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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. I'm going to have to go with Saint_Michael's Entry. I enjoy both images very much... but, I like the vibe and feel of SM's a lot more... I love the somewhat gradient effect in the back were in the middle it goes from the light part to the dark.... it has a nice dark vibe and feel to it. Overall, its composition is very nice.FraTture's is well done, and I enjoyed it. It has some good brushing effects and other things that caught my eye. I like the lighting on the right side especially, and some of the patterns in it.Vote: Saint_Michael
  2. Here is a basic php math tutorial, that unfortunately I did not write.... and your going to have to play with it alot... but with some work, you should be able to figure it out.....
  3. Well... as it is quite fitting to the theme of "Trapped in *BLEEP*"... *BLEEP* happens... :PLast year, at my highschool two students were caught performing sexual acts in on of the washrooms. Honestly... it was fairly funny, as their punishment was to show up at school the next day... haha.... I'm sorry to hear about your teachers grandmother. Its a shame... how people can just take a life like that. I'm also sorry to hear that your friend died.I'm happy to hear that no one was hurt or injured, during the lockdown which could have possibly resulted in something worse....As to why people do these kind of things, I guess its what everyone bluebear and dre said before... but its also a something else... the natural evil in peoples hearts (which I won't go into)....Again, I'm so sorry to hear about all the tragedies happening in your area... you can be assured I will pray for you, your friends family, your teachers family, and anyone else who is affected by this incident.
  4. I have a glass of human milk everyday.... muhahaha.... Anyways, I do like milk. Its very healthy, and I usually have some almost every morning. Seems to be working, I've only broken one bone in my entire life... lol
  5. As a note... its not finished yet.... and its very open to suggestions about element placing, etc.....
  6. Ok, this is a super quick and super easy photoshop effect. Its so quick and easy, I don't even need to post any screenshots to help you out. 1. Open Image 2. Duplicate Image 3. Guassian Blur the image at a radius of 2, and change its opacity to 70% 4. Duplicate original again and drag it to the top of the layers 5. Motion Blur it at 0 degrees at a distance of 20. 6. Motion Blur it again at 90 degrees at a distance of 20. 7. Set the motion blurred layer to a view mode of "Lighten" I will post some before and after photos so you can see what it does. Before After
  7. Thank you very much to everyone that has voted so far. Please, feel free to vote if you have not yet! We really want to see who will win!
  8. Posted by me in a simmilar topic -->>
  9. You arrrr welcome..... let me know if it works or not... I hope it does... (by the way: you owe me your soul!)
  10. Ok what you could do: Create a php file that contains the layout of your page. make it look somewhat like this (call it layout.php) <?php//---------------------------------//Layout top section//---------------------------------$top = <<< html<!-- include HTML header code here --><body><table id="page" width="100%"> <tr><td> <table id="top-bar" height="148px"> <tr><td width="172px"><img src="logo.png"></td><td><!-- title --></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td> <table id="sidebar" width="256px"> <!-- does the "width" and "height" option go into CSS? I don't remember. --> <tr style="background-image: sidebar-top.png;"><!-- link to home page --></tr> <tr style="background-image: sidebar-middle.png; background-repeat: repeat;"><!-- other links --></tr> <tr style="background-image: sidebar-bottom.png;"><!-- spotlight link: possibly to Xisto, maybe an ad or two --></tr> </table> </td><td>html;//---------------------------------//Layout bottom section//---------------------------------$bottom = <<< html</td></tr></table></body>html;?> Ok, so in this you have two variables. The first being the 'top' part of your layout. This would be everything before your 'pure content' areas. The second variable is the 'bottom' part of your layout. This would be everything after your 'purecontent' area. So in short it would look like this. $top content $bottom Now here is where what you want comes into play. You can echo your entire layout around your content like this. <html><?php include ("layout.php");echo $top;?>Put your content here!!!<?phpecho $bottom;?></html> I think this should work... maybe jlhaslip or another member more expierienced than me could point out any flaws if any... and I hope this is what you were looking for....
