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Everything posted by delivi

  1. I like the Mr.Bean series and Just for Laugh , they are enjoyable and helps us forget our worries and be happy
  2. this design looks great, but you need to work on the fonts, all the fonts except "Erotomania" doesn't match with the rest of site. use fonts like Lucida Grande for the text. adding a few more effects to the content boxes in the bottom will added more glamor :rolleyes:great work, I'd love to see the final outcome
  3. Under no circumstances should you run a repair utility such as Scandisk or Chkdsk on the formatted drive. Reformatting a disk does not erase the data on the disk, but only the address tables pointing to the file loactions in the hard disk. read this before proceeding http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1139 Try any one of the following softwares, at your own risk http://www.pcinspector.de/default.htm http://partition-recovery.com/download.html
  4. what does this really mean? I didnt post anything in the shout box ??
  5. I think that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is the link to his site. Got it from his signature the Joomla template you are using is Cinema Plazza by Template Plazza you need to change the logo and change the default content in the sliding navigation menu in the top.
  6. I'm aiming to work on all sorts of design related work, let it be site layouts or templates for any CMS.but to make efficient templates for CMS's you need to be well versed with the taxonomy of the particular CMS's template syntax.I currently design themes for Wordpress, planning to design templates for other popular CMSes too
  7. Google is celebrating the Halloween by putting up a new doodle in its site, the 2007 Halloween doodle is, you can see the previous google Halloween doodles here
  8. wonderful collection!I'm downloading the Flock Collection, thanks a lot
  9. The ImageFilez site is down and is not accessible. I got the following error when I tried to access it.
  10. Happy B'day the jlhaslip, Evil Ruler of Xisto here is the cake for your B'day Hidden the party has begun and the guests are enjoying Hidden
  11. :BUMP: Voting got buried up. hey guys cheerup sow some activity in this section
  12. This is a default feature in Opera from version 9.23+It is called as Speed dial in Opera, by default it is set as the home page.I'd say that this would be more efficient than using an online service for it
  13. I love the games from Valve, i own HalfLife, HalfLife 2, HalfLife 2 : Ep 1 and Halflife 2 : Lost Coast ( Free for HL2 Owners).I'm currently playing HL2 EP1, I didnt get the Orange box or HL2 : EP2 because my system doesnt have enough power to enjoy its splendour. Once I upgrade my PC, I'll get the Orange Box or but HL2: EP2 and HL2 : EP3 when it is released together.
  14. great sites they help us to monitor our sites progress, all my sites and blogs have page rank of 2 after over 10 months of their launching.the progress of moving up is slow and time consuming, but will definitely help in the future.
  15. I'd say one thing that never ever say that Linux is more secure. It seems to be more secure because it is not targeted by the Hackers and other malicious coders. And windows seems more insecure because it is the world's most attacked OS, so the hackers study windows to uncover the exploits in it, but no one is looking for such in Linux and other Linux based OSes. The famous Mac OS built on the BSD was supposed to be secure too, until when hackers easily managed to break into it. Do you now what those hackers said, even Windows XP would have be a lot more difficult to hack than the Mac OS. This was done and tested by real hackers. See no one has ever managed to port the Windows work on Power-PC platform, but they've managed to make Mac OS work on X86 platform, even before Apple shifted to use Intel processors to power their Macintosh machines. This doesn't mean that Windows is superior to Linux or Mac OS or any other OS, but it is not bad as others are. No human has ever created a software that is practically impossible to hack or crack or didn't have an exploit Linux has its own advantages, Windows has its own advantages and Mac OS has its own advantages. There best advantage of Linux is that being developed as open source, if one of the developers made a mistake or created a code that can be used to exploit the OS, then other developers would check it and correct the problems, this would be easier because there are several thousands of developers working on it, whereas in Windows this s not possible. I use both Windows and Linux, so don't think that I'm a MS guy a few links to learn more on this topic, http://www.newsfactor.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. what happened to the Voting of the SOTW#63 Entries.I thinking that everyone has forgotten the SOTWs, something must be done to get more attention in this section
  17. I've a steam account too. But I never used it.I bought HalfLife 2 EP1, nearly a year back but never installed it as I never had time to play it. B)But I'm planning to get it installed now and start playing it :PUPDATE: After I made this post, I installed HL2 : EP 1 and started playing it.
  18. Before Google, I used Kartoo, Altavista, MetaCrawler, Yahoo and AskJeevesI still use these search engines also with the new MSN Live search for research because Google is worth for researching as it limits the number of results for each search query.
  19. the new site is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this is a neat and professional looking website, i love the color scheme and the placement of each components on the page. there seems to be a problem with IE7, the contact link in the header falls apart from the box in the header, I've put the image below. I think that you need to work on cross-browser compatibility, several page layout falls apart for example the wordpress page in CMS section. the rest of the site is superb and keep the work going on.
  20. I train when ever I get free time, but not just before eating or at least an hour after eating.usually I workout a lot to my maximum capability, this helps build endurance and stamina.i love working out in Gym and planning to join Kun Fu, the Shaolin style
  21. I think that the HTML Editor in the Filemanger of cPanel is not enabled.I'm seeing the same error since I got my hosting account at Xisto.the latest version of cPanel, the vrsion 11 has a new Filemanger that looks a lot like the windows explorere, it is an AJAX interface and the HTML WYSIWYG editor fucntions a lot better than the previous versions.Hope that Opaque updates the Trp17 cPanel to the latest version
  22. Great idea if your country's population is swindling down.But this could be misused as people can have a baby, get the prize and then abandon the baby.Think if the Indian government made such an announcement, the already 150 Crore population will nearly double and it will become the worlds most populous country and there wont be land for people to live
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