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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. if you have a problem finding your posts, go to your profile and click on topics. that's how i found your thread after reading the shout box.
  2. i just had to recover a password after someone bought a laptop and the person they bought it from forgot what it was. it wasn't stolen, but i went to this website here... http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/ then i downloaded the iso file http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will have to have a blank cd or dvd a burn the iso file to disk. you will need a program like "free easy burner" or some other program that is capable of burning iso files. don't just copy the file to cd. that will not work. you have to burn the image file. once you do, leave the cd in your drive and shut down your computer. wait a couple seconds and restart and boot from your cd. to do this, you either need to hit f2 or f8 or f12 or esc button after you turn on your computer. the button is different for different systems. you are looking for your boot menu options. once you find it, boot from cd. let your cd run. normally you can just hit enter until you get to the menu to unlock the account and clear the password. pay attention to the menu options. they can seem confusing at first, but this program works. the system i had to recover a p/w from was a compaq with a vista o.s. and worked like a charm. just remember to save your changes. they don't save automatically.
  3. that's not the only thing that bothered me about the post. this person posted a link to an auction website. normally, i wouldn't be suspicious, but the only things up for auction is from the owners of the website. users don't auction anything off. this sounds like a scam to me. they can totally control the outcomes of their own auction prices.some of the past auctions they advertise seem pretty low to me even with their weird format in buying bids for .60 a bid when bids only increase .05. even with that though, i tried to do some figuring and some of the listed stuff has been going for half and more than half off retail.the website has been up for less than a month so i wouldn't even trust it right now. but i will investigate this site further and see what i come up with. it could just be they are willing to lose a lot in the short run to make a lot when people start buying bids....
  4. nice plan, but who are the idiots paying retail on ebay? haha i want a list. you know, maybe for items that are hard to get or where there is little competition, people can be prepared to pay that retail price, but i don't think you're talking about items like that. so who are these people paying retail?!? the majority of people go to ebay so they don't have to pay retail.
  5. no. that would never happen to me. would pretty much know exactly how much tax i need to pay every year. also, for most people, taxes are deducted automatiocally so it would be rare to have to pay an extra 2k unless you work for yourself and not budgeting very good for your taxes every year.
  6. sorry. i read your whole post and you have VERY LITTLE understanding in what pays for what. BUT, for what the government does pay, it's deserved to the people who have already paid in to the system. exceptions could be welfare or ssi. if we didn't have those programs, all there would be is more homelessness and people starving(at least under your plan)...and the way you talk about the elderly and the disabled makes me sick that someone could be so cold.but don't talk about what you don't know. most government programs come from grants. grants that are given BY the people or corporations willing to give to a non profit for tax purposes. it's not just the united states, it's the states, cities and counties that have their own programs as well. so they are going to have to spend the money somehow or there would be excess money that deserved to be spent back on the people and general public. it's not like they are keeping it for themselves.if you don't like paying taxes, there are legal ways you can avoid paying, but then you are seperating yourself from the services you would normally recieve if you DID pay taxes(at least your federal taxes and social security and disability insurance). but within a state, you can easily avoid them by starting your own business...or several small ones. ligitimate enough to where you don't even have to pay taxes on food or clothes or anything else for that matter.as far as criminals, yes, they should ALL be put on work programs or do double their time. i don't believe in slave labor though so they can at least be paid minimum wage so when they get out, it would be easier for them to get started with their new life rather than just be put on the streets with nothing where it would be easier to commit the same crimes because they have nothing anyway...sad part to me though in what our taxes pay for, not many people take advantage of those programs....especially the low income ones and the free energy assistance. i mean, if you don't have enough to pay your electric or gas, there's a program in every county in the u.s. that will either fill up your gas tank in the winter, or pay your overdue electric. and if you are one of those people who don't need assistance, than be GRATEFULL rather than annoyed that someof that money is coming from your own pocket when you pay taxes and instead of being grumpy, smile.....knowing you have given to someone in need and knowing that living in the united states is a good thing when you know there are programs out there(including being taxed) where it's about people helping people.do you even know the history of taxes in the united states and where they first started taxing u.s. citizens? it's interesting reading. some say we are being taxed illegally, which we are not. we just pay without questioning it because we think it's illegal not to pay. but it's not if you avoid paying taxes LEGALLY, but you have to take the steps. i would be more concerned with government control and the rights we should have rather than complain about taxes that you really don't know much about it would seem....
