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Everything posted by Atomic0

  1. As pointed out earlier in the topic, it is not possible to 'hack' into the administrator account using safe mode if that account already has a password on it. If you wanted to do it, you would either need to buy a program that has the ability to reset the administrator password or you would have to copy certain files and have the password hashes cracked.You would need to:1.) Copy the C:\Windows\system32\config\SAM file when Windows isn't running e.g. using a MS-DOS diskette and a NTFS Read/Writer driver if necessary,2.) Import in the program SAMInside to retrieve password hashes.3.) Either brute-force the hashes for the passwords or use a rainbow table containing every possible password hash.
  2. Although the font represents the gaming side of the logo, it is indeed a bit hard to read. Maybe increasing the contrast would be better i.e. white text on black background or black text on a white background. It would certainly improve the readability of the logo text.Also, using a dark grey colour instead of black could make the logo stand out more since black in most cases looks outdated.
  3. If you were going to work with vector graphics, you would go straight to Adobe Illustrator, since Photoshop and Fireworks is more on the bitmap editing side of things. I would say working with vectors in Illustrator is much easier than in bitmap editors, since there are features in Illustrator that are designed specifically for vectors e.g. Live Paint and Live Trace.Between Photoshop and Fireworks, both are very good programs. Personally, I feel that Photoshop is more suited in editing photography with its different filters for adding special effects, while Fireworks is suited for web design and development with the ability to control the elements separately.
  4. No professional web site out there will 'encrypt' or 'encode' the source code. There is simply no reason whatsoever to do so, plus it will make it look unprofessional.
  5. I would say having to backup an entire hard disk online would be a severe drain on both time and bandwidth. With the Windows Live Mesh service currently in preview, I backed up my documents online to supplement my Norton Ghost backup to my second hard disk. Forunately, I could recover all my lost documents when my main boot drive failed unexpectedly and had to be shipped back to Seagate for warranty claim.I might try Carbonite out with the free trial.
  6. Technically, you can't do much with bad sectors on your hard disk but it will try to replace those sectors with spare sectors elsewhere on the disk. If it within the warranty period, you should get the hard disk drive replaced ASAP.Unfornuately, for me, it wasn't bad sectors that killed my main boot hard disk a few weeks ago, but some problem which made the whole drive unreadable and unresponsive.
  7. The reason why I don't like buying a separate drive and an enclosure is because the design of the enclosures doesn't look as nice as a streamlined pre-built external hard didsk drive. But nowadays, the price of external disk drives as gone down a lot compared to a few years ago when they became popular.I recently bought a Western Digital My Book Home 1TB external hard disk drive to use as backup storage after one of my two Seagate Barracuda 500GB internal hard disks died on me. Apart from minor Esata plug problems due to the physicaly design of the driver, it has been great to use.I do recommend you buy a external hard disk that supports Esata if your computer supports it, as it does have significant advantages in speed over USB and Firewire. It is able to reach the theoritical speeds of SATA at 3Gb/s, compared to USB2.0 meagre 480Mb/s.
  8. I'm on Windows Vista Ultimate at the moment, but I think I would upgrade to Windows 7 if I don't get converted to a Mac before then.I know of the performance issues with running Windows Vista, but for me it has not be very evident probably because my computer is relatively fast compared to the general consumer systems.Anyway, I did have a play with the beta builds of Windows 7 on a virtual machine, but haven't been able to test the new Aero features.
  9. Making money out of advertising on a website is difficult unless you have sufficient and maintainable traffic coming to your site. But thanks for the article anyway.
  10. I remember the days when I was using a Windows 2000 Professional machine and was stuck as a Power User. The administrator account was locked with a password, which meant I couldn't install anything that required administrator priveleges in order to run.I ended up hacking my own computer, by booting up the computer with a MS-DOS floppy with a NTFS read-write driver and copying the C:\Windows\system32\config\SAM file which contains the usernames and passwords encrypted in LM and NTLM hashes. After copying it, I inputted the stuff into SAMInside and brute-forced it. The password was very simple and was cracked in no time.I suppose if you use this method you may end up with your brother's password and engage in some 'mischief' with his stuff.
  11. I think the idea of having a single number to connect to multiple different lines is great, and would removed the need to keep multiple contact numbers in your address book just for one person. I suppose this would be a great asset for the travelling businessman, although it wouldn't be that nice to be tracked wherever you go.
  12. I use Firefox 3 for my main web browsing and feed reading and Google Chrome for quick web browsing when I don't want to reload saved tabs in Firefox.Internet Explorer 8 is a major step forward with its better compatibility with CSS without the need for quirks mode, but unfornately sites have created CSS stylesheets specifically for older versions for Internet Explorer and cause pages to be displayed abnormally without the use of Compatibility Mode.By the way, interesting how this topic which is 3-4 years old got revived.
  13. Most virtualisation software including VMware allow you to run a 32-bit guest operating system on a 64-bit operating system. It is also possible to run a 64-bit guest operating system on a 32-bit host operating system as long as the CPU supports 64-bit.I chose to run 32-bit Windows Vista on my 64-bit compatible computer since not many programs out there at the moment can utilise the 64-bit architecture, with most relying on just 32-bit architecture, though tecnically I should have bought a 64-bit copy of Windows Vista to fully utilise my 4GB of memory.32-bit software can be run on 64-bit systems as the operating system includes a 32-bit emulator. However, you will find that those programs operate slower than if run on a 32-bit system because of the extra processing required with the emulator.
