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Everything posted by round

  1. Hey,I use fetch, it's got a really cute dog wagging it's tail as it downloads and it's free. Only works on the mac.round.trap17.com
  2. Is is possible to give yourself reputation points? I'm sure some people here do concidering the posts round
  3. Yes i have to agree. Ipod is an mp3 player. This has to be the funniest post i've seen today. Happy mac user. round
  4. Thing is guy what are you on.........Your confusing uk, europe and canada with cuba. I think if you feel so strongly about this then maybe you should pick up a book and read.
  5. Just wondering how you get a reputation, points ect....as always i have no clue round
  6. Work. There's no work in print graphics anymore just online stuff. Not sure if that's a bad thing just that everyone thinks they can do it and no one pays enough for it any more.... round
  7. I'm going to ask what most people are thinking......what the point to this topic...... round
  8. Too old or young to care. No one ever posts links to their site. People can't just be posting for the fun of it........ round
  9. I agree(don't bother) the only reason i've had to deal with asp is that some old sites i've worked on were coded that way and people weren't willing to pay to have them redone. The same applies to cold fusion. round
  10. I found the story, too too funny that http://www.bbspot.com/News/2000/6/php_suspend.html but of course the story is old, so i think it won't be happening again anytime soon. round
  11. Php has to be the best, tried my hand at java but got tired of crashing my computer. Thank the lord for php.net couldn't do it without it. round
  12. how did you guys get that many hosting credits, i can't manage to get past 10. Some of the topics are not exactly inspired in this forum with everyone just posting because they have too. round
  13. I like flashkit.com too but everything you download is pretty set in terms of the actionscripts and it sometimes takes forever to change up the code to do what you want it to do. Round
  14. Not sure i understand all the praise all they had to do is index the file name, it's not like google can actually search inside the swf file and send you to the correct frame.round.trap17.com
  15. try posting on alot of guest book and forum's (make sure to post your url) last time i checked google looks for link backs. Your site should move up in rankings.round.trap17.com
  16. round


    there are tons (try doing a search) but those days are long gone no one pays for clicks anymore, way too easy to get (clicks i mean). You should find some other way to make money.round.trap17.com
  17. round


    You can find everything here http://iso.linuxquestions.org/ but i'm just wondering what you doing on your computer cause nothing interesting runs on linux which is why got rid of mine. round.trap17.com
  18. nope i had like -6, but i've heard that they've changed the credits thingie again. Now you have to post more than 4 to get unsuspened. This seems to be the never ending post.round.trap17.com
  19. You got an email??? I never got anything when they suspended me.....lucky you. Mine was a complete surprise.round.trap17.com
  20. I've asked this question in another section but i figure it belongs here. Would like to know if it's possible to loop streaming music using loadsound. I've managed to do it by creating a movie that loops but i was wondering if there was another way?round.trap17.com
  21. You have to load it into a conatainer movie, and after than play around with _root / _parent. If you want to code then i'll be happy to give it to you.My site is really just a page which loads all sites,movies and images dynamically but doesn't preload them (that would just take forever).round.trap17.com
  22. Ah, you might try getting a book. I love flash kit but a book is the key.round.trap17.com
  23. Good to know, concidering i was just suspened then unsuspened and now i'm well on my way to being suspened again.I'm wondering whose bright idea this was, cause by the end of it, this is only site on the net you'll be visiting. Posting just to keep your site active.round.trap17.com
  24. Mine was cowboy bebop but that got cancelled and before that it was batman beyond which isn't really anime i know but still and that got cancelled. Now it's witch hunter robin sure that's already been cancelled.round.trap17.com
  25. Hey! Flash is tons easier to learn than say java, which will crash your comp more often than not. Javascript is a complete waste of time for games, i've tried to use it and the only thing it's good for is popups. Wish that would change.round.trap17.com
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