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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. Oh I am glad you made this topic. Its truly disgusting, under-age drinking. Really, heavy drinking period is disgusting, but thats not the point of the discussion. Anyways, almost everyday while I'm at school I hear the pathetic tales of drunken revelry. Its so stupid, they are so proud about how drunk they got, and how fun it was... even though they can't remember what even happened there.It just disgusts me... alchohol in and of its self is not a terrible thing. In fact, I find no problem with people of the proper age having a little (not the kind of "oh I only had a little...") bit to drink. A glass or so of beer, etc. I would have no problem.. Its so retarded though... you lose complete control at those parties, and do even worse things you normally wouldn't...Not to mention, the consequences that happen as far as drunk driving, etc. goes. Then there are unplanned pregnancies, and a whole world of trouble that a large amount of alchohol, and someone with very little wisdom mix.
  2. The first contestant to 10 votes will win the battle. If you cast a vote in the pole, please post your comments as well. Kansuke's Entry coolcat50's Entry
  3. Alright coolcat, lets have a nice 1on1 battle. The first person to obtain 10 Votes will be the victor. RULES: Theme -- Freestyle Size -- No larger than 590x125. Render -- Gaming, and/or anime. Animation -- Optional. Due -- Whenever. Other -- Popouts allowed, but within the size limit. Ok here is my signature, post yours whenever you finish it. Kansuke's Signature
  4. Wow, thank you both very much for you opinions and your input. It is nice to see so far a diverseity of opinions... of course it remains to be seen if there is a trend or not... we'll find out once some others post.jlhaslip, in response to you message: Yes, Stephen harper is definately sucking up to americans. However, it may not be to the extent that the media is portraying it. (I mean come on, just watch Air Farce or Rick Mercer Report (awesome shows by the way) and every few episodes you hear something about how pathetic Stephen Harper is. Its quite entertaining though)Ultimately, it really isn't Steph Harp's choice whether or not Canada remains in afghanistan (thankfully he isn't making all the decisions...). The conservatives don't hold enough seats make the decision alone. Unless Mr. Harper can rally up some support from the NDP, or someone else, we may be in for an Election, and our Troops, will be packing their bags.Well I guess we will find out as things begin to play out.(P.S.: Kobra: thank you for posting, even though as you stated, you don't know much about it. I encourage others to at least research a little bit if they do not know much so they can post as well.)
  5. I find it to be enjoyable. I usually only play it at school, in Physical Education Class, on the occasion that it is a unit. But yes, it is fun.
  6. Just as a note, this thread could possibly become considered spam... I would be careful.... the moderators/admin may consider it as spam if people are simply just listing numbers over and over... maybe if the posters explained how they got an answer... something along those lines may help.
  7. That is hilarious... I imagine he completely bluffed his way into that job.... I imagine he lied quite a bit during his interview... its pretty bad when the people under you are better at your job than you.
  8. There as been much debate (at least in Canada) over this issue recently. It could even be the cause of an election. But what is your opinion. Should Canada remain in Afghanistan? My opinion is really quite similar to what the Manley suggested. Canada's armed forces should remain in Afghanistan if we are given more support from our allies in NATO. The combat role that we have taken on is not necescerily the most important role, but it is one of the most dangerous and we most definately need more troops from our allies. As well, we also need helicopters that are suited to the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan. Currently our helicopters are not able to fligh hight enough, etc. to be able to succesfully move throughout some of the different areas of the country. We should stay if the Canadian government can provide us with the proper equipment for the job, including but not limited to helicopters. However I do not really care how long we must stay in Afghanistan, whether we can leave by 2010 or 2011, or even 2020 (though I highly doubt that). If we were to leave now, it is entirely possivle that the nation of Afghanistan could completely fall apart. Its nation's forces are not strong enough to defend against the Taliban. Therefore as well as staying, Canada should remain in a combat role, while training Afghans to defend themselves. Once the country is succesfully defended then we should resume a rebuilding, etc. role. Once the country has been rebuilt and is completely stable, then we should leave... Well, what is your opinion?
