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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. maybe for once, you can tell us where that is you're moving to so we can warn others to keep their under age children from being tutored by you and yes, i will agree to respond on the sicko's behalf but i wont be a spokesman as i would rather support the idea that teenage children should be protected against people like legend. btw- if you think i post for mycents, think again. i've been a member for a few years now and am well taken care of...haha another ignorant assumption. your head is still not clear.....is it.
  2. i started this thread so i will answer your question. whiners are those people who can't go through life without comlaining about something. it's more than just 1 problem or concern that needs to be listened to by another. it's a state of mind that whiners give themselves to where they will never be happy and always find something wrong. nothing is good enough and yes.....they have to whine about it. i do hate whiners because instead of focusing on their problem or concern to better their lives, they are more focused on whining about crap. whiners will also give off negative energy to those surounding them and those that don't deserve to listen to somebody whine all the time. brings people down. what's the difference between whining and venting? very little in general....but venting is a lot different than whining in how i have defined whiners. everyone should be able to whine once in a blue moon....and if it's once in a blue moon, then they would be the ones i would give the greatest importance to when deciding if i want to listen to them or not knowing it has to be an important issue to them and since they are not included in the group of whiners i hate:D btw- hate is too strong of a word....but fits well in the vent
  3. you're full of it. but whatever. you're marked in my eyes. as far as being off topic. i have been on topic in every response which has been directly related to your posts. the only person off topic would be "sky" who had absolutely nothing to say about this topic. but that's besides the point. you seriously need to find a social solution to your problems besides 15 year olds. even everything you said wasn't even true, i would still be weary of you that you would choose a 15 year old girl to befriend. seriously. that is not normal. it may be normal if you had other friends. but no. you have 1. you chose her. she didn't choose you. that is odd that that would be the one you would choose. not someone your age. not another guy. some girl you don't know that you thought you could take things more intimate with.....still waiting for the country this is in btw....you are totally dodging the country your in. you go to school for god sake. hang out with people your own age first. i don't say this with any disrespect, but you really need to look at yourself in the mirror because you have social problems and you're not going to solve your issues hiding indoors every chance you can get. there's so many people you can meet and talk to in school. now on to the girl. her attatchment to you is not her fault by any means when you have and continue to keep in contact with her. secondly, she's only around you because you flirted with her. there is no other reason. you don't want to take this to another level? let me clue you in on something. just because you don't doesn't mean she doesn't. but now that she knows some of your intentions, she will hide certain facts from you knowing you are still attracted to her. she will continue to come and see you in hopes something more works out between you two. you think she needs tutoring? why is that? she said so? maybe she's leading you on with other intentions. you are being very naive when it comes to the opposite sex....especially young women who don't even know what true love is yet and can only base their feelings on infatuations. this young girl is going to get hurt either sooner by you, or later by you. so i ask you....when would YOU rather hurt her....now or later....because the time is coming. this girl wants something more that you have now decided you wont offer her and she's holding on to the times when you agree to be with her no matter what those reasons to be with her are since her hopes and inspirations are different than yours. the only reason why you say you have a platonic relationship right now is because you yourself built a foundation on how pretty she was and how you were going to flirt with her because you wanted a possible relationship and all the bells and whistles. this is the only reason why you have this "platonic" relationship with this 15 year old. you already screwed it up. you cannot change how you met her. but you decide to want to tutor her and give off false hope to this young girl as she wants something different. she probably will stop admitting it knowing your reaction to her wants. now did you ever ask yourself at any time what a 15 year old girl would want with a 20 year old guy? i am one to say age doesn't matter. in fact, i feel strongly on that subject. but not between minors and adults....i only believe in this concept with adults only. so why don't you take some time and ask yourself why this girl wants to be with an adult and why you being with her can cause even more problems than your original ones....maybe not for you since you seem set in your ways and like to yell at teenage girls because of your own ignorance.....but for the girls sake as she deserves every opportunity to be guided correctly in life.....not someone to lead her on and disappoint her in the long run. this may not be your intention now....but you have to look at it from HER perspective....not just yours. you may have met the parents as you say, but you didn't tell them that you had the hots for their underage child. you're unbelievably full of it and you are reaching for excuses to justify your actions. you will never succeed at that here while i am around because you are 100% wrong in your choices. and if the parents knew the truth, they would kick you out of their daughters life before you could blink an eye. if they wouldn't do that, then i would have to question the parenting and the guidance this girl is recieving at home and living with some sort of moral and value code which brings me to you and how you were raised. how would your family or friends think about the situation. why not ask them. ask 'm and come back here and post the results because i am curious if the ones closest to you think what you are doing is ok. last but not least, you were attracted to this girl. attraction doesn't go away in the snap of a finger which means you are still attracted to her. you can point out how you are hiding it all you want....but it's still going to be there. your not fooling anyone....especially me. enjoy your hosting. i'm sure you already made enough($12) for a domain and hosting in your 7 days being here....
