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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. yea, i agree. after i wanted to see the rest of the code, it was too late to edit so i shouted it. we really do need to see the code because even my ideas are assumptions. also, just because it says line 1 doesn't mean it's on line one. i really hate those errors. i used to get a lot of them in the past.
  2. hmmm. first of all, that is standard encoding so you don't need to include it. <?xml version="1.0"?> should be correct. another option though is putting <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0"'; ?> on your first line. you also might trying to get rid of the version declaration alltogether and start your code from the second line down. try those two things... hopefully one or both will work....this is more like a programming issue than anything related to Xisto - Web Hosting. maybe a mod can move it....
  3. i really loved your post. i think it's something we can all learn from and remember from time to time to keep our own selves in check. i really love hearing about other peoples inspirations in life because i think in some way, we all can relate to them. thank you very much for sharing your day!
  4. i ran across something interesting and thought i would post on it. my first problem occured when i setup an rss reader on my website a long time ago called "carp". i even combined carp with "grouper". anyway, while i was cleaning out and revamping everything, i noticed i couldn't delete the "autocache" files in the carp folder and the grouper folder below my public_html. because i couldn't delete the files, i couldn't even delete the folder the files were in. ok. next, i was experimenting with SMF and messing around with themes. i created an sample theme called "theme1" to add to the already existing 3 other themes that are standard when installing sfm. anyway, i tried to delete that theme1 folder and no luck. everything inside gets deleted except for the images folder so i am stuck now with a theme1 folder that i cannot delete. since i was just testing smf(i kinda like it actually), i decided to uninstall to see if it that would help in deleting that folder. NOPE! so now i am stuck with three folders that i cannot delete :)so yesterday i write a support ticket and was told, even though the files are in my directories and i have the power to control their permissions, i do not own certain files. i guess the server owns them to where a user will be unable to delete certain files. i was told this is common with cms applications. anyway, i thought this was interesting. i never heard of that before. support told me to make a list, and they will delete the files for me. also, they were pretty quick. i wrote the ticket before i went to bed. when i woke up, i had my answer. in fact, the ticket was responded to a couple hours after writing it. i thought i would have gotten a reply by nik, but apparently, a girl named karen is helping out with the tickets now. anyway, i was really glad to recieve such prompt attention. it made me in a better mood even if i can't delete my own files haha.also, as a side not, i tried googling the problem and this problem seems to exist on other webhosts as well. i am writing this in case anyone else has the same problem i did. again, the solution is to write a support ticket and have someone on their end to delete the files.
  5. no no no. relax. yes, you need a domain or subdomain for hosting, but since you already put in to register a domain, suring the setup process, you should have clicked the option for an existing domain. this is an easy fix. you probably have your domain now and no hosting. you aren't going to lose your mycents. you have your domain, which is good. so now all you need is your hosting which is VERY easy to set up either through ordering hosting with a domain you already own, or through a support ticket to resolve your issues. be patient. it will all work out
  6. i like your suggestion, but not for your reasons because we already have stages of levels dictated by the amount we post. we also have the custom member title at post 500 or 501.i do like the idea of a new group that has more privlidges like the limited editing feature taken away etc....you know...TRUSTED members that are hand picked by the mods and admin. i still think we need more moderators. i noticed the other day when a spammer come on and posted about 25 spam posts. a moderator or admin was nowhere in site for HOURS. i mean, when the Xisto threads are spammed, and a moderator or admin isn't seen for 6 hours, there is a HUGE problem there. something i have always stated openly wether people believed we didn't more or not. i KNOW we need more. to top it off, his posts got indexed by google. not only that, but his own site got indexed by google with the help of trap and the lack of moderators. he got rewarded. in this case extremely.i also think we need to concentrate the suggestions to how to bring people in, and how to get them to stay active.
