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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. Anyone know where I can download some free photoshop 7.0 filter effects....? I could really use these if they even exist... I'm not sure... are you just stuck with what they give you? or can you download new ones?
  2. NO!!! I think its a waste of money... especially for something such as Habbo Hotel...Although... I mean, if its an online game or something... I may consider it but... it would actually have to be worth it... and I mean WORTH it...
  3. Oh yeah.... I just remembered..... you can also do this with switches... or cases whatever they're called. $random_message = rand(1, 6);switch ($random_message) { case 1; $rand = 'BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... '; break; case 2; $rand = 'BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... '; break; case 3; $rand = 'BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... '; break; case 4; $rand = 'BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... '; break; case 5; $rand = 'BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... '; break; case 6; $rand = 'BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA.... '; break;}echo $rand;
  4. I have yet to play it... but I imagine it is a wonderful game... from what I've seen it looks absolutely amazing.....Also, its kind of cool to have an rpg... but you shoot instead..... meh... I'll have to play it to find out.....
  5. Hmmm... Sounds interesting... Unfortuneately, I've got no clue how to do it...
  6. Ahh, yes, other languages would be a good cause for that, makes sense... Kind of forgot about that one a little bit...As far as english is concerned, it's basically useless...
  7. Alrighty. I'm going to review this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 1. Your website looks quite clean and nice... but its a little to plain. If you work on it a bit more and add some more elements to it, I think that it will begin to look alright. The banner looks pretty cool... but maybe add a little more to it.... but I also think that a banner that has to do with clocks would be better. 2. Frames... yuck... but thats my opinion. 3. I like the idea of your site, free flash clocks, its a cool product, so make sure that all of your content and design is geared towards clocks. 4. Advertisements... wow... that is definately alot. If your going to keep all of those advertisements, at least create some way to differentiate between the content and the advertisement... select a different background color where the advertisements' text is... like a light grey or something, as long as its different from the rest of the page... if you can do that, go for it. Also, try not to place them right in the middle of your content... I get to read like one or two sentences and then I have to scroll down to find more of your actual content. Well I think that is all.
  8. http://phpfi.com/ I recently found a paste bin that is essentially for pasting php.... its really great especially when your trying to get help from others.... alll you have to do is: 1. Paste or upload your code to the site 2. Then it creates a page for your code to be viewed at... It makes it really easy to show others your code...
  9. Thanks for you comments! Also, I would appreciate it if a few people would join the forum.... I mean... they are kind of hard to get started when there is no one to talk to... lol
  10. I will be using it religiously once my dad gets internet again...I love online gaming its so fun... and yes, there are those people that act 90% retarded, but whatever.... I just ignore them...
  11. Notepad all the way. Its simple, text editing, and that is all there is to it. One major advantage to using notepad (I've found) my coding skills have definately increased, I understand how things work, much better now. But I'd have to say that the best part is: it does not take 30-seconds to open... if anything it takes less than one second to load....I do have dreamweaver, but all that I really use it for is spell-checking I use notepad for all my coding indcluding: html, php, and css.Also, I am using Windows XP
  12. I've added a forum today!It can be found on the website, Enjoy!
  13. Did I ever say it was useful... it's just kind of cool, but useles...
  14. That is really. Cool. Prayer is very amazing. I mean, the God of the universe, listens to me? Like wow! That is incredible. He loves so much, even though were only a small part of the universe, he listens to us.... its wonderful, and awesome.
  15. A dream cannot kill you, it would have to have a will of its own... and that doesn't really work...You could die during a dream, or as Kokushibyou just said..
  16. GAME UPDATED!!!!Level 4: Replace with a new level. You can not see the wall you must avoid... its all guess and memory work.Level 6: Its a brand new level.Level 7: Brand new level...Well enjoy!
  17. jhaslip.... you are amazing! thank you.... this is amazing... thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!Seriously... I owe you so much right now... thank you!