  4. no. far from it....but it also depends what their terms of service is as well. it's always good to know what rights you are releasing when you post. there have been issues of forum posters who want to delete their account and write to admin to delete all their posts thinking they have the rights to their posts. this is wrong thinking. once posted, they don't have to delete it but you still retain all copyrights. now if someone could prove copyrights and they saw something publically posted by someone else, then they could enforce their copyrights to get the post deleted. one can take it a step further and sue a company hosting copyright infringements...especially if it can be shown that they were making money off that post. this is why i believe trap goes to some lengths not to allow copying other peoples work on other websites or other media without the use of the quote tags and only supporting original content. but it's really hard when you yourself put something on the internet for the whole world to share before you decide it was a mistake and want to undue it all. you can't. you don't have those rights as you chose to share it.
  5. i love movies a lot more that t.v. shows, i don't even have t.v. right now but if i were to pick my favorite and something i try to catch on the internet(the new episodes), it would be.... two and a half men. this show never fails to make me laugh.
  6. he doesn't need me to feel bad? what....does he need me to feel good about is actions and choices? i've seen too much in life to let this go. this way of thinking needs to be stopped. not just with him but any sicko who thinks it's ok to make the same choices. he didn't come here because he wanted advice. he came here for the mycents but even if there was a hint of sincerity in his words, i don't see this situation just about him. i see the 15 year old girl that is confused and making bad choices for herself as well. so if it's between a 20 year old who should know better and a 15 year old who shouldn't have to, i will side with the 15 year old. and stand up for what is right in this situation. i don't know legend and i don't know this 15 year old. all i know is what legend posted in his posts and that is ALL i need to know to react negatively to this situation and judge it as sick choices. sick choices are based on sick people. their head isn't fully fuctioning in what is right or wrong. this may be why he is asking advice. now yes, i am blunt. i have been blunt before in the advice threads. in certain circummstances, there should be no other way to be. this isn't school so i am not going to teach the youngins why i am the way i am. oh....but i offended legend by calling him a sicko. i would rather be blunt in calling someone a sicko rather than have any other negative action manifest where this 15 year old is concerned. now legend is leaving a door open for this 15 year old to attatch herself to them. i mean come on! she doesn't need him as a tutor. what kind of sick thinking is this. it's the parents responsibility to know the best interest of their child. not him. and what would the parents think that days before he was tutoting her, he was hitting on their child? sorry legend, but your whole situation stinks. you claim to treat women better than other men? by whos standards. yours? you have just proven yourself to be sick in the mind and not able to know right from wrong. so is it only your standards you are talking about? because if you ask me, your standards aren't really as high as you say according to your posts. although legend has a right to post, i have a right to respond. he has initiated a conversation for the whole world to see. the topic is "she's hanging on to me and she's too young" when it's him hanging on to HER by offering his services to tutor her. what a hypocrite! this whole thread stinks to high heaven and rather than sit back and let him think his choices are ok, i am going to respond with my bluntness and disgust to show him that it's NOT ok what he is doing or did. what i am NOT going to do is post about how his choices and way of thinking is ok. that is what i am NOT going to do. and it's ok to me if i leave a bad taste in other peoples mouths. i really could care less until they walk in my shoes and have seen what i have seen and what leads up to rape or other bad circumstances in life for others where they were too naive to know any better.....like a 15 year old....or all 15 year olds for that matter who are still developing physically and mentally and should continue on their path to be able to keep their innocence and trust a stranger. that's all legend is to her....a stranger. speaking of stranger. legend had only been here 5 days or so when he posted what he did. he averages about 12 posts a day in the 7 days he's been here. not only has he disrespected this 15 year old, he disrespected everyone that actually knows he and cares about her and loves her. now....for those who think i am so harsh....i will offer a promise to stop my harshness when legend knocks on the door to her parents house and admits to everything he did to them and his intentions on tutoring her. my bet is he wont because he's a *****. but if he does, i can respect him to make up for his own mistakes and intentions. i'll also bet that he will recieve more harsh words from the parents and the people that love her than i can ever say in this forum. he's lucky it's not my little girl because i would hunt him down and confront him in person. anything to protect my daughter so nothing bad happens to her mentally or physically. i woulod nip this crap in the bud really quick....which is my intention right now wether people like it or not and wether people agree or disagree. i could care less because i am not writing for those other people who are so quick to judge without weighing all the possibilities. i just hope legend gets it in his head what he did and the possible consequences of what he is continuing to do so that he can change his mindset. not just in this situation but future situations because it all boils down to the way he is thinking right now. he owes this girl an appology for leading her on, and he owes her an appology when he does the right thing and never sees her again. THAT would be the right thing to do. no more yelling and making her feel bad that she's 15 or any other reason he can come up with because he doesn't even know her. something also troubles me because he said it's the only person he as befriended while living there. and a 15 year old was the only one he could befriend. something troubles me about that statement he made but i don't really know enough to make a conclusion. it's just troubling knowing that there is something wrong with him and/or the environment he is in right now which may or may not be his fault. as far as true fusion maing it a point to discredit my statement saying that i implied it would be ok to flirt where it wasn't in front of her house, that is wrong because my implication was directly relatated to him stalking her not so much that he was flirting in front of her house. still waiting to know what country this is in.....