  7. try this. when you are mad and upset, tell her you need your space at the moment and will call her later. later, try to explain to her why you are upset without being upset telling her. the time away will help you prepare. this way, she can respect your space and she wont feel you are ignoring her as much. if your own problems lie with jealousy though, you REALLY need to get them under control. they will break up relationships faster than a speeding bullet. it will create untrust and critical words that may not be founded. for you, it also creates a lot of distance which is bad too. jealousy is NOT a good thing and never will be. so not only now do you need to find some way to control the jealosy, you need to somehow find a way to control the anger that will lead to destruction. take a long walk when you are upset, or music you like to listen to. excersizing furing that time is good too. you need to find something that works for you. at the same time, REALLY work on this jealosy issue. like i said, if you get jealous, it's going to RUIN your relationship. TRUST ME on this one. yea, it hard and tough. sure you want to trust your woman, but does she deserve to be locked indoors all day so other guys don't get to see her just to satisfy your own needs and jealousy. do you know where your jealous comes from? i do. you need to figure out what makes you jealous. i'll give you a hint. it has NOTHING to do with her or how others hit on her. that's surfacy b.s. which is an easy excuse so we can avoid our own problems. figure it out soon. or it may be that you aren't even ready to be in a relationship because part a big part of a relationship is trust. NOT insecurities
  8. congrats on your domain. when i registered a domain, it got registered within 12 hours for me. i don't really know what the average time frame is though. i would suspect it shouldn't take more than 24 hours unless it's a weekend. if you sign up for hosting and your domain isn't registered, i would just sign up for your hosting with the name of your domain(i think it asks if you have your own) and then maybe write a support ticket explaining your situation so there are no problems. to get your domain connected to your hosting, you just have to make sure the name servers are correct and you will have to allow about 24 hours for your domain to propogate.....and they say it can take up to 48 hours. you will get an email when your hosting is set up and it will tell you how to log in to your cpanel, your user name, temporary password, and and other information you will need to get you started. basically, i think you cpanel should be located at yourdomain.com/cpanel. i think before your domain propogates, it can be accessed through an ip address. again, that information should come to you in an email.if you have anymore questions after you have your domain and hosting account, feel free to ask more questions.
  9. hahaha yea, it is awkward at first. that is why you need to practice practice practice. i would think at least an hour a day is good. how long your fingers are shouldn't make too much of a difference so don't use that as an excuse also, your fingertips may be sensitive at first, but they will get used to pushing in the strings. you need to practice your hand positions so your fingers aren't touching any strings they shouldn't be when strummin' the chords. you'll get used to it over time. just be patient. you might want to try to arch your fingers more. that will be a little more difficult with shorter fingers, but it's not hard. just takes practice.
  10. yea ummm, don't give other women compliments....ESPECIALLY around your girl. that IS flirting and you could be leading people on even if you think you're not. i can see why your girl is getting upset. so don't do it. you know it upsets her and if you care about her, you wouldn't do things like that that upset her.as far as other guys flirting with her, you have no control over that. neither does she so don't blame her for your jealousyjealousy is evil evil evil! you people need to respect the one they are with and understand that if there is no trust, there is no relationship....at least not a good one. all you can do is work on your own jealousy. i wouldn't suggest trying to change anyone. if you think you need to or want to, then you are really with the wrong person.as far as ignoring her, DON'T. please don't. she deserves better than that probably and you are in control of your own choices to treat her better than ignoring her. a lot of women are sensitive too so when they get hurt, it will just compound. that's when the *BLEEP*ing starts and that's when you ignore her even more. women will usually voice their problem. men usually hide them. when your girl voices hers, pay attention and listen to her and don't take things personal. she's with you for a reason. don't ever forget that.
  11. well, you are lumping religious in to spirituality, although they can have sililarities, i feel those two words have different meaning so if brain damage leads to greater spirituality, it wouldn't necessarliy mean that brain damage would lead people to become more religious.anyway, interesting theory. i think it's all b.s. and i don't think i will be reading the b.s. article it's interesting that someone would say that only because with my experience with people, the ones who have disabilities and not normal brain fuctionalities are some of the nicest people you could ever meet(in my opinion). some of these people cannot fuction normally on a daily basis so instead of the real world crap everyone stresses over, maybe that enables them to be more spiritual. hmmm maybe i will read the article.....
