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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. you know, i thought you were beyond the database issue by now. you even said you were in another one of your threads. this is your third thread about the same problem and you are really getting confusing when you are posting so much. and not staying in one thread so we can actually help you!now i suggest you just delete everything you've done and start over FRESH since you have a backup. obviously whatever you did is not working so we first need to know what you actually did. did you try installing manually? because if you did, then you would have to change some of the backup files to your new domain. your config.php file should be the first one you edit. then, i would install the search and replace plugin so your links point to your new domain.import the database FIRST, then copy your files from your old domain to the new one. edit the config.php file and make sure wordpress is pointing to your new domain. install the search and replace plugin to change the links that are pointing to your old domain.you may also have to do a few 301 redirects depending on how you had your pages set up originally because i remember you stating in another thread that the posts were fine, but the pages would revert back to your old domain. so if needed, you would also need to install that pages plugin i stated in your other thread, edit your pages by changing the link and clicking on the 301 redirect. and then just saving the pages that way on your new domain.now i would HIGHLY suggest you delete EVERYTHING you've done so you can start working on importing things the right way and changing the links the right way.you posting this third thread after posting two others is VERY confusing and would be confusing to anyone. maybe this is what you are doing to your own self. let's keep it simple, everything in one thread this time until we can resolve your problem. i know you're frustrated but your problem is fixable so let's see what we can do to fix the problem.
  2. how do you think the phrase originated? people get scammed and learn from the experience obviously. so knowing people are still getting scammed should not be too astonishing. most scams feed off peoples desperation. when you can make their desperation bigger than what they really know, then you got 'm. it's no mystery. i think most people get scammed at least once in their life and on different levels. i created a thread here about dish network being a scam because they allow their sales reps to lie just to get a commission. it's all over the place. sometimes it doesn't make people stupid or ignorant if they got scammed either. yea, some of the scams seem obvious....but i would also have to say, once in a while, something that looks too good to be true, is not a scam. i posted another thread in the freebies about certain companies like walmart who give away free samples. the next post was someone saying it was a scam. they can't believe in companies who give things away. so it can work both ways :angel: even though i posted something that was true, some people just didn't have it in them to believe in something as small as giving away free samples.
  3. donate it. when i went to africa, they were VERY short on computers. i was told they would take anything thaty worked. didn't matter how old. they were short on everything and computers in some parts of africa are non existent, but needed. so donate it and know it will be put to good use.
  4. well, it's march 17th. it's almost come and gone without any mention of saint patricks day. normally, i would be out drinkin' green beer and guiness and maybe a few shots of jameson or Tullamore Dew. now i live in a town of 300, don't really know anyone, and the nearest bar is 30 miles. so....instead, i will tell a joke... :angel: Happy Saint Patricks Day everyone. i think i am about 1/8 irish over here. i don't want to hear "ahhhh.....that explains it!"
  5. also, you might want to check out the "page links to" plugin. i use that for my pages because sometimes i want to create a page that isn't linked to wordpress. pages are supposed to be different than your posts pages.you also asked one question about how to do your database, and it wasn't even 2 minutes later that you said you transfered everything over and now asking THIS question. are you just asking questions to ask questions or do you really want to find out the best answers before start doing things? maybe your first thread should be deleted now because you are way beyond that point. or maybe you can repost to state how you handled the database issue.oh btw....it was the "page links to" plugin that allows for your easy 301 redirects. so if you did in fact check your general settings url and that is not the problem, then use this plugin and see if it helps ya out. normally, if you were changing a page without this plugin and it was on the same domain and directory where your wordpress is installed or pointed to, you would just edit the page at the top where you can change the permalink. once you install the "page links to" plugin, you would edit your pages, by scrolling to the bottom where you can now enter a whole url....and in your case, you would just click on the 301 redirect since it's not a new page. you any new pages you create, you won't need to click on the 301 redirect.i am really having a problem understanding what the problem is. but from my understanding, this could be your solution.
  6. you have wordpress, correct? did you go in to your dashboard and change your general settings? or just click settings and general settings will be the first to pop up. you'll need to change your url. i don't think it's a database issue. also, have you done your 301 redirects? i think all in one seo makes it easy to do that. the plugin for wordpress. so i would check the furst suggestion. i think this may be part of the problem....and then your redirects. hope that helped!
  7. i am ashamed to admit it, but i listened to my first podcast the other day. it was yours. it was in fact, it was pretty good. i think you guys have a lot of talent and think it can be better. i stayed tuned for the whole show. reminded me of my home town when i would drive for a living. i loved the mornings when i could listen to kevin and bean or mark and brian. keep up the good work. you should definately be proud of your accomplishment p.s. i noticed in another thread you say you like using uncommon words. you should slip a bit about that in your next show. anyway....