  7. your english is fine from what i have read. it can always improve. but that is just your writing. if you don't struggle to write, and your speaking compares to your writing where you can speak the way you do without looking words up in a dictionary or stuttering, then i say it's pretty good. sure, there are others that speak it better, but then i have known people born and raised here who write it worse than you do.so from a scale to 1-10, i give ya a 7 only because it's a foreign language to you. if you were born here, i would give you a 5 1/2 or 6. don't know why other opinions are so important to you. i can understand pretty much everything you write. speaking it though is a whole other ball game as speaking is more free flowing and accents can get in the way of understanding. but then, i like a good accent as long as i can understand a person....
  8. well if money is an issue, then i think you should know that california is one of the most expensive states to live in. where if you travel about 1200 miles east, everything is 1/3 the price it is in california. even if you have a place to stay, food for two people in california for a month is going to run you around $700 a month and believe me, those wont be your only expenses. i really hope you are thinking things through before you make a big change in your life...what i meant by online is not that there are free classes, but there are some great learning resources. you wouldn't have a degree or certificate, but you would have the knowledge to do freelance or even get a good job working for someone else.yes, online classes can be quite expensive. so can universities so i am assuming both are out of the question? so it's between a jr. college or technical school. i would try to research financial aide options but i really don't know how that would work if you're not a u.s. citizen.i don't even think schooling is even half your problem. you will need to get here first. you might not even have the ability unless you come for vacation and let your visa expire, but i wouldn't suggest that. you would need to have documents to even attend a school.i think you REALLY need to talk to your relatives in california and have them make phone calls for you to see how you can get here and stay here while attending school first. this whole plan of yours would be a wasted effort to find the perfect school if you couldn't even attend it. so first thing is first and i think if you have connections in california, use them to your advantage and see if they can find out all the information they can in your situation rather than rely on trap members who don't even know your specific situation and unable to help fully....
  9. those aren't pluses. those are x's. you're supposed to click on them to close out the circles. it works. try it :angel:
  10. ummm i am glad you solved it, but i think this whole problem was on your end. when i logged in to the test account a couple days ago, i had absolutely no problems with the site recognizing me as logged in without refreshing
  11. wow! i went to the website and watched the videos of this thing. it's pretty amazing stuff. what's even more amazing is the projected cost when it's ready to hit the market. i can see the hand gestures being hard to learn at first. i mean there has to be thousands of hand gestures but from the video, it was meant to seem really easy....like drawing the watch on your hand and having the current time pop up. but this thing is going to be HUGE since it specifically encourages interaction. i don't know if i really truely love this technology or not yet. yea, it will be quite helpfull, but i see some downsides to it which i wont get in to it now because i just don't want to speak too soon where this is just a prototype. i'm also wondering if this guy is going to sell out to some big corporation. i really hope not. i guess in another 5 years, we'll see what this thing is really about. amazing! just pure amazing! i encourage everyone to watch the videos on the website....
  12. well if your worried because it's going to expire soon, why transfer it now anyway? use some mycents to renew it, and then if you need to transfer it, you can do it after you have paid for another year
  13. i have to agree that Xisto - Web Hosting support is a little slow and confusing at times because the support does not read our specific requests and assumes things we didn't even say. i just learned to bare with it and be patient because as far as i am concerned, their services are good when connected to trap.i know that doesn't help your current situation, but it's nothing to get your panties in a twist over. if there is some major problems with support in your situation, what i would do is talk to opaque personally and let him handle it if time is indeed running out.as far as the edit feature, where have you been? haha it was taken out a while back but you still have 10 minutes to edit your post as soviet had said. no biggie....
  14. anwiii

    Hello People

    ok. i have to admit something. i actually starred at this one paragraph for 3 minutes. yea....three minutes laughing and wondering what the @#$%. if there was really a forum like this, i would run and never look back. i seriously hope fermine is using a sense of humor and nothing is too terribly wrong mentally because i really don't want to be laughing for the wrong reasons.....
  15. ummmm you know movies aren't real, right? sorry to break it to ya or if you just didn't know any better. try watching city of god. good movie. might cheer you up even more.......