  12. hey- you're pretty good. you accomlished the impossible! at 53 words per minute, you start typing your tutorials. you then realize that in order to do 5 in one hour, you will need to double your typing speed. so you type out 5 tutorials in an hour at 106 words per minute. you were FAST! unfortunately, you madfe so many mistakes typing so fast, nobody understood a single word in your tutorials and think your a loser for even attempting ONE . they never read your posts again I WISH i could be moderator for a day so i can give warnings to people for no reason and laugh when they post about not knowing why they got a warning
  13. well that sucks. nobody granted my wish and they WON! what a @#$%^!!!
  14. well, at first, when i was reading your post, i really needed this feature becaue i was saying, "oh know....get to the point". well you finally did give your suggestion 3/4 of the way down. you know what? i live the idea around your suggestion. i have been saying recently that trap will have to go through some transformations soon if they want to keep up with the times and be successfull in the future since i have seen many sites fall and whither away because they had no innovation and thought their users were loyal. so i like it. i like adding audio to a forum. ajax. and even somehow impliment video posting. all these features are being implimented on websites with GREAT success. i don't like to much posting my suggestions in trap forums. good ones usually need to be made privately so nobody steals good ideas. but since you posted slightly on this topic, i thought i would give some general suggestions too at first, i didn't think it was going to be a good suggestion, but i give your suggestion a 2 thumbs up. at least for the idea that can be modified specifically for traps needs and promotion.
  15. yes. please post any good domains so that if one happens to pop up, i can register it before soviet does. you know, it is HIGHLY suggested that you don't create threads like this because they promote thievery. you do know that domains get bought and sold. some compare them to real estate. believe me....they do get taken from under you if you're not carefull. also, why are you working backwords? usually, you should pick the name first, and build it around that and the theme
  16. ok. thanks for the answers. i wasn't complaining though. my purpose for the question was because i wanted to seperate two sites and wanted to see if i could target the same keywords in the domain name and directory...then link them together. since my debate i am going through with myself is whether it is worth it in the long run from a pr and advertising perspective or just concentrate on one domain and have more pages relevant to eachother. 7 years huh? i think it was a legit question only because if you had a subdomain sample.domain.com and you wanted to treat it as such for the search engines, one could run the risk of being penalized possibly for duplicate content if domain.com/sample was found by the search engines. so this was actually all new to me since i never really researched subdomains before and how they technically get set up. anyway, thanks again for the answers. i guess this topic can be closed for now
  17. haha i think that's why my dog always had plenty of toys to chew on including tennis balls. he rips 'm to shreds, but he loves 'm and i don't have to worry about him chewing on or destroying anything important. when i clean the apartment, i put his toys(he has about 15 of 'm) in a pile. the next day, he has carried all his toys from one room to the other where i am usually at on the computer. he's funny. he's over 2 years old and still a little kid..... like me
  18. interesting that you post what you did seeing as the website link has been dead for a while. you posted it as a cheat or scam site and you didn't even visit it to know it is offline. when you give a review of some sorts, it would be ok to visit the site first
  19. you absolutely don't know what you are talking about and didn't answer my question at all. i need someone who actually knows the answers to my questions to respond. and btw-it's not just a matter of style or appearance. it's about seo and rankings too. if i am going to list my page as a directory, then i really don't need to create a subdomain now do i. do you even know the importance of a sub domain....the advantages and disadvantages? when i post a technical question, they are very important to me. i don't need newbie answers that have nothing to do with my specific question.
