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Everything posted by round

  1. Can anyone explain what a VoIP gateway is? I know the VoIP is voice over ip but i'd like to know what and how the gateway achieves this. Is anyone using the system yet? I'm just working on site for a company whose business it is but they're not very organized and don't seem to be able to explain anything to me. round
  2. I need to know if there's a way to reload a text file which i'm pulling using loadvaribles? I have a text box which pulls a file dynamically and autoscrolls it down to the bottom but i would like it to reload it when it reaches the bottom. There seem to be tons of auto scrollers out there but they just animate a movie i just want to have the text box, refresh itself. round
  3. I love it, simple and white. Maybe too much spacing between text and i don't like the fact that the gallery opens in a new window but overall great site. Good work. round
  4. this one is knew and i was wondering what people thought of it. Specifically the flash movies throughout the site. ugosys.com round
  5. I love the desk but the whole left side never loaded, big huge x's all over. Not sure if it's just me or may something wrong on your end. Would love to see all of it! round
  6. I was able to select the text but when i pasted it into word or any other program, it was one huge block of text without spaces. I've done cause i haven't been able to find anything that will do the trick but i have to say it was - one huge pain- inserting spaces between words. no fun round
  7. Anyone have any ideas on how to extract text from a pdf but please don't say i should buy acrobat pro. I'm just wondering if there's a app somewhere that will do the trick. thanks again round
  8. I've been to europe and the carribean but would love to go to japan, thailand and austrailia. On the other side of my world right now.round.trap17.com
  9. i agree, was glad to see the fast reply when it was added and wish it was everywhere. Any idea why the forums have gotten so slow? It sometimes crashed my ie when i've been posting for too long. Wondering if it has something to do with the amount of people trying to post at the same time?round.trap17.com
  10. great site, the php scripts section has loads. thanks again.round.trap17.com
  11. neither i use quicktime, windows media is great on the pc but doesn't look so hot on the mac.round.trap17.com
  12. have you checked your contol panel, that's where i got my email. round
  13. yup all the sites listed are pinging normally and loading fine, was probably a blip somewhere. have a nice day.round.trap17.com
  14. none, don't have to. Would recommend your next computer be a macintosh would save you alot of time and suffering. Seems that hackers and such are too lazy to create viruses compatible with mac so you'll be free and clear.round.trap17.com
  15. The site may not be graphic intensive but i think eithe the scripts or banners slow the site down cause it sometimes crashes my ie when i've been posting for too long. round
  16. Your link isn't working, there nothing there. Here's a link to my site round
  17. I don't get it. Not sure what you want or need........maybe you should explain in greater detail. round
  18. Why not just buy a copy of dreamweaver and save yourself alot of time and trouble. I've used tons and went back to it. Simple and easy to use.
  19. neither, i still use and like ie. Not sure what all the hate is about, still used less sys resources than most. round
  20. I'm not sure why no one isn't just saying to use dreamweaver. I wouldn't bother with css, it just bogs everything down. It's fine for small sites but not for huge ones. Anyway google likes simple text. round
  21. I'm not sure what everyone's talking about, cause it looks fine on my end. The site's nice, but typical. Looks like all other sites on the web, the decient ones i mean. (My god my spelling off today). If you want to keep things simple then i would have fun with your header. Try ascii drawings, i remember there was a really cool one done for absolut vodka. round
  22. post, post, post. Ohh! don't forget to post. It's the name of the game here. round
  23. well i'm not about to upgrade to 10x and render all my other apps usless for one demo version of fireworks. I thought someone would know where i could download an older demo version of fireworks.thanks anywayround.trap17.com
  24. Not sure i understand. Restore from where? Your crashed computer? You need to be more specific. round
  25. There's no was to tell, the script is too long and incomplete. I would suggest you comment out stuff and see where things are going wrong. round
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