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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. did i piss you off? sorry about that. i did read your posts. all of them. i even understood them. in EACH and every one of my posts where you were confused still, i mentioned that you shouldn't do what you were asking. so i just repeated myself with different wordings until maybe one day you would be less confused and understand at least one of the posts from me or someone else. don't blame me for being confused though. i was only trying to help you. you seemed really determined now i hope opaques last post helped you out where me or buffalohelp couldn't because nobody wants to see you confused. you get cranky now opaque or buffalohelp did say that if you pay for hosting rather than use mycents here on Xisto, there are things that you would be able to host since computinghosts terms would be different that any linked account to traps credit system. porn sites were used as an example but not limited to just those types of sites as long as they don't break any state or federal laws...and even international laws since we are talking about the internet, i think anything would fair game in hosting. someone actually mentioned that if after you put a disclaimer on your website to illegal stuff, so they wouldn't be held responsible, that somehow that changes the law somehow. i've seen these websites before and have to laugh because those disclaimers are just stupid. it doesn't change a thing. in the united states, it's like a store owner putting up a sign "absolutely no refunds" in plain sight where nobody misses reading the sign. they say when someone purchases from their store, that sign is part of the purchase contract. unfortunately, signs don't change laws either and the sign could become invalid in certain circumstances. anyway, i thought it was funny that someone really thinks putting a disclaimer on their website makes everything ok haha.
  2. first of all, where did you come from and why do you have negative $6 in credits??? haha it's funny to me that you would have a problem with the forum and mods when obviously they already had a problem with you haha. anyway, people CAN cope with the posts. this is not why people leave.l i have personally seen many people come and go and coping with the posts were NEVER an issue as a whole. as far as the mods being strict, it depends which mod you are talking about. some enforce the rules stricter than others and others sometimes aren't enforcing them as strict as they should be. i am not saying i have never had a problem with a moderators decision, BUT, i realize that if there weren't people such as the mods to enforce the rules that have been set by opaque and possibly buffalohelp, then this place would be a piece of crap forum where anyone can do anything and say anything. this is also a place where people can post to host and although the hosting isn't free, all people ask for is you follow the rules to get your hosting and domain names. a few quality posts a month isn't too much to ask for in return, is it? if people DO leave trap for the reasons you suggested, then they are going to have to find free hosting elsewhere. i say GOOD LUCK WITH THAT because there are only 1 or two out therre that can actually compete with trap's hosting packages. and let's not forget about the domains where if they leave trap, they will just have to fork out the $10 for one the reason why most people leave is NOT due to strict rules or problems with the posts or any nonsese like that. most people come and go because they are eaither just checking the place out and found it's not for them, or that people actually have lives outside of Xisto haha. i mean, maybe they just changed their mind about wanting a free webhost or domain. maybe they are going to school and don't have the time. or since a lot of the users are teenagers, maybe their parents are limiting them on the computer haha. whatever the case, it's usually real life circumstance that limits people here that has NOTHING to do with Xisto. not any of the ideas you mentioned seem valid to me as i have seen many come and go and i know better than to agree with you here.
  3. no they aren't. apparently data packages are though since they can't even bypass the firewall. also, not so small data packages after 9 months does this mean women are smarter than guys?
  4. yea, i know everyone gets lucky once in a while though a more realistic price would be $2000. but he's going to have to include things he didn't mention which will bring his cost up. i suspect that if he build it, he can expect an 80% markup as long as he knows how to sell it. i mean, if someone doesn't know how to sell something, then even if it's a great deal, it wouldn't mean much. those are some really good prices on the parts though. even i am amazed at how low fry's is selling them. i think if he searches harder, he can possibly get the parts a little cheaper. although in my personal opinion, frys is the best electronics retailer in the united states, they aren't the cheapest if you look hard. alothough researching it could take a whole day and some of the parts could be over sees and harder to get so it's all about deciding if the time and effort is worth researching further. if one was going to build more than one....let's say 10-20, then it would definately be worth it. but building 1 or 2 may not be.
