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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. pretty good post for someone who hasn't tried it. it discusses both sides. although i do have to argue the point that one can fool someone as easy offline compared to online. sure, you're able to adapt to any situation offline, but same can be true online. when meeting offline, you get things you don't get online. the slightest body movements and gestures, tone, etc... which makes it easier to know someone more fully...including the eyes and eye movements. even if someone shows a webcam, they are still at a disadvantage. although looks are important as part of a whole package, what's in the inside is usually what is most important and the attraction online would lean more towards that. although it's easier to lie and decieve. this is why i suggest after meeting online writing emails and im's, to transition quickly to the phone, and then transition to meeting in person within one week or two. i wouldn't wait longer than that in case you were meant to believe in things that weren't true. it can really screw a person up big time without any remorse from the one lying or decieving because they are dealing with their own insecurities and will justg make up any excuse to justify their own wrongs where trust should have been a given in an online dating situation. but people are looking for different things online as well. some are looking to date, while others are only looking for attention as it's alot easier to get the attention they need online rather than offline. it's important to find out who you are talking to and the type of person they are as quickly as possible. last but not least, i feel a need to say something to the online daters that i think president reagan said when he was president. "trust, but verify" the sooner you can verify in the online dating world, the less of a chance is there to get hurt.
  2. no help here. but you might want to change your url to point visitors to the correct site. it's echoofthunder.com not echofthunder.com might want to edit your link now
  3. well ummm, i am getting my mycents. it's just taking a while to update. i think if most of you stop whining and just have patience, you'll find that your posts will be credited.i also feel that if there is so much problems with the updates, the admins should address the issue publically so we don't get a lot of feedback from whiners with no patience.so....users, stop whining. admins, update us from time to time and not leave us in the dark to *BLEEP* and moan
  4. i love movies. i recently watched mr. hollands opus, gran torino, and as good as it gets. not the first time i watched these movies. i rate all three a 9. yesterday i watched hostel for the first time. excellent movie. reminded me of the saw series. it also makes me want to go to europe and get laid!the next movie i plan on watching is the old disney classic, song of the south. it's apparently banned in the u.s. i saw this movie when i was a child and always wanted to watch it again.lastly, i have seen all the saw movies. the most recent one is coming out in the theatres in about a week and a half. i am debating seeing my first saw movie in the theatre or just wait til it's out on dvd.
  5. i think people are going to be curious where they stand on the list. i know *I* am
  6. this is a dumb question. obviously watching 200 movies doesn't give anyone the ability to direct one. directing takes vision and creativity. watching a movie doesn't take much at all.however. if someone does have what it takes to direct, watching movies can help with creative insight, but there are MANY factors in directing.
  7. wow. you wrote such a long post about me rejecting god when i have never said once that i reject god. you say you can't open my heart up to god but it's not even your place to do so.you are so full of *BLEEP* and assumptions, it's unbelievable. yes, i know that god is everything to you. you are nothing but god's servent here to spread the word and live as he would.unfortunately, your way of thinking will only get you so far in life. you're right. you aren't perfect. far from it. get a clue and stop judinging others you don't even know and don't have the comprehension and skills to know....you only know one thing. GOD....and i really don't even believe you know him either....your just another born again thinking you know him.
  8. i DO understand. your post is like all your others. you bring in god in to all your conversations like we don't have a brain to think for our own selves. if it's a given that you are religious and believe in god and god is inside you, then why speak god this and god that like he is in control of all life. this is wrong. you can speak through him without mentioning him. you can speak with the good morals and values in how you believe. there are 3 types of people. those that believe, those that don't believe, and those who are unsure. those that believe don't need to hear about god because they are already practicing their religion and god's word. those who don't or are unsure will be put off by your words of god because the focus is on something they don't believe in or are unsure of and stating god this, and god that wont help them. BUT! when you "preach" indirectly, and take the focus off of god, your words may come through better to those who don't believe or are unsure. so i hope YOU understand what you do with your words....psychologically speaking.... your words focus on god. rather, they should focus on any given situation to where others are more able to understand. you're belief is your own. i understand that and respect that. what i DONT respect is you bringing god and the bible in to every conversation to where it can be argued. when you learn to speak and get a point across without arguement, you have learned a big lesson in what i feel your overall purpose is in talking about god. so basically, god and the bible can be argued...and if you continue to preach, you will never get your point across. don't fight a losing battle if you plan to make a difference in life when talking to others. god and the bible is easy to preach. finding a way to get through to people without "preaching" is the key to getting through to people and making a valid point.
