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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. lying online is easy. i've never done it, but i know the type. velma said she lies for security reasons which is(in my opinion) the only good excuse since the internet can be a dangerous place. people lie out of bordom, just to get their kicks, or to maniplulate someone which can seriously damage someone. some lie because they are insecure and some do it because they are just angry inside. whatever the case, it is wrong. but it happens more online than in person. people can be whoever they want to be online and it's so easy to fool others. when someone realizes that they have been lied to, they get hurt. what happenes with lies is they grow and grow and grow like a fungus. sometimes this fungus grows so big, it's almost instopable. what people have to realize though if they ever lied online is how it will affect the other person. not a lot of people think about the other person when they lie. they SHOULD....because if they have even an ounce of goodness in them(which i believe all people have), they wouldn't do it. lies are bad and borderline evil in my eyes(either online or off). it's a purely selfish act and it can only lead to a bad experience for someone.someone asked how far can one stretch the truth before it's a lie. if there was a specific expample in mind when asking that question, then the poster answered his/her own question. there is no stretching the truth. the truth is the truth....PERIOD. anything other than the truth...is a lie. now are white lies bad? yes. they are lies and they are relative to the individual telling those lies. some people think little lies aren't bad if they protect someone else from getting hurt. that is an excuse for something else. someone may feel they can lie to protect, but it's still a lie and the person being lied to would probably want to know the truth rather than hear a white lie. is hiding something a lie? yup! not saying a darn thing about something is a lie to. some people think they can get away from lying by just not saying anything at all. that's the same as a lie. it's dishonest and not forthcoming to any truth.there are only a handfull of situations where lies are ok. most all those situations revolve around kids. i'm not saying it's ok to lie to kids....but in my opinion only, there are occassions where i feel it is acceptable. alot of parents have lied to kids from the first day they were born. ready fairy tale books and teaching them to believe in the easter bunny. as a kid, sometime i feel it would be difficult over time to know what the truth is....but some of those lies are acceptable in my opinion because those lies encourage creative thinking and believing in something when they are too young to believe in anything else. those lies give off a sort of magical touch in a childs life. you can see it in their eyes. anyway...when all is said and done, lies are lies, lies are not good, and if anyone feels the need to lie, DON'T. if you do, use caution and a lot of discretion and common sense if you really truely feel it's in your heart to lie.
  2. naw, i don't think so. when people start trying to fix their own selves, that is when the REAL problem will start to occur. this may not be what you want to hear, but the solution is to stop being self conscience. when you think you need to do something different in being yourself, you might attract the wrong guys for ya. so patience and time. you might want to think about who you want to date and be with on a serious level. it's a big ocean out there, but only a select few will fit the profile that you're looking for. if you DO find that person...just by watching and listening and he hasn't asked you out, ask HIM out. it's the 21st century. if you do get up the nerve, don't give any wrong impressions. i do agree that you may be viewed as a person to date. if that is true, you need to figure that out on your own. nobody can help ya except maybe your closest friend/s. in your picture, you look around 16 or 17. if under 18, heck....ask your parent. they will always know you best even if you don't think they do. all in all though. be carefull out there. it's easy to get hurt. i didn't start dating til i was in my early 20's. dated 3 people my whole life. didn't kill me and it left me dating only the quality people *I* needed in my life to fullfill me. the drawback to that is less attention and loneliness and the wondering if there will someone out there for me. if i were to do it again, i wold do the same thing with no regret. i would sacrifice the negative emotional feelings(knowing who i am and the goodness i hold inside without insecurity) to open the door for only the best people to share a part of my life with. you say you have changed. i hope for the better. that's all we can do for ourselves in this lifetime. change to make ourselves better people. change for OURSELVES. NOT for others. also, insecurities will rub off on others without you even knowing it. insecurities can do one of two things. make you unavailable, or attract the wrong people in your life. you don't want that. confidence is key and you can only gain that by knowing who you are and what you have to offer yourself and/or others who you meet. now if you ask my opinion, you're too young to be thinking what others think about you. start focusing on what you think of your own self and start doing those things you are meant to do. relationships may be partly fullfilling when you are in one, but they don't make the world go round. there is more to consider in life that is a heck of a lot more important. i tried to give a you a few angles to think about(not really knowing ya), but i'm an old fart. what do i know....