  16. since you're using javascript already, try this.... <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; http://http://www.redirecturl.com/?f; /><meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"><script type="text/javascript">window.location.replace('http://http://www.redirecturl.com/?f;
  17. ohhhhhh i LOVE traveling, if i had the money, i would have been everywhere in the world already. i've been to most u.s. states. if you draw a line from illinois to north carolina, then you can have an idea of the north eastern states i have yet to visit. i would have found my way up there if my friend didn't flake on me when he was going to sell his house in new hampshire!the place i want to visit the most in the states right now is alaska. the place i want to visit more outside the states is ireland.Naehqwien put up a pretty good list. yosemite is just an awesome place with a lot of places to explore. i haven't been there since i was a kid, but i remember it well. i think my two favorite places though(which are totally different would be wyoming and hawaii(specifically maui), but picking favorite places doesn't do the other places justice. especially the places with the most culture like the southern states. i loved mississippi. louisina, alabama, south and north carolina, and georgia....even though i was told by the police to leave their state and never return haha. a lot of culture in some parts of those states. i like to visit the poorer parts of the towns only because life isn't hidden by how much money you have. it was also a shock to see that segregation is still apart of america today. the white neighborhoods would have their shutters drawn while the black neighborhoods would have kids playing in the streets. some of my best memories were driving through some of the smaller towns in the southern states. i even learned how to crab fish off a bridge....and also eye the aligotors eyeing any crabs you catch.to me, there isn't anything more rewarding than traveling and experiencing different cultures and the ways of life that people have lived for generations. especially when they don't consider ya an outsider and willing to talk to you. i just LOVE treveling. it's sad though because you come and go. you can only hold down your roots in one place at a time. everywhere you travel offers something good and different..... and it's always sad for me when i have to leave.i hope one day i will get to travel to the north eastern states, alaska, and ireland(for at LEAST a couple weeks) before i die or at least well enough to travel :angel: i'm 41 now and time is not on my side haha. at least i met one of my dreams already which was to drive from coast to coast. what an AMAZING experience! most of the time, sleeping in the back of the pickup without a shell. but that doesn't cut it when it rains or when you are in swap territory down south and you have to get away from the billions....yes....BILLIONS of mesquitos. there was one place where you couldn't even open your mouth without one flying in. what a nightmare! haha but was an experience i will never forget.
  18. sorry bud, but if you were mugged at knife point and were waiting for others who were also mugged at knifepoint, the crime rate doesn't seem like just media hype. personally, i live in the states and i never heard that londen was statistically the most dangerous european city. so i guess it doesn't get that hyped up over here in the states.and if we are talking statistics, statistics don't lie whether there is media hype or not. i've been to london before. unfortunately, i never got to see the outside of the airport terminal. i would have LOVED to expplore with the little time i had with the layover. crime doesn't really bother me or scare me normally because if it's just a mugging, you give them your money or wallet and they go on their merry way. where i grew up in los angeles though, there are certain parts that are gang infested. there are invisable lines you can't cross or enter at your own risk and people die needlessly. sometimes you need to do a drive by and/or kill someone before you are initiated in a gang. almost like some parts of africa where you have to kill a lion before considered a man.i used to collect money from payphones from the most dangerous parts of los angeles. carrying 15k dollars in my car a day was dangerous, but if you know how to act, and are aware of your suroundings, most likely, you can avoid any danger.i would love to visit london....but i am one to normally stay away from the touristy stuff. i like meeting the locals and touring the parts that the normal tourists wont normally see or experience.
  19. can i ask a question here? how much are you willing to spend to learn? because some places are better than others. there are also online schools that will be able to teach you what you need to know. is that an option? why california if you can be taught the same thing online? what's your budget? normally, we have student loans and grants to help students with their education, but i don't know any information about what can be accomplished with a foreign exchange student....expecially for someone who already holds a bachelor's degree.so what are we looking at here?are you willing to take classes online?are you limiting yourself to california?what is your budget for schooling?do you plan on staying in the united states after schooling?did you want to go to a university? a jr. college? a technical college?what do you hope to gain from a school that you can't learn online for free?there is a lot of unanswered questions here. so maybe if you can be specific to your needs(academic and personal), then maybe you can get more specific answers to those needs.