  5. i suggest you go to the wordpress site to find out about the permissions. yea, changing permissions could very well be a security risk but you will need to probably change a couple folders to those permissions if you want to edit some of your files within your admin area. you'd also probably have to tweek your .htaccess file although changing permissions and/or or htaccess file is not really necessary. but yea, i would suggest going to the wordpress site where this topic is talked about(i am pretty sure i saw a topic floating around somewhere over there a while back). i think you'll get a lot better advice there. the advice given here is pretty vague. if you do go researching elsewhere and find any usefull information, you might want to quote it in this thread for future reference.
  6. ofcourse you need a license. they don't offer an evaluation offer. either you have to pay for a license, or you shouldn't be using it. i would suggest you look for any free alternatives.
  7. i was looking through youtube and found this hilarious video. it's staged i am sure since this kid has made many youtube videos, but it was just hillarious. actually, a lot of his videos are pretty funny, just a little too long for my taste but this one is only a little over a minute... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. first of all, they DO need to know the laws. second of all, laws can originate from the senate OR the house of reps, OR the executive branch. i guess not only did they stop teaching the constitution of the united states, they stopped teaching government all together. how a bill becomes a law was one of the first things i was taught. although i forget a lot about the specifics since it's been 25 years since i've been in high school, i remember some haha also, your representatives whether the house or senate, get elected by the people. these elected officials really want to be elected again. what does this mean? well, they may present a bill for a law or statute that conflicts with the constitution or any other federal law or statute to please the people. if something gets made in to a law that is contradictory, then they know it will ultimately pass in front of the supreme court. this is what we call part of our checks and balances. who can stop a law? the president. another part of our checks and balances in our executive branch. why would a repusentative do this? it's not because they don't know the law. the represent the PEOPLE and try to give what the people want and be supportive so that they can be re elected. now i think it's time for some of the high schoolers to approach their teachers to remind them that they really aren't learning anything according to this thread
  9. that's life. that's news bud, get over it. should the news only cover the living? yea it's sad. personally, i don't object to things like that because the news hides too much crap as it is or makes up stories just to present some "news" for the ratings. should the news have showed people drowning when when the psunami killed lives? what about the after effects of an earthquake?. there is one good thing about showing a terrible loss to nations or even just one nation. it makes it readily public information so other people can be supportive. to hide tragedy is to take away the potential of support people can give. was the media taking advantage of a situation just to get ratings? no. i didn't see them take advantage of anything for just rating. they were doing their job. they were reporting the news. life isn't a disney channel nor should we limit the news to g ratings.
  10. ould you post a link to something that was illegal? thought not. same thing. ok. i will just accept the fact that you are terribly confused and nothing is clear to you. i really do hope someone answers your question satisfactorily so we can drop this. have you even sent your question to Xisto - Support.com/billing for an exact answer yet? or are you ignoring what the admins have told you to do already?. why don't you do that, get your answer, and post it here so this topic can get closed???
  11. you think there isn't a problem with what google did? think again. what about all the pending lawsuits against google for copyright infringement? at first, all you were talking about was hosting a torrent site. now, after i brought up links, this is now an issue. putting links to illegal files is an accessory to illegal activity. dude. DONT! what has not been clear.....again, you seem terribly confused. take this to support as already recommended by an admin. i think opaque as CLEARLY stated, he doesn't want anything hosted that is remotely illegal including links to anything illegal. links are a part of your hosting. where they go is not. just don't do it.....or after being warned against it, heck....do it....let's play this out since you seem insistent and not really listening. if you are so dedicated to your idea, why don't you host your own server. problem solved.
