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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. I believe in a Heaven and a Hell. But I choose spiritual immortality. Why? Because, of the third part to the heaven and hell choice 'limbo'. So spiritual immortality lines up with what I believe, because your soul will exist from when your born until forever... regardless of whether its heaven or hell. There is no limbo... when you die you go somewhere... not no where... Where you go depends on whether or not you've accepted the grace of God.
  2. If you know CSS, I would advise using that to create your layouts and templates, instead of tables. Table suck up bandwidth, and are not very professional anymore.
  3. Well, it seems my favorite record label (Open Grave Records) has recently released a chili recipe.... as odd as that may sound, it looks like it would be hot enough to condense global warming into a year long process. I have yet to try this out, as some of the ingredients can not be purchased at your average grocery store . I would also like to mention that this is dangerously spicy, and if you do a little research about some of the ingredients (especially the spices), you will soon see why. This is is definitely not a chili that everyone will enjoy. I myself hope to try this very soon, and I hope that it won't completely eat away at my intestines either . SOURCE: http://www.opengraverecords.com/ And here is the Scoville Scale itself: Well, if anyone here is brave enough to try it out, I certainly hope that they will.
  4. Yes its true, you do dismiss other religions by choosing one. However, this does not hold any weight. Why? There can only exist a single true religion. What is to say it isn't? Hence the word faith. If you look up the definition of faith, the common theme is that it is a complete confidence in something. Unfortunately... I don't have time to say more about what you have said... I will expand later.. if I remember
  5. Well... I imagine that this would probably help. I would recommend that you try to sit up as straight as possible when you are sitting in a chair. It puts far less strain on your back.If your not in a chair, it can be hard to sit up straight by try to anyways.
  6. 1. I'd be like cool. 2. I'd be very ashamed. 3. Hire the old man who just beat me up (with the $1,000,000 I just found) to kill her (really, really jk...) 4. Same as No. 3 Now my question for you: What would you do if: -You got HIV/AIDS from eating at a fast-food location. -Your home became infested by rats. -Small toes started to develop on your face. -You were mugged by a 5 year old.
  7. I'm a Trap addict ... and I plan on being one for years to come ^_^Seriously though... I love forums... they are an amazing thing.....
  8. Dude.... Google Analytics is the best... you cannot go wrong with it.Features:1. A line graph that shows day-to-day (week-to-week, and month-to-month) unique hits.2. Maps, to show you where most of your visitors are coming from.3. Traffic sources- see where your traffics coming fromThere is also a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't even use (so I can't really comment on it), but it could be useful for others.
  9. NICE, NICE!!!!!1. I love the water-color effect in the first one. It is so... rusty... and it just fits everything so nicely.... it has such wonderful tones to it.2. The lighting in first two is very well done...3. The abstract stuff in the background of the second one.... kick *bottom* (self-censored XD)4. The last one... nice... clean... and some of my favorite brushes used in it ;p
  10. Thank you both very much for your compliments. As for creating a tutorial on this... well I can't say I'd be able to. Let me explain: I try to create art, not just cool graphics. When I set out to make something... I use the experience of previous projects, and I try to experiment as much as possible. Due to this, I can't say that I follow any specific methods, or techniques as I try to create something that I feel is fairly unique. Since this is the case, it would be fairly difficult for me to create a tutorial. What I can do for you, however is: 1. Get some brushes. I download all of my brushes from http://www.deviantart.com/. Just search for photoshop brushes... and you have access to hundreds of neat brushes. 2. Experiment with various filters. When I first started... all I would use was filters... (I'll admit those graphics sucked XD) but they can be pretty useful if your trying to find the perfect effect. 3. Just try stuff out. Photoshop is like a box of chocolates.. you never know what your going to get... haha 4. I like to combine simple elements. Just try out some different brushing techniques, etc..... mix em together... see what you get... even if you don't like if now... you may remember it for something else later....