  20. anwiii

    Hello People

    hey bud, welcome to trap! yup, this is a little community, but the knowledge here is pretty huge and diverse. i've been here for 4 years and love it here.i like your passion. it doesn't matter if your knowledge is limited. everyone's knowledge is limited in one way or another, but it's the passion that drives us. so if that is what you really want to do, then i have no problem believing that you will be able to create an mmorgp that is top of the line and will draw in thousands of people just by word of mouth.i've played a couple in the past. i liked 'm. i just don't have any knowledge of how you would go about a start up. all i can offer is think big long term, but think small short term. maybe start out your learning experience by building a small version and get a couple hundred to play while you fullfill your long term goals of creating something bigger and better while you are learning.is demo what you go by in other places? when i first saw your account in the shout box, i was thinking, hmmmm "demo"...."demo account"....not a real user.....just cheacking things out to see if it's the place for him.... :angel: anyway, hope you like it here. give it some time. link your account with xisto so you can collect some mycents which can eventually be converted to free hosting and even a free top level domain. it would be a great start in what you are trying to accomplish.everyone starts out at the bottom in life. it's those who are passionate and dedicated about something that seem to excel in what they do and eventually become known in what they do. it takes time and patience and the mindset to never give up.WELCOME demo!
  21. i think any form of advertising can help, but it really depends what your online business is about and how much of a budget you have. i am not a believer that advertising in papers don't work. yes, the papers are losing business because people are searching more online for their needs, but subsciption rates are still pretty high. also, basically, with newpapers, you are usually paying for a certain geographic location with a cetain amount of subscribers. even if subscriptions are down, all that really means is you will be paying less for your advertisments. it all works out to about the same mathmatically.one thing about offline advertising, it's somewhat similar to online advertising in a way. a prospect needs to see credibility which includes seeing your ad or promotion several times before they contact you so putting your ad in for a day(in a major daily newspaper) or for a week(in a little weekly newspaper) wont cut it. i suggest paying for a month of advertising. obviously, the bigger the ad, the bigger exposure, but the more money you will be putting in to an ad that might not even work.with any advertising(online and offline), you will need to know how to word your ad to draw attention to it and get the reader interested in it so they can call you. since an ad is really impersonal and people respond better to "personal", it is really important to convert those ads to telephone calls. some people say to fib a little just to get those telephone calls. some people believe to be completely truthfull so you weed out the not so serious right from the start.. personally, i think combining the two should work well. but don't ever fib or lie to where it might ruin your credibility. especially if you plan to advertise locally in a small town.when starting off, i would probably start off with a 2 inch block ad. they aren't that expensive and usually when you put your ad in for a month or more, you can negotiate a better price. this would be your initial investment offline for you and ALSO the newspapers who want to keep your business so they are willing to negotiate a little on price. i would also just start out with one newspaper at first to see if your ad is working and determine what you can change about it to make your investment worth while to start. once you have a good ad running, you can place your ad in more newspapers with somewhat similar results.now aside from newpaper advertising, one good free way to advertise is to go around locally and speak with store owners to see if you can put a flyer up in their window. another good, but not free way is to create your own little boxes where you can put your business cards in, with a little advert on top of the box sticking up to put around stores in your local area near the cash register. the would draw a lot of attention from people who were at the register or waiting in line. you can offer a discount to the store owner for whatever you are selling(at your cost) or you can pay $50 a month for it to be placed somewhere.also consider trying to get your hands on something you can give away for free for those who respond. people love free stuff. some people will respond just to get the free stuff and not interested in what you have to offer, but it's a good way to get personal with those people and change their outlook and get them interested. this technique has ALWAYS workednow whatever you do, keep yourself on a strict budget. keep track of what your average expenses are compared to each sale. then you will know exactly how much it is costing per person you have successfully sold to. if you are in control of your own price, and there is potential of repeat sales from the same person, then sometimes it's ok to lose money originally just to grab those customers to get future repeat sales.you know, i just touched base on just a few of the aspects of marketing. there are many things to condider....even psychologically. so it's not just about whether a newspaper ad is worth it. the real question should be....are you able to market yourself successfully online or offline. for example, is newspaper advertising worth it? the answer is undoubtedly a YES as long as you know how to do it right and there are a alot of aspects to consider to enable you to DO IT RIGHT. if you have a $100 budget, i wouldn't even consider newspaper advertising. if however you have a budget of at least $1000, i would definately consider that as part of your marketing plani don't know what your business is, but if it's a business where it also includes getting other people in to the business, once you have at least 1 person in the business, it's good to create a co op advertising campaign. which basically means, you set up an advertising plan, and you split the costs with the other people in the same business as you and share the leads equally.be creative when you advertise. there are a lot of free ways to get known out there offline that doesn't cost a lot of money, but will cost you time and effort. spending money on advertising is for the lazier people out there that would rather pay to get known rather than work hard to get known. it's a tradeoff. they both have their pros and cons. i would try to include both ways in my approach because if you're not passionate about what you're doing and willing to work hard at it, then maybe you're in the wrong business that wont leave you very fullfilled.anyway, that's my small input on the subject, i hope it helped you in some way or maybe got some creative juices flowing to where the possibilities are endless....without scaring you too much :angel:
  22. it's going to be easy to find a college that is known for webdesign in california or any other state for that matter. most every college teaches it. what i would concentrate on is not only that, but also a college that is known for business and marketing. for the most part, you may be good at designing, but if you suck at business and marketing, then you wont know how to impliment designs from a marketing perspective you're in turkey, no? do you plan on attending a college for 4 years here in the states? do you plan on moving here? another option is the technical colleges that will be specific to your needs. one class can take anywhere from 6-12 months. you wont have to talk any unnecessary classes, and you wont have to go to school for 4-5 years just to study web design another option is a jr. college. the required units aren't many to graduate in 2 years and a good one can probably teach you the same as a major university. again though, if going after a web design career, i would also focus my efforts in learning business and marketing....and the psychology and creativeness that goes in to designing something specific for someone to their specific needs and goals.