  9. human translation may be more accurate, but the automated translation is good enough to understand. i don't know why volunteers would waste their time. everything will be automated in the future. still today, translators make a lot of money when they are able to speak more than one language....but with the future of automation, jobs will be lost in this industry.
  10. i don't know if it is well deserved or not. i know that a president should get honored like this just because he's president. the bigger picture though shows he has worked hard to where he has gotten and has the respect of the majority. not just in the united states, but internationally. he has crossed many barriers to get to where he is at now. not one white president can say the same. his efforts say alot if people take the time to "listen".
  11. guys don't have to learn cooking. they just have to learn how to pop something in to the microwave....or just learn how to buy the typical guy snack food....or just learn to boil water for the traditional top romen meal. this converation is gay.
  12. iformation should always be legal. we already have laws to protect the citizens if someone abuses information. to censor information is to sensor anything as anything can be used in a harmfull mannor.the simplest form on the internet where people abuse information is copyright infringment. the information itself is legal, but people abuse it.as far as building bombs, let's talk about the anarchist cookbook. that has been around for 30 years now. should that information be illegal? no. why? because we already have laws to protect if anyone decides to build a bomb and creating more laws just creates a society dictated by laws, not freedoms.we have to trust that people have enough common sense not to build a bomb and bomb something important.....but if someone wants to build a bomb to blow up their own car that doesn't work, the information should be legal and the act of blowing it up should be legal as long as it doesn't infringe on any set laws already in place.just because someone has terrorist information, doesn't mean that person is a terrorist. our laws after 911 are already getting people arrested that don't deserve it. i am one of them when i went through an open door the wrong way in an airport to ask security a vital question. i breached security after 911 through an open door. did i deserve it? no. will the laws protect me? no. some laws are only there to protect a nation in general where those laws take away from individual rights of people who shouldn't be accountable for a common mistake.information on how to make meth or other drugs should be legal. that information could be used in school for reports and also studying the effects of the combined ingredients. we have to have some form of trust in society that people will use information for the good, not the bad as again....there are already laws for the ones who use information for the badso now i ask....what is good and what is bad. it's all relative to any one individual...but again...there are laws already in place to set a standard between good and bad when a persons ACTIONS are concerned.
  13. don't be so quick to show your email address in public. the bots will pick it up and you will recieve more spam than saint michael himself is capable of putting out in a lifetime. mark my words....may be something you are proud of, but don't be posting it publically. you have been warned. also, i recomend google mail services for your domain. they allow 50 @yourdomian email addresses and plenty of space. a lot of features and easy to use. don't wait too long to pick up that domain you are excited about. you'll kick yourself if it's picked up by someone good luck to you p.s.- i wouldn't use any forwarding features. keep your domains and emails seperate from eachother. it's easier to manage that way.