  8. welcome to trap, bud. hope ya enjoy it here. loved your introduction....
  9. rvalkass is correct. here is a quote from the Xisto - Web Hosting.com faq page.... so you should have absolutely no problem paying with your credit card as you normally do for your online payment. so if you have any further questions, use the email listed above. that would probably resolve your issues quicker than your post :angel:
  10. when i think about a name, it's not all i am thinking about. the meaning is important. the promotion is also important. combining both is VERY important. it's not just about changing a name because if you build it, it doesn't mean they will come. so if we aren't talking about promotion, then all we are talking about is what the new name will mean to the current members and future members and will it have an impact. to me, newsutra is more spiritual in nature and doesn't take on a non spiritual aspect so just the name itself without visiting the forums, could be a turnoff when thinking about the name itself and the keyword "sutra" will target a smaller audience. at the same time, the name itself(like i said in a previous post) that it could encourage possibly an older generation or a more mature generation(thought wise). changing a name where Xisto has already been proven successful just by the search results in google is risky in my opinion and if i owned trap, i wouldn't consider any name change. especially as a starting point for any change. 301's are ok, but for a big forum like this, any new posts wont even rank as well until the new domain is built up in a year or so. so that is something to think about too. so that means advertising revenue on new posts will be lower. i actually love the name newsutra, but not for a general forum. i even liked Xisto, but it still not something i would have originally chosen but now i am just used to it and it would be sad to see it go. off topic: if it were me, i would start an advertising blitz on social network sites and as i mentioned in a previous post, some youtube videos. i would run games and contests here to promote it up and encourage activity. SOVIET had the right idea when he started the "wish thread" to promote such activity it died out, but it had to have been the most active thread i had seen in a while...in a no post count category even. i think a chatroom would be good to encourage communication and even more of a community environment where people can get to know eachother on a more personal level. one thing about a community, it's hard to leave it when you get attatched. more mods to monitor things even if it's on a trial basis to see if they can handle the responsibility or a leadership role. that will clear the spam i always see and new users seeing which really downgrade the forum when people have to see certain things and it would make the current mods responsibilites less since there are more people to handle the load. also, a user suggested something in the past that i agree with HIGHLY in that no post should be left unanswered if there is a question involved or a user who wanted to create a discussion. there should be a response within 34-36 hours. if new users come here to post something and see their post was just ignored, they will go somewhere else. i would. there has to be a way to que threads that there is only one post in there and can be updated every 24 hours or so. sometimes posts can easily get lost when there is a surge of activity and the most recent posts get hidden. i would also suggest making it easier for new users to sign up and link accounts. i personally find it confusing and i have been here for a while. new users find it difficult and i believe we lose members who are afraid to ask questions. it's not only confusing, but there is just so much to read for a new user. some of the information that a new user reads is also outdated. nothing is simple and easy and can get confusing. so if we could update the rules, and then write something simple where a user can follow step by step to link to xisto.....and then maybe a frequently asked questions or something just to make it easier for new members. now back on topic. opaque, you have created something great here. could be better, and it could be worse. the point is, it is something great and i don't think a new name could ever take it's place. as far as it could be better, i think implementing changes like the ones i've mentioned would do more good than any name change. not that a name change couldn't be beneficial, but not without the combination of other changes. this is why i was wondering what your thoughts were and if they just revolved around a name change. again, if i was the owner of a site like yours and was considering a name change, a name change would not be the only thing i would be thinking about. that's just me though....
  11. i think people are missing the point here. the question from the first post AND the poll is geared around the name newsutra and if people like that name or not.the very first sentence in the very first post was very clear to me yet i haven't really seen much discussion on if people like the name.personally, i like the name, but i wouldn't use it for any forums i would create. i love the meaning though. unfortunately, the meaning behind sutra is the only pro i can think of while i can think of at least 5 cons to the name.....at least for a general forum. i haven't voted yet. still thinking about it haha. i think choosing a name takes careful thought and consideration. ESPECIALLY for an already established businessok. i did a little research while writing this reply and i just voted "bad". i am against the idea. it's actually a great name though, but i think it would be better if the name was used for something else. my thinking was not even based on whether i want to personally see a name change or not. one thing about the name though, i think there is another plus besides the meaning. i think it would bring in a more people from an older generation rather than focused on bringing in teenagers if set up the right way. nothing wrong with teenagers, but i would like to see more older people where age groups are more balanced. i think if trap was promoted the right way, this could have already been accomplished though through #'s and more regular members.i still don't know what is going through your head, opaque. i am a bit confused about any vision you may have. you are talking about a name change and that's it.
