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Everything posted by delivi

  1. I'd suggest jlhaslip not to use sNews, because it is more simple and more vulnerable to attacks. I nearly had about 3 different installations of sNews all updated and with the security patches but they were hacked by a group and on further search I found out that almost all the sNews sites have been hacked by the same group.I checked out their forums but they had no solution for it.
  2. I personally use, * WAMP, EasyPHP, Web-Developer Suite for PHP-MySQL testing * IAB for J2EE Testing * InstantRails for Ruby on Rails Testing:P
  3. here is my entry for SOTW#63. I was waiting for someone to post their entry here
  4. This site is an illegal Movie Download site. No movie is autorized to be shared via Torrents.
  5. If want to work on Joomla then you need to know PHP, JavaScript and CSS & HTML for the UI.Moreover if you want to tinker with Joomla you need to know the inbuilt functions and template taxonomy and all such internal of Joomla.
  6. my sites are, http://delivi.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://blog.delivi.com/ http://www.xatre.info/
  7. try http://www.kartoo.com/ this search engine, actually uses other search providers but it provides you the results in categorized manner. It will link results with similar content and a lot more stuff. If you want categorized search results head out to this site. This has a flash interface as well as a non-flash HTML interface.
  8. I'd suggest that you Go for Windows Ultimate or else stick with Windows XP SP2.Microsoft recently announced a scheme so that all Vista Enterprise and Ultimate users can dwongrade to Windows XP SP2 with a downgrade CD provided by Microsoft.I'd say that Windows XP Pro SP2 is the best platform and the most stable one to develope applications and play games, even better than Windows Vista. If you go for Windows XP Pro SP2 you can use the amount saved to upgrade your system hardware.Windows XP SP3 will be soon available so you can get more features and make Win XP more stable and secure.
  9. As shown in the first screenshot, select another Scrapdisks in any partion other than the default windows partiton. Make sure that you've enough space in it.If you are getting the scrap disk is full when saving a file or performing some action, then goto Edit > Purge > Allthis should help u
  10. My previous ISP was Sancahrnet a Dial-up service of BSNL, Indiaand my present ISP is DataOne, broadband service of BSNL,India
  11. all these are not new technologies, they've been around for more than a year. these are prototypes and not final products. Microsoft works on a lot such projects and many are included in their products or OS or just dropped.
  12. Currently I own a Cat named "Whitey" because of his color.he is 8 Months old and loves to play, eat and SleepPreviously I had 3 Cats, they all died after 4 years.
  13. There is solution for this, the "Microsoft Private Folder 1.0" the Microsoft Private Folder is a freeware utility released by Microsoft that helps you to make folders private. It will give you access to the folder only on entering a password. you cannot access the folder even if you uninstall this software. You'd then have to reinstall the software again and enter the orginal passowrd to view the contents of the folder. If you forgot the password then you'll never be able to recover the data and it is gone for ever, unlessw you remember the password. Microsoft discontinued this software since it received a lot of complaints from users that they cannot recover their data if they forgot teh password. SO try this software at your own risk. If you can remeber you password when required use this software otehrwise keep of it. Download the Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 from softpedia
  14. delivi

    Ms Office Question

    I found these resources, they might help you Overview of Office 2003 Multilingual Resources Customizing and Installing Office 2003 MUI Packs I think that there would be no need to get a new copy of Office 2003 to change the Language, get yourself a MUI pack and u can use it in English and in your localized language at a time. More links to help you, Office 2003 Resource Kit Downloads Office 2003 Resource Kit Localized Downloads
  15. Sputnik 1, launched on Oct.4, 1957, became the first artificial satellite to successfully orbit the Earth. Image of Sputnik According to NASA, Google on marking the 50th aniversary of the launch of sputnik relaed a new logo, which is sported on its website.
  16. Wow I'll put my entry here after a long time
  17. I've double checked my cPanel and all my settings are secure.I've updated the email and has set a very difficult password. So rest assured.I regulary monitor the last login IP so that I can make sure that one one else has accessed my cPanel.Thanks a lot BH for the concern.
  18. Google Cache is a feature in Google Search. You can access the pages from your sites that are stored in Google's server. This may not contain your entire site, but I enables you to access the archived versions of your page, even if the current page dosent exist. Google caches the pages that are frequently updated. definiting from Google, You cannot entire site from Google's Cache, but you can view all the cached pages of a site using the prefix "cache:", for example to retive all the cacheed pages of http://delivi.com/, type cache:http://delivi.com/ You can find the cached version of your search results as show in the image below. learn more about Google cache here
  19. I've a blog titled "Microsoft Freak" at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've done a pretty SEO work so that my Blog is indexed in Google and gets updated frequently. The first benefit of getting indexed by Google is that I get a lot of traffic from Google as the searchers find it in their results. I get the visitors that I target for. The another great benefit is what I learned today is that, I can recover my blog from the Google Cache. This is what happened... During my regular maintenance work, I was removing the databases in my hosting account that were of no use, I accidentally removed the database of my "Microsoft Freak" Blog and didn't notice that. Later today when I tried to login to the admin panel of the blog, I got a error stating that there is no database, Only then I realized my mistake. I was shocked for a moment. I even deleted my offline backup of the database before a few weeks. I got an idea and went to Google and searched for my blog in Google cache, I luckily got all my blog pages cached in Google in about 100 pages. I recovered all my posts back from the Google Cache and my newly recovered blog is up and active now. I think I've lost only 1 or 2 posts and I'm happy with this. you can checkout the blog at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So guys if you've a blog or a site please work on improving the site so that it gets indexed by the search engines and even help you recover your contents back if anything went wrong like in my case
  20. According to me no one can attain the status of Google. No can collect data crawling the internet as Google has done so far. even if they begin crawling now, they'd be still lagging behind Google on the amount of data collected. But I've noticed in Microsoft Live Search that it provides more relevant results than the results by Google. But Google provides more results nearly double than that of Microsoft Live search. Proof: the word "the" is usually searched to find the total number of English pages indexed by the search engine. Here are the results from both the browsers. Google - 4,810,000,000 results Live search - 2,598,561,116 results
  21. I like Mich's Sig, it stand out with a uniquely different effect, I love the colors. Its sad only 2 entries this time.
  22. Google that revolutioned the way we search the web has turned 9 today. Google is celebrating its 9th B'day today. On this occasion Google has released its new logo
  23. Lets start an interesting topic. post here the name of your City/town, Country, any specialties of the city and the population of your city. This will help us to learn more about new places on the earth and share the knowledge. Let me begin with mine. City : Tuticorin Country : India Specialties : Port City - India's 3rd Largest Container Hub, known as Pearl City, One of the oldest cities in India, former dutch, Portuguese colony. Population : 600,000
  24. simple and great tip. thanks for sharingThis will be of very use to people like me who timker a lot with the settings and i cna revert back if anything goes wrong
  25. Hey guys, don't keep on asking on becoming a MOD. If you want to become a Mod, just keep on working in the T17 forums and help the other Mods and Admins in maintaining the Forum, report on any spam or errors, help others, provide solutions to problems, share information and do whatever you want to do, when you become a MOD, if you report to the other mods, they'll immediately make the work done.If you perform well and have a good image in the forum then who knows you may be the next Mod in the forum. So just keep on working with zeal and surely you'll get noticed.You need to be Noticed by others, for your work and participation and not by self-proclamation. :Phope this will put an end to the mod discussion.
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