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Everything posted by delivi

  1. thanks for the timely helpI'll just get a step forward and try out alll your suggestions and get back if I still have the problemthanks rize619, SM and dastrophy for your help
  2. i've made new logos for my site https://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png please rate them and provide any suggestions
  3. this is really a great news, I hope this new processor is for the desktop.We've seen how the processor clock speeds have peaked up in the past decade. So there is no wonder of this new teraflop processor.even the gaming consoles like PS3 have teraflop processors, so we should be expecting them soon on the desktop PCs too
  4. wow this is really a good news, i love the entire CoD series, they give exceptional realism in games sound effects and also realistic graphics.Thery are the best type of World War games. I'd love to get my hands on the demo soon.
  5. I've a System running Windows XP Pro SP2, with the following configurationP IV 3GHz HT processor, Intel 915GWVB Motherboard, 512MB RAM, Segate Barracuda 160GB 7200rpm SATA HDD, LG DVD WriterMy DVD Writer has suddenly stopped recognizing Blank CD-R's, there is no problem reading CD's and DVD's with some contents on it. It also identifies Blank DVD's and CD RWs and I'm able to burn properly in them. But when I insert a blank CD-R it fails to recognize the disk, I get No Disk error, when I try to open it.I first tried using several Sony CD-Rs but all of them failed to recognize, but when I used another brand CD-R (Plasmon) it recognized after several attempts, it also recognized the Sony CD only out of luck, I was able to write in only 2 CDs out of 15 I bought recently, all were without any scratches. The drive recognizes un-finalized CDs and also allows to write in them. My system is 2 years old, I haven't faced any other problem so far. Even now it fails to detect the various old sessions in multi-session CDs sometimes. What is the cause of this problem. I've also got several CDs failing while burning data into them, recently.Is this an OS problem or problem with the hardware. Please help me.
  6. here is my entry at the last moment
  7. thanks for the software. I was looking for a good software for conveting my documents into PDF, I'll give this a try
  8. it is really disappointing that the last SOTW didnt get enough votes only 4 voted.I think somthing must be done to get the people voting and participate in the SOTW.I'll get my entries here soon. :lol:what is the last date for submission ??
  9. Wordpress is my choice. It is offers you all the features that you'd expect from a blogging CMS. There are several thousands of extensions to add more features to your blog. You can get thousands of free Wordpress themes. Or you can create your own, it is rally very easy. Just you need to know the basics of PHP and web designing, and with the Wordpress Codex for reference.Other options will be the free personal edition of MovableType Blog platform, drupal.
  10. Getting a great looking website is really a difficult task. We need to take care to make the site more acceaaible and get more visitors pouring in. Here are a few dont's that you need to keep in in while designing a site. 1. Clutter - Too much text and too many links is information overload. Simplicity is the most efficient way of getting a point across. If you must have a dozen of links in your site, classify them in sections for easy navigation. 2. Different font sizes- Keep consistency in font sizes for text content of similar nature like headers, footers and body text. 3. Too many GIFs - GIFs take a longer time to load and just put people off. 4. Flash - Flash is a brilliant way to desgin content for your website, but do not overuse it. Using too much flash where simple HTML would have done the work is simply annoying. Always have a Skip intro button if you add an flash intro to your site. Provide an Sound ON/Off button if you add background music. 5. No Popups - The thought of using pop-ups should never cross your mind. And these days browsers block pop-ups efficiently, so it becomes useless. Opening clicked links in new windows must be avoided and used only when required. 6. No Horizontal Scrolling - Internet users are accustomed to scrolling webpages from top-to-bottom. The horizontal scroll must be used rarely for anything unless it is a large image. 7. Design for Standard Window Size - design your fixed layouts for web pages considering the standard window sizes, used by most users. 800 x 600 was the standard size a few years before, now 1024 x 768 is the standard window size. 8. No long URLs - Keep your URLs short and related to the subject matter of the web pages they link to. There is no point having URLs larger than 30 to 35 characters long. 9. The first four second - As a rule of thumb, if one cannot figure out what the site is about within four secondsof looking at the loaded web page, the site will most probabily fail to make an impression on the user. Make your contnet crisp and up to the point you want to convey.