  12. those are some pretty good prices there. don't forget about your network card and cd/dvd drive. also the os if deciding to go with windows.i would think if you put that system together, you could get around $2500 if you're lucky but i would suspect more around the lines of $1900-$2000.fry's is awesome btw. i can browse their electronics section all day.....and HAVE hahaha
  13. what do you not understand? it's pretty common sense and cut and dry. legal files are ok, illegal files are not ok. if you don't know the difference, then don't host the files. torrents are are not necessarily illegal. why would anyone get sued if you are hosting legal files or links to legal software? also, buffalohelp has already stated that trap members using mycents have different rules than paid members of Xisto - Web Hosting that do not use mycents but i would still think that hosting any illegal files(torrents) would still be against the terms of service for paid members that don't use mycents. now what is it about common sense that people are having a hard time following. we had two replies from both admins. any further questions about specifics should be written in a support ticket as was suggested by buffalohelp.
  14. that really isn't true. i usually ALWAYS log in to Xisto - Support through https://support.xisto.com/clientarea.php and i have gotten this error several times. it's the same exact link that is given when your mycents updates and an email is sent when you get credited for $1 or more. anyway, this error has been known for some time now. i don't much mind it only because i know it gets fixed in an hour or two and there really isn't anything significant that i need to accomplish right away at that link.
  15. yea, this is actually been a huge problem a lot of users have complained about. a bigger problem than the time differences. i haven't been able to post in a the shout box a couple times myself. refreshing, signing out and back in wont fix it. while some wont be able to type in the shout box, most others WILL still be able to continue shouting. it gets really annoying. especially when you are typing back and forth discussing something and then all of a sudden don't have access.
  16. we already do get rewarded with mycents everytime someone replies to a topic as far as adding a feature to pay a person more mycents, that system will be biased since some people have mycents to spare and some don't. so it wouldn't be fair for the users with very few mycents, that has a question that isn't being answered. so with your system. the only people who would get their questions answered would be the already rich with mycents people. also, what if their were more than one reply to a question or what if 5 people contributed to the full answer where no one person answer the question fully. i like the idea, i just don't think it would work here. too much trouble to impliment for something where people can find the answers elsewhere if nobody responds or doesn't know the answer. usually, people are pretty good at responding to questions too so you are talking about the minority of the topics or posts.
  17. i don't think that's true, is it? the constitution is usually taught in general history classes or political science. i would still think they teach at LEAST the u.s. constitution. i don't know about state constitutions. i was born and raised in california and i was never taught our state constitution. i think it would be biased to teach any one state constitution in a public classroom unless you're in college and sign up for something specific as that. if they HAVE eliminated teaching the u.s. constitution, then that is a shame! it's not only interesting reading....ESPECIALLY the bill of rights and maybe a few other amendments like the 14th. our constitution is our ancestry and any school not teaching THAT should not be allowed to teach our children! but now, the united states is a melting pot of all sorts of cultures and foreigners. so it seems maybe the constitution doesn't mean as much as it did back in the day? who knows. the 14th amendment would still be interesting to those who migrated to the u.s. since it defined a whole new class of citizenship and giving right to those who were slaves. i dunno about this country if it can allow the dismissal of the u.s. constitution in it's classrooms for high schoolers and/or jr. high schoolers(is "schoolers" a word??? .
  18. that's an interesting piece of technology there. i doubt i will ever have anough money to afford one though. i'm pretty cheap when it comes to my printing needs. i buy printers where the ink cartridges are already included in the price. when i run out of ink, i buy a whole new printer because it's actually cheaper depending on what you buy and i have exclusively stuck with lexmark for years. now although plastic isn't biodegradable like paper, you can use the sheet 1000 times over so you really wouldn't be producing a lot of those sheets. i have to wonder how convenient it would be though since when you copy something, it's usually for important records and information that one would save and not want to copy over so i am curious what use this printer would be for convenient printing especially when printouts from printers are going to be as absolete as the microfiche soon when comptuer technology advances since all we would need in the future would be a scanner.