  7. first you were attracted to this 15 year old, you told her off, now you want to be her tutor?!?!?!? dude....seriously....you dig your own grave here. maybe you need to get a little more schooling under your belt as you call it because you have ALOT to learn! slander? i don't think so pal. i have just repeated what you have said and gave my opinon. you're a sicko. please....so tell what country you are referring to where these actions of yours are common place where such criticisms i have expressed are non extistant where you are from. advice? you want advice? here it is. leave her alone. go your seperate ways. you added fuel to a fire. no extinguish it. don't tutor her. don't even look at her. go back to your one room hideaway where you are apt to make less mistakes in life. you are right. i can tell you don't get out much. sicko. that is my advice. if you plan on doing any differently, then please do everyone a favor and keep it to yourself next time....seriously....nobody is interested in the adult adventures with a 15 year old.
  8. i don't think i will be of any help. but one of the things came to mind is if the version of the database is different.
  9. i am with you, greenpeace. critics of anything or anyone will always be critics. the fact is, they offered him a place in their country and he offered his respect in return. nothing wrong with that. i voted for this guy. if it was told that he showed no resepct to a foreign nation or leader while being a guest in their nation, i would have to think twice in who i actually voted for.
  10. damn straight....when i know science and it's theories have been wrong more than half the time. now we are talking about the definition of an organism. WHO CARES. people will have their own definition. i am no different than even scientist that argue about other scientists definitions....but at least i'm not wrong over 1/2 the time with what i know and my own beliefs and theories when i try to put the pieces of a puzzle together. just because i don't believe in science for answers doesn't mean i don't believe it's not needed. science has always opened up new ideas and possibilities. personally, i think you're one cell short of being an organism. how's that for a definition. in fact, the definition of organism stopped being a definition when there are so many arguments in what consititutes an organism. you may not know this, but you argued this point indirectly when you started this thread with a question. you might as well have asked for the definition of a human being this thread will go nowhere as i have already predicted. this is why i asked for my name to be left out of this topic as i don't really like being associated with nonsense threads or discussions. as you recall, after you changed our subject in the shout box, i tried to get away from this topic as it holds no meaning to me. no man made defination does. science for the most part doesn't either. after all is said and done though, i know that i am considered an organism under the definitions you state.....and if that can be the only thing that defines me for the rest of my life, i might as well kill myself now.
  11. you jhust proved my point that you are as sick as he is. you want some advice? stop being a sicko that sees nothing wrong with a 20 year old flirting with a 15 year old right in front of her house. how did he even get there? was he stalking her? this whole thread makes me sick. that 15 year old girl is someone's daughter out there. they don't want some 20 year old sick drooling over her. how did he torment her? read his post for god sake. did you even read the whole thing like i did? i started yelling at her because she's 15. what the heck. that is not just sick, that's evil. you don't torment and yell at a 15 year old girl when you're 20 just like you don't stalk a 15 year old and tell everyone it's her fault!
  12. attack him so he doesn't torrment under age girls again. i'll stick with my own idea of what is right and wrong. you stick to yours. no, i am not desperate for mycents. why....do you see me starting useless threads? also, he is not 25 and she is not 20. he is 20, and she is 15. you're as sick as he is. SHE IS UNDER AGE! tha\e sad part is that he has to ask advice in the right thing to do because he doesn't know any better. THAT IS SAD!
  13. ever since my mother has been taking those shots, she has always encouraged me to take them. but why? i wasn't one to get very sick at all. when i would get sick every few years, it's be bad. in general though, i just don't get the flu so why on gods earth would i ever inject myself with the flu just so i wont get it? that's stupid. maybe when i'm 60, i may need it as my immune system wont be as tough as it is today but i am not going to change what is already working for meand i have no idea why your sister, who never gets the flu, decided to inject herself with it. now she gets the flu? not just one year....but more than one year? you mean she hasn't figured it out yet?