  9. Here are some brutal songs I wrote. The first one isn't incredibly brutal, but the last two (especially the last) are quite brutal.Sheol________________________________The earth shook and trembled The foundations of the hills were shaken Because He was angry When the sorrows of the damned confined me My cry came before His earsBowing the HeavensHe came down With the darkness at His feet Arise O, Lord Confront them, cast them downDeliver my life from the wicked with your swordHe rode upon a cherub He flew as if the wind And at the brightnessWhich was before His eyeThe thick clouds passed away...Hailstones and coals of fire To the foes of my Lord Hailstones and coals of fire To the tainted and doomed Hailstones and coals of fire To the dead of Sheol Arise O, Lord Confront them, cast them downDeliver my life from the wicked with your swordLighting in abundanceStriking down His foesDelivered me from confines And those who hated me The Lord was my supportSaving from all sorrowsHe delivered meHailstones and coals of fireTo the foes of my LordHailstones and coals of fire To the tainted and doomedHailstones and coals of fire To the dead of Sheol_________________________________________N/A (Can't remember what I called it)_________________________________________My Lord is comingAnd a Fire devoursall that is before Him.A thunderclap announcesHis presence, a furious stormSurrounds Him.You will be blown away in this stormCut down like a weed!Those blood onThe door posts of theirSouls, this terror will passover,They will survive the storm!Listen you rebellious spirits:Terror shall fall on you as You have never seen beforeLook off in the distanceYou could never endure itThe Mighty storm of His wrath!Do you feel it now?The terror in your sould?You will never escapethe terror of His Storm!__________________________________N/A (alas... I also forget the title of this song)__________________________________The earth quakes before Himand mountains are shattered.When He comes down,Cliffs will crumble and every wall will collapse.Let all living things tremble in fearBefore the one and only God!Go out, make ready for war.Prepare chariot, sword, and bowGather nations with armies vast an mightyAnd sound your trumpets!But be warned!Your men will turn their swords upon one anotherEisease and bloodshed will lay waste to youTorrents of rain and hailFire and sulfurwill fall upon you and your alliesFear this great storm!It is driven by the anger of my LordIt will devastate you, crush all evil that you doMy Lord is on His way!Prepare...Dogs will feast on you!Feel fear...Birds will peel the flesh from your bone!Prepare...You will be left to rot!Feel fear...You will know He is Holy!Fear this great storm!It is driven by the anger of my LordIt will devastate you, crush all evil that you doMy Lord is on His way!You will be filled with sorrow,The cup of horror and desolation!When you drink and drain itYou will fall and you will break itYou will take its shards and tear at your selfWhile you melt in the fire of His wrath!Fear this great storm!It is driven by the anger of my LordIt will devastate you, crush all evil that you doMy Lord is on His way!__________________________________________
  10. Thanks for your comments... unfortunately... I don't really have a video camera or anything... which stinks...
  11. This game blowed for N64, Ps2, whatever else it was on, indeed. But, that was when good ol' Akklaim was making Turok.... guess what: they went bankrupt a little over a year or two... maybe more ago.... so: a new company is making Turok, and I hope it won't suck as much as before.... I don't think it will, as most akklaim games sucked. Hopefully this new company (who ever is making it now, I don't know) will do and excellent job, and I will have many gaming hours on it.