  3. 2 1/2 years ago, i had a HUGE problem with dish network. I felt there was little i could really do except protect myself. well, aside from trying to protect myself from further pain with this company, i thought i would put my little knowledge to good use. i decided to post about my problem on Xisto. the link to that thread is... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53607-dish-network-scam-scam-scam-do-not-trust-them/ my vision was simple. i already knew google spiders this site regularly and if i put enough keywords, the right headings, etc... there would be no problem getting this thread up there in the search rankings. what were the key words i wanted to focus on? there were two.... "dish network scam" and "dish network fraud". at first, i didn't see any fast results on the first few pages. i knew i had to have time and patience when sometimes i have none. buffallo help right here on Xisto, pinned my topicso my topic would show on top no matter how many threads there are. this helped my topic become more visable. from there, i continued to express my weekly and monthly problems with dish network. over time, i soon found my topic on the first page of google for both key words. this was about 6 months ater i originally started my mission. 6 months after that, i was in about 4-5 position and 2-3-4 position for both keywords. i checked the position weekly even though i rarely post in the thread anymore. i wanted that #1 and #2 spot for BOTH key words. now, i finnaly got it! i have the #1 and the #2 spot for "dish network scam" and i have the #1 and #2 spot for "dish network fraud". i say, "I HAVE", but with the help of Xisto and buffalo help. i couldn't have accomplished unless i created my own website and blog. normally, i wouldn't get so excited, but my experience was miserable. also, the key words are GREAT keywords where it's harder to get to that #1 spot. anyway, check it out. again, the link to the thread is..... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53607-dish-network-scam-scam-scam-do-not-trust-them/ and google both keywords, "dish network scam" and "dish network fraud". Xisto now owns both of those keywords. 2 #1 spots and 2 #2 spots yeeeeha! i just wanted to show how simple seo can prove itself over time with a little patience.
  4. blah blah blah- where's your personal beliefs without all your arguing??? do you ever have a personal opinion about anything or do you need someone to post FIRST before you can argue someone elses post
  5. do you follow me around just to prove me wrong? get a life if that's the case. have you ever heard the expression that someone studies or does something religiously? "strong" is embedded and assumed in the word "religion". now i didn't make that up so you go point outdated logic to the people who did. so i do believe religion is a belief....but if it was just a belief, it we wouldn't need to call it religion. so yes....STRONG belief, usually with rules to the belief(which would normally make that belief stronger). now i say rules, because religions are based on faith, not fact for the most part when taking about any higher power....so the faithfull need those rules as a guide when they aren't basing their lives on fact or even the logic based on fact to believe in even a theory. spirituality could be considered a religion except that it's not based on a group of people. just one. cults don't have a big enough following or (believers) to support their belief as a religion. now get off my back and stop twisting my words to suit YOU. you know exactly what i was saying. and you never ever talk about what you believe your own self. you just like to discredit others. in the end, anyone can make up a definition or even look a definition up and believe in that one definition. to each their own. so your logic to discredit someone elses belief right now is a mute point on your point buddy. also, aren't you a christian? how is a christian supposed to understand a true atheist point of view? also visa versa. let's examine though where the ward originally came from and who defined that word and who this person was who originally defined this word. was this person a non believer or was it a believer who wanted to further seperate the human race by a label. even in YOUR post you are talking about seperation. why i am not an atheist or even religious. there is something to be gained from everything. not just one set of beliefs...wether religious in nature or not ***poof***
  6. although a religion can be defined as any one strong belief, i believe that when talking about any higher power, most if not all religions have rules set in within the religion. in that sense, i don't believe atheism could be considered a religion or even a strong belief for that matter
  7. the whole point of the post was to TRACK the ip. the person probably already has the ip. also, i believe the person was talking about tracking from a different computer. if it was from the same computer, we wouldn't be talking about the ip's since yes....just check the browsing history personally, i don't think it's unethical to track ips or anyones internet activity. stalking someone would be a different story though. rather than try to track the internet activity on a specific comptuer though, it's easier just putting a program on their comptuer either directly or remotely....then just track the activity remotely
  8. well, a couple years after i wrote a response about chase, i had a bad experience with them. my account with them has always been credit related(never savings or checking). i have had a chase credit card for about 5 years in good standing until they decided to raise my interest rates. now at first though, it almost looks like the crap they pulled with the over draft fees....and if anyone knows anything about banks, that's how they make their money. but they raised my interest from 7.99% to 23%! first of all, i feel that was totally unethical when i was making my payments ontime. secondly, they were not only charging that high rate on future purchases, but on my remaining balance which i had already spent thinking i was paying 7.99% when i saw a bill come with the interest rate increase on my old balance, i called them up directly. turns out i had some negative item on my credit report they didn't like even though i was in good standing with them for 5 years. they said this negative report caused the interest rate increase. funny thing was that that negative item was on my account when they approved me for the card in the first place. i tried explaining things to them. usually banks are willing to give leeway and work with ya. chase NEVER gave an opening for any sort of compromise or understanding. i think it was a b.s. excuse they gave to raise interest rates. needless to say, i am a person of principles and after being on the phone with them for an hour, i decided to tell them to cancel my card and told them they aren't seeing another payment from me on a balance that was supposed to be 7.99%....EVER.....and just hung up. well. they are idiots. after being on the phone with them and explaining my intentions, they kept sending me emails wondering why i haven't made a payment. i told them i explained everything on the phone already. i wonder why they didn't have that information. anyway, i spent up the card, never made a payment, they eventually closed my account and i got some toys for my time. i figured....if i'm gonna have bad credit with them anyway, i might as well make my time with them running me around like an idiot worth while. anyway, screw chase bank. they are an unethical company that tried to scam me out of money. what would have been fair would have been to charge me an increased interest rate on any FUTURE purchases. therefore, i would have the choice to cancel my account at that time knowing i would NEVER pay over 10% interest on ANY credit card or loan. don't do business with chase bank if you can help it. i have had better experiences with other banks. and funny thing is, the smaller the bank, the better. when you are dealing with the bigger franchise banks, you are dealing with strict franchise rules and regulations. smaller banks are actually VERY willing to work with you.