  12. you're asking complete strangers who don't know you or her if she likes you? ummm and we are supposed to know better than what you should already know?my advice to you is it doesn't matter if she likes you more than just a best friend. if you want to pursue something more with her, you should at least give it a shot. if you don't, you might not be ok with it and that would be worse than taking a chance and finding out she really does just want to be friends.sounds to me you two are really good friends....that is a strong foundation to find out if you two are compatible in being more than just friends if the chemistry is there.....and as long as you remain best friends without the expectations people sometimes force on each other in a relationship.and if you do take a chance, and she feels the same as you, and you move in with her, and you find out she snores so loud, that it's impossible to get any sleep, don't come back here blaming me..... :angel:
  13. well ON topic with the two versions of the sentence, they were both grammatically incorrect so i don't really think you are proving anything here. second of all, what forums or places are you referring to? you aren't talking about trap. i know in the day, i would razz people here and there and they would razz me as well. just part of the game as long as it wasn't offensive where you knew the other person was taking it wrong or badly. as far as me, i am a native english speaker and i really SUCK at grammer. my mom was an english teacher even and i never really caught on until i had to submit something for school or something official. i don't believe that a language needs to be such hard work or criticized. as long as i understand the person, it's all good, even if i have to laugh inside sometimes when i see people really really trying and failing miserably i tip my hat off to those who are able and willing to make the effort. as far as trap is concerned, i think it's important to be grammatically correct and spell every word correctly since i think i read in another thread, buffalohelp stated that misspelled words will hurt how much mycents you earn here. whether that is in fact true, i do not know from personal experience. nor do i care so much about it as i still believe language shouldn't be so difficult. now if opaque changes the name to this forum, maybe i will second guess my thinking as the new name he has choses has a meaning of it's own. speaking of momma jokes, your momma's so fat, when she jumps in the air, she gets stuck! ok. had to throw one in.....
  14. hey, i am CAUC asian....does that count? :angel: anyway, i don't know about any new name change. i kinda like the name and sorta partial to the history here. what would happen to trap if we convert the forums to somewhere else? if we are definately planning a name change though, i have no problem with the name. i like it but you posted it publicly now and it could be gone soon if you haven't already registered it. if you can tell us more about your plan for a new website and trap, maybe we can give some better input or suggestions to help with whatever your thoughts are.
  15. thanks for sharing such a loser website. ummmm, maybe you can do a little better in the future by posting something that is actually worth reading? trap is worth a lot more than $11,737 and anyone who goes to this website you are promoting must be VERY desperate.
  16. you know, i couldn't even get past the title. you need to change it. i am interested in this topic and i couldn't even get past the friggin title! you have a lot of work ahead of you........by title....i mean <title>blah blah blah</title>
  17. i LOVE the simplicity of your whole website and game. google built their EMPIRE on simplicity. you should include a forum with catagories that suite every level. you should always add on to the levels by creating more. make it a site people want to come back to. at the same time, make it a site that if people want hints, they are given hints. create a youtube vid about your site. it's a good one. needs improvements, but not much. keep iot simple.....don't worry about the guys who think you need photoshop exp. if you can create a site that intrigues people and makes them come back, the graphics are NOTHING compared to it.... nice job btw..... i got to level 5. that's it :angel:
  18. spoken from a true gamer. you bought a game, but can't play it because you lost the most important thing to the game. i think you are s.o.l. unless you want to do some research on your own.......
  19. that is almost an oxymoron. don't be a fool. if you're fighting for your life and die tomorrow, maybe somewhere on the internet, it will be blamed on the mayans.....but then it isn't even 2012 yet so maybe if destiny is in our own hands, i will just have to say you wanted to die.....
