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Everything posted by Mich

  1. Only a guy would compare painful pooping to childbirth. Don't even go there my friend; until you have given birth. The second worst pain I have experienced is passing gall stones. Haven't had any trouble with kidney stones, but can imagine it is equal in pain to gall stones. I agree with others, if you are having that much pain and suffering from such a normal function of life, you need to be checked out by a doctor. What you are describing is projectile defication. This is NOT normal. One usually has this when they are sick, especially with the stomach flu. Sounds like you have at the very least irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. Well, Albus, I am disappointed in our school. When I went there I took Advanced Math, Advanced English Lit and Advanced Chemistry. What has happened to their curriculum? I thought education was supposed to improve over the years. Sounds to me more like things have gone downhill since I attended it. Too bad I must say. However, PE is important for your health. Teenagers tend not to move around much on their own. And just think, when I went to school, it was a required subject even in college if you were under 21 years of age.
  3. I can vouch first hand (er, maybe that is second) that a man can naturally have an extreme high level of testosterone because of high motabolism. My husband is a case in point. His is off the chart. However, synthetic is not normal, and if this is what the tests can show, it is too bad that an athlete gets so pumped up about winning that they would stoop to such low levels. I hope further testing shows something different. I haven't heard that what they found was synthetic except on this thread. My hopes are that it isn't true. Sad story isn't it?
  4. I picked Halloween because I could have the most fun with it. Here is my entry.
  5. Well, I don't care for the twangy hill billy bluegrass type of Country. I have some favorite singers on my list that happen to be considered country, but usually they are artists that have crossed over with pop hits at one time or another: Ann Murray, Shania Twain, Lee Greenwood, etc. My husband is a Johnny Cash, Randy Travis and Willie Nelson fan. I can also take some of their songs. I heard a joke once about country music. "Do you know what happens when you play a country song backwards?" The guys wife comes back to him, he finds his dog, his truck gets fixed and he wins a poker pot that replaces his lost money.
  6. Really like your sig Tailson. Did you do it yourself?
  7. Well I guess if you respond to this request, your avatar is automatically displayed if you have uploaded one for use on Trap 17. So, here is mine. Look to the left, please.
  8. This is most definitely a scam. Do not participate. I have read about this one and also seen news reports about it. Stay away from it.
  9. Tell him to talk to a counselor, or his favorite teacher at school. Or maybe somebody in the clergy if he goes to church. He needs help. He probably doesn't trust adults at this point, but there must be some adult he can talk to. Another option is getting in touch with his local Social Services. He can look that up in the telephone book probably under County listings.
  10. I can't read the text. Plus I don't understand the render, but maybe that is just me.
  11. Hmm, I thought you said 600x600 maximum. Yours is 640X480. But you set up the rules, so be it. Now you need to set up the voting. How long will this run? Like, give us a vote ending date or a vote count to mark the winner. If you don't know how to set it up, I can do it.
  12. Thanks ever for the explanation. Now I have a hold on what it does and whether it is useful to me. I'm glad you took the time to answer me.
  13. Keep the old one. The only thing I like about the new one is the text and text effect. The empty blue area leaves something to be desired.
  14. I am not defending Mr. Gibson's indiscretion with becoming inebriated, but take anything the press has to say with a grain of salt. They are out to sell papers, not necessarily to report the truth. He may or may not have said and done what was reported. If the allegations turn out to be true, then I will be ever so disappointed in him. I would think that he is a better person than that. However, drunk people can say the darndest things, because they are under the influence of a drug the same as a IV user. Their drug of choice just happens to be alcohol. It would then be the alcohol talking, not the man. One of the misfortunes of drug and alcohol abuse.
  15. OK, I am not completely puter illiterate, but I have not run across this one before. What exactly is a DNS Cache? and What does flushing it do?I asked about this in another forum post, but nobody ever answered me. Can you?
  16. COOL! truefusion. I have been watching this little guy dancing his heart out and wondered where you came up with it. Thought maybe you might have done it yourself in an ani program. Anyway, I love him. But then I am a putty tat fan. Here is one I used to use.
  17. Hello .Inf3actIon and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running. Nice sigs. Gave me some layout ideas to try in the future. I use Paint Shop Pro, but can imitate brushes somewhat.
  18. Hello Shortyfly17 and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. Click Here They are important to keep this forum up and running. U will find everybody here is very helpful and friendly. You have come to the right place. Just look for a forum that has a subject title you are interested in and walla you can post your appropriate subject there. Make sure there isn't already a thread about it tho. Do a search for it and find out. Keep your content interesting and no one-liners. You will be a refreshing addition to Trap 17.
  19. I am in the Manistee National Forest in Michigan, USA. However, we do go down to Florida for a few weeks in January to get away from the winter cold and snow here.
  20. Very Nice! You have put a lot of effort into this. I only have one suggestion about the navigation area on the left. I would make all the button text the same size; probably going to have to be the size of the longest line: Team Pages. I would also left justify them all. This will clean up that area nicely and be more consistent. The different sized text kind of detracts from the overall neatness of the page. I would give it a 9/10.
  21. Hey, I bought my domain name from http://www.active-domain.com/ 2 1/2 years ago. It cost me $9.95 a year and I have paid annually. I just get a bill in the mail that reminds me that I need to renew it. I see they are advertising $3.95 for the first year now. You can choose to have them host it for you if you want to pay, but you don't have to. I have used one other host before Trap 17 and haven't had any problems with directing the pointers to the hosting site. Active domain provides you with a control panel so you can take care of this. Take a look. My site has only cost me the $9.95 each year and most of us can afford this. The trick is getting free hosting. Now that you have found Trap 17, that problem is solved. Good Luck!
  22. took a peek. Seems a little drab to me. The text color is not contrasted enough from the background except for the hyperlink hover color. Maybe a little lighter shade of text and some other color for the hover effect. The layout is very professional looking. Love your picture display effects and the pics as well. Especially "A Muddy Way". I fool around with photography myself so can appreciate the cool shots. Glad to see I am not the only one that picks unusual subject matter. My husband thinks I am crazy when I show him some of my results. I guess he just doesn't understand or get the aesthetics of it all. Keep up the good work, and I just may steal your idea with the blurb about Trap 17 at the bottom of the home page.
  23. Hello je-ar and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running. What's sexual orientation got to do with it? We are all creatures of the earth. Of course, gays are welcome here. What isn't allowed is spamming, foul language, descrimination, or anti-anything. Tell us a little more about yourself. Like, as already asked, how to pronounce your handle. Where you are. Your hobbies and what brought you to Trap 17.?
  24. Hello Teri Luketic and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running. There are many benefits to belonging to Trap 17. People here are very helpful and friendly. You have come to the right place for writing lots of things. All the graphics-knowledgeable people are at your beck and call. Exchanging graphic ideas etc is a common thing here. I am a music fan also, just read my sig note at bottom. Rap, in my oppinion, is not really music. It seems more like rhyme accompanied by music. Not to say it isn't an important facet of entertainment to some, though. Keep up the wordy posts.
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