  11. Getting a great looking website is really a difficult task. We need to take care to make the site more acceaaible and get more visitors pouring in. Here are a few dont's that you need to keep in in while designing a site. 1. Clutter - Too much text and too many links is information overload. Simplicity is the most efficient way of getting a point across. If you must have a dozen of links in your site, classify them in sections for easy navigation. 2. Different font sizes- Keep consistency in font sizes for text content of similar nature like headers, footers and body text. 3. Too many GIFs - GIFs take a longer time to load and just put people off. 4. Flash - Flash is a brilliant way to desgin content for your website, but do not overuse it. Using too much flash where simple HTML would have done the work is simply annoying. Always have a Skip intro button if you add an flash intro to your site. Provide an Sound ON/Off button if you add background music. 5. No Popups - The thought of using pop-ups should never cross your mind. And these days browsers block pop-ups efficiently, so it becomes useless. Opening clicked links in new windows must be avoided and used only when required. 6. No Horizontal Scrolling - Internet users are accustomed to scrolling webpages from top-to-bottom. The horizontal scroll must be used rarely for anything unless it is a large image. 7. Design for Standard Window Size - design your fixed layouts for web pages considering the standard window sizes, used by most users. 800 x 600 was the standard size a few years before, now 1024 x 768 is the standard window size. 8. No long URLs - Keep your URLs short and related to the subject matter of the web pages they link to. There is no point having URLs larger than 30 to 35 characters long. 9. The first four second - As a rule of thumb, if one cannot figure out what the site is about within four secondsof looking at the loaded web page, the site will most probabily fail to make an impression on the user. Make your contnet crisp and up to the point you want to convey.
  12. A team of reserarchers at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, has begun a progject to devise a system for lip reading using computers.. The system would take a video taped conversation and convert it to text.This technology will become a valuable tool for crime fighting, security and a host of other applications such as mobile phone cameras and in-car speech recognition.This futuristic system will replace the people who can read lips, such people are shrinking in numbers and even they are no always precise.The real challenge is getting an accurate computer system that can read lips. The system will have to able to track the speaker's head in various poses, to extract features that describe the lips and then match the movements with corresponding text. This will also include developing a system with a huge lexicon for each language.System is planned to be developed for English, and a few other languages like modern Arabic , which are quite expressive on the lips and therefore somewhat easier to lip read. Mandarin and such languages are very difficult to lip read.
  13. Security Guidelines for Internet Users 1. Install an anti-virus software, you can free ones like AVG Free. Ensure that it's regularly updated - this is of the utmost importance. 2. Anti-virus software is not enough, the security can be tightened using a firewall software which will help you prevent unauthorized incoming and outgoing communications from your computer while connected to the Internet. 3. Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not in use. The longer you are connected to the Internet, the more opportunity you give for persons to gain unauthorized access. 4. If your computer is used by others, keep an eye on what they install and modify in the system. It's safest to make a policy not to allow any software to be installed without your permission. You can the other user access the computer using a limited account. 5. Ensure that you logout of sites properly. Failing to do so you allow others who use your computer to gain access to those services and you can be blamed for their activities. 6. Always use an alphanumeric password with not less than 8 characters. Never use anything that is related to you like your name, place bate of birth as your password. 7. Be very careful in chat rooms as these are places where Script Kiddies and other undesirable elements of the online community are very active. 8. Never visit any Warez sites as they usually contain infected files and pages. 9. Do not visit sites that you do not know what they are, they could be link crashers, IP spoofers, or VBScript worms. 10. Never install any software that you get from unreliable sources. 11. Always scan the CDs, DVDs and other removable media that you get from other with the Antivirus before exploring the contents. 12. Keep away from softwares that contain or reported to be spywares. 13. If you notice anything suspicious in your computer, check online for the symptoms or get in touch with an expert to identify the issue. 14. Always use the latest browsers, and other clients and also keep them updated with latest patches to keep your system from any possible attacks.
  14. Security Guidelines for Internet Users 1. Install an anti-virus software, you can free ones like AVG Free. Ensure that it's regularly updated - this is of the utmost importance. 2. Anti-virus software is not enough, the security can be tightened using a firewall software which will help you prevent unauthorized incoming and outgoing communications from your computer while connected to the Internet. 3. Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not in use. The longer you are connected to the Internet, the more opportunity you give for persons to gain unauthorized access. 4. If your computer is used by others, keep an eye on what they install and modify in the system. It's safest to make a policy not to allow any software to be installed without your permission. You can the other user access the computer using a limited account. 5. Ensure that you logout of sites properly. Failing to do so you allow others who use your computer to gain access to those services and you can be blamed for their activities. 6. Always use an alphanumeric password with not less than 8 characters. Never use anything that is related to you like your name, place bate of birth as your password. 7. Be very careful in chat rooms as these are places where Script Kiddies and other undesirable elements of the online community are very active. 8. Never visit any Warez sites as they usually contain infected files and pages. 9. Do not visit sites that you do not know what they are, they could be link crashers, IP spoofers, or VBScript worms. 10. Never install any software that you get from unreliable sources. 11. Always scan the CDs, DVDs and other removable media that you get from other with the Antivirus before exploring the contents. 12. Keep away from softwares that contain or reported to be spywares. 13. If you notice anything suspicious in your computer, check online for the symptoms or get in touch with an expert to identify the issue. 14. Always use the latest browsers, and other clients and also keep them updated with latest patches to keep your system from any possible attacks.