  20. anwiii


    tell that to powder. it was a pretty good movie and that was a joke. BUT, i do have to disagree with you. i believe it IS possible to remember past lives and even an afterlife. i don't think we are just made up of the mind and brain to help us think and remember in this lifetime. i believe in a soul that exsists before we are born. i also believe than past life experiences can come out in dreams and other ways. dreams especially. we have an average of 7 dreams a night. times that by 365 = 2,555(per year) x 70(a full life) = 178,850. let's just round it out to 180,000 dreams in a lifetime(and i am going low ball). that is 180,000 times that the brain is trying to tell you something about yourself. but, is it just the brain telling you these things? what if dreams were controlled also by something not physical or what you were "born" with? something you always had before you were even born. personally, i don't remember crap. but when i try to fit the pieces to the puzzle, something amazing happens. i know that there is life after death which means there has to be death in order for new life. why do i know this? because i know my own self. i know what surounds me. i saw the clues and didn't ignore them. i tried and will keep trying to fit the pieces to the puzzle and yea, i will probably die not knowing crap compared to what i already know right now, but it's enough to know that our bodies are mere shells to exist for a purpose. a higher purpose....and death is nothing to be afraid of or question why. there is something bigger than life and death and you are trying to define existance through life and death. it's the wrong outlook. like i said before, know your own self. read the signs. pay attention. keep your eyes always open. fit the pieces to the puzzle in the right places. don't assume unless it's to assume the possibilities. if you do that, you will know your true self that is different than everyone....but is also the same as everyone for different reasons. it's good to question though.....life and death and why we're here. it's always a good thing. it's a start. keep questioning. keep searching. keep paying attention if you haven't already. i am one to say, that you, nor i will ever find all the answers, BUT there is more to life than our physical body. THAT i know...and your simple logic has no place in defining life or death. what is it that is more than physical? some people call it a spirit or soul. personally, that's just words to me and mean nothing but i use them for my own self because i have no other words to describe something inside me that isn't physical and has no logic to explain it. my religious background? grew up christian and went to church every week for 16 years. i wouldn't call myself christian or anything else for that matter anymore. i'm just me and i believe in a lot of things that are unique to me. read up on many religions in the past. they all hold truth and they all *BLEEP* at the same time. i can't tell you if there is a god or not a god. i can only talk about my own experiences and why i believe the way i do and my knowledge from knowing my own self and other people(one of my gifts). knowledge doesn't make a person strong no weak......just more in tune. like a college education. more well rounded. but not in the ways others may understand. the more you know, the more you will be misunderstood....because most people.....think the way you are thinking now..... also, i think truefusion is wrong. i don't thing you are trying to prove anything. especially life beyond the physical self. i could be wrong. i just think you are questioning things. which is good. a baby has to start walking at one point or another. we all learn in our own time......when we are ready......
  21. cool! when i am bored, i usually boot up both my computers and access my two yahoo accounts and talk to myself. now i don't have to clutter my desk with two keyboards and mice to i.m. myself.i really don't see a practical purpose for an every day user.jonny, what does your grandfather do?
  22. hey kamina. i see your mycents building. you don't pay for hosting with mycents though. once your cents reach 100, they are converted in to $1 credit in your xisto account. the remainder left over stays on your trap account to add up to another 100 where that will be converted to $1 credit. you pay for hosting through how much credit you have in your xisto account(ofcourse you can combine paypal payments if you aren't looking for totally free hosting).you can start with just $2 in credit if you opt for a sub domain. if you want a domain, then you need $12 in credit to start. it's also cheaper if you want to pay for a full year in advance with the cheapest hosting plan, but most people don't like waiting that long.note that i use "credit" and not "mycents". the mycents system you are seeing is on trap. if you log in to your xisto account, you won't see mycents. you will see real dollar values. hope this clears things up.right now you haf 18 mycents on trap, but seeing as you have 11 posts already, you were probably already credited a dollar or two in your xisto account and the remainder is what you see now. 18 mycents.
  23. anwiii


    personally, i don't think you can think or talk about death without thinking and talking about life as the opposite is true too. if you only think about life or only think about death, then you are looking at the smaller picture since they both belong to a bigger picture and part of a cycle. death is just part of the bigger picture. maybe you should start thinking about the bigger picture for your answers because if you start defining death or even define life as "to live while you can". that is pretty vague. of course you are right. life is there for us to live. but what is living? and what does it have to do with the bigger picture. this cycle we all are born in to on this earth. when you start trying to find answers. think about what you know. then compare it to what you don't know. now assume the possibilities without assuming anything. the earth was either flat or round at one time. nobody knew. nobody even knew where the heck they were because they never traveled to find out. we've come a long way since then but we haven't even touched on where we really are.personally, i think when there is an obvious cycle to anything, there is logic behind it. sometimes we can use our own knowledge to logically explain. but sometimes with a more complex cycle like life and death, our knowledge is limited to any logic we could use to explain such a cycle. sometimes we just have to allow ourselves to be open to experiencing the answers. i mean if you are walking down a road you have never been on before, and it forks in three different directions, how would you know where to go if your eyes were closed. there are signs all around us but but who's going to see them if eyes are closed or if people aren't paying attention or unable to just fit the pieces together like a puzzle.sure, life.....and death....belong to a cycle. but who is to say that those two things are the only things that are a part of the cycle. they are just the most obvious parts of the cycle.i think a good starting point in understanding the cycle we live in which includes life and death, would be to try and understand your own self first. ask yourself what makes you so different than a stranger you pass by on the street.....while also asking yourself what makes you so much the same. you willing to talk to a stranger to find out? because if you can't do that then trying to find answers to more complicated questions would just be out of the question.i am also privileged to know that life and/or death can never be summed up in less than two lines.....
  24. although you have a good arguement, TF, times are times and trap is about to fall behind. yea, it will still earn a profit, but only from those who aren't members....
  25. yea, and i have two words for you and this thread.... "bon voyage"
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