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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. I wear whatever.... If I stay up all night... I'll usually just wear my clothes for the two or three hours of sleep I get... otherwise.... its pretty random.....
  2. alright... I'll work on this tomarrow...... see what I can do and what looks best....
  3. NICE NICE!!!!! I'll be downloading that later.... its really quite nice....
  4. Alright... so me and coolcat50 are working on a website... and yeah... I'm having a little trouble getting a right column to go all the way down the page... any help? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I want the right column to always be as long as the content area..... any one know how? the css can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (It would appear the page renders crappy in older versions (I don't know about newer ones though) of IE...)
  5. I must, and I strongly disagree with this. This statement is grossly unbiblical. However, if you are reffering to the fact that we cannot earn salvation and that anything we do is worthless when it comes to salvation, I agree with you. But due to the implications of that statement (as Billy Graham is clearly a new being in Christ), I will have to disagree with you. As he is already saved, I can only assume that you are saying that whatever we do for God and for His glory is worthless! The very thought is disgusting to me. Billy Graham is clearly lead by the Spirit to do what he does, if it was worthless to God surely Mr. Graham would not be doing what he is doing today. That is all I have to say. Your Brother In Christ.
  6. it is a .swf file. it will automatically stretch to fit your screen unless displayed on a page and given specific dimensions.
  7. Hidden Trapper of the Year-sonesayjlhaslipSaint_MichaelOpaQuervalkassserverphalex7h3pr0gr4m3rMost Valuable Poster-Saint_MichaeljlhaslipOpaQuervalkassModerator of the Year (New Category)-jlhasliprvalkassMost Helpful Member-jlhaslipsonesaySaint_MichaelserverphBuffaloHELPOpaQueMost Improve Member of the Year-gisellebebegirlCoolcat50Achangel_BawMermaid711GFXtrap GFX Elite-KansukeKojimacoolcat50Saint_MichaelMich1337 Programmer-sonesayjlhaslipOpaQuealex7h3pr0gr4m3rKansukeKojimarvalkassComedian of the Year-Saint_Michaelalex7h3pr0gr4m3rBluebearMermaid711Shoutboxer of the Year-Saint_Michaelcoolcat50alex7h3pr0gr4m3rLives at Xisto-KansukeKojimaSaint_Michaeljlhaslipcoolcat50serverphWelcome Committee-MichBlue Bearalex7h3pr0gr4m3rTrap FeedBackerMost Creative Trapper-KansukeKojimazerogravityCoolCat50Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss-alex7h3pr0gr4m3rOpaQue Best luck to all of you!
  8. The unfortunetaly crappy Turok for PS2.. I was never able to beat it without cheats... it was insanely hard... like what the crap... who would make a game that hard......
  9. Honestly, want to know what it came down to for me buying the Xbox 360? I like the menu better...
  10. And in general.... I mean topics about which console is better, etc.
  11. Hahaha... welll I'm getting mighty sick of this argument.... The two systems are essentially the same.... so just buy the one that suits what you want the most instead of trying to evangelize people to your system... I mean really...... it doesn't matter which one is better, what matters is what you want from a system.... heck.... if you can afford it then just buy both.
  12. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Black and Death metal \m/ \m/!!!! I enjoy such bands as Frost Like Ashes A.W.A.S. Elgibbor (one man) Feast Eternal Shamar (Elgibbor side project (one man)) Primitive Graven Image Power Metal Adiastasia Divine Fire Other Stuff Kalmah Children of Bodom Living Sacrifice As I Lay Dying Skitzo