  14. i don't like sky's suggestion at all. i don't feel a user should be able to change a display name at all. there is too much risk for abuse. there is absolutely no reason for a user name change. NONE. choose one you like, and use it. the only way a user should be able to change their display name is to delete their account and sign up again. the users mycents will be lost, but that would have to be the price one would pay.some chat rooms allow display names to be changed, but those are CHAT ROOMS. this is an account that is also linked to web services. you have the opportunity to choose your name right from the start. if people choose one they don't like, then that is THEIR fault for being immature in setting up a responsible account without having to waste any moderators time or making this option available for anyone to use at their whim just because they are 15 years old and don't know WHAT they want.also, other people get used to one display name. i would hate reading posts and not knowing who they were really from. changing display names can be used to hide identities. i don't like that idea AT ALL!i think the admins have better things to do than to change display names for people....so i hope when they get a request, that there is logic and reasoning behind it. not just because someone says "i got tired of it"....especially after only 100 posts or so.i think exceptions can be made for long time users as long as people still know who they are and not an excuse to hide an identity.well that's MY opinion....doesn't count for anything but thought i would state it....
  15. i have to disagree with you. a frame is a fram is a frame. they are all meant for display. it's give and take though. non digital images are always the best in my opinion...but there is just so much you can do with digital. you said digital frames aren't that good. where are you getting your information? i have owned a couple and the pictures make the room. you can choose the pictures you want to display depending on your storage capacity. you have a lot of options with digital frames with VERY good quality depending on your picture taking skills. i say thumbs up. it's also a good conversation piece when company is over. they are always interested in looking at all the pictures. a digital frame is always a nice addition but not all over the house like every other picture frame haha that would be too much and just look plain ugly for a typical home or office
  16. now you are WAY off topic here speaking god's word. the topic has been lost within your own preaching. again, you respond only with the "word" of god. i put it in quotes because it's only as good as the one who interprets it. i have known a person who was "dead" and arose right before putting this man in to a coffen. i did not call him jesus or the lord. i understand ignorance and misunderstandings in life where people can take it out of context and make it in to something bigger than it is. i didn't ask anyone to die for me. nor shall i ask of them to expect anything more of me than who i am. that seems fair. if i ever stand before god, i will give him a hug and a pat on the *bottom* and ask him "i didn't do to bad....did i?" if he does exist, he is already a part of me as we share the same energy. i wont bow down and worship any such god as that would be like worshiping my own self and i don't think it's expected of anyone. this girl that someone posted about is free sexually. she isn't doing anything morally wrong...and values are relative to societies and cultures and ones own belief. now i respect your belief and opinion. what i don't like is it all revolves around the bible....like you don't have a brain in your head. you have to find the answers in a book that was man made with many interpretations. yours is just one of many. so be it...but when you bring jesus or god in to an every day life situation, then i will argue it because the bible has NOTHING on our different old way cultures and new age beliefs. although jesus and god still has a place in every day society and belief, the bible holds very little relevance to time and change. it was written over the years FOR those years...not hundreds of years later and the only answer it gives to this girl is NO SYMPATHY to what you had offered this girl as you say, but to be stoned to death as that would be the law of the bible. but you see, we don't live in that society thank god where the laws will dictate death to anyone who goes against the laws of the lord....who would help and heal people....then turn around and stab you in the back unmercifully. to love is to forgive and to love unconditionally is not to punish, but to guide with a helping hand. you have a lot to learn in life if the bible is all ytou have to offer. i'm not downing the bible but that isn't the only thing that should guide us in life. you talked about this girl having low self esteem. my theory about born agains is that MOST of them have very low self esteem to substitute a book for real life....almost like a drug because they can't deal with the real word and feel the bible should hold all the answers to believe and cope until they one day die in the hands of the lord. they use god and jesus and the bible as an excuse in life when they can't find the answers their own selves because they are incapable. well guess what...some of us have a belief system and an understanding of life without using the bible or god or jesus in our words or an excuse to make up for all the unknowns in life which would be our own ignorance for not paying close attention to our own life. so you go pray for me. i can use some good prayers my way as i believe in the power of thought. make them good though. no half *** prayers for me. i've been stuck in a motel room for 2 weeks now. guess what? i flipped open that bible and started reading and it just reminded me why i stopped reading it in the first place. what will YOU do when you stand before god and find out that there are many higher powers that you didn't acknowledge while only concentrating on a book that has lost it's meaning a long long time ago because of people like you and those who feel they need