  18. Thanks, but I want to use what I made... just because........ Well... I'm posting my code... could you help me look for some bugs? Here is my css... its completely valid (I checked) but it will still help CSSbody { padding : 0;background-color : #1e1e1e;} a:link, a:visited { font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #3b3b3b;text-decoration : none;font-weight : bold;} a:hover { color : #3b0004;text-decoration : none;border-bottom : 1px dashed #3b0004;font-weight : bold;} .container { background-color : #ffffff;font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;width : 780px;text-align : left;border : 1px solid #1e1e1e;} .container2 { background-image : url('images/cont2_bg.gif');font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;width : 780px;text-align : left;border-top : 1px dashed #000000;border-bottom : 1px dashed #000000;} .content_left { margin-left : 0;margin-right : 0;background-color : #ffffff;font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;width : 495px;text-align : left;float : left;} .content_right { background-color : #ffffff;font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;width : 284px;text-align : left;float : right;} .banner { top : 20px;text-align : left;height : 200px;width : 780px;background-image : url('images/banner3.gif');border-bottom : 1px solid #1e1e1e;} .banner-bottom { background-color : #f8f8f8;font-size : 8pt;height : 10px;width : 780px;} span.highlight { color : #3b0004;border-bottom : 1px dashed #000000;text-align : left;font-weight : bold;font-size : 20pt;} span.highlight2 { color : #3b0004;border-bottom : 1px dashed #000000;text-align : left;font-weight : bold;font-size : 10pt;} span.highlight3 { color : #3b0004;text-align : left;font-weight : bold;font-size : 15pt;} .footer { font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;width : 780px;text-align : center;background-color : #ffffff;} .spacer { font-size : 1pt;height : 4px;width : 780px;} .padding { background-color : #ffffff;font-family : verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;font-size : 8pt;color : #000000;text-decoration : none;text-align : left;padding-left : 10px;padding-right : 5px;max-width : 765px;min-width : 765px;} Here is my HTML HTML<html><head><title>w w w . 2 k a r t . t r a p 1 7 . c o m</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><meta name='description' content='2K ART is a website devoted to art, and webdesign/programming.' /><meta name='keywords' content='2K ART, 2k, art, portfolio, programming, PHP, CSS, HTML, free, downloads, design, web, blog, Davis, Hay, Kansuke, KansukeKojima, bryce, photoshop, ' /></head><body topmargin="5"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css" type="text/css"><center><a name="top"></a><div class="container"><div class="banner"></div><div class="banner-bottom"><marquee>Welcome to w w w . 2 k a r t . t r a p 1 7 . c o m</marquee></div><div class="container2"><div class="content_left">$content_select</div><div class="content_right"><span class="highlight2">Navigation</span><br><div class="padding"><b>1.</b> $link[1]<br><br><b>2.</b> $link[2]<br><br><b>3.</b> $link[3]<br><br><b>4.</b> $link[4]<br><br><b>5.</b> $link[5]<br><br></div><span class="highlight2">Associates</span><div class="padding"><a href="http://blog.zedsi.com" target="_blank">Zedsi Developers Blog</a></div></div></div><span class="spacer" /><div class="footer"><a href="#top">Going Up?</a><br>| $link[1] | $link[2] | $link[3] | $link[4] | $link[5] |<br><br>Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved.<span class="spacer" /></div></div></center><script src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-2884448-1";urchinTracker();</script></body></html>
  19. Ok well... I tried to validate it... it showed me how to fix it... buit it never worked....
  20. Windows xp... simply because its what I have... its what I'm going to use for a while, and until I get a different one, its what I'm stuck with.
  21. I use it as well.... I Love how the free trial lasts forever.. haha
  22. slightly off topic but, I love how the guy that made this topics name was nonsmoker, he joined in august of 05... and he made a post about how bad smoking was... it was his only post...
  23. Description I find that it is often difficult to write a sentence backwards, but thanks to HTML, I can now complete this task in only a few seconds. Now the only problem is it is very difficult to read... Try It Out Welcome to one of the most useless functions of HTML. The tags enable you to write a sentence backwards. The code is quite simple. <bdo dir="rtl">I find that it is often difficult to write a sentence backwards, but thanks to HTML, I can now complete this task in only a few seconds. Now the only problem is it is very difficult to read...</bdo> Well there you go. The only thing you may forget is that you need the dir="rtl" part of the tag. Otherwise, your browser won't know which way to output the text. By the way, there are only two directions I am aware of: rtl (right to left, backwards), and ltr (left to right, normal). I'm not sure if you'll have any real use for it, but its fairly cool anyways.
  24. Hmmm... I'm not quite sure what you mean.... sorry, could you explain a little more?
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