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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. yup! why i prefer to always use the command prompt when i can....especially when changing attributes of files and folders at times when the current operating systems wont allow you to. i will be a dos fan forever. i also found out quick that going through dos with certain functions is a lot safer than going through the operating system above dos. i'll still format my hard drives through dos directly and use fdisk and the dos programs. also, if windows crashes, you can still backup your files through dos. i personally live by it. i wish i can get over my fear though of switching operating systems. i'm tired of putting money in bill's pocket. what i don't understand though is how 3.1 is officially retired. is it that they no longer offer any support for it and that's it? because if ya still got the program, you can still install it as long as you have the correct version of dos installed first. haha that's why despite how microsoft made people believe 3.1 was an operating system, it wasn't. dos always ran above below the windows program and if it wasn't for dos, widows 3 wouldn't have even installed. microsoft was saying windows 3.1 was dead a long long time ago after nt came out and 95. why is it officially retired now? there are third world countries still lucky enough to have old computers donated to them that still doesn't have the ram needed to support even windows 95. i'm curious though how windows 3.1 or 3.11(what i was familiar with) was supported to this day. what was microsoft doing to support the 3.1 users after more than a decade? we are at windows vista now for gosh sakes. all 3.1 really did was give the newbies an easier way to navigate and use dos commands that windows ran under.
  2. if ask me, that is too young, BUT, seems like you may be ready to take a chance here so who am i to say. most important person to ask is your parents and see what they have to say. hopefully you have a relationship with them that is open and respectfull. i don't tink your too far. there's always the phone or internet and any time the parents can get together to possibly drive on to the other's town. so i would play it cool for a while and just talk to her casually and get to know her at first and see what common interests you have and such and if it's worth to further any relationship. don't avoid her. just play it casual. if at a later time your feelings grow, i suggest telling her how you feel or it will eat ya up inside and you may regret it.
  3. anwiii

    Painfull Times

    something someone did to me that goes against everything i am...took advantage in deceiving and betrayel. and no. i will have a problem getting over this one. i dunno, i think i just may be an idiot....
  4. anwiii

    Painfull Times

    well, i've been trying to keep busy the best way i know how. i am not gonna go in to detail right now....but i am going through a VERY difficult time right now. all my trust and belief and faith has been sacrificed and taken advantage of in a most serious waywhen i went to drive from missouri to california for a few days, my truck broke down in ok haha i have been sitting here in this motel room for 6 days. truck needs a new engine. spark plug in the ford truck evidently burnt a hole inside where the spark plug goes inside. i never heard of tat before but was told i was lucky that the truck didn't catch on fire. heck wish it did. i would rather take the insurance money than pay 2k for another engine.anyway.....man.....life sure is testing me right now. i've been through hard times before and this ranks up there within the top three worse times of my lifewhat happened to me leaves me questoning people now and wondering what is real and what is not real.i just wanted to post quickly my depression right now. will probably go in to detail in another thread about it soon. who knows. i am usually quiet and don't like being negative or depressed but this crap is just so huge and unreal and hurtfull....so anyway, been trying to keep busy as i find it helps but i get bored easily and i certainly don't want to concentrate on the b.s. right now.i bought some beer so i will be drinking that tonight....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! haha grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!maybe i will come back online later as drunk anwiii heheheh
  5. since you have no money in there right now, then you wouldn't run in to that problem. as far as your credit card, i wouldn't be concerned about paypal misusing credit card info. if you do ever have money in your paypal account and is randomly flagged, they will want to verify who you are including charging your credit card with your permission. if they ever charge your card without permission, then yes, report it to your bank within the dispute dept. when i had problems with them, they never did charge my card because i never gave them permission. since i refused to deposit any money in to my account, i was unable to fix the issues they wanted me to fix. they pretty much wanted to force me to deposit money as a verification process of who i am. but this is something small to the horror stories i know about and there are hundreds....not just 1 or 2. why i will NEVER go paypal unless i had to purchase something online that offered paypal. i remember it took a lot of time establishing an acount with the process they require for new acounts. they wanted me to repeat that process and other verification methods when they suspended my account for no reason but "we randomly flag people". screw it. i was using it for business and accepting money and it hurt my business tremendously where i had to cease all business online. paypal was convenient, but it is definately not reliable. i'm sure other people haven't had problems with them, but that doesn't mean they are reliable. why i urge people to find another source to recieve payments
