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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. As it would appear that you did not read a few more of the posts, the design is now actually in use... I didn't even use any slices... no tables, its <div> tags... my first time using no tables might I add.... If you thought the screen shot was made in photoshop, it was not.... I made the big 300x600 head image in photoshop, put it on an html page, made some content areas and then took a screen shot...On a note about slicing: it sucks........
  2. I've been playing a few games recently... and they ask me if I would like to turn on progressive scan for my television... well, since I'm poor, and have a t.v. that likes to flicker unless I wham it, I have never expierienced it... so yeah... could someone please tell me what progressive scan is?
  3. I tried the max-width thingy... and since I'm lame, I don't have any alternate browsers.... so yeah... is it fixed? Thanks!
  4. As far as slim line, I don't have a clue, but I imagine its the same... I'm pretty sure that you can change the disc speed regardless of version.... and probably regardless of console... but I never have checked that out.....
  5. accursed blashphemous background noises that you can't shut off...!!!!
  6. oh crap reallly..... grrrr..... I guess the browser compatability sucks.......... great...... well... that blohs....Well, I know that it works with IE...... what browser are you using... and how can I fix this? feel free to examine my source code....
  7. I've had this happen to me.... I have an old/half-destroyed ps2 game, and it will start, but it will freeze and stuff.... so heres how to fix it.Step 1: Fire up the machine with no disc.Step 2: Go to options (triangle I believe)Step 3: Use triangle to open up the playstation driver menu... I think....Step 4: Where it says disc speed change it to fast....Step 5: Put in disc and play it...It tends to work a little better, not much... but a little bit.Also, if my instructions are wrong... just search around in the options... I don't have a ps2 at school so I did this from my memory....
  8. Free Av.... it works.... its free.... and its the first one I downloaded....
  9. I swear if I owned that....... xbox allday....
  10. I got an X Box 360 for christmas and I really enjoy it...now I just need to get some high speed internet so I can really enjoy it....... which probably won't happen since I live out in teh boonies....
  11. Looking at all of your comments, I have become severly dissatisfied with my work.... I realize that its far too plain and just crappy.... I'll just leave my website up how it is now... and I won't change it until I can succesfully create something that I actually like, and that you like. I've had a hard time creating something, considering I have had no internet access at home. That leaves me with absoluetelly no inspiration, neither can I learn new techniques, etc. Especiallly difficult when I'm trying to code up a layout and have no reference material.... I am going to try to create something epic, amazing and completely original... I will work hard on the layout, and try to use some of your suggestions that I can remember.... Well, anyways, that you for your help... I will work hard and make something much better......... Now that I actually think about it... I will just try to fix it up.... I don't really want to start over.... it can be made much better now that I think upon it... I made some changes to it... red background... same color hover links... there is also padding now.... well??? What else should I do... and should I get a gradient background? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to view the changes.
  12. Well... I guess they are a waste of time, but I'm still going to play them...
  13. Its up now.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ since its full size now, any suggestions... other than add some color...
  14. Would the background look better in all black or should I find a kind of black glass thing with sideways grey lines...? I mean like on my blog http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the green background only black... should I use the diagonal line background?
  15. Well, this is a basic look for the future, do you like it? Any suggestions?
  16. Well, if you found the first one useful, here you go. CSS Basics No. 2 Description Welcome to CSS Basics No. 2! In Basics No. 1 you learned how to write a simple CSS document. In this tutorial you will learn to apply what is in your CSS document to your webpages! Try It Out With CSS you have two methods of incorporating CSS into your webpages: an internal stylesheet, or an external stylesheet. First, we will cover the internal style-sheet. The Internal Stylesheet The internal stylesheet allows you to edit the entities of a single page. This is still quite useful, however, it is best used for single pages, or at least small website. Unless you enjoy a nice glass of workahol, then I'm sure you do not want to go through and edit every page on your website when you want to make a simple style change. O.K. we are ready to move onto the code :] Example <html> <head> <style> Your CSS goes here. </style> </head> <body> Your content goes here. </body> </html> Simple enough, place the style tags inbetween the head tags, then write your style code and content. Next we'll move onto the external stylesheet. The External Stylesheet CSS was created to make large chages to a websites style quickly and efficiently. The External Stylesheet is the epitome of efficiency. With it, you can change one value, to edit an entire website. Amazing, eh? Example <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="location of css document" type="text/css"> </head> <body> Your content goes here. </body> </html> Bassically, whatever is on the CSS file is now included on the webpage. Congratualations.
  17. Well I'd just like to say thank you to everyone. You make up... hmm... let me check... 44.00% of my hits. Thank you greatly.I also want to thank the Xisto owners(whatever they're called) for the awesome hosting.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ features some uber cool art I've made and some tutorials, freebies, my blog.... and thats pretty much all.... As far as choosing a subject, think of something you enjoy, which there isn't to much of all ready. One problem with my website: who the frick will look at my tutorails? There are milions of better ones out there... so yeah... make sure you pick a less used topic.
  19. One thing you could do, build a sub domain, blog.yoursite.trap17.com and have it redirect to wherever your blog is.
  20. Oops... in the random image part. I tested it, doesn't work, here is the fix. The error was that I use the " character for the variables when I should have used the ' character... <?php$title[1] = '<img src="folder1/folder2/image1">';$title[2] = '<img src="folder1/folder2/image2">';$title[3] = '<img src="folder1/folder2/image3">';$random_select = rand(1, 3);$content = <<<html<html><body>$title[$random_select]</body></html>html;echo $content?>
  21. yes... it was a joke.... guess it wasn't funny....Anyways... since I realised this is considered sort of spamish... someone delete it please...
  22. I'm an idiot... I was far to general... I was mostly reffering to using css and html/xhtml, etc. with php, etc... I was far too general sorry about that.
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