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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. another method.... depending on how complicated you need it to be... you could use flat-files... unless it needs to be really complicated... then don't use them.
  2. Ok, well... again... I would like to request a review from you guys... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Last time I posted a review, you helped me to fix all the bugs... but I don't think that the design in general was reall helped out too much. So this time, could you please post your suggestions on the design... I don't plan on completely re-doing the design or the color scheme. However, if you think that I should style headings differently etc. please feel free to share... I am happy with the general design, but I need to fine tune it... so your input would be greatly appreciated.
  3. #random_div {random: random;random: random;}.random_div {random: random;random: random;} Ok... well.. above we have a id (the first one) and then the second one is a class. Could anyone please explain to me what the difference between the two is? And is one any better?
  4. Oh my, its been ages since I was on that website.... well... I'll admit to one guilty pleasure..... habbo hotel..... lol...But yeah... last time I was on neopets was... hmm... when i was 10......maybe...... well.... yeah...Meh... I just quit playing it one day.....
  5. I believe that this should cover it... of course, you'll have to modify some of the general pieces of it to suit your needs... but on the whole, the idea itself should work.... I mean... you'll have to add a file writing section to the code, etc... you probably get the idea.
  6. Yes, PHP cannot make dynamic thingies, since the page must load first...... but I do remember reading something about image transparency, etc. with php on http://www.w3schools.com/... but maybe thats my mind telling me the wrong info... So yeah... use Ajax, flash, or javascript.....
  7. So one day, I imagined something truly amazing, and wonderful. "What," I asked myself, "would it taste like to have a pie inside a cake?" The more I thought about this wonderful possibility, the more I was convinced it would be mighty delicious and truly amazing. To this day, I have eaten two versions of the pie cake. Both have been truly incredible. The two versions I have devoured were: Cherry Pie in Chocolate Cake Lemon Pie in Angel Food Cake Believe me if you try these, you will be stunned and awe-struck..... So? How do you make these tantilizing deserts? I'll tell you: Creating a Pie Cake To create this, you will need to follow one of the many cherry pie recipes out there. As well, you will need to follow a Chocolate cake recipe... simple eh... well... the baking part is not too hard. However the difficult part is actually getting the pie inside of the cake... Since baking the pie inside of the cake would be nearly impossible, you will have to bake them seperately. There are two methods to this. Method One 1. Bake a pie, and then let it cool. 2. Bake the bottom piece of a cake. (If you are able to, try to make the bottom piece have an indent the size of your pie. If not... well your pie may be squished by the top piece one it is put together....but it may not get squished....) 3. Bake the top piece of a cake. 4. Place the pie on/in (depends if you create the said indent) the bottom piece of the cake. 5. Place the top piece of the cake over top of the pie & bottom piece. 6. Cover with icing sugar, etc... whatever you want. Method Two 1. Bake a pie, and then let it cool. 2. Bake an entire cake. 3. Cut the entire bottom off of the cake. The thicker the bottom, the easier the cutting job will be. 4. Place pie inbetween the two pieces of the cake. 5. Cover with icing sugar, etc... whatever you want. ____________________________________ There you have it. If you feel you are up to the task of creating this difficult (but delicios) desert, than go for it. It is wonderful. Also, I have only tried the two versions (cherry pie in chocolate cake, and lemon pie in angel food cake). If you try a different version, please post your comments on the flavour etc.... Try to make a very good guess as to what the two flavours will taste like together once combined..... or well... it'll just plain suck..... I would reccomend, for practice that you try the versions above, so if it doesn't work perfect... it'll at least taste good (for sure). Finally, please post your comments. Whether you think I'm insane, genious, or both... ... and whether you tried, are going to try, or are not going to try this. If you did try it, please post whether you enjoyed it or not...
  8. Thank you for the validation tip... I will be updating this valid part to my website.. within about five minutes..... didn't think about putting divs there lol....
  9. For another suggestion try using very special characters... ones you can only get to by holding ALT and then typing in numbers on the keypad... like this... It creates a very small chance that anyone will even guess to use those... and it will become very difficult to actually figure out what keys to press,etc... it makes it even more secure by including a random phrase such as ilikepie.
  10. From what I remember, I had about 40 credits before I applied to the 30 credit package.... after it was accepted, I had ten left... so really... you could save up a crap-load... and then get the 30 cred package......... and have a nice little cushion...
  11. I cook it the most laziest way possible. Open the package, plunk it in a glass bowl unbroken, pour water on it, place in the microwave for 3 minutes.... wait.... and then I stir it up at the 1:30 mark... and then wait some more.... the proced to get the sifter, and drain the water from the noodles. Put it back in the bowl, put the flavouring on it, stir it up alot... and eat it....
  12. Ok, Vixen_Poetic. You and truefusion are arguing two different points... at least how I see it. If truefusion is talking about God being omnipresent, then truefusion is indeed correct. For example, take a look at the trinity Diagram I have posted. Since the Spirit (which is in every believer at one time) is God, then God is omnipresent. As it would appear that Vixen_Poetic is reffering to the Father alone, regardless of the Holy Spirit, and the Son, then techinically Vixen_Poetic is correct... So really you're both correct (a far as I can see)... But on another note: Just because he does not need to be omnipresent, doesn't mean he couldn't be. Remember God only chose to reveal so much to us. So He (God the father) may as well be omnipresent as not... Oh: I just found this on https://gotquestions.org/ Take a look at said verses... they may reveal more...