  15. thanks for sharing your find. I think this is just another p2p client.I try this software
  16. Please check out the site http://delivi.com/ , I've replace most of the PNG images with GIFs to provide compatability in IE6 and below.
  17. another bump to get attention to continue voting
  18. A team of reserarchers at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, has begun a progject to devise a system for lip reading using computers.. The system would take a video taped conversation and convert it to text.This technology will become a valuable tool for crime fighting, security and a host of other applications such as mobile phone cameras and in-car speech recognition.This futuristic system will replace the people who can read lips, such people are shrinking in numbers and even they are no always precise.The real challenge is getting an accurate computer system that can read lips. The system will have to able to track the speaker's head in various poses, to extract features that describe the lips and then match the movements with corresponding text. This will also include developing a system with a huge lexicon for each language.System is planned to be developed for English, and a few other languages like modern Arabic , which are quite expressive on the lips and therefore somewhat easier to lip read. Mandarin and such languages are very difficult to lip read.
  19. We can specify the colors using different techniques in CSS to use within documents. No color should ever be specified within an XHTML document, it should be specified through CSS. Lets see the different ways of specifying colors. I. Using Color Names You can use color names for specifying a standard set of colors. Only 16 named colors are valid for CSS. They are, White (#ffffff), Black (#000000), Red (#ff0000), Green (#008000), Blue (#0000ff), Silver (#c0c0c0), Gray (#808080), Teal (#008080), Lime (#00ff00), Olive (#808000), Yellow (#ffff00), Maroon (#800000), Purple (#800080), Fuchsia (#ff00ff), Navy (#000080), Aqua (#00ffff) II. Using RGB Hex Codes RGB Hex codes are most commonly used to specify colors in CSS. RGB Hex codes are six digit hexadecimal numbers. A hexadecimal numbers is made up of the digit 0-9 and letters A-F, where A representing 10 as a single digit, through to F representing 15). Each RGB Hex Color code contains of three parts. Each part when converted to decimal will be equal to a value between 0 and 255 (00 to FF). An example RGB Hex Color code is "#FFF8DC". The first pair of digits refers to the amount of red in a color ("ff"), the second specifies the amount of green ("f8"), and the last pair the amount of blue ("dc"). The RGB Hex Color code is always prefixed with a # symbol. III. Using Short RGB Codes When each of the three pairs of a RGB Hex color code consist of two of the same digit, for example #ffdd77, the code can be shortened or abbrevated as #fd7. Remember this can only be done only when all three of the pairs are made up of two identical digits. IV. Using Decimal Values CSS allows you to specify the color values in decimal form. This will be quite useful if you have trouble working with hexadecimal values. You can just get the decimal values for the colors you use from your image editor or a color picker. The following syntax is used for decimal color definitions in CSS: * { 1. color: rgb(255, 248, 220); } The above code translates to the color #fff8dc. The value for each of the three colors red, green and blue - is defined as a number between 0 and 255. IV. Using Percentages in RGB The Colors can also be specified in CSS as percentages in RGB. You need to add the percent sign (%) after the number you wish to use as percentage for each color. The following syntax is used for defining colors using percentages in RGB: *{ color: rgb(100%, 60%, 200%); } The value for percentage ranges from 0 to 100 for each color component. Note: * If the value used for specifying colors exceeds the limit i.e. greater than 255 then the maximum value is used. * No negative values will be accepted. * Only the Hex Values for colors is supported by all other web programming languages.
  20. my favourite mobile phone is Sony Ericcson, and the next option comes Nokia and finally for Motorola.I love the SE mobiles because they have all the features that we'd expect. they have the best quality and the easiest interface. I love the cybershot series and walkman series especially for their photo clarity and voice clarity.Nokia has the very easiest inerface, even a newbie can easily handle it.Moto is only a fashion statement, if you wnat to flaunt with your mobile, then go for Moto. It ahs the most slickest of the interfaces available.
  21. it is really bad to see members leaving Xisto, I'd say this is really a great community always buzzing with activity and also very friendly.It is really nice that you've got your new site, I'd suggest you to keep visiting the forums and share your views and help others.Happy life and enjoy
  22. I hope that with the latest release of phpBB 3 RC 1 you can get the script that will automatically upgrade from phpBB 2 to phpBB 3.
  23. this is really a good news, i'd say that the government should give even more stricter punishments for such people.
  24. You can definitely change your MX settings for your domain form the cPanel of your Hosting account in Xisto. You can find the options to change under the Mail Options in cPanel.
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