  11. I whipped this up in photoshop this morning. I just used a few brushes, and some filters. Comments please!
  12. Pretty much... and... well... photoshop 7 is fine with me... you kids and your fancy smancy advanced technology... jeez...
  13. dude... photoshop 7 is old as crap...its like:7.08.0CSCS2CS3
  14. I used photoshop 7.0.... all I really used were two different brushes.... and yeah... just some layer effects, etc.
  15. Alright... so I made a wallpaper... and yeah... enjoy it XD I'd appreciate any suggestions....
  16. Welcome man! If you need anything just ask.
  17. I use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ very useful... and another method would be to download firefox... for some reason.. it doesn't allow the blocker to block all the sites
  18. Description Learn to center the content, or other objects of your pages with CSS. This is a useful tool for creating succesful, and well designed web-pages. Try it out Create a new .css file called whatever.css. Alright, now input the following lines into your new css document. #wrapper {margin: 0 auto;width: 800px;} Alright. Now that was fairly simple. The important part is the 'margin' property. The property is used to define where something is located from the sides of the screen, or from the insides of a container. By using the value 'auto' our page will automatically center itself across the screen. (Note: in this case, the id #wrapper, must contain all the content you wish to center on your page.) Congratualations, you have just learned to center your pages with CSS. This is a very useful piece of knowledge to have, as it drastically improves the look of fixed width layouts.
  19. Black Metal -Frost Like Ashes (https://myspace.com/browser) -Elgibbor (https://myspace.com/browser) Death Metal -A.W.A.S. (https://myspace.com/browser -Feast Eternal (https://myspace.com/browser) And in general most of the bands from Open Grave Records (http://www.opengraverecords.com/)
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hahahahaha... alright... well this guy is already awesome to begin with... but more on the subject of table raping.... go to the 1:25 mark of the video XD
  21. Hey there,Hmm... well whenever I'm looking for some more brushes, I always go to deviantart.com... just use the search tool to search for photoshop brushes... you can find hundreds of neat little brushes.
  22. What do I think about it... I think...."Holy crap! I need to stay away from that... I might catch something!"I'm just kidding .... I think that its actually pretty wrong.. . and rather disgusting.....
  23. Description Learn how to create a neat-o Game in TI Basic. Its basic premise is that someone picks a number, then they pass the calculator to their friend, and they try to guess the number. Once the successfully guess the number a message appears and says that they have won. I have also included a line that keeps users from choosing numbers greater than one-hundred. Please Enjoy. Try I Out Alright.... just input what you see below and I'll explain it a little below. :ClrHome:Lbl 2:Prompt A:A->X:If X>100:Goto 2:ClrHome:Lbl 1:Prompt B:B->Y:ClrHome:If X=Y:Output(2,1,"YOU WIN"):If X≠Y:Goto 1 O.k. so basically:1. Asks the user 1 for a number 2. Ask the user 2 to guess the number 3. If user does not guess number correctly: guess again If user does guess number correctly: Message says they win. Have fun! Command List (while in program mode): Clrhome - press the PRGRM key, go to the I/O heading, select No. 8. Lbl - press the PRGRM Key, select No. 9 Prompt - press the PRGRM Key, under I/O heading, select No. 2 > - press '2nd' key and press the math key, then select No. 3 Goto - press the PGRM key, then select No. 0 Output - press the PGRM key, under I/O heading, select No. 6 '=' and '≠' - press '2nd' key and press the math key, then select them respectively.
  24. My dog "Cujo" likes to eat fire XDWhenever we have a fire in our fire pit outside, he will try to get close to it and bite it. He'll chase after the smoke, etc. Its pretty funny and very entertaining to watch. Sometimes he'll even pull burning logs out of the fire and chew on them, etc.Hmmm... another thing he does is carry logs around .... I mean big logs.... like.... 1 foot and a half at least in diameter.... at least..... it looks hilarious....
  25. Azahel - Frost Like Ashes (haha.... just kidding..... but still awesome band) But seriously... T.J. Humlinski of Feast Eternal (kick *bottom* death metal) has some pretty amazing vocals.
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