  11. I believe I understand what you are saying... If I understand correctly: you want to have a basic template seperated from the the rest of your content, and then just parse the content into the template, or the template around the content right? If this is the case I would recommend using this. <?php//----------------------------------// Content Include//----------------------------------$cont = $_GET['cont'];$default = "HOME PAGE FILE HERE"; if($cont == "") { $cont = $default; } elseif(isset($cont)) { $cont = $cont; } if(file_exists("$cont.html")) { $content = file_get_contents("$cont.html");} else { $content = "Unfortunately, the file you were looking for could not be located.";}//----------------------------------// Content Select//----------------------------------if(isset($cont)) {$content_select = <<< html$contenthtml;} else {$content_select = <<< htmlThere is a content_select error.html;}//---------------------------------//Template//---------------------------------$template = <<< html<html><!-- include HTML header code here --><body><table id="page" width="100%"> <tr><td> <table id="top-bar" height="148px"> <tr><td width="172px"><img src="logo.png"></td><td><!-- title --></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td> <table id="sidebar" width="256px"> <!-- does the "width" and "height" option go into CSS? I don't remember. --> <tr style="background-image: sidebar-top.png;"><!-- link to home page --></tr> <tr style="background-image: sidebar-middle.png; background-repeat: repeat;"><!-- other links --></tr> <tr style="background-image: sidebar-bottom.png;"><!-- spotlight link: possibly to Xisto, maybe an ad or two --></tr> </table> </td><td><!-- THIS IS WHERE YOUR CONTENT WOULD BE PARSED INTO THE PAGE--!> $content_select<!-- THIS IS WHERE YOUR CONTENT WOULD BE PARSED INTO THE PAGE--!> </td></tr></table></body></html>html;//----------------------------------// Display the Final Template//----------------------------------echo $template;?> After you create the above index.php file, create all your content on seperate .html files. For your links, simply use "<a href="index.php?cont=page">" Without the .html extension, as it will be placed in after the file name.
  12. I glimpsed this as well... it was quite interesting to watch. I enjoyed it very much. I found a related article on the subject if ayone is interested in reading it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. I use the same technique. I find it works nice... in general: your codes should be super nice and organized, but so should your files. That is one thing I hate about using exculsively HTML: if you have 100 pages, and you need to change one link in your navigation... time to suck back on the workahol...
  14. Well... I made a maze game... its pretty addictive because it makes you want to spend 10 hours of your life attempting to beat seven levels..... lol http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shomp;hl=maze+game (Note: LEVEL 4 will make you suicidal, Level 7: when you make it to the button, the game just stops.... its the last level, so... I guess you win if you make it that far. Its a bug, I know, but I will fix it when I have time... and I plan on adding more levels soon. But... it may take... like... two weeks before I do that.... And I plan on replacing level four since everyone hates it).
  15. My computer manager guy was awesome! Back in my elementary school (a while now), he actually told me to try to figure out methods of getting past site blockers, etc.... it was amazing...
  16. Well, if you choose to use a super lite forum such as PunBB (my personal favorite of forums) you will have no problem with skins. The skins all have the same layout (color scheme is different), only two small css pages are required for each skin. Additionally, you can easily add your own skins by copying a stylesheet, and editing some of the color values. So with a super lite forum (which does not take much disk-space in the first place) you can load it up with different skins and not have to worry about loading your disk. The only problems with PunBB: 1. No private messaging. However, an in forum email form makes up for this. 2. Some bugs. (I havn't found any yet, but apparently they are there) 3. Not nececerily as visually pleasing Well aside from it not having certain features, I do believe that it should sufficiently meet your needs.