  13. Someone left a note on the floor of the classroom. They have yet to find out who though....
  14. The only good free webhost I have ever had, beside Xisto (which is the king of all hosting), was bravenet. Bravenet was a very good host... but I've found something better...!! haha
  15. Ok, so I'm sitting at my desk *cough* enjoying *cough* my math class..... haha... and suddenly I hear the voice of my principal through our P.A. system."May I have your attention, May I have your attention, May I have your attention. They school is now in lock down mode." (or something like that)Our math teacher runs to the door locks closes the door, and ensures its locked. He tells everyone to go to the back and sit against the wall. Everyone does as asked, wondering what the crap is happening. I would say that the majority of people were not scared, as they though that it could possibly a drill. (Coincidentally, we were supposed to have a drill last week... until it was cancelled).After about ten minutes, our P.A. system kicks in again. We are now told that there is no danger in the hallways, and that we are now supposed to evacuate our school. We exit our classroom in an orderly fashion (forgetting my hat........ durr.....) and proceed to exit the school. I'm not exactly sure where we are supposed to head, but I just follow the line, which is somehow connected to a teacher.We walk to a nearby gymnasium located in a local recreation centre and enter it. Since we have now been evacuated from our school, everyone is taking it a little more seriously (however, not much more seriously) and we find places on floors, benches, etc. to sit/stand and wait to be told what exactly was going on.Our principal stands on a bench and whistles loudly, it takes a few seconds for everyone but a few people to quit talking. He explains that there has been a bomb threat at our school, and he tells us to wait for further instruction as they get things organized, etc. Everyone begins to walk around and mingle, and I go to hang out with some of my friends. (about this time I just realized that I'm not wearing my treasured hat (which I've had for at least two years(and i was tremendously woried it wouldn't be there when I got back(fortuneately it was)))) I crack some jokes about how funny it would be to order pizza right now.... ("hey umm... carefull when you get here... theres kind of a bomb threat in the area")Our principal gets everyones attention again, and announces that police have now surrounded the building, and are looking for any explosive items, etc... our principal proceeds to seperate us into four groups.Group 1: Students with vehicles.Group 2: Students that can walk home.Group 3: Students that live in the county (me).Group 4: Students that live in a nearby town.Our principal then asks the people with vehicles: "how many of you have keys?" the majority of hands went up, as some students had apparently decided to keep there keys in their lockers at school... which they can now not acces. So they were sepparated into another group and had to find rides with the people who had their keys.The group that could walk home was then dismissed.Now our group had to wait for our busses before we could go home. Fortunately, I had two options: I could go home... or I could go to work and put some extra hours in.... I decided to go to work and put some extra hours in...Today (being the day after the evacuation) we were informed that there was never any bomb...and yah.... thats it.... ... but at least our tests/exams got moved ahead by one day... lol
  16. Well.. I have an interesting idea for credits... lol.... a credit stock market... haaha... could be fun and interesting but, you could also lose quite a bit if you not careful... anyways... I highly doubt that would ever happen.
  17. I seriously fail to see how you can even call Gwen Steffani, etc. artists... honestly, the only talent they have (often a small amount) is the ability to sing, rap, etc. There is really something wrong when we call these people artists...
  18. .... holy crap... your kidding me... i didn't know you could unzip files on the cpanel.... well... that will certainly save time........
  19. Wow! This sounds like it'll be quite cool. I really like the design... the actual search results kind of remind me of google... as far as text formatting etc... but the whole design is mighty amazing....This will definately revolutionize search engines... user feedback that is. It is really quite a good idea, as most people searching a subject will generally search for the same type of information about the subject. I short, the average user may not have to scroll tonnes of google, msn, or yahoo pages to find what they want.
  20. I borrowed Lost Planet from a friend of mine for Xbox 360... I must say that I enjoyed it very much. Unfortunately, I never really had a chance to play it online, but the single player mode was very fun. I enjoyed the story, and most aspects of the game.Haha... I actually have a reason to play it again too... I had to delete alot of the stuff on my hard drive... so I imagine that I'll probably be playing it again sometime in the future.
  21. I'm going to take it back one genaration and say the best NES game of all time was Gyrus.... lol
  22. Oh my gourd(as in a water carrying technology)!!!! That is freakin' wonderful!!!!!
  23. Haha.. thank you. I googled "Pies inside of Cakes" and the first thing that came up was my post here... lolSo from that, I'm going to assume that I invented it... although, 'tis highly possible someone has tried it before...Anyways... let me know how it turns out once you finish!
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