  20. ok- so let's say i have i created a sub domain for my blog, blog.domain.com. i should redirect using .htaccess? how will that affect seo using a redirect? will it? i did create a sample blog as a sub domain and whenever i click on a link to my blog, it always connects me to a directory to my domain. so if i created a sample page to my blog, the link would be domain.com/blog/sample instead of blog.domain.com/sample. also, wordpress is handing my subdomain where chinging links to point to a sub domain is not that easy.... so yea, i would like to manage my files to work with my domain. is editing the htaccess the best way to go? is this the standard to handling sub domains? i am also curious how it will affect seo. also, by using a redirect, then are you effectively saying that i cannot have a directory in my public_html folder that has the same name as a sub domain i created? from what i am getting, that seems to be the case here.... example, i cannot have the subdomain sample.domain.com AND domain.com/sample as two different pages.....one by creating a subdomain and the other just creating a directory? i want to be clear on these things because it will ultimately affect which way i go here soon with my website and i really duplicate content on what only seems to be two different website pages and i want to make sure that any redirect is seo friendly and would in fact recognize my subdomain as seperate than my domain.
  21. would they be prone to the same eye disease cocker spaniels get? cataracts are a HUGE problem so if they are, maybe ash and the family need to be aware of that. i haven't researched it since you're the animal expert i can agree that at least most spaniels if not all are very sensitive so the positive reinforcements are highly advisable. so sensitive that if you don't treat them especially right, they may cower over time where there is no reasonable explanation. they just need more love and attention than other breeds...especially when training them. my last two dogs were golden retrievers. although VERY VERY smart and easy to train, they are also very sensitive btw ash, at first quick glance, it almost looked like you had a golden retriever pup. your dog is beautiful and very cute! enjoy this time because they don't stay that way forever haha!
  22. ok. i wanted to post about this for a while.subdomains should be independent of of your tld and it's associated directories. HOWEVER, when i create a subdomain, yes, i can access it by typing subdomain.tld.com but i can ALSO access it by typing in tld.com/subdomain.why is this? it's showing the same exact page for what should be two different locations. i should be able to create a subdomain "sample.tld.com" and also tld.com/sample that will show two different pages. you aren't able to create a directory that is the same name is a subdomain that is being used.can someone explain this to me? because i noticed this about a year ago and never really had a need to comment on it until now....which brings me to my next question. if this is how we are handling subdomains, how are we handling addon domains? are they being put in the same public/html folder where if you have an addon domain named "sample.com", you wont be able to create a directory or subdomain "sample"?i am a little confused here since i always though sub domains were supposed to be completely separate from your domain and any second level directories within your domain.
  23. ummm, try cutting that #14 in half, then you can get a more realistic # in how many dreams a person usually has a night given an 8 hour sleep period haha. also, rem, known better as rapid eye movement is associated to a dream state. dreams can last as long as 30 minutes. there ARE different sleep levels. the higher levels, like when you first close your eyes to sleep, your dreams can last maybe 1-2 minutes or less. the deeper you are in your sleep though is the potential of longer dreams. i would also like to point out the fact that the link you gave didn't show anything about any dreams or how to remember dreams. maybe one has to be a member for it to show? i don't know. i am not a member and although the webpage was active, it gave absolutely no information.