  17. I don't know how many times I have been on a website, and looked at the source code, which is impossible to read. Why? There are no line breaks! Other times, when I code something very quickly, I don't take the time to be organized and unforseen problems occur, and are hard to fix because I can't locate areas in my codes. So recently, I have adopted a simple idea: the neater my codes are: the easier I can fix and edit it. When you are coding, you should try to include a fair amount of spaces in your codes, etc. so that it is neat and easy to read. If your code is all jumbled up, etc. you run the risk of wasting time looking for hidden pieces of code. Now really, the main problem with this resides in HTML. Other languages require you to go to the next line for every command. So what is one method to preventing, un-organized HTML? Using a new line of code for each of your start and end tags. Observe: <html><head><title>Title here</title></head><body>Content here...<div>blalblalblblbalblabl</div><span>some stuff here</span></body></html> Understand what I mean? By using a new line for your start and end tags, you reduce the amount of clutter. Also, here is a method for organizing <div> tags. <html><head><title>Title here</title></head><body><div id="wrapper"> <div class="some other class"> content goes here </div> <div class="some other class"> content goes here </div></div></body></html> In the above example, the two <div> tags are inside of a wrapper. So, we can show this by indenting the div tags so they become easier to read. Also, inbetween each section I included an extra line to help organize my codes. Finally, I will cover inserting comments. Comments are another way to help organize your codes, especially when you include extra spacing inbetween tags, lines, etc. <html><head><title>Title here</title></head><body><div id="wrapper"><!--content part one start--!> <div class="some other class"> content goes here </div><!--content part two start--!> <div class="some other class"> content goes here </div></div></body></html> If you have any other methods you like to use for organizing your codes, then please post them here. And remember, your codes become much easier to edit, etc. the more you organize them. I hope this helped.
  18. Thank you for your input.... I will write up some tutorials, and work on some style things such as brushing, lighting color, and text. I will work diligently on creating signatures, and I will create around (10?) diffferent ones and post them here. Again, thank you very much for your input and suggestions... If I have some time on my hands, you will see some better work within a month.
  19. Sorry to interuppt the flow of this topic, http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23414-what-software-do-you-use/ Topics similar to the one listed above, are deemed in the Xisto read-me as topics you should never make. Unfortunately, this topic could well fall into that category. So please, instead of simply listing which players you plan to use, explain why you use it, some of the advantages to the program, etc. At least it will be a topic that contributes to the forums a little more. (and look on the bright side.... you get more credits for a better explanation).
  20. As far as I know, if you live in Canada, it is not illegal to download music, but it is illegal to upload... however... you should still support the artists... and piracy laws etc. can still affect you... I think...
  21. Check out our new product: They Alex is Awesome Statue!For only 19.99 (+and 00.001 in Xisto Sales Tax) you can purchase this amazing Alex is Awesome StatueJust call 1-800-73043. You can pay with you credit card, or by a money order! American Express cards are accepted! So what are you waiting for? You can buy this amazing Alex is Awesome Statue for only 19.99 + 00.01 Xisto sales tax.(Setting: some random kitchen with a guy with a beard, and some attractive blonde who is only there for sex appeal and question asking)Sally, "So Jim, what product do we have here today?""Well Sally, today we have the Alex is Awesome Statue. And it only costs 19.99 + 00.01 tst!""What exactly does this ground-breaking invention do, Jim?""Did I hear 'ground-breaking' sally? Well, thats just it! It ways so much, if you drop it, you'll put a giant crater in the ground! and if you buy it in the next ten minutes: you get an amazing discount on any toe related injuries!""Wow thats a great deal. So remember folks, buy the Alex is Awesome Statue. And it only costs 19.99 + 00.01 tst!"(Random Narrator is talking again)But wait thats not all folks! If you buy the Alex is Awesome Statue (its only 19.99 + 00.01 tst), you get this free Oven Mit! Thats right, you get a single oven mit with the Alex is Awesome Statue. Did I mention that its only 19.99 + 00.01 tst!If you wish to purchase this wonderful product please call:1-800-73043,did you miss that,its: 1-800-73043one more time:1-800-73043...ok one more time...1-800-73043Please allow 1 year for delivery.
  22. If you donate to me the twenty credits you can feed one child a day for a year. Thats less than a cup of virtual coffee. Please don't let the starving children starve. For twenty credits in your life time, you can feed one child a day for a year.
  23. Thank you both very much for your input. I worked on the suggestions that you offered. 1. I seperated my content with <hr> tags, and a border that fits between the content and navigation areas. I think that it worked. (Note: check out the Home, and Portfolio page. This is where the <hr> tags have been inserted. It definately helps to seperate the content areas.) 2. I edited my legends. They font is a lighter color (still readable), and the design of the legends themselves have been edited. 3. Saint_Michael: As far as my banner, are you saying the banner doesn't fit the site, or the site doesn't fit the banner?
  24. Haha... well at least you like the idea of it. I hope you get to try it eventually. (I can't believe your mom thinks it would taste bad!)
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