  6. good gripes there. ummm when i want to buy something online, i research it for a week beore i spend a dime. i examine the best price i get get for something and weigh wether it's secure and safe or not(especially on ebay, i will always check the ratings o the sellers)as fa as your hair, that's what a scarf or hat is for until you are out of the wind. i grew up with two sisters so i know ow girls like to primp themselves up...i was always late for school because they would always hog the bathroom hahah.i just moved from california,usa to missouri,usa and i am still not used to the ice cold weather in the wintertime when it's always below freezing so when ya get your drivers license, take off in the car and don't stop until you hit a warmer climate and set donw your roots. don't forget to check the wind factor though because there should be no excuse for messy hair
  7. NO NO NO!paypal is NOT safe. the only good thing about paypal is that it's convenient.i've been warning people about paypal or years and i will continue to warn people so they can assume their own risk. there have been so many people burned by paypal it's not even funny. just because ebay bought it doesn't mean it's safe. are people kidding themselves?paypal will redflag you for NO REASON. this is a FACT. when they red flag you, your whole account is limited until you fix the problem. if you can't fix the problem with the solutions they give you, then you have no choice but to cancel the acount. this still goes on today.the other thing which i feel is still going on is that they will try to regulate hw you do business online. paypal has no authority over how you do business. their only authority is to convert currency offline -> online and vica versa.now to be honest here, have never taken the time to read all their terms of service but i don't need to when i know so many people have had problems with paypal.i was a little vague. paypal is unsafe if you want to accept money. if you want to spend money, it's reletively safe i guess. but i would never create a paypal account to spend money when anyone can just use their credit or debit card from their bank or finacial institution,if someone wants to recieve money, don't trust paypal. try some other means to recieve money. for businesses, it means to create a REAL merchant account. it's more money to start up but alot safer than paypal. i give my word on that one knowing how paypal operates.and just because you haven't had a problem yet with paypal just means you haven't been randomly red flagged yet or have done someone that you didn't know was wrong under their terms. again, many man people have been burned by paypal. that is a FACT so to say paypal is safe is not really knowing how paypal operates
  8. what's your problem if you like hanging around this guy who initially wanted to get a minor drunk? the same guy works in an official capacity in the administration of the school you attended. ya, i remember you well. all i can say is you get what you deserve from here on out. i told you this in the "older guy" thread you created and i will tell you now....ou will get HURT if you continue seeing him. BUT! what i don't understand is what your problem is. you say you will continue seeing him and obiously all he cares about is sex with some spring chicken. nothing more. ofourse he is going to brush you off. you mean NOTHING to him but sex. a relationship? HA! you two have nothing in common until he gets you in bed. aside from that, wake up and smell the coffee. he will never want you in any other way. if he ever does, i would fear for your well being because he has already proven how he can control under age women. this guy is scum and if you don't take my advice now, i don't want to hear your whining anymore....especially when you say right up front you will continue seeing him wether it turns in to a relationship or not. don't you have friends that can help you through this? i am sure they'll say the same thing i am saying to you....harsh as it may be. personally, i don't want to see you hurt so i hope you just wake up from your little fantasy world that this older guy will love you enough to marry you one day. and sorry, but you are VERY VERY young and know VERY LITTLE about true love and relationships. i assume that's why you post your issues here but why post your issues and help if you don't follow good advice? you that desperate to be with a guy or what? because i am beginning to think there are some underlying issues here.
  9. windows 3.1 wasn't even an operating system. it still ran under dos. the format was gui though. i loved 3.1. i was using it even after windows 98 came out.and yup! haha although i love remembering the good old days, makes me feel ooooold. i was so windows resistant though and so used to dos.anyway, i thought when 95 and 98 hit the market, THEY sucked. not 3.1....3.1 was the bomb! hahai have spoken!