  19. well the last regular member to leave was watermonkey. he addressed several of his issues in a thread he started. from my experience here, people come and go just like anywhere else. it's no different. even if people are getting what they want here, there is more to life than just Xisto and the world offers much much more. as far as trap is concerned, they cannot please everyone. the edit feature was taken out because people were abusing it and supposedly "stealing" from old posts they would edit. this is unacceptable. although i feel there is a way to resolve this through compromise, taking it down is the quick fix. you still get 10 minutes to edit though and i have used that time many times to edit my poor spelling and grammer and to delete some of my thoughts or add a few more lines. i agree though. not only does trap need to focus on bringing in users, we need to focus on keeping them here. i like this place and i would like to see it grow in to a more regular member base where i can see 20+ active memebers on at any given time....instead of always less than 10. this figure should be at least DOUBLED. but, even if it's not, i still like this place and i don't plan on leaving anytime soon. i do like your suggestion that no question should be left unanswered. if people think they are being ignored, then i can see that as a reason to leave. but then you have to think that if a question isn't being answered, nobody really has an interest in answering since maybe people don't know the answer and the answer lies somewhere else besides trap. what would be better for the person asking a question? a forced answer from trap that barely touches on a true answer, or finding it somewhere else where they specialize in certain areas and can give a much more appropriate answer? trap is a general forum and not really specific to any one area of expertise. anyway, i do see the point you are getting at. hopefully we can make this place "the place to go".
  20. well, from my own research, the average person sleeps 8-9 hours a day. also, the average person only needs 5 hours a sleep a day to function. it's not unhealthy to get only 5 hours a sleep a day, but if your body is telling you it's tired, i would suggest you sleep.....or at the very least take a nap. even lying down with your eyes closed if you can't sleep can be rejuvinating.should when you sleep matter? no. i don't think so. what DOES matter is why you have a hectic sleeping schedule and getting a lot less sleep than the average person(2-3 hours less).i don't think it says anywhere in the bible where you have to sleep more and only at night. however, certain religions state that you must take care of your health. this should just be a GIVEN. everyone should take care of their health and life shouldn't just be about working while we are awake eitherso although i see no problem with sleeping during the day instead of night, and i have no problem with a person getting 6 hours sleep, your schedule seems hectic and there must be a reason for it and that COULD be considered unhealthy.the main thing to consider here is listen to your body. if it's trying to tell you something, don't ignore it.
  21. well, first of all, i do like your original and new templates. i just don't like so much the placement of your navigations.whenever designing something new, i think the main purpose is to be original and to stand out a little. it's gonna get confusing to explain my idea since you now have three designs so lets just talk about the last one. something to think about is putting "home, about freebies" and "login, register" on the main menu line. next to your "tutoriary- tutorials for web designers", i would like to see some graphic or graphics so it looks less plain. my suggestion is to create book graphic for "announcements, gimp, html & css, misc" the graphics of books would relate to your site and each book would have it's title where if someone clicked on the book, it would take them to that section of your website.if you impliment that suggestion though, i don't know if the search bar will seem out of place there or maybe you can move it down to the main menu bar.anyway, that's my idea. also, the blending of the header to the menu bar seems a little off to me. i don't have any suggestions for that but i would think about blending it together better.and again, i like your designs. i just don't like the placements of the links and also i felt a graphic or graphics would spice it up a little better and make it more appealing to the eye.
  22. one of them? haha like i said, i RARELY make suggestions. i have replied to other peoples suggestions, but i think the last suggestion i made was more hosting options when you sign up after the mycents system was implimented. i guess it was taken in to consideration since instead they did increase the packages. that was a long time ago when i made that suggestion though. yea, i was always in favor of being able to transfer mycents or credits. there are pros and cons to that though. the cons are that some users wont feel the need to post since they are getting free mycents or credits without posting. this con is short term when credits or mycents are in abundance. the pro to this is that the mycents and credits can flow more rapidly and be used up. it will also promote new users who sign up just to recieve the free mycents or credits from a friend or stranger. in the long run, when mycents and credits are not in abundance, then the new users who want to keep their hosting and domains will NEED to post. i always liked that feature in the old system even though i never used it except to give to the trap awards. as far as my suggestion. good topics generate pages of replies so for each good topic, one could easily generate $1-$2 dollars off one topic post that may have only generated 30 mycents originally. to impliment a system like this would probably have to lower some of the mycents we get for posting or replying to a topic. this suggestion would NOT be good for users who spam or force posts but would promote better quality responses to gain more mycents from the new system and promote better topics. the idea behind reducing mycents for replies or new topics may sound bad at first, but in the long term, i think everyone would benefit. trap makes a good chunk of money from good seo and ads. and i can see the revenues increase from the ads with this system. also, anyone who signed up with kontera and linked their account to trap would also probably see their revenues increase(as little as it may be) since my suggestion promotes new topics made, users get a higher percentage of kontera earnings(what is it....50%?) for any new topics. since trap is mostly originally coded, i would also like to see a referral program here on one or two levels. maybe 25-50 mycents or so for each referral. and if on two levels, 25 mycents for each sub referral. it would bring in more users when users create their website and opt to promote Xisto.