to preach their own interpretation of it. there is a lot of b.s. in there....but also a lot of good ****. when reading it one can go through all emotions. anger....sadness....hapiness...laughter....crying. everything a good book needs to be so popular in this world....but....the fact still remains that half of it is b.s. just like your own interpretation of it and your hypocracy when showing sympathy for someone you don't even know or know she even needs your sympathy. maybe you should start a topic so we can debate your new found belief that will save your soul because your soul needed saving. i will show you the difference between you and i. the main one being my soul doesn't need saving as i will never pray for forgiveness as my mistakes will be my learning experiences here on earth and the good that comes out of those learning experiences should NEVER be wrong. if they can never be wrong, then no need for forgiveness. the most insecure people in this world need structure in their life. the bible and god offer that structure...that's what *I* believe. just because you need that structure, you look down on those that don't. you aren't better than me or anyone else reading this thread so don't use words dictating that. again, go ask for forgiveness again because you are really good at judging without the option of individuality....just the way YOU see life. lastly, i wont be going to heaven. nor will i be going to hell. all made up words for those who are insecure and need something to believe in because they are incapable of believing in anything else. no, i will be born again in another lifetime as i have already lived many. i will be pushed in those lifetimes and learn in those lifetimes as i have already to get to where i am now in what i believe and know. you go live in your heaven...never to be reborn again. hope you enjoy it there as that is the life you have chosen with a closed mind.
  17. i urge ya to go with the 1.99 plan. you get plenty of space and plenty of bandwidth for a new website. i know your goal will eventually be to have many visitors, but they wont be coming right away so don't waste your mycents or the resources for a higher package. usually it takes a year for any website to get it's feet wet anyway. after a year, you can determine if you need more than what the 1.99 plan is offering. also, it's only 1.60 if you pay for 12 months in advance. so for less than 30 bucks, you get your domain and 12 months hosting...and i would besurprised if you used up those resourcesthe only thing that might be limiting is the mysql and the sub domains and if you want to park any extra domains. i would also suggest paying extra for your own name servers. it's like 5 bucks or something but looks professional.so in a nutshell, start small and upgrade when you need to.
  18. i had two opinions until i read your response. now i have three. in regards to your response, not everything revolves around a man who has been dead for over 2000 years. this is REAL life buddy and not everyone believes and not everyone will be damned if they don't ask to be saved. i have read post after post from you and you seem to know VERY little except what is written in the bible. as far as her self esteem, i do sorta agree that that MAY be a problem, BUT not a given fact. it's easy to diagnose a problem with any situation since everone is different and their actions can always be blamed on something. even the most responsible...and in your case, extremely religious beyond total reality in the real world. so let's not jump to conclusions on this girl. you are judging her without even knowing her. i think YOU need to ask for your own forgiveness bud within your own belief system. with that said, i have known many people and i see absolutely nothing wrong with being sexually open as long as one is honest and true to their own selves and the other people she allows in to her life sexually. part of the "american dream" is to settle down with someone special. one person. but some people don't want that american dream. i call these people free birds who are open minded to who they are and can experience life in a different mannor than what society expects from them on a daily basis. now for my opinion #3. personally, i think it's disgusting and unsafe. there is risk for an unwanted pregnancy or std's, or eventually getting physically abused or raped if not carefull. that's for the woman. for the man, i think it's also disgusting to want sloppy seconds and being so desperate for sex. just goes to show that guys will have sex and the only requirement is that the woman is breathing...that doesn't include the sickos out there that don't even have THAT requirement. we can't help how we were born. some are born with a stronger sexual desire with no attatchments. som are born with a lower sexual desire with some love attatchments involved. everyone is different. i do know this....if everyone lived under d. benitez's rules of life and how he sees it to be perfect in his own world, the world would be a very boring place. thank god for individuality that cannot be blamed by upbringing as he states in his post. we are all born different and thus, unique individuals. our individual upbringing combined with who we already are inside creates that much more uniqueness to combine both in who we are and how we are raised, along with using common sense and knowing what is right and wrong for us as individuals....NOT what society only dictates. for the original poster- if she does have low self esteem. nobody will really know until someone with caring and understanding comes in to her life and has a 1 on 1 deep conversation with her about her situation and how people are considering her to be a ****. labels are easy to give ANYONE. labels come from self rightous no gooders who think life should be lived only one way....THEIR way and through their own eyes. we are never all perfect though. we all judge. even me. but it's nice when i can stand up for something that i feel is right....at the same time having an open mind to all other possibilitys and situations and people and experiences that make us all unique in our own belief system.