  10. sorry. no it doesn't. like i said, i've been to the site and was a little bit of a waste of time. it's a nice blog site i guess but for researching, there are faster ways. if your so confident in your words, please do the research and post the proper link because i couldn't find it. a better idea is to just google it if anyone is interested
  11. nope! my bad. i misread it. sorry. now it makes sense. i was thinking it was her b-day which would been screwed up. BUT it was her friends b-day. it sounded like it shoulda been a girls night out. sorry, but you shoulda read the signs and knew better and let her go out with her friends. this whipped guy that was there probably bought a purse for the occassion so aside from him, you shouldn't have been there at all! now i understand it better. no wonder why you felt left out haha. so learn to read the signs in the future, be prepared and willing to give the one your with some space. sometimes bud, they don't want guys around. they can have that on any regular day haha this was a b-day and they wanted to let loose probably so you bad for even going. now you got jealous and left out? well that's nobody's fault but yours. that's alright. your still young. you'll figure out women better in the future....but don't ever expect to figure them out FULLY haha
  12. is it time to start using ff3 now? they work out the troubles? i never even knew what they were but never really wanted to switch over until i started hearing good things.
  13. yea, especially after someone stole your domain name...i'd say this has probably already been done. i have no suggestions but i would love to see the final product if you ever accomplish it so keep us updated
  14. i just went there because i always like to read interpretations of dreams and their meanings. i didn't find anything on there though on the topic if you can die from your dream. again, my strong opinion is NO NO NO and would love to argue with anyone who disagrees with me..... truefusion? where are you?
  15. anwiii


    i guess i am one of a kind here then because i love one liners. always have. makes an envirnment more laid back and relaxed. i don't consider 1 liners spam at all! unfortunately, it is part of the rules. one i never really liked. i guess there were problems with one liners before i got here a few years ago. anyway, welcome to the CLUB notsoserious! there's some rules around here but they are all just common sense so don't sweat 'm
  16. profit/loss really isn't an issue now since it will take some time to see if the new system is better....also waiting for the full changes to be implimented....some may be trial and error. the profit loss to Xisto - Web Hosting is true but can't say that is true for xisto which mycents is directly transfered to for credit. i see profit and loss a little different though. the loss will be with the domain names but it will even out with the hosting in the long run i believe(have to wait and see for that. because everyone has to wait and see, i thought it was pretty gutsy with the changes because these aren't small changes and changes can make and break a company very easily. as buffalo help stated so truthfully, people are not very adaptable to change. i respect the idea behind the changes and i love the fact that a domain name is alot easier to get now with the new system. reason why i say they will make up for it with hosting is that hosting has somewhat when you consider all the individualized options. hasn't risen that much but just enough to make up for the domain names. but even if someone just posts 3-4 times a week for a year, the balance that mycents doesn't pay for is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. the cheapest you'll find. that's a FACT what did this have to do with making mycents trasferable? absolutely nothing...but just responding to the profit/loss statements made. again, i am against it. i feel people will try and take advantage of people just to get hosted and i wouldn't want trap....and now Xisto - Web Hosting's name get involved with any scammers out there. this is a different credit system than before and it's not needed. this place isn't paypal so if someone needs a few cents, ask someone to send it to your paypal account....and guess what??? Xisto - Web Hosting(unless they changed) supports paypal payments!
  17. oh bud, i am so sorry for your past. one thing that may not help right away but something good to realize that i always tell people is that we are not put on this earth to experience things we can't handle. it's important to realize this and understand this fact.i wont pretend to say that i understand your situation and what you experienced fully. i don't. you were also a little vague.what i do want to say though is when people get hurt by others and there is no understanding why, then it's important to try not to focus on who these people are that hurt you. with all the bad tat anyone can say about someone else and no matter what someone does to another human being, there is also good in those people no matter how hidden that good is that people can't see.one ting to realize is that whatever your dad did to you, it had NOTHING to do with you. it had to do with his own self. you didn't do anything wrong. i know this also may not help, but it's good to realize this other fact.eventually, when you come to understand your situaton better, something that WILL help you is to forgive your father.in the meantime bud, it's important to find yourself. i'm sure there's a part of you that is lost and you need to find yourself. you can only do this by illiminating the b.s. and the emotions of your past by being truthfull to your own self. think long and hard who you are.you seem like a pretty cool guy to me and i have no doubt tat if you work on your issues, you will resolve them over time but don't wait to resolve them because things that people bury could be dangerous in the sense that you have to live the rest of your life out and this buried crap could affect your choices for the rest of your life like it does some people. don't let that happen to you.i say write the play. wether you think it's good or not doesn't matter. write it. will help ya. heck, write some more poems. most importantly, depressed or not, always just be happy with who you are inside and don't ever forget who you are and never let your past dictate who you are.if need a friend, pm me.....good luck to ya bud....