  14. You shouldn't be affected by inactivity, unless the forum administrators decide to purge inactive users from the database to reduce load / storage required. Technically, your Xisto - Support account shouldn't at all be deleted since it has an active balance of credit in it.You might want to notify one of the admins, moderators or support staff via support ticket, and see what they say.
  15. I am running Mac OS X Leopard on a virtual machine in VMware at the moment. Since my CPU is OK (Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16GHz), it is running at an acceptable speed, but as fast as running Mac OS X Leopard natively on physical hardware. If you interested in running Mac OS X Leopard in virtualisation, search on Google "pcwiz vmware leopard". I have not tried installing Mac OS X Leopard natively on my computer since I don't have any spare hard disks to test on (not going to try dual-booting quite yet), but if your specifications are similar to those of official Apple hardware, you should be OK. You should check the hardware compatibility lists at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/HCL_10.5.6
  16. I personally think that Moderator's myCENTs balances are not automatically redeemed into credit at their Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) accounts, since they can get much more myCENTs from 'moderating' the forum. Also, they probably get their hosting packages free anyway, so there is not much use for their myCENTs.
  17. AMD/ATI at the moment is struggling financially, after posting a net loss of $3 billion dollars for the year 2008, although they should be continuing with their research into CPU / GPU combos For those interested in the advantages of combing the CPU and GPU, you should read the following Ars Technica article form 2006: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2006/11/8250/
  18. If your computer is running Windows Vista Home Basic, I would assume that your computer is a low-end computer. The reason then would be that your computer components are not fast enough to cope with the CPU processing and HDD reading required during startup.You could try disabling the Aero Basic theme and reverting to using the Windows Classic theme for starters.Could you give us more information on the specifications of your computer? It would allow us to better help you speed up your computer system.
  19. I did a quick test with two Google accounts I had (one registered with gmail.com and one hosted on Google Apps). In the test, I enabled on the Gmail account a calendar called 'School' sharing with my other hosted email with the setting "Make changes AND manage sharing". I then proceeded to login in another browser to the hosted email's calendar, added the other calendar using the 'Add a Friends Calendar'. I made some edits to the calendar on the hosted email side and saved the changes. The edits showed up perfectly fine on the original Gmail account's calendar after refreshing the calendar.I think there may other reasons why it is not working for you. Please check if the people you are sharing with are putting the events in the right calendar, i.e. not their personal default calender but the shared calendar.Note, I could not find such a option as "Make changes to event" in the calendar options at all.
  20. I would think that Nvidia would try and make a computer that doesn't require a separate CPU on the motherboard, rather a combined processor that runs both as a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). This combination of the two processors will allow processing power to be allocated between general processing and graphics processing when required, allow for the processor's capacity to be fully utilised.
  21. I don't think you can install through the Firefox Missing Plugins wizard, since it errors most of the time and links you to the manual download method. The manual download method, involving the running of the setup executable, is the best one to use, since it directly copies the plugin files required by Adobe Flash Player straight into the appropriate plugin folders for Mozilla Firefox. Using this manual method, I have had no problems with Adobe Flash Player running in Mozilla Firefox, although recently I installed Adobe Flash CS4 which included a debug version that regularly prompts error because of inappropriate coding in Flash files being played within.
  22. I think with you can easily change the email setting in the Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) Support Panel, by clicking on 'My Details' on the left menu and changing the 'email' field in the form. On the Xisto forum itself, you can change your email by going to 'My Controls' at the top of the forum page and clicking 'Change Email Address' at the bottom of the left menu.However, you may want to talk to an administrator or lodge a support ticket, instead of changing it yourself, as complications may arise from the email change. These complications occur because the accounts are somehow linked together and any changes may cause problems to occur, like loss of myCENTs etc.
  23. I haven't noticed any negative myCENTs for my inactivity yet (maybe because I haven't been inactive for more than a few days). But I am sure you should be OK since you have a positive myCENTs balance of 81.55 right now.About my own experience with the negative myCENTs balance, I don't think I needed to post the equivalent amount of posts to offset my negative balance of over -300 myCENTs. Somehow, it stayed around -300 myCENTs for a while, then suddenly one day I discovered it had been reset to ZERO, according to the forum display (that was why I thought an administrator had resetted it, because it is almost impossible to have a zero myCENTs balance unless you have a brand new forum account).
  24. @Quatrux,Since your myCENTs balance is positive now, you should be fine and on your way to earnng dollars into the Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) balance.Originally, after seeing the negative myCENTs balance on the forum, I also initially stopped posting in the forum, deciding that it was better to wait and see if the script would be fixed first. However, after understanding what caused the negative myCENTs display, I resumed posting, and now I can confirm that you will be able to earn myCENTs and redeem in for earnings in the Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) balance.
  25. I happened to browse into this topic in the forum. It seems like this Xisto Directory is out-of-date, since the link no longer works (it doesn't return a 404 error although it links to a blank page).
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