  24. one thing about what makes any country great is it's people. i don't really give that much to the homeless. they are everywhere and feel it's unfair to give to one and not give to all. yes, i think the homeless just like everyone else should be able to take care of themselves. in the united states here, they do just that. even the homeless. most likely though, a homeless guy isn't gonna walk in to a store and buy a cell phone. normally it will be given to him. but then you bring up the question about giving to the homeless and then them buying cigarettes or even booze. see, i have no problem with this in general as you can't possibly know what it's like on the streets until you have been there yourself. they are quite capable of buying cigarettes AND feeding themselves. yes, if they didn't buy the cigarettes or booze or drugs, then people wouldn't have to give as much to help them survive on the streets or they wouldn't have to work as hard to find the money for food. but isn't that the case with the non homeless? isn't it just a choice that they make just like everyone else? it's give and take. why should the homeless be limited to just the necessities to survive? should they not have anything of value? should they not enjoy a ciggarette or a drink to warm them up on cold nights? so as you had a problem with the original question, i have a problem with yours. it intimates that the homeless deserve nothing unless they are willing to better themselves. and to who's idealistic outlook should the homeless be compared to? yes, this is about survival on the streets, but it's also more than that. it's the psychology behind it all too. how did they originally become homeless? there is probably no easy answer for it. i mean, everyone's situation would be different. take for example a 16 year old runaway. why did he or she run away and rather live on the streets than under a warm roof with food provided by their parents? maybe they were beaten or raped and didn't know what else to do. maybe a 30 year old man lost his job and felt like a failure when he couldn't provide for his family and couldn't get another job. what happens to these people when they are on the streets? normally, people look down on the homeless and the homeless KNOW it. how does that affect them? under certain circumstances, i would be drinking too! i would also be afraid to enter back in to the real world because nothing is worse than trying to pick yourself up and fail....and sometimes realize that people aren't really there for you when you need them the most. so anyone giving to the homeless should give unconditionally. it's the act of giving that is important. not how one will use the act of giving. so if i were to give a homeless guy $10 and he goes out and buys cigarettes and booze, and not food, that's ok by me because this guy needs to know that giving is giving and there are people who WILL help him even if he decides to use the money for something that it wasn't intended for. we have to accept the homeless. they are EVERYWHERE. maybe they make bad choices. who doesn't. i've seen people with a lot of money make worse choices than the general homeless population....so where are the stimulations on THEM? why target the homeless? because they are lower class than you? because if you see people that way, then maybe you need to keep yourself in check by not judging a group of people who have different backgrounds and different circumstances. sure, we want the best for everyone, but the world isn't a utopia and there is no BEST for everyone. we make due with what we have and we try to be happy in our environments. the homeless have it tougher than anyone else if we are talking materialistically. if you get to know them though(which most people don't even take the time), you'll know they are more than just people who have nothing materialistically. and just because you see them as having nothing or not helping society, it doesn't make it true. the homeless sometimes live in communities where they will try and help each other out. they are still human beings, they still care about people, and they DO do some good and not just sitting around don't nothing all day. they even help the environment by collecting cans and recycling. they probably do more recycling than any average household. so yes, don't judge a book by it's cover because you will just look like a fool when the truth hits you in the face. in my opinion, i would rather see the homeless pan handling and getting money for free rather than decide they can make more by robbing people and breaking in to homes and parked cars. so at least the majority of them are still fairly honest people in that respect and wont lower themselves to hurt others. so what do they deserve? everything anyone else deserves and when christmas time comes, and you are getting things free because the act of giving is most important(not what you give or how it is used), think about all those homeless who don't even deserve a cell phone....or some cigarettes....or a drink or that drug addict homeless guy that will die on the streets from withdrawl if he doesn't get his fix and where we don't have the resources to get most of them the help they REALLY need....mentally and phisically. think about those guys at christmas when you are opening your presents and getting things you don't need either. anyway, that is my speech. i guess the first couple paragraphs was directed to the person i quoted, but in general, it wasn't so please don't take offence as i know you probably didn't state all your views on this issue. but i just want to open peoples eyes to see a little clearer picture. we ALL need to do our part to make this world a better place to live and we don't start doing that by limiting giving to the homeless because of where our limited thinking takes us in our own little idealistic world when reality is just so much different in some forms and in any given situation. so personally, i would LOVE to see the homeless walking around with blackberry phones. wouldn't that be neat to see? i would LOVE to see that! not only would they have more resources to help themselves, they can feel more good about themselves buy actually having something of value. i personally would get a kick out of seeing that and be SO happy that they have their phones!
  25. haha hey bud, welcome to trap. yellow! huh? haha i just had to see what was so exciting about the color yellow. now i get it :)anyway, this place is pretty good at giving hosting and domains names for those who post. they also offer attractive hosting packages. it's also a pretty good forum in and of itself. a good community all around so hope to see ya around!if you have any questions, don't be shy in posting them or pming a moderator!
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