  19. this is the sole reason, i wont ever listen to another interpretation of the bible again. there are so many. it's reidiculous for one to think they know the correct interpretation. i too don't need anyone dying for my sins ans my sins are my own and nobody elses. i will also never dear a higher power because i don't believe that's how energy works or was creted to be used as punishments and damnations. what kinds sicko would want to believe in a god like that. they are out there and most of them are born agains who take interpreting the bible more literal than it was intended. at least the whole bible. this is not to say the bible has useless information. it has very usefull information...but like any other book, you take the words with a grain of salt and interpret it the way it most makes sense to YOU....and disregard the rest that has nothing to do ith any word of god....or higher power. i remember one time in my life i didn't believe anything the bible had to say. then i realized it wasn't the bible. it was how i was taught going to church for 10 years of my life including bible school. it was the interpretations that was tarnishing the bible. society has become confused and irritated...not because pf the bible, but because of the born agains who think they have the knowledge to preach and the churches or enforce their own laws that have nothing to do with the bible...but possibly maybe on a lower level. these churces try to directly dictate the meaning behind the bible and with each church, there is a following. almost cult like for there to be so many offsets of the word of god that is clearly written in the bible. i still refuse to read it as there will always be a bad taste in my mouth with all the sinners who think they can preach. they do an injustice in this world and they are so ignorant, they don't realize that the bible can speak for itself. now i say "cult like" because this is how people want to convince others to take their "belief" with high priority. someone who is truely religious with sacred beliefs, will have no cause to preach it, but teach by example. spread the word not through their voice but through their own actions. problem is, there are so many hypocrits, that it is hard to teach one through actions. they use words to hide the fact that they themselves have a hard time living a way of life that is rightous. so they use words....because they are hypocrits. so my question is....would anyone with even a little common sense want to follow a hypocrit? the #1 things that people do wrong in a religious point of view is not ask for forgiveness from their own sins. isn't learning from mistakes and bettering your life indirectly asking for that forgiveness knowing that they were sinners in the past and want to correct their ways? isn't that the same as asking for it? the only difference is, they do it by actions....not words....ACTIONS....NOT WORDS. words are for the hypocrits, remember? what good are words if someone keeps making the same mistakes realizing all he/she has to do is ask for forgiveness and pray for it. so WAKE UP you born agains and truely know inside your own self what is right and wrong. preaching through words and without actions can be sinfull as you are leading others on a path that is not true. they are so quick to take this responsibility not realizing the true consequence and the confusion it causes. so in my own eyes, come judgment day, god will be asking YOU why you lead people astray from him because you couldn't fullfill your own responsibility through action. now i personally am not religious....so when i talk about god, i talk about him as if i did believe in him. in fact, i really don't know what to believe in or if there is just one god or higher power. i would think there isn't....and more than one who all connect down to us on some forms and levels...everyone. that's why i hate hearing the preaching when it's already inside us all. the preaching just gets too tiring to follow when other people start making up their own rules to follow. so here it is in a nutshull. screw the bible and screw the churches. everyone already has something inside them to live a faithfull life of basic morals and values. screw how you were even raised and brought up if you are an adult now and can think for your own self without having someone preach to you to justify life and the living and create meaning in your life where otherwise there wouldn't be. that's insecurity talking and your own inability to think for yourself and to know ones self without being insecure. it's funny how the ones who are most likely to be converted are those with an abudance of insecurity....like i said....almost cult like.
