Posting lacking contribution:")reasons[8] = new Array("Personal Information Posted","Posting private information:")reasons[9] = new Array("Plagiarising","Direct copy and pasting without use of QUOTE tags:")reasons[10] = new Array("Pornography", "Pornographical material:")reasons[11] = new Array("Posting a link to an illegal website","Posting a link to an illegal website:")reasons[12] = new Array("Referral links","Posting referral links:")reasons[13] = new Array("Signature Too Big (Repeated Offence)","Signature still too large.")reasons[14] = new Array("Triple Posting", "Triple posting:")reasons[15] = new Array("Warez Discussion","Engaging in the discussion of warez:")reasons[16] = new Array("===================================", "Select a reason for adding to the warning")reasons[17] = new Array("Other Offence", "") Put this code in: } else { Then, put all you reasons for lowering a member's warning. Eg: reasons[0] = new Array("Select a reason","Select a reason for lowering the warning") //Do not changereasons[1] = new Array("===================================", "Select a reason for lowering the warning")reasons[2] = new Array("Good posts", "Good posts recently")reasons[3] = new Array("Helpful member", "Thanks for being a helpful member")reasons[4] = new Array("Reporting posts", "Thanks for reporting some posts recently")reasons[5] = new Array("Superb post", "Fantastic post:")reasons[6] = new Array("===================================", "Select a reason for lowering the warning")reasons[7] = new Array("Other Reason", "") Put this code in: } Then it should act as two scripts that perform similar functions. It displays reasons to add to or lower warnings on their relevant pages. The next step, of course, would be to make it so that auto-writes the PM. Thanks BuffaloHELP!
  16. To me this is just another day that takes up room in the calendar. It has no real significance and nothing happens because of it. Maybe we should have an International Men's Day; then we, too, could bore everyone with our achievements. Did you know that historians are 50% sure that the person who invented the pencil was a man? Amazing! Just think our holiday could be up there with World Television Day, World Vegan Day and all those other fantastic days I look forward too. Sorry for the sarcasm but in the greater scheme of things, it is pretty pointless. Anyway, if anyone is celebrating it, EnJoy!
  17. If you click on the folder icon to the left of the text public_html rather than the actual text itself, then it will open.
  18. Granted, for a broadband user such as myself, download managers like DownthemALL might not have as much use as they did when we were on dial-up, but they do still have some use. I appreciate any increase in speed because it means I have more free time. With increased connection speeds and offers of "unlimited bandwidth", come the want to download larger files that might take a significant amount of time. Again, a download manger would be helpful but not necessary.However, on the whole I agree with you. I have a 2MB/s connection with download speeds of ~130KB/s. In order for a download to take an hour, the file would need to be ~460MB and that's nearly 1/4 of my monthly download limit. How often would you download something like that? Extremely rarely.As I see it, they won't go but just become a luxury as opposed to a necessity.
  19. My favourite e-mail service is probably dodgeit.com Dodgeit (dodgeit.com) - Space: unlimited (I think) (message deletes after 7 days) (receive only). Not completely useless. It doesn't require registration so you don't have to put up with sites that spam. Only use it if it isn't against the site's TOS. I don't think Windows Live requires an invitation. If you register a Hotmail account, you get given a little link that you can click to upgarde to Windows Live. Yahoo Mail gives you 10 MB for email. I'm not joking, it is that small! Although I think its department is security not space: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym Click on See what else you get.
  20. I like normal English food especially the Full English for breakfast . Burgers are nice when I cook my own and I love Sunday lunches. I think French food is quite nice though especially croissants and pains au chocolat. Chinese is okay especially sweet and sour chicken and pizzas are about the only Italian food I like. There's a good pizza restaurant near here. Indian is way too hot and spicy.Some of the fruits we get over here are good too - passion fruits and pineapples etc.
  21. No it's the other way round. The light went SUN -> EARTH -> MOON. Like I said: It was a great night and the cloud held back. My pictures weren't particularly good but you can see what happened: AT 22.11 GMT This was half way through the stage where the moon was being cut off. In about 20 minute's time it will go red! AT 22.30 GMT This is the moon half-red. Here on in, the moon gets gradually redder but my camera doesn't show the moon any more! It just shows as blackness. When it was red though, it was both amazing and really weird at the same time. Anyway, here's another image I acquired the from the BBC to show you what it was like: Obviously it was a bit smaller than that when you looked at it from the ground because that was taken from the top of Big Ben! Does anybody else have some pictures that they took?
  22. There's been nothing as of yet but it is the most perfect night to view this spectacle, should I ever see it. Not a cloud. How about that for a clear sky? AT 20.59 GMT The image is a bit blurry I know. I'll try and get some sharper ones when the moon goes red. Only 80 minutes till the main event begins If anyone else wants to post some pictures, I'd love to see them.
  23. ShutDownDay.org is challenging you to turn your computer off for a full 24 hours on Saturday 24th March 2007. Are you up to the challenge? To some people it might sound like a stupid idea but I know that it's not very often that I keep away from it for a full day, even if I use it for something as simple as MSN or Youtube 30 mins to an hour. That's exactly their reasoning behind it, to make people think about how reliant people are on the computer: Will you be doing it? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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