  9. so the ads that are shown really aren't my ads but ads that would fall under my account for commission only when someone clicks on the ad... i think i get it now....and why i have never seen an ad.... ok....i think it makes sense now. thanks all
  10. well, first, i doubt 10% of anyone you talk to will know the true definition of global warming. second, lets not worry about the earth. mother nature has it's ways and it's forcefull cycles to prevail. it's human nature that we are all trying to preserve in the long run. not earth. earth is just a means. but....who cares. what will be will be. nature always finds the answers that we are unable....even if it means wiping out the human race to save the planet.let's face it pal, we're all idiots here. how dare you give your buddy all the credit
  11. ok. i sorta get the concept of advertiser ads and how the key words trigger an ad and how we get paid similar to adsense. what i am unlear of is when people start talking about MY ads. and again, you said when our kontera ad is displayed. so what ad are you talking about? an ad i create???
  12. i stopped trying to figure out paypal a long time ago. i usually thought anything would be flagged if out of the norm activity happened or still unsure of who you are. there is a lot of fraud out there. paypal tries to protect against it, but i think they go over board in the way they still handle things and make it very inconvenient for the member/user with the security checks. they can get all that cleared up when a person opens an account. not open an account first THEN do the so called random security checks....they freeze peoples accounts through that process
  13. so when it is asking for a website url, it's specifically asking for mine then? so the ads that appear aren't even my ads but i will get paid if someone clicks on an ad? why would i need a website if you said i could use Xisto....just like you said you are using 3 websites?(i really don't get that point of multiple websites. who does the company know i am posting???). is it like adsense where you paste your code in to the content?
  14. i don't understandthis program. can someone explain it to me? my ads will be listed if i start topics? what ads? do i have to write some ads? and ads for what??? i went to the website and it asked me for a url. what url are they requesting? do i have to have a website or do i put Xisto? i seriously don't get it and it wasn't really explained very well.
  15. they say those fraud checks are random, but i highly doubt it. but to each their own if they want to believe a word paypal says
  16. i like the idea of advertising offline AND online. combining both. small business ads in those freebie circulars. make sure you don't just put your ad in for a week and take it down though because the more times people see your ad, the more they will trust it. why business will be slow at first but will grow in the long run with small ads. flyers are good, but i would probably concentrate on asking owners of local businesses if you can put a flyer up in their store window or someplace visable. alot of store owners will let you do this. you can also buy some business cards from vista print(they offer free business cards 1 time and only pay for shipping). and ask if you can set 5-10 of them on their store counter. i suggest this idea becasue it's cheap and it works. also, some small businesses you go to may need a website and you kill two birds with one stone. online advertising, i would still with making a nice looking website first, get it optimisezed for the search engines, and let it sit. once money comes in through the search engines, you can look towards adwords and other ways that cost a little money. other means are the forums and such but hardly worth the time to spend posting everywhere. you can pay someone to do it. or, just select 10 forums that are worth posting to and post once a day in them. craigslist would be on the top of my list. and by all means....choose a catchy domain name and try to find one with the .com extention. you want something catchy and easy to remember and hopefully a domain with a keyword in it. the last thing you want is for someone to hear about your website and instead of typing .net or .org, etc....they type in .com which isn't even your extention. or someone hearing about your website and they don't even know or remembert how to spell it. domain names are advertsments in itself i would also start creating a portfolio. some people will want to see one before they trust sending you money. if you don't have one, create one by offering your services for free on a couple personal sites and a couple business related sites. your time isn't wasted becasue now you have your portfolio....if you don't like that idea of doing something for free, offer half off or something. lastly, i would combine your services with seo. if you are unfamiliar with seo, find someone who is and you two can partner up and trade leads. goog luck with it buddy. it's not a piece of cake. get yourself out there and known. if you stick with it, you will soon see how word of mouth could by your best advertisment.