  13. I would like to suggest something for all the hosted members on Xisto. In your profile you have a section called your personal statement. You can get the address of your website to appear there by:Step one: on the Topics, Posts, Gallery, Comments, Friends, Settings bar, click Settings.Step two: where it says "Your Website" type in the adress to your website. step three: click submit, or ok at the bottom....Your website will now appear in your personal statement. It gives others viewing your profile a chance to check out your website! So if you want to please do this.
  14. Get Oblivion, and make sure you buy the version that comes with the Knight of the Nine, and the Shivering Isles expansions... far more fun than fable would ever be....Oblivion definately wins.....
  15. Very well... I will attempt to give a brief list of the huge number of things I believe. [1] I believe in the concept, and existence of the Holy Trinity. The Son is God, the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, but the Son is not the Father or the Holy Spirit, and the Father is not the Son or The Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father or the Son. If you could not understand that, below is a diagram: [2] I believe the Bible to be the Word of God. It was not written by God, however, it was written by man through the direct inspiration of God. It reveals all that God wills us to know about him, though (much like the trinity concept above) we could never understand much of it. [3] I believe that Christianity (in its true form (non-denominational, not catholic, not protestant, simply: believing what God has given us in His Holy Word, and serving Him) is the only true religion. Consider this if you desire evidence: Christianity is the only religion in the world where salvation is not earned through what we do. It is a free gift from God. We are saved by what He did. It completely escapes the borders of human imagination, where the thought of earning salvation, would easily be concieved due to human pride, etc. [4] I believe God created the universe, planets, earth, and the life on it. As well, earth has been especially designed to support life. [5] I believe the only way to salvation (or some sort of paradise, as you may not agree on what heaven, etc. is) is the free gift from Christ. On a similar note, I believe that Heaven is only a container. Not a permanent place for the saved. I do believe in eternal life, but I do not believe we will reside in Heaven for an eternity. There is no evidence in the bible to support that we will reside in Heaven as it is described, for an eternity, so it must be somewhere else. Some have suggested that it is a new earth. [6] I do not believe the rapture will occur. I feel there is not enough evidence to support it. But if it does happen, yay! If it doesn't happen, yay! Really it does not matter to me. In the end, the result is the same. Well there you go...
  16. I am going to eat your limbs off for posting this
  17. Thank you very much truefusion. Now it remains to be seen what some of the other crew members will say..... *waits patiently*
  18. Completely agreed. This may have already been the cause for not having a 'nocturnal' moderator (and more mods in general). I imagine that it is very difficult to find those suited for the job, as you said maturity, reliability, knowleagibility, and patience are all virtues in this area. Indeed, it would be a disaster if we had unqualified mods rampaging around. So while, it really almost is necescery to have more mods (especially night time mods). But I think that if the admin, and some of the mods look out for someone who is consistently equiped to help people, etc. (all of the virtues you have stated above), I believe that Xisto maybe able to find one or two people to add to the ranks of moderator. Thanks for the input on this matter sonesay.
  19. It was written by many men yes. However, it is completely inspired by God. As far as falsly placed articles go (in this cas you suggested the book of Revelation), I ask you one question. "As the Written Word of God, would he not want it to be completely true, acurate, and perfect?" I highly doubt that the bible has any false documents in it, as it is basically Gods love letter to us. Because of His will, all it contains must be true.
  20. I would suggest that maybe, Xisto tries to find some of our members that not only fit the bill for a mod, but will be able to mod at night time.There are a few users like me that will stay up late into the night (somtimes all night) reading and posting on the forums. Unfortunately, most of the mods are usually not on this late. This could also hinder some of our members that live around the world. It slows down the hosting requests, and catgories (such as the Tutorials section) that need post approval.The moderators are a very important part of Xisto, and they help to keep if flowing smoothly. Again I suggest that Xisto finds some late night moderators, if at all possible, as it will keep the 'night traffic' flowing nicely... Well there is my suggestion.
  21. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. He is my God. Therefore I believe and follow His Word. So if you wish to know what I believe, look at a Bible.
  22. that was an odd topic but anyways...The reasons that an organisms body structure changes through the genarations, is through natural selection. Once an organism exists, if it loses a limb, or whatever, it will not effect the next generation if that same organism reproduces. But if tonnes of really tiny mice die off, then the only ones left are large ones, when they mate, there offspring will naturally be big, not the tiny ones.So in short, you can't make a legless dog species by cutting off its limbs. And neither can people be born un-virgin.....Besides the scientific reason, the question is a little redundant, as virginity is defined by whether or not that single being has had intercourse.
  23. Haha.... I guess we have a new term: "Seconhand Drinking" Yeah... I imagine being a designated driver would be quite difficult. Especially if everyone else is mighty hammered.
  24. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23414-what-software-do-you-use/ In the Xisto read me, there is a topic (listed above) called the topic you should never make. Now the main similarites between this topic and the topic you should neve make should be farely apparent. I fear this topic may become very spammish, and unless you can figure out some way to make it... well... uhh.... have some point to actually dicuss and contribute too, this topic will probably just be closed by a mod or admin.
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