  14. get a life. you need help. i mean....to hit on a 15 year old right in front of her house? it's YOU that had a problem. not her. it's YOU that approached HER not the other way around. it's not her faqult she's 15 but you were rude and disrespectfull and hurtfull to her. a 15 year old for god sake. so again. get a life and stop tormenting girls. your 20 years old and yes....not only desperate for attention, desperate for mycents.reply to my post again and i shall continue....
  15. if i were you, i would pm "echo_of_thunder". he probably has any answers you are looking for...
  16. first of all, i used genpets as an example in general. not an example to what you say the definition is. have you forgot what i said in the shoutbox, i like true fusion don't believe in the scientific definitions in general. this point was not worth arguing in the shoutbox as it's not worth arguing here. i'm glad you changed part of the definition from self replicating to reproduction because that would have been one of my main arguements against the definition....or my opinion at least. but i do feel that an organism can be considered an organism without the ability to reproduce....but that's my opinion only and differs from your scientific definition. and while we are on this topic, i would actually like to know the history of that definition you state and how(if it was) it was molded in to what we know today about organisms.
  17. i don't think it was you who was desperate, but the original poster. i mean come on. he's either going to be considered a guy who made the right choice or a sicko. the answer was obvious....but the question was posted anyway.
  18. huh? i never said pageplus is a scam. but i do smell something fishy with this company and when i find it out, you will be the first to know. tell me this....how can a company be around for so long as you say and nobody has even heard of them???
  19. copyright and having it enforced is two very different things. normally, to enforce any copyright infringement, you will have to have a date stamp on at least a copy of your work. my friend in the rtvf industry used to mail his own scripts to himself. he wouldn't open them because he already knew what they were. he used this method to create a date stamp where the post office would stamp the envelope. if there was any issue on copyright infringement, he would open the envelop in front of the proper authority with the date stamp already imprinted. to open the sealed envelope when it gets mailed back to him would defeat his purpose as now anything could have been in the envelope and would have defeated the purpose of spending postage for proving copyrights. owning copyrights to anything means absolutely NOTHING unless you can prove you own the copyrights. again, normally, you need a date stamp either through a copyright office or doing what my friend did. web design and content on one website doesn't prove anything if someone else has the same design and content they stole from you unless you have a date stamp. even posting anything on the web FIRST doesn't prove copyrights because someone could easily steal this stuff offline and publish it before the one who actually owns the copyright publishes it on the web. copyrights are very tricky and it's always best to get legal advice on these issues.
  20. define robot. now how about this.... http://www.genpets.com/index.php from now on, leave me out of your threads! haha. how nameless and i can be talking about philosophy/religion/spirituality and the unknown, to definitions and organisms when you decided to enter the conversation, i will never know! haha
  21. i like to get outside during a lightning storm. seeing the uniqueness of each bolt of lightning and the deafening sounds of the thunder is my idea of a good time. that is until they start hiting 20 feet from me. that's when i have to go inside. i remember one bad night, i was driving in pitch blackness on a highway that i could only drive 5mph because of the storm i was in. couldn't see two feet ahead of me and can barely make out the road. i couldn't pull over because i couldn't make out where the road started or ended and missouri roads don't really give you a place to pull over. it's more like a ditch on the side of the road. so i just continued on hoping no cars would be stopped ahead of me because i really wouldn't have been able to see them. it was worse than being it dense fog. lightening was hitting everywhere around me ever 5 seconds. it was the most spectacular show i ever witnessed about 6 years ago or so. i was in my car but felt my arm hairs lifting straight up and my hair on my head moving around. the strangest part though is i didn't hear any thunder. NONE. the most spectacular light show with no thunder. i believe the lightening saved my life that night because it allowed me to see where the road was. i have been a big fan of thunderstorms ever since i was a kid, but i have been caught in the middle of them before like on a lake in a float tube with my flyrod. or walking through an open plane during a storm directly over head because i had to get to work 1/4 mile away. scarey scarey scarey to say the least. but an amazing experience when you live through it
  22. don't waste your time or your heart on somebody that doesn't want it. if she was interested, she would have shown her interest to you by now.you are a little creappy in my book. it's YOU who has been pursuing her all this time....even from the start. you keep texting her. guessw what? she wants nothing to do with you. you originally texted her. she was interested in your friend. not you. you decided you wanted nothing to do with her which was a good choice back then....but you lied because you decided to start texting her again after she was ignoring you too.you get rude comments back but she explains that someone took her phone to message you back. what does that mean even if that was true and she wasn't the one typing? it means she is being disrespectfull to you to allow her friends to do that. it means her friends don't even like you and disrespect you by typing those messages.by everything i have read in the fact that she doesn't text you until you text her, you sound like a little stalker. STOP IT! get over her and get on with your life. lose her phone # somehow. she doesn't want to be with you. she has already proven this. but lets say that one day she does. it will never be serious for her. she may just be using you until someone better comes along. are you ready to jump in to a relationship that can only end up hurting you more? wake up, don't be stupid. she may be a nice person, but she isn't interested in someone like you. you may be a nice guy, but you are really being naive.stop acting desperate, stop bothering her, and grow your balls and move on already. listen to your friend in this situation.