  23. you wish this catagory was used properly? maybe we should all post 1 1/2 lines. is that using it properly? what does praying spiritually have to do with animals and insticts and goals? to answer your question that may or maynot have been used properly in this catagory, NO. i don't think humans and animals are the same. we DO have many differences. our insticts are different, our goals are different, and our desires are different. hunger? are you talking about food or were you just repeating yourself and talking about desire again. to me, this thread is about spirituality and praying. spirituality to me means you do believe in a god or goddess or higher power, but don't invite organized religions in to your relationships with any higher power or even a connected energy you feel close to. it's more of a personal religion that includes self and even life awareness praying obviously means talking with deep though. so this thread is combining those two aspects and i have no idea what you were trying to prove by writing how you wished other people could use this catagory properly when i didn't understand a word you said that had anything to do with this catagory.
  24. yea, let's think about ourselves first. that is just plain SELFISH! yea, we need to think about ourselves, and we DO. thank god we think about other people too. the $10 is not coming from our government, but for people who care. it's not any cop out. giving is giving no matter how you give....wether directly or indirectly. i am sure the same people who cared about the tsunami and what happened in haiti cared about the devestation on our southern coast. so exactly what issue needs addressing? that we need to take care of our own country and let other countries worry about their own selves? well, countries are made up of people. just because people live in other countries don't make them different from you or i because we live in the united states. i think it's ridiculous how people think sometimes. right now we aren't going through anything life threatening. the homeless? they congregate in the big cities because that's where the free shelters and food are. they are fine. the ones who aren't are too drunk or drugged up to know any better. we have programs for the homeless but the homeless will have to want to enter those programs. i used to volunteer to help them so i know all the programs out there that are readily available. bottom line is that our country is doing fine. better than most and i am PROUD to hear all the donations coming in to help support a life crises in another country. that's what MAKES ME PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.
  25. what kinda guitar are you learning on? i would start with the basic chords in major. a-g learn one. then learn another, and practice going back and forth between them. then learn another and practice going in order....and so on and so forth. you're not learning any songs, but you are mastering the basic hand positions. once you have mastered this....maybe in a week or two, get yourself sheet music that just deals with major chords. play a few songs and get excited about how you can now play a couple songs, then learn the minor chords the same way you learned the majors and you can then expand your sheet music. also, the very FIRST thing you will need to know is how to tune your guitar. it's good practice to tune it every day you decide to pick it up and play it. it's hard for me to teach you how to tune it. maybe there is a tutorial somewhere else if you can google it. but you always start tuning a guitar with the last string. which is the E string. my reference was always a piano so i had it pretty easy as long as the piano was in tune. there are cheap guitar tuners out there. i heard some people use wave files. you just need to tune that 6th string. after that it's easy but unfortunately, i can't explain it well....but it is very easy. takes me a total of about 20 seconds to tune a guitar. your first time may take you up to 3 minutes. the more you do it though the easier it becomes. you also have to have a good ear to tune as you will be using your low e string to match it up with a high pitch e on your 5th string and so on til you get to your first string. anyway, yea, you need to learn to tune first, then learn the major chords, play some songs, then learn the minor chords. this should be good for the basics right now. also, don't forget to sing while you play and try to FEEL the music....
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