  23. haha i don't think it's that easy. you see, she is divorced. her ex probably wanted it and she didn't so just because someone loves someone, doesn't mean they can be with that other person. you see. it take two....haha she's not the ONE person who dictates how everything will be... if she DID want a divorce and got one even if she still loved her husband, then maybe there were problems in the marriage that love couldn't solve. so it's not about being with someone. it'a about doing what is right and right now, if she doesn't love this guy she is living with and is having a relationship with him, then THAT is wrong unless her live in boyfriend knows how she feels and is ok with it. i wouldn't be. sounds to me she caught this guy on the rebound and is using him just to satisfy her own lonliness and need for companionship. the sad part is is that now she is realizing that satisfying the loniness or need for companionship is nothing compared to loving someone who can fullfill those needs sometimes it's just better to live alone for a while.....but when people start to grow older and alone, it gets more difficult for some because they feel time is running out and they just don't want to live alone......so they settle. they still keep that idea of love and that ideal relationship in their head and settling just is not fullfilling at all.... people think they need to be married or in a relationship to be happy. especially in america where the divorce rate is 50%. hey, it's the american dream people always talk about along with that white picket fence. unfortunately, a lot of people can't break away from what society dictates and their thoughts are controlled from childhood. they fail to realize that their real happiness lies within their own selves, enjoing life, and being who they are meant to be. people have watched that jerry mcguire movie and most people know that one liner, "you complete me". nobody should be in a relationship to be completed. one should be in a relationship to SHARE what has already been completed. nobody needs a relationship to be completed. that's just insecure thinking. sure, a relationship offers a lot to the right people who are ready to enter in to a commitment....and especially a life long one if you enter in to the sacred vows of marriage, but it isn't for everyone and just because you're not in a relationship or married does NOT mean you cannot be happy and satisfied in your own life. it does not mean your life will be unfullfilled and empty.
  24. marriage is sacred. you got a divorce. that's a final decision among two people. more on with your life. i think if it was true love, you will always love. that wont go away. thing is, don't enter in to a relationship and move in with a guy if you don't love him. what's up with that??? that relationship is gonna end just like your marriage did.
  25. ha! yea, small towns were a change for me to say the least....and yea....pretty much gossip in any small town. but i appreciate them more than the big cities as far as the people go. more friendly, more of a community. it was funny because when i moved out of los angeles and in to small towns(huge change), people would wave at me when driving by. at first, i thought that i don't even know 'm. why are they wavin' at me?!? i realized that it was just a friendly gesture and the thing to do. i like it. i'm no angel though so i get a lot of people talking about me hahaha. actually, i have been trying to keep to myself in the town i'm in now. i don't think they really know what i'm up to which is amazing, but i'm that good heheheh. i'm pretty much a ghost because of the small towns i've lived in before and i know how it goes. but ummmm i bet they're all thinking i'm planning my killing spree right about now since they never see me thing that sucks about this place though is that there isn't even a bar around. can't shoot any darts or pool or nothin'. it's a hole in the wall town. the only place i've really been has been to the post office....and then the small as a box country store when i was outta stuff and snowed in(couldn't drive anywhere). i wish i was raised in a small town rather than a big city. i'm more layed back and i love the locals in these small towns....even if i am still considered an outsider haha
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