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Everything posted by Mich

  1. Here is my entry. A dancing skeleton. Happy Halloween everybody!
  2. Hello marias132 and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I guess you have been here and left. Whatever, you have landed in the right place for good no-ad hosting that is reliable. Hope you find whatever it is you are looking for here, if you ever come back. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  3. I got one just last night. My graphics programs seem to cause some problems. Maybe I don't have enough memory. Also I am using 98 and iExplorer 6.0. iE causes problems as a routine thing on my puter. I get rather tired of rebooting for iE. Then I also get those annoying mid-screen messages about sending a report to iE site. Grr.
  4. I deny signing this petition. I am not a party to nor have I ever been party to signing such petitions. I stand on my 5th Ammendement rights, and refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. OMG, I must have forgot I signed something when I wasn't of sound mind or body. Whatever, my memory is getting alzheimic (if that is a word). Maybe I forgot the film again. Notice from jlhaslip: Mich's idea of " I didn't do it. I wasn't even there. Nobody can prove anything."
  5. No offense taken. My non-gender specific handle seems to fool a lot of people. Makes life kind of interesting sometimes. And does give me more posts when it happens.
  6. Mich

    My Parents Suck

    I think you are missing the point that your parents want to celebrate your mother's birthday together without company. Maybe they are looking forward to a vacation away from you. Not that this makes you bad or anything, just sometimes parents want to not have a child or children around so they can enjoy themselves completely as a couple. You should sieze this opportunity to get to know your grandparents better. They have lived during times that you might find interesting. Ask them about what things were like when they were your age. If you build a bridge between you and them instead of a wall, the time will go by so fast you won't miss the regular TV.
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nigai! Here is your cake and presents.
  8. Wrong on both counts. I have collected lots of credits posting in The Vent, winning SOTW comps and answering other people's posts. And I am not a him. Thanks for affording me the opportunity to collect more credits by posting a reply to your comment.
  9. Go Tigers! Well I hope they don't play every game like the one they played last night. 7-2 loss is not what we were hoping for. Too bad the manager made that decision to pitch the batter in that clutch play. Once the Cards got going, it was all down hill after that. Thank heaven for the homer in the nineth that saved some face. Tigers 2-0 so far tonight in 3rd inning.
  10. Hello BordaForx and welcome back from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Have seen your posts under the old NovaTerra. Yeh, those post numbers and member status kind of give away the fact that you are not a newbie. Not to mention your sig.
  11. Hello gursimran2006 and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Looks like everybody has beat me to the punch. You will find that the hosting here is the best. People are friendly and helpful. You can't go wrong as long as you read and follow the Rules. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  12. I am so glad to see that things ironed themselves out for you. There are a lot of sites out there taking money for nothing. It is easy to stumble into a place that is not honestly run and pay out good monies just to have the site disappear from the internet---pooof. Good luck on your ventures!
  13. Hello Caped_Crusaider and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. You have found the right site for the best free hosting available. People here are helpful and friendly, so you will not have trouble learning things fast. Search the site for answers to any questions, and if you don't find one, ask and ye shall be helped. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  14. Hey, sounds like a winner. Try this and see if it works. Pour your frosty in an icecube tray and freeze it. When it is frozen you should be able to pour chocolate or fudge over it and freeze it again. You won't have a wrap-around coating of chocolate, but I think if you try to cut it in squares, it will melt before you can add the chocolate. You can then cut it in squares to eat. Perhaps you could use the icecube divider from the start. Adding the chocolate will be a little more difficult that way though. Good Luck!
  15. Mich

    Hi All

    Hello alohadoubt and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Come back and tell us a little more about yourself. If you need help, try using this tutorial. How to make a proper introduction. As Albus has said, you cannot get a free web domain name here, but you can get free hosting. It is the best on the internet. The people here are friendly and helpful. If you have questions, search for the answers on the forum. If you don't find your answer, just ask. Somebody will jump on it and solve your problem or help you find the solution. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  16. My, where do I start? Be thankful you found out before you made a permanent future with this partner. I was married for 13 years and had a child when my partner decided to call things off. He went home to his mother, to cover his real intentions. Then he and his mother spread rumors around our small community about how I treated him so terribly. This whole situation was really all about him and had nothing to do with me. It took a while, but I realized that blaming myself was not reality. I learned to go on with my life. Eight years later, the right guy came along and made up for all the misery I had put myself through. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU! MOVE ON AND DON'T LOOK BACK! BLESS YOU!!
  17. Hello idle and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Tell us a little more about yourself. If you need help creating your intro Read This Perhaps it will help. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  18. 'Grandma' If that is a grandma, I am a great-great-grandma. Her work is very good. Maybe I will be in touch with her about using one of her watercolors for a new web set design to add to my collection on my site. Of course, it will give credit and link to her site also.
  19. Hello yumyum and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. I hope you are not offended when I tell you that I used to have a poodle years ago named YumYum. You will find this is a helpful, friendly community of posters. After you have read all the rules, if you have any additional questions, just ask. Somebody will give you the answer or direct you to it.
  20. Unfortunately there is always an exception to this thought. I have had to make the decision 4 times to put animals down for reasons that their life was miserable in the condition they were in. One horse with a terminal inoperable tumer that deprived her of processing nutrition and she was starving to death. One horse who had emphysema (heaves) so bad she could hardly breath, was also starving from not being able to eat hay which aggravated her emphysema. Should I have let them starve rather than relieve their suffering? A poodle who had a heart attack which destroyed 2/3 of his heart and would not support his bladder, bowel etc. A 21 year old cat who had kidney failure, dementia, didn't remember where his litter box was and hissed at me because he didn't know me. What would you have done? Please be kind as I feel I made the right choices in these particular cases. It was the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. But, somehow I don't think it was brutal or cruel. At least their suffering on this earth was over.
  21. Sounds like a good idea, but: There is no way the counter could know if the post was of real content or something else. People would have to be basically honest with their posts. We legit posters would benefit from the information. Seems possible as there is already in place the script for the "Check Post Length" which would probably facilitate calculating credits as it counts characters.
  22. Reported now that only 2 people were aboard and he was most likely the pilot since the plane is registered to him. His passport was found on the ground beneath the wreckage.
  23. Mich

    Was Sup

    Hello HMN and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. The Queens huh? Do they all talk this way? I got the general idea, but was left a little puzzled. There are lots of friendly helpful people here you will find. Are you after Hosting or not? If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.
  24. Hey, I have a center roller on my mouse that allows me to minimize all my windows at once, but this is another way of doing it I didn't know about. I tried it and it works just fine. Thanks for the extra incite hts.
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