  23. i was KIDDING!...boy are you stupid i think there are worse things than being ignorant. like not having a sense of humor. now on to your topic.... you have mentioned over and over again how you have seen many threads on girls being stupid. personally i haven't really seen all that many but i think i should start one. this thread you started has given me inspiration to the ridiculously stupid threads that have no point to make let's face it. girls are stupid. not all of them....some of them. guys are idiots. not all of them. some of them. but let's get really specific about girls. they are really more evil than stupid. that's a fact....not to mention most of them are bi sexual in nature. why do i call guys idiots? because we are and we hide it well with our superiority complexes. when it comes to guys understanding women, we don't and we never will. we will never relate to them as they are much different in our own ways of thinking and doing things. this is why i just don't give a crap. i accept all women, don't get me wrong, but i am not going to sweat over the fact i don't understand them. so i choose not to give a crap instead. it allows me to sleep at night women are also little babies who whine and *BLEEP* and moan until they get their way. this is why it's best not to argue with them and give in to those little things that don't even matter much. i mean how hard is it just to say "yes honey, you are right" rather than say what is in our own nature to argue our own point when we can just say "yes honey, you are right" and leave the woman with nothing more to say. she will walk away and you can get back to the more important things you were originally doing before she approached you. as far as relationships go though, you were giving advice on them which is totally wrong. judging by this whole idea you put in to a thread on a public forum, i would imagine you are around 13 or 14 and haven't even been in a relationship before to even give any advice on that topic also, juding by your post topic that boys are dumb, it seems you have known a lot of boys to judge this. but i guess you really haven't had any good experiences with boys to start a whole topic on this issue. i wonder why that is. maybe instead of asking the question why boys are dumb, ask yourself why you haven't had any good positive relationships or friendships with boys. maybe it's YOU....not them. ever think about that? now go to your local bookstore and pick up a copy of men are from mars, women are from venus and read it cover to cover, then come back here to post about what you have learned.
  24. pageplus is a prepaid phone company. i have never heard of them before. i just went to their website and sure enough they advertise 1200/1200 for 29.99. if you don't like that plan, there is a standard plan where it goes up to about 700 minutes for $50. why would someone pay 700 minutes for $50 when they can have the 1200/1200 plan for $20 cheaper? something isn't settling with me here to trust them yet. i hope you did your due diligence and researched this company before you switched over some things on their website just aren't sounding right to me....
  25. this is exactly why i think the english language is the most difficult to learn for natives. there are so many rules of grammer to the english language, it isn't even funny. my mother was actually an english teacher before she raised us kids. didn't really phase me or help me any. she was always correcting me. and although i now correct HER at times, i am far from grammatically correct....especially the written language. being raised in a melting pot of los angeles, i went to school and have worked with many non native speakers. NONE of them have learned the language fully while speaking so i assume they can't write it well either. there are some that come close, but fail at perfecting the language. when it comes to native speakers, i don't really think you can perfect the language unless you go on to study the language itself in college....maybe a bachelors or masters degree. for the average native, most of us are lost and still have to look up things to make sure we are grammatically correct. your and you're is just an example of one word of thousands that get confusing in the english language(writing it....not speaking it as the two words are pronounced the same). as far as what is proper, i can't critisize people anymore as i am not perfect either. all that matters to me now is that i understand people any way i can to communicate with them. i traveled many places and even in the united states, they hold their own dialects of the english language that is hard to understand at times and in some places, they just have their own way of pronouncing english words differently. look at our vouls compared to other languages. our vouls are the hardest to master because one voul can have many pronunciations. this gets confusing to a native speaker. although we pick up the basics at a young age, it's still hard to learn compared to most other languages. anyway, i truely believe that the english language is the hardest for natives to master as there are so many rules to the english language.
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