  12. I try to use proxies for important matters. This excludes games, game cheats, (especially)myspace, other social networking crap... I will use them for forums, getting onto a yahoo groups account for talking to my band members, but most importantly, with some school assignments, some of the information that you need is blocked. This always sucks because it hinders your school work... So in short, I give you the adress to some proxies hoping that you will not carelessly use them, and try to use them for things that actually matter. http://ww1.2hide.net/ (notice the https... most blockers will not block this website due to how uncommon it is) http://www.4everproxy.com/ ( I think things like atunnel.com, btunnel.com, ctunnel.com... etc exist... so lots of possible unblocked ones there) That is pretty much all... but then you can always use this method (for Ie explorer): Step 1: Select tools on the file, edit, view, favorites, tools, help bar at the top of your browser. Step two: open up internet options, look under the connections tab, click LAN Settings Step three: Check the "use automatic configuration script box" Check both boxes under the proxy server heading Enter the ip adress, and the port number and your good.. (by the way, I don't know how you figure out the ip adress or the port number... but if you can figure it out, you should be good.) Step four: click ok. Unfortunately this results in reduced performance... Well there you have it... and I hope you do not choose to use this foolishly....
  13. Well here is a song I wrote... I'm not sure if its finished yet... I'll decide later....Its basically about someone struggling with something, and then they ask Christ for help.As far as if it were to be put to music... its written towards black or death metal....Well enjoy.No Rest[hr=noshade] [/hr]Awake! Awake!I shake youYet you do not stirAwake from your slumberYou corrupted thing!I have shaken youYou do not stirAwake, I beg of you!Darkness approaches, my soul tremblesMy heart is flutteringI lie awake in fear and apprehensionsobbing does not ceasetears flow from my eyesWill this be the last time?Will this night find rest?I clasp my hands, uttering desperate prayersGrinding my teeth, my words unsteadythis terror will not ceasePlease Christ will you help me?Will you give me rest?
  14. Recently I have been learning about Globalization in my Social 10 class. This article stems from an assignment that I have recently completed. The thesis of my article is that the claim of economic globalization working for the benefit of undeveloped nations is completely false. These corporations work only for their own good and their goal is not to help undeveloped nations. They would rather exploit them. Also, I would appreciate it if you would post your own opinions as well. I hope to have a lengthy discussion about this issue. First, if you do not know anything about globalization or its concepts, then please read this article on wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_globalization Now, my actual article. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Economic Globalization attempts to solve the problems of the world by cramming money and financial plans down the throats of undeveloped nations. Whenever a corporation tries to help an undeveloped country, they begin to exploit the cheap labor that has become available to them. Globalization does not build strong economies, but it does build strong companies. In fact, certain companies have become far wealthier than entire nations. Also, as companies out source their work people in developed nations begin to lose their jobs because it is too expensive for the company to pay them. It is obvious that the intent of advocates for globalization does not lie with the ideal of helping undeveloped nations. For example, in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southern Asia, 46.4-30.4% of the population lives below $1 per day. Clearly these large businesses exploit a large work force by paying them next to nothing. Even children are forced to work in sweatshops to help provide for their families. These workers are reduced to nothing but slaves. As this continues companies become even more powerful than the nations that they are claiming to help. The argument that breaking down international trade barriers will increase the standard of living is false. When large corporations invest in a nation, they are only looking to help themselves and make a profit, not help others. As companies attempt to cut production costs in order to compete with factories in the developing world, citizens of devoloped nations begin to lose jobs. Not only does Globalization fail to help other nations, but it is detrimental to devolped nations. World leaders must realize that economic globalization is not the way to help solve the problems of the undeveloped world. They must choose to support the best alternative plan to increase these countries overall standard of living, and quality of life. (Note: All information in this article comes for handouts I have been given in school. Unfortunately, I do not know quite who to give credit for information due to this fact.)
  15. Ok bassically, an article for Xisto is unnescecery. If one ever shows up, boo hoo... it happened. it doesn't really need to be there along with thousand of other articles. if one doesn't show up, then boo hoo again... and if you so concerned about them having one, write one yourself...Its very unescecery, and it doesn't really matter.