  18. interesting. i don't think you will be able to stop this bud. i think you need to learn how to control it so it doesn't affect you so much. i believe the reason it is bothering you so much is because you don't understand it. i believe life can hand you some pretty weird sht sometimes so it's up to us to understand who we are so we can understand more where certain things come from. i've never really read about this unintentional intensified awareness before so i would suggest to research the similar topics you find on google. just remember. we aren't on this earth to experience more than we can handle. eventually, when you come to understand this better, you will have to accept who you are to control this better so it's not such a burdon to you. keep us updated on your situation. i'm curious my own self what this could be and the point of it all. btw- i don't think your crazy....hahah....had to say that because i think some people who you tell this story to will think just that.
  19. why would you want to wake up wen you know you are dreaming? once you know you are dreaming, you can control your dreams by using some of the same techniques you use to wake up from your dream.as far as waking up from a sleep when i'm not dreaming, that has always been hard for me. i have been sleeping, i can hear my suroundings around me but never could seem to wake up when i wanted to. i once was lying in bed(not dreaming) and asleep. i sat in bed what seemed like limbo and just wanted to wake up. i concentrated really hard in waking up.what happened next was strange. i actually dreapt i woke up. it was so real. i dreapt i woke up and walking across the house in to my parents bedroom to sleep in my usual spot under their desk(haha i was a kid back then). anyway, after lying under the desk for a minute, i realized something. i was still asleep. i just dreapt that i woke up. that was a trip.
  20. interesting subject but what you wrote was very very vague. can a dream itself kill you? no. that is a fact. can something else kill you while you are dreaming? yes. this includes any heart attacks if having nightmares or sleepwalking in to your swimming pool or crossing a busy street etc.... nightmare on elm street was a movie that was a good example of how a dream could kill ya though. i've died in my dream and i'm still here haha i doubt know where you are getting your scientific facts.....
  21. i am glad someone had the same idea as me. can we nominate in private or does it have to be public? i hate leving people out that may be deserving too and although i've been here for a while, i don't know everyone....so my vote is a little one sided i think so would like to do a private vote. i could care less about the credits too haha.so do private votes count? yea or nae
  22. what the heck?!?!? i just told everyone i wouldn't vote but it says i did! what the heck???? now i'm curious where m vote is because i sure as heck didn't vote but it clearly states i have. this sadens me because it went against what i believed in to vote for just one. anyway....i guess my vote is in there somewhere, but *I* didn't do it! what the heck....i am dumbfounded....
  23. i don't really see a problem either thinking i don't plan on recieving another warning, but that's besides the point. your answer doesn't address my point. my point was, if there is no increase in mycents, then the money that was credited with a $ amount before any warning should not be affected by any warning. THAT was my point. i feel the $ credit amount and mycents should be handled differently. personally, i don't care how it's implimented. i was just stating what *I* thought was a more fair system for those who have credit already before any warning level. and the ability to spend their credit as usual even if they recieve a warning level in the future while the warning level will still affect the mycent account until the warning level disapearsi am assuming this since you said this has already been implimented)
  24. if someone needs help with less than a dollar in mycents, then they are seriously hurting in life and probably by their own choices. i don't think asking for a measley 99.99 MAX in mycents would ever get them out of the postition they are.before, you lost a credit a day. now, you don't lose ANYTHING so there is less need for a system that would transfer creditsinstead of being happy that your credits aren't lost anymore, we got people who still want to impliment a system to give to their own selves. sorry. i have a problem with that because 1 dollar ain't gonna do anything for anyone's livelihood and keeping their hosting active
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