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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. The part I love about level five: not all of the green spinny thing actually makes you start over... so yeah.... you might survive when you touch some of it... you might not...
  2. Haha... thanks...One thing that I'll need to fix for sure is on level four... where you start on the green...You have to click to get into the circle... but if you click and hold... you can just go over the white... so I may just get rid of that level, or figure out how to fix it.
  3. I've got a metal band... working on a demo...By the way, its online based... We don't live in the same areas... we just record what we need to and send it to eachother to mix, etc.... I'll post again once we get our demo finished...
  4. Here is a little flash game I made... five levels..... some of them are difficult... some of them are not... enjoy.... The basic premise is you have to move your mouse through the mazes without touching the green walls... then you must click on the red button.... There are a few things I need to fix... but I'll do that later... also, I plan on adding many many more levels later, when I have more time.... Again, enjoy! (Oh yeah, on level 5... you have to find the correct button) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Ok, I have replaced the old tutorial on my website with this one... bassically the same... except its about increasing browser compatibility, instead of telling people internet explorer sucks... I think that its a better idea, as its less offensive ( I honestly don't know who would take offense), and has more of a point. Notice from rvalkass: Even if you copy from your own website, it should really be quoted.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Comments and suggestions please... I tried very hard to make it better than its predecessors... I think I suceeded....
  7. Subject: Canadian Heavy Metal Fan Pleads Guilty To Setting Church Fir Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:26 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: BLABBERMOUTH What a wonderful way to screw up your life in its early stages....
  8. I'll take every oppurtunity I get to have a shameless plug 2K ART It is a art website, complete with tutorials for you php, css, and html learners. Enjoy.
  9. ok what about padding between them... just like a center float div... or what....
  10. Ok, whenever I try to code a web site using <div></div> tags I run into one problem... the only run vertically... laying on top of one another...... I know there is a way to get div tags to run side-by-side... but how? (Diagram of what I mean) When I attempt: *************************Banner**************************************************Content Area*************************Content Different Content Area************************* What I want to happen: *************************Banner*************************Content Area * Content Area * * *so what css (or whatever else) to get it like that...?
  11. Well I suppose that instead of hate-messages, have different layout codes etc. to suit different browsers.... I'll write that up later... unless someone else does.
  12. Well I usually go by Kansuke now instead of KansukeKojima... but yeah... I changed it abit from Kensuke.... so yeah.. whatever Kensuke means....
  13. The sheer clutter of your blog terrified me. This leaves me incredibly uninterested in "the exciting new feature"
  14. Ok seriously, since almost everyone hates it, I'll make a new design. And I'll actually preview it here before I put it up.... and hopefully this will get rid of these problems... Anyways, I plan to keep the current design for now, but I will definately re-design. I will include a random art preview area... etc.... I'll come up with it later... but it will be much better. EDIT: Could a few of you make a list of some features you would like to see (while staying in the websites... umm... niche.....).
  15. Although I agree IE is not good, and that the tutorial title is misleading... please try to keep comments relative to the tutorial... not your comments on IE... please.
  16. I made this yesterday. Its really my first true grunge graphic, and I really enjoyed creating it. Its a little to big to be your average signature.... (although I'm using it for mine...) so I guess its just a random cool graphic. Well, what do you think of it?
  17. I'll give you guys a special sneak preview of this tutorial... a good ten minutes before it comes out on my website... enjoy. Internet Explorer Sucks Description Its time to send those pesky Internet Explorer users a message. Learn how with my brand new "IE Sucks" PHP Code. (Only $29.99, but wait there's more!) Try It Out Alright, in order to give those IE users what they deserve we will be using the good ol' HTTP_USER_AGENT command. This command grabs the users browser name, etc. Its also useful for all kinds of other things such as stalking somebody.... *cough* <?php$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];?> Alright, good job, young php-learner. As you can probably guess, this does pretty much nothing. So far all we have done is create the $browser variable and given it a value. Next we'll create the message for those IE users. <?php$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];if(strstr($browser, "MSIE")) {$message = "You *_edit_*, you're using Internet Explorer. Get something else now!";} else {$message = "You are not using Internet Explorer. Good.";}echo $message;?>Ok, so basically, if the value of the $browser variable (which contains the HTTP_USER_AGENT command) has the phrase MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) somewhere in it, the page calls the viewer a douchebag... And if they are not using MSIE, then it pats them on the back. Of course you can always modify this code to say "Good job" to MSIE users, etc. Or insult users of different browsers... in general, this is a very fun code to play around with and I hope you enjoy it. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit word as per above.
  18. Ok first, Sonesay:It looks fine in IE. And thank you very much for the help.Now rayzoredge:Thanks for your compliments and suggestions.For now, I am fine with the image map, later if at all necescery I will slice it up. As far as cellpadding... I already did that... its got left padding of 10px, and right padding of five px.... does it need more?Also, I will try to work on some more tutorials, some more art, and a few more blog stories.What are some ways I could style up my content areas?Finally, addressing the "white being too white" issue. I'll assume that If I pick a lighter color, then the white won't seem so bright? If not, what is another remedy?~Thanks~
  19. Well, I believe that God would have had to create energy, and therefore he would not really be bound by the laws of it. As far as christianity goes... I think its freakin' sweet that in the book of Genesis, God just spoke everything into existence... thats amazing.....Anyways... interesting theory...
  20. I have done what you have commanded me to do. Please oh fire-fox master, tell me if it worked!my lamo satire..... bleh....
  21. I'm a vocalist in a metal band that will be releasing a demo soon--> (hopefully)... I'm learning guitar... but I need to pick up a battery for my tuner... so I can actually play it and here what things are supposed to sound like.
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