  20. sure you can compare courts of law since you insist they are one and the same. i just have never heard it put that way and probably never will again unless you continue ito insist they are wortyh comparrision and...ummm....let's be a little frogg....a LITTLE bit the same. because what you are actually saying is that all eforceable unatural laws are christian ways. if i were a christian, i would be offended by your analogy. knowing the only laws i need to abide by are god's laws and no one person shall have the right to judge. if i wasn't a christian, i would smile knowing someone is trying really hard to try and make a point that will never work. so go ahead and make your anaolgy. you have every right to believe what you do.we are nothing if not flithy rags, huh? and you really believe this. so i now have my long awaited question answered and i didn't even have to ask where god fearing came from when your hopes is not to be condemned. i have agreed we are probably all sinners according toi the moral code of the bible, but what makes you think we are born sinners?to be a follower of god or a follower of anything else for that matter, you have to know what you are following, true? not just partly following or understanding partly....but fully understanding or it would be unwise to follow. so why do born agains seem to claim to know it all and understand fully? even when this is not heaven on earth. we can follwer after we pass on. we can see those gates of the lord and decide then if we need to be forgiven. those gates aren't here yet. what's the rush. why play god and try to follow perfection unless it IS an easy out for the sinners to ask for forgivenes in the hopes one is not condemened.many believe what you say and preach(i doubt the analogy about the courts though) and i also think this forum is good practice when decide to get on your bycycle and knock on peoples doors at 9am. what i don't understand...is if you already give in on not knowing everything about god and our purpose here on earth, then how does it make you look following such a theory. preaching is sometimes said that it should be a way of life/ why, if god is already inside us all nd in some forms we all should know it. are the ones preaching blessed with foresight or is it possibly just another excuse like the dog who god spoke through giving a certain human being the right to murder innocent human beings.just by preaching you are judging and assuming that god is not withinside us all and certain people need help. not trusting in god his own self that he will show himself after we pass on each lifetime to be judge by only him. who is giving you the right. the bible....because let's get real. god didn't kill his son and the books weren't written by god and not all people claimed that god was speaking through them when writting their books...and does it even say anywhere in the bible that no more books need be added?back in the day when there was no religions....it would be easy to convice people that they had a purpose through a god. heck. ones life now makes sense if it didn't make sense before. now, with so many religions, gods word gets confusing and confused by those who feel that THEY have the right to preach because THEY wont make it any less confusing. back in the day, it wasn't so and easier to believe in any religion that god may be a part of.i mean really...let's discuss this...because if it's every christians duty to preach the word of god. what exaclty is the word of god. is it only the words in the bible or do the lucky ones really have god speaking through them and can preach about things that aren't even written. the reason why i think your analogy was ridiculous was becasue if the bible is god's word, and god's word is the law, then we should all be in jail. it doesn't work like that thank god....and maybe gives you some more time to save people with a better analogy that actually works.you know it's really easy to say that if it's in the bible, it must be true. it's also easy to say that because there is a belief, one has to preach it and spread the word. the problem arises when so many people have so many beliefs. have you ever heard of humility. there is a lot to be said for NOT preaching....preaching insiuates pride to too much pride is even against god's ways....but just knowing ones self and living that life for ones self is enough to inspire others lead by example...without the pride. be humble.born agains take preaching to an extreme and anything to an extreme has bad balance to it. it may work when judement day arrives, but does nothing in particular to the every day reality we call the life we have to lead until we take our last breath. there is a life to be understood. but also, dfood to be kept on the tables and bills to be paid. born agains obviously believe they are followers of god...but once they start preaching they are not followers anymore. they are trying to be leaders. it defeats the purpose now to even be considered a follower. and all preaching is is a sales pitch. it is nothing more than a phone call at dinner time with someone trying to sell me life insurance right before i hang up.. nowhere in the bible does it say to annoy people by preaching...therefore one should preach without annoying people or don't preach at all. there is a lot to be said for the unwritten words in the bible as well because one can draw many conclusions to it and justifications....that is unless....the bible doesn't hold all the information one needs to preach. evidently it doesn't since there are many religions. so...which is the right religion and who has the right to preach about the right religion without confusing the human race any further with assuptions and a belief only supported by a book written by man.