  16. haha.... ok yeah... I new about those... lol EDIT:: Ok also, here is a way to create a iframe like thing by using some php with a span tag. <html><body><div class="content"><span class="heading1">Heading or title goes here.</span><br><br><span style="overflow: auto; width: 500; height: 500;"><table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><?phpinclude ("whatever.html");?></table></span></div></body> So there you go... just use an include in between the span tags.... and there you go.... nice iframe like thing.. but a little easier to manage... because we all hate iframes don't we?
  17. Thanks jlhaslip. I do not have much knowledge of how browsers anylyze the code etc.... in the future, I may look into learning more about it as it will increase my code validility.... (don't think that is a word)...I didn't even know there was and <hn> tag so I think that I'll go and replace all those span tags acting as headings on my website.Also, I will probably place this tutorial on my website as it is.... or maybe I'll change it to one on general div, span, and heading use....
  18. HTML Span Description The span tag is quite the handy tag to have at your disposal. You can use it for everything from Text Formating, to creating a scrollable text area. When combined with CSS it becomes an easy-to-use tool for making your website as uniform as possible, as your not bogged down with <div> tags for every heading and title on your website. Try It Out <html><body><div class="content"><span class="heading1">Heading or title goes here.</span><br><br>All the content inside the div tags go here</div></body></html> Above we have a very basic page. The <div class="content"> tag would be used to house the content of your page. The <span class="heading1"> would be used for a heading or title. When you combine this with CSS and give the content and heading1 objects some properties and values, you can quickly and efficiently create headings and titles for your website. Next, we'll learn to create a scrollable text area using the span tag. <html><body><div class="content"><span class="heading1">Heading or title goes here.</span><br><br><span style="overflow: auto; width: 500; height: 500;"><table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">Your content goes here</table></span></div></body> In the above example, we have everything from before but now we have included a scrollable text area. What gives it the ability to scroll is the overflow: auto; component of the tag. This is quite useful when a text area can only be a certain size, but there may not be enough room for you to include all of the information you need to. Once the text exceeds the specified hieght, you will be able to scroll down and view more text!
  19. Well, whenever I set out to learn something new: I look for an example of it on the internet. Once I find what I like I will read the source code, find out the location of their css docs, and figure out how in the world they pull it off... From there I try to do it my self, twisting it to suit my own needs.
  20. Well, Hong Kong is certainly on its way to becoming a major economic super-power. As it increases trade with China, its growth will explode quite heavily. It has some unique advantages when it comes to trade. Being so close to the mainland, when individual investment opens up, firms such as Value Partners (referring to article) will be quite busy. Considering China's and Hong Kong's populations, it looks like there will be many profitable opportunities for the people. Besides the population advantage, there are some other key advantages that will ensure the growth of an already powerful trade relationship. Hong Kong and Shenzhen have an increasing amount of connections, so trade becomes more readily available as more transportation options open up. Hong Kong also has another advantage: they are part of China. What does this mean? They speak the same language and are able to understand each other easily. Were as if an American wanted to do business in China, large language and culture barriers get in the way. Hong Kong is definitely on its way to becoming China's Wall Street.
  21. Hahaha... thats freakin' hilarious.....But while they are in the process of stealing, they may as well have stolen the paintings as well.
  22. Hello. KainRacure, I'll try to help you as much as I can...Ok, well from my expierience, the longest I have had to wait for a tutorial of mine to be accepted was a day. If I still don't see it after about a day, then I'm quite sure that it has been denied. From there, you can always try to improve it and re-submit it.... but make sure its good.As far as I know, you are not informed when your tutorial is rejected.... I imagine it is simply deleted... A good rule of thumb: if you can't see it after about a day, its probably been rejected.It really all depends on when the mods log in. If you post it at 12:00am then you may not see it for quite a while. So you should also consider how many mods have been on that day, etc.I hope that I helped answer your question.
  23. You can ask a mod or admin to remove your warning... I did this, but I imagine that it relies on their discretion whether to remove it or not.
  24. That adobe clean out program that is supposed to get rid of all the adobe files.... it tends to leave some behind.... look for them in the common files folder under your programs directory.
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