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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Microsoft has cut the price of the Zune player by $50, dropping it to $199. Due to the newly rewamped iPod release by Apple. Zune went on sale in November 2006 and has grabbed 9 percent to 10 percent of the U.S. market for hard-drive MP3 players. Microsoft has shipped 1.2 million Zunes through June, exceeding a goal of 1 million shipments. Read the official release Zune Insider
  2. There are several thousands of web designing firms all over the world.So does starting up a new web designing business make any sense. If so please provide suggestions and ideas.
  3. I saw a documentry on Lock Ness Monster on Discovery last week.They explained the things clearly and the various projects undetaken by the several researchers.Finally they showed how the image could be faked easily and so far no valid proof has been found.Once group of researchers scanned the entire lake with SONAR, but failed to get any evidence or any trace of the monster.There are several things on earth that we humans do not know. Even our own theories may be wrong. All the scientific predictions are just the imagination of others. Still there are a lot of places on earth where no human has never been before.
  4. man this is really horrible.the world is heading over to its own destruction. each country having sufficient money have started acquring nuclear warheads :Pthis is really a great concern for the future.
  5. Wow ! this is a superb PC configuration. You've got a configuration for me to envy . :Pthis configuration is excellent for playing games with full graphics settings and also enjoy a great multimedia experience.We both only have the DVD Writer in common everything else is superior than mine :Denjoy a lot:)
  6. I've got a new broadband connection after using dial-up for several years.this connection is from a service called DataOne, provided by BSNL the national telecommonication company of india.This new broadband connection provides a bandwidth of 1.11MBps Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title modified
  7. wow great another new site from Xisto :PThe site is great but I'd suggest that you change the layout or add more graphics. it looks plain and looses the appeal of a gaming site.
  8. I submitted my sig for SOTW#59 at the last moment but my entry was rejected and I lost the interest. :)But now I'm getting a new broadband connection so I'll be back in action in the coming week :XD:
  9. I'd suggest that you go with XBox 360.Because, * It is a lot cheaper than PS3 with nearly the same permofrmance. * A huge list of Game Titles * The Games for XBox 360 are cheaper than those of PS3 * XBox Live has an excellent online content and good for multiplayer gaming * You can interface your PC with XBox. * The next OS Windows Vienna is being developed and it will integrate all the Microsoft devices and make them interconnected, so you become future proof if you are using a PC.
  10. it is good to use the mobile phones as modem but the major draw back is the mobile battery will be drained quickly and you sould be in good network coverage region otherwise the speeds will be very slow.
  11. Hi according to the forum rules no kind of affliate program is entertained here. Read the Xisto Readme This sounds like a cool service and really very useful to keep us informed especially when we are expecting an important mail. Pleas eshare the service link so that others can benefit.
  12. Nice Script, I'll try this out and add this to my new website which is under development :XD:
  13. Wow great site, My Personal Site http://delivi.com/ is worth, $1,278 my other site http://www.xatre.info/ is worth $16 My Blog is worth http://de-livi.blogspot.de/ $1,247 My City News site http://tuticorinnews.blogspot.de/ is worth $47
  14. I got a page not found error, buddycheck that your site is configured properly.
  15. I've tried nearly some 25 different free web hosting services, some provided hosting for free with ads and some were without ads. But as far as I've seen Xisto provides the best free web hosting service. I'm not saying this because I have my site hosted in Xisto, but I want others to know about the best things that are available online.No other free service provides us the features and addons as provided in Xisto. Moreover all the services that Xisto provides are not even available in many Paid hosting services.Xisto is clearly the leader in Free Webhosting. Xisto Rocks.
  16. wow great tips, I hope I'd follw them to increase my AdSense I lost a lot omoney earned from AdSense due to the impropper clicks made by my friends. AdSense is one of the best way for earning a few bucks from our personal websites.
  17. I prefer Google, but the only bad thing is that it dosent allows to go over 100 results for a searched term.So i dont prefer Google for hunting information, there are a huge number of Search Engines that provide good results than Google and they also go deep into the net and there is no limit of results.Live search is also more better than Google, Live search has realtively a smaller index than Google but produces more relevant search results.
  18. this site requires you to own a domain name to get a free hosting.I dont think that this service is as cool and feature rich as that of Xisto, I dont see any reason to switch to this service, I'd stick with Xisto and planning to shift over to Xisto - Web Hosting soon :XD:
  19. I've been using Windows for a very long time, right from the Windows 3.11, but I always fascinated in owning a Mac, I love the cool interface and the usability in Macintosh applications.I was overjoyed when Apple decided to use the X86 powered systems for its newer Mac OS. I've been looking for the best solution to install the Mac in my X86 system and experience the cool Mac OS, thanks a lot for sharing this resource, I'll try this and get the Mac OS installed in my PC.
  20. here I've found an article explainining how to configure Broadband in Ubuntu, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. thanks a lot for sharing this great tutorial for getting a full login system for my site, I think this script will prevent all the SQL injection threats as it strips off the input values from code.
  22. My vote goes for SM, his Sig lloks more pro. and it is neat. I love the color tints and the background graphics, the others fail to impress me :XD:
  23. using PHP templates for the site helps us to reduce the time spent on designing each pages in our websites, all we've to do is design it once and forget it and the template will be applied to all the other pages by including the necessary files in each page.
  24. Web 2.0 is the term used to indicate the new age web sites and their services powered by AJAX like GMail, YouToube, it also has brought a new type of web services like social networking.The Web is developing in a fast pace with a lot of newer technologies being introduced daily, and it is very hard to keep oneself updated and be an expert in all these technologies.
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