  17. you didn't say for how long you should deep fry it. i LOVE my fried eggs will done but they only get it a little crispy around the edges. never thought to try to deep fry one. interesting. i'm gonna try it when iim bored and feel like wasting some oil on only two eggs. btw- i loved your topic title. rarely does anyone think of an egg as crispy...haha
  18. i believe you can do that as long as you create two seperate paypal accounts. i don't think it matters if a bank account is shared or not. i don't know why pay pal would care about how you handle your shared personal finances. BUT! best way to get a clear answer is from the source itself. send paypal an email. although i HATE paypal, they are usually good at responding to emails within 24 hours
  19. the very first time i ever got drunk was when i was about 8 years old. my parents had company over and they had the alcohol out for the mixed drinks. i had told my older sister(by 4 years) that i was thirsty. after about a couple minutes, she told me to come in to the kitchen. i noticed she was holding a cup in her hand. she told me to drink this water and then we can go back to watching t.v.well, i drank the clear liquid i thought was water, but it wasn't water. it burnt my lips and throat and i could hardly breath. i'd say i drank an equivilent to 4 shots worth(4 ounces) and dumped the rest in the sink. she started laughing hysterically and took me back to the bedroom with my other sister. she had then admitted it was vodka and not water.i think i past our soon afterwards because i don't remember anything after that. that was a cruel joke. drinking that down hurt like HECK!!! although i have a taste for vodka now, i would never, even to this day chug down 4 shots worth at once....
  20. i remember having a huge warning level at one time and it just decreased gradually after i started posting again. just make sure when you post, you are within the guidlines. don't copy and past anything unless you use quotes(this is common for people who want to boost their credits). common sense goes a long way. a warning level doesn't really hurt you unless your overly abusive. in which case, a mod my take away your posting privlides away for a week or so. just be cool, post within the guidlines, and watch your warning level decrease to 0%
  21. that's weird that you wrote a topic about this yesterday because 3 days ago, i had just met someone who's brother died slowly because of that event. funny thing is, he was telling me, was that they wont admit that he died from radiation. they blamed cancer and other things i don't think there will be an end of the world in what you were talking about and i'm sure any remains of radiation can be contained so i don't think it's as bad as you are stating. leakage is a worry, but i don't think it can be compared to the chernobyl incendent
  22. if they are claiming that company isn't a sub contractor for dish or affiliated in any way, then argue right back with them claiming that the contract was never valid and you should have never been billed in the first place if what they say is true. i posted a # and a name in the beginning of this thread. it's a contact in their colorado headquarters. also, when anyone cancels dish, i would do two things....or at least ONE thing. first, i would send the recievers and such directly back to dish. when you cancel, they send you a box and a mailing label. pack it all up yourself and bring it to the post office. if they claim they never recieve it, it's up to the federal government to investigate and i doubt dish will argue with them if the post office claims they delivered it. dish only likes to argue with the smaller fish. the second thing i would do is call your credit card company and tell them you lost your credit card and would like a replacement. they'll give you a brand new card with a different # where dish will never be able to charge on it after i had my problems with dish network, i stopped paying them 3 months before my contract was due. i reported my card stolen, i called them up stating my intention not to pay, and told them that if they want their stuff, they can come down personally and pick it up because i am not wasting my time packaging stuff for them. i had already wasted hours of my time on the phone with them arguing about my bill almost every single month. well, they never picked up their stuff and they weren't able to charge anything on my account. if you feel dish network is scamming ya and using fraudulent advertising and sales techniques, get creative and good at playing their own game so they can't crew you over. even through all the agrevation and time wasted talking to their under trained staff, you will still leave them with a smile on your face knowing they couldn't get the best of you.
  23. don't get too excited about reaching the $100 mark by clicking your own ads. google will ban ya from your adsense account. if you ever want to make more money with adsense, try targeting the ads that pay more like website hosting, dating, credit cards, insurance, loans, etc....do you research to find what people are researching and clicking on, then edit your website or blog to get google to place those specific, high paying ads. i don't know exactly what people are needing and clicking on these days so the above were just examples. do your own research and you'll reach your $ target in no time. the reason why some clicks pay more than others is the competition of the key words that bring up the prices...more profit to share.
  24. can you please tell me how you figure that? unless you are talking about .com ONLY and not the other extentions. and even if the .com name are almost all picked over....why would that be unfair when someone buys a domain and parks it because the see the value in the name? don't be lazy. go out there and claim what you want just like others have. think of domain's as real estate. you have real estate investors who buy up property just like thoxe who buy up domain names. it's business. it's fair.....and it's legal now, if these honest people can't get their .com name of their choice(heck...who can anymore)....you go get a .net or .org name of your choice. it will do EXACTLY what the .com name will do for ya and everyone's happy
  25. i wouldn't say all the sites are scams, but a lot of them are. also, the ones that aren't, it's still not worth anyones time to spend 3 hours clicking just to make 10 bucks. it's free money....haha....but come on!
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