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Everything posted by round

  1. to someone above, i was suspened and now i'm not, sort of glad to see that this one topic isn't dead.round.trap17.com
  2. maybe but i figure there could be a better way to do it, cause some topics are really uninspired(i think my spelling off).round.trap17.com
  3. Actually as it turns out, is much easier than it seems. I got a beginer's book on action scripting and now looking back at all the scripts i got from flashkit.com, well there just way over complicated for no reason.round.trap17.com
  4. It seems like i'm the only one here with a job, cause if people here had one they would rage against this stupid post points system. There should be another way of keeping these forums alive without forcing people to keep posting (spam).round.trap17.com
  5. I gave up for a bit, but i bought a book on actionscripting and games have to say it's made the whole thing alot easier. So i'm telling people buy a book.round.trap17.com
  6. There's this site http://midi2wav.com/ which might help but i also think that itunes can convert midi's to mp3. hope this help round.trap17.com
  7. How do you set the loop counter to 100000 ect when your loading it dynamically?Here's my fix, if it helps anyonecreate an mc and name it - music -//frame 1mysound = new Sound()mysound.loadSound("whatever.mp3", true);mysound.onSoundComplete = function(success){gotoAndPlay(2);}//frame 2gotoAndPlay(1);}//To start the sound using a button -* add _root if they're not on the main timelineon (release) { music.mysound.start();}//To stop the sound using a button -* add _root if they're not on the main timelineon (release) { music.mysound.stop();}hope this helpsround.trap17.com
  8. I don't agree, the only thing these hosting credits do is promote spaming on the forum. Some people are just posting because they have too and i have to say it really shows.round.trap17.com
  9. Right!!!! I just figured it out. -40 c out so i'm a little brain frozenround
  10. Ohhh nice site.....very mac like. simple and easy.You should lighten or change the color of the .tk at the top with the drop shadow it kind of blends in too too much with the background and disappears.but great work.round
  11. I like the site, and purple is in right now. If i were to make any suggestions it would be to maybe center your menu bar links or ad some space so that they're not so close to your border. I'm on a mac so i'm not really sure if it looks the same way to you as it does to me.Nice site though, simple and clean would send you to my own but it's been suspened.round.trap17.com
  12. well now let me thinkblade runnerbladecowboy bebopanything kung fuguess that's about it
  13. I've recently started using streaming sound files, the make my swf's faster loading but i can't seem to figure out how to loop them using actionscripting. I pretty much tried everything. If anyone can help, that would be great.round
  14. I keep submitting my site to dmoz and never get listed and i'm not sure why concidering what they do have listed. It's supposed to be uptoday but i think they've been slacking. Been finding alot more dead links latelyround
  15. here's a stupid question. Where are the hosting credits listed in the cPanel?thanks again
  16. Does anyone know where i can find a free newsletter php script. A good one that you've tried and tested. I've downloaded tons now and i'm kinda tired of looking around, also i'm frozen and lazy.I would greatly appriciate any help.round
  17. my god, did you get suspended and you need the word count cause that seems like an awfull lot of nothing and maybe should be posted in the tutorial section or something.
  18. Just a comment, but i've designed so many sites and people really hate it when you add things, javascripts that just slow down a site. Things like different cursors, popups and ect. try to keep the site nice and fast. you'll get more traffic
  19. php, god it's got be the best thing that come out i like forever. I thought i was going to die if i had to keep using javascript. I crashed my computer more times than i care to remember trying to get java to do anything really usefull. I like any language that doesn't have to be compiled.
  20. don't know if it's just me but the links sends you to a page i know only too well. The sites been suspended. no fun that and i hope it isn't yours.round
  21. try http://www.flashkit.com/ they pretty much have everything you could ever want, you can download fla files, sounds ect.have funround
  22. Don't bother trying because you won't be able to but check out http://www.flashkit.com/ and just download yourself another one. they have tons to choose from, much easier that way. round
  23. I'm not sure if i exactly get what your doing or more to the point how your doing it. But why not just get the .swf files your loading to loop by putting a goto at the end that way you don't have to play around with _parent .Not sure how to unload your movie from your random function. I'm mean you could add a timer to it.round
  24. try http://www.flashkit.com/ it has pretty much everything in terms of tutorials but you can also just download fla's if you want to just look at how other people are doing things. It's where i learned flash. round
  25. these are my favorite font sites, i get all of mine here http://www.1001freefonts.com/ http://www.fontfreak.com/ http://www.free-fonts.com/ https://www.acidfonts.com/ i have more links but these should do you for now. if you still can't find what your looking for, try google. round
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