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Everything posted by Mich

  1. Yes, I see an eagle flying toward me with its wings spread wide and talons extended grasping something in its left claw. You have to let your eyes relax and you will see it 3D effect. Can you see it yet?
  2. I don't know what to say except so sorry, OpaQue. Sometimes words just don't handle the situation. But since I am not there to give you a much needed hug, words will have to suffice. Prayers for everybody associated with your friend Derek. Yes, he is in a better place than this world as it is today.
  3. A suggestion to improve the site search engine function. I wanted to put a link in one of my recent posts to a tutorial I did on Proper Introductions, so I did a search to find it. "proper introduction" (without the quotes) in all forums rendered 897 results. Then I did a search for "+proper +introductions" (again without the quotes) in all forums rendered 13 results, none of which were my tutorial. So I went to "+proper +introductions" (no quotes again) in just the tutorial forum and got I finally went to the tutorial forum index page and chased down my submission finding it on page 2 of that section. When I finally got to it at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/39196-how-to-make-a-proper-introduction-not-just-hi-i-am-here/ I guess why the search engine didn't find it is because those words are not contained within the tutorial itself, but only in the title. (I have jumped in and edited a new line at the top to fix this. Now it is found right away.) My suggestions would be, if at all possible, that the search engine take into it's search criterion, the titles of posts. If this is not possible, then I suggest to everybody that their title, if relevent to the subject, be repeated in the body of the post so people can find it more easily. It is very frustrating to run a search to see if a subject such as proper introductions has already been discussed and not find anything, only to discover later that it has, and the search engine missed it because it doesn't search titles. I would suspect this is why a lot of duplicate subjects appear on forums and so many warnings are issued about this.
  4. wow, pink, pink and more pink. Kind of hurts the eyes. Don't like all the scroll bars either. My resolution gives me 3 up and down bars and 3 side to side bars. What res was this designed for? Had trouble finding the sound control at bottom left hidden beyond the page length. The content and theme are nice. It looks like an interesting place to visit, but I am somewhat put off by the color and scroll bars. Tech stuff seems to be working ok Tsunami. Good job there.
  5. Mich

    Hi To All!

    Hello Leonian and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running. Short little blurbs like this will get you warnings about spam instead of points, if points are what you are after. Posts should contain more content that 3 words. Tell us a little about yourself. Perhaps this will help.Tutorial on Proper Introductions
  6. Hello ThePhenomenalDream and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running. You have come to the right place for the best hosting on the net. No ads, pop-up and annoying clutter. Xisto is reliable, up 99.99% of the time. Every site has a down time now and again, but this one is up the most of any I have dealt with. Everybody here is friendly and helpful. If you need anything, just ask. I have only been here since Jan, and I cannot count how many times I have been rescued by Xisto members. Hope you get your hosting soon. Keep posting with good content, and you will be up and running in no time.
  7. I tried something really different for this one. Here is my entry for this week.
  8. Hey, thanks for the credit given Plenoptic and truefusion. Nice enough that you use the bar, but the little credit text is a bonus. Makes me even prouder to be a Xisto member. PS. delivi I use PSP and it is a PSP tutorial. Can you still use it? There is one right here on Trap at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33549-psp-how-to-create-your-own-userbar-creating-a-user-bar-in-paint-shop-pro/ 8/20/06 Had to go surfing for the address on the tutorial I used: PSP User Bar Tutorial
  9. To add to your collection, here is a user bar I made for hosted members.
  10. Thanx for the compliment and I am glad it makes somebody besides me happy. I did it in Paint Shop Pro using layers and filtering. Then a little blending and smudging.
  11. Thanks for the compliments you jshaslip and truefusion. Actually that is my second one. Here is my first. I didn't think people would find it as use-worthy with my colors and render on it. I may use it myself. I am going to run up another one for Hosted Members.
  12. I was fooling around trying to teach myself how to make user bars from a tutorial I pulled down off the internet and came up with this. Hope it is useful to people.
  13. bgproperties="fixed" Put ths in your <body> directive and it will keep the background in place while everything else scrolls.
  14. If you own a dog (preferably a puppy), take it for walks. Especially if there is a park nearby where you can go. If you are interested in animals, go to the zoo, dog show, cat show, horse show and etc. There are always fun people to meet at these gatherings.
  15. In most cases, at least those persons using iExplorer, you can save the whole page including all graphics by going up to File> Save As. There are so many tricks to copying sites I don't see how it can be totally prevented. But, remember, it is a great compliment when somebody wants to imitate your work.
  16. Thanks everybody for your input. I have chosen the non-animated tab. I agree with the annoyance of motion, especially since my sig also rotates. Too much action is really annoying.
  17. Bumped this up to stimulate more voting. This is not spam. What is happening to SOTW? Less participation from entrants and voters both. Maybe people are on vacation?
  18. Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful time, be safe and return refreshed. I go on vacation next month on a trip to Seattle then up the Alaskan coast on a roundtrip cruise. Can hardly wait.
  19. The 50-250 is on Xisto.net and the packages on the lower right are at Xisto.com. These are two different offerings at two different sites. You cut off your graphic too low on the page because the description on the center column is just above your cutoff. Reads: Check out Xisto.NET (Banner supported Free web space, no forum posting required - INSTANT SETUP!) Please be more careful when you voice criticisms.
  20. Since points are being awarded for SOTW winners, no tab is being offered; so I made one of my own. Which do you like? The png was created in Paint Shop Pro and the animation in JASC Animation Shop 3.04. 1. 2.
  21. Simple solution to the table width. Use percentages. <Table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% align=center>.........</table> This way it fits whatever width the browser is displaying. It does screw up the pages some if you have designed a page for 1024x768 and somebody is viewing say at 800x600. Can't help you with the javascript question.
  22. Duh ! Details please. Script? Where? How? For us flunkies that don't know much about this stuff. And by the way, while I was surfing through my files I found this in my public_html and www folders. folder-WysiwygPro>folder-editor_files>folder-images>folder-smileys>16 gif files of smileys My ftp programs indicates the folders were uploaded/created 06/20/06 Anybody have a clue where they might have come from? I certainly didn't upload them. I downloaded them and they are cute little smileys, some animated.
  23. Prayers going his way from Michigan, USA. Cannot imagine the emotions involved with such a tragedy as this. My heart goes out to everybody concerned.
  24. Yes, jlhaslip, Albus and I go/went to the same high school. Isn't it a small world? I noticed he was from the Sacramento, CA area (where I was born and raised) and asked where exactly and wala, found out he goes to the same high school I attended way back when. How is that for a coincidence. Especially since I am across the country in Michigan.
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