  21. you're going to hell you actually compared the bible and the word of god to a man made court of law? now i've heard it all haha i can appreciate your long winded post about something you don't fully understand your own self, but why all the assumptions about god? this is not heaven on earth. to truely know your god, if there is one, is to experience your life with him in his heaven. earth is not heaven. believe....maybe...but live like it is heaven or hell or or live afraid...being a god fearing person on earth? a story to scare small children. we are adults now. let's get real. true, we are all sinners. nobody is perfect. god didn't intend for us to be nor did he create us this way just to ask forgiveness. what a lousy excuse for christian to wipe their slate clean. what he DID intend is for us to make our own moral choices and wether we are judged will be determined in the after life. until then, our choices will be our lifetime judgement and it is up to us...not god or believing in god, to make our wrongs, right. i hear how god saved this person and that person. heck. their whole life is about god. they didn't do a darn thing to live their life. it was god living it for them. that's all a bunch of b.s. and so is your take on comparing natural law to unatural laws. btw- if i saw someone standing over my family with a bloddy knife knowing he just killed them, when i catch up to him, i wouldn't be holding him down, i would be turturing him slowly until he died a painfull death...and guess what...i'm not afraid what god has planned for me if i do that. eye for an eye...there is no turning the other cheeck. i already admit i am a sinner. let the perfect god turn that cheeck rather than expect me to play the role of perfection. after i kill the s.ob, i will knowingly smile that he will have a chance to redeem himself in another life...as will i. as i hope you already know, life doesn't stop at gods pearly gates. we live many lifetimes...many becasue we are not perfect and it takes that many lifetimes to achieve perfection. now if there is indeed a god, he is inside us all as we live life through him...so let our self conscious be the judge as god will always be talking through it.... maybe some people actually NEED to be born again because they have such a messed up life. for the rest of us, i smile knowing i don't need to be....or preach something that nobody fully understands or capable of fully understanding. to each their own. rest assured, god wont be striking anyone down anytime soon. i applaud those that go with god. there is a lot to learn from him and the words spoken in the bible. but just like Xisto's rules, it's all just pure common sense to me and i won't be reading the bible anytime soon as it was preached to me til i was 15 years old. let me tell ya...i've heard enough
  22. that's why have firfox AND the firfox installation program on my usb drive. i have never used ie on a new install. sometime a website will require ie. that's the only time i will use it....usually it's a microsoft website haha
  23. i am going to say something out of the blue here that nobody caught. maybe there are some underlying issues here that either you did not state or she did not tell you. sounds to me she still loves you. she may have backed down because of her family or something else that seems to be making her insecure.doesn't sound like you have closer on this issue. to move on, you need closer. my advice is not to move on too soon. if she IS insecure about something, she may need you more now than ever and walking away could be a big mistake if you love her.what's needed here is tlc and a lot of understanding. there may be something about her past you do not know. i would try and find out.good luck to you. you will have to determine for yourself if the drama is worth the love you have for her though. think about it before you dig too deep with her. once you open doors, she may never be the same as you knew her before.
  24. i'm like you. i have spent my life researching my own answers...but then there are some questions that i really have to ask and when i do, the answer never comes soon enough hah. nameless- i am sure you want to continue with your idea of psychic phenom. if you ever get bored, can always write a blog about